A a I Sk ss J- J Public c St Newmarket on good Farm 0 security crank FN SMITH Newmarket Phone DENTIST M Grocery Newmarket son Lewis Osteopath TREATMENTS WE Sinusoidal Phone Church J- Boyd Newmarket M B Medicine of To- tL College of lb member of the Royal J Surgeons of England clinical assistant in Ere Hospital and fi SS S3 London Main and Tmo- c was Telephone Peeks Arm Cut Last Friday Mr while a circular Factory received a cut in his Medical aid was secured- at once aid it is not likely to be serious Wo Find It To sell only the Highest Grades of Paints and Varnishes You- can depend on what ybu get at Hardware I The Annual Church Parade will take place Sunday evening May to the Presbyterian Church Members are requested to as semble at the lodge room at pm a Cucumbers This should be a for cucumbers the ground is so moist A number have made contracts with Mr Burns near the Cemetery for the Co they are anxious lo- double the quantity as they have facilities here for handling it and there an un limited demand for their goods particulars from Mr burns Ylorton and Tire Insurance BOX NEWMARKET JEWELLER Park Avenue Bert Green AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nT house Queen St Bolton Hewitt tactical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street New market A NEWMARKET father of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music- Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Grafono- and Records Slock Prompt Service St Andrews Church was a good attendance at the preparatory service on Thursday evening of last week- and the ad dress by Rev Dr Patterson of Cooks Church Toronto was very greatly appreciated The communion service on Sun day morning was largely attended Nine were added to the church mem bership by letter and one by pro fession next Tuesday Patriotic Euchre- The home is fresh rhubarb spring onions and -v- Lawn are busy again Farmers are having a hard Mineto get their seeding done on account of so much rain S The Annual Election of Of ficers of the M of the Meth odist Church will be held at the hum of Mrs Jackson on ho afternoon Of Wednesday May 1 Hi at oclock An address will be given by Mrs Kilborn a returned Mission ary A large attendance is re quested Lyman Issuer of CARRIAGE LICENSES Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private rev if desired NEWMARKET Official The official announcement of- the following to be Lieutenants of the York Rangers Overseas Bat talion lias been received at the North Toronto Camp Messrs K Rob ertson J Winchester i It 11 IX Gibson I a Hunter A K a A Bishop Wait and A palmer DESIGNS IN and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere Out for Building Purposes Kept in Stock and Made to Order am W LUESBY Methodist Church Small attendance at last Sunday morning but good at the preaching service After Hie new members were received by letter and a large number partook of communion The special musical features were a Male Chorus a duett by Miss Barker and Mr and solo by Davidson At the evening ser- Miss Maud Richardson and Mr Norman Williams sang a duett and Davidson sang a solo the an- Ihnw did himself great Credit and the audience was more nan the ability displayed Throughout the evening there was every evidence that the Prin cipal and staff are popular with the students and that admirable work is being accomplished The contestants for Oratory and the subjects were as follows Llewellyn Fletcher Canadian Citizenship Roy Pollock Heroes Heroism and Heroic Deeds Miss Jennie Mainprize War and Thrift Miss Eileen Life of Service The impromptu orations were also very good The contestants Reading and the names of the selections were as follows N Miss Lizzie Hamilton Mrs Reads the Locals Miss Carrie Wesley Tommy A kins Miss Georgia Hewitt A Manuel of Education Miss vengo- Judges of Orations Dr Woods Miss Wigham and Mr ton of Pickering College Judges of C P I of Aurora Father Wedlock ami Mr A Principal of Public School in Town The literary numbers were in terspersed by a choice duett by Miss Ruth Kelly and Miss While judges were making their decision Mr J McKay and Rev A P Addison delivered resses in which they both ex pressed- their gratification at the proficiency of the contestants The success that lias attended the last two contests has been so marked that Mr McKay an nounced he would continue his prize another year Dr Wood one of the- teachers in Pickering College was asked by the the win ners of the Oratorical Conlist and in doing so he remarked that he was delighted with the spirit of patriotism throughout the ev ening and though American he thought if be remained in Canada much longer be would be a Cana dian The winners were Prize donated by Mr McKay won by Miss Jennie Mainprise Second Prize S3 donated by Mr A won by Roy Pollock Rev M J Wedlock Chairman of- the Hoard in announcing the winners of the Reading Contest also gave a brief address The prizes were won as follows First Prize S3 donated by Rev Father Wedlock won by Miss Georgia Hewitt Second Prize donated by the same won by Miss Edith kinson Following his two more pu pils who had joined colors Prober and Kemp re Pocket Mirrors by Miss Taylor While Donald read an address of assurance good will The pupils then sang Keep the Home Fires Burning and the National An them brought pro ceedings to a close 25000 RU8SIAN TROOP8 LAND AT WAR8EJLLE8 IN Gunner Carl Granger died in action In Franco September 1916 List of those who have Answered the Call and are Lining Up Tor King and Country A Greenwood CAMC Pie Davis fci Lieut Jack Lieut Reg Lieut Harry Penrose Lieut Jaf fray Robertson Surgeon Greenwood Sgt Ernie Dunn Glen Sgt E Harden Pearson Hill G H Mortimer I DRoss A Smith Sgt Walter Trivett Geo Vale Corp Bailey Corp Corp Cody A Corp Dixon Corp Dunn Corp Godwin Corp Hare Corp E Hardin Corp Hartford LceCorp W J Mountain Corn Morris Corp Proctor Corp John West Master Sgt A Smith Wheeler Dunn Gunner Carl Gunner Mont Bandsman Harrison Gunner W Clark Gunner Ww Clark Gunner Samuel Carter Gunner A Martin Gunner Lloyd Verne Gunner Bruce Morton Gunner Howard P Proctor Gunner Quick Gunner A Sanders Gunner Wesley i Driver Lyons Inch Sapper Fennel Sapper Gibson Sapper Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Sapper Harry Stephens Bandsman Ross Pte A Adams Adams Sr Roy Anderson GBlackall Pte Bailey Pie J Bell Caldwell Brown Pte Barnes Geo ABisson Pie Art Pie Frank Reg Br unlhiv Pie J A Cox Pie P Pie J Clark Pie Ted Pie A W Cox Pie Samuel Carter LanccCorp Jack Gunner Arthur Pte Cain Pie Pie Stanley Draper Pie E S Draper Dillman Pie J Eves Pie J Epworth- Geo Epworth Pte W- Flanagan Flanagan Gibson Granger- Pie Gordon Pie Gordon Pte GHroy Pte Granger Pie Wm Gadsby Pie E Hatch Pte Henderson PteN Hill Pie A Hare Hartford Pte Howard Signaller- Charlie Hilts Signaller Harry Hilts Sapper A Mitchell Irwin Jones Johnson Ernest Johnston James Pte WJ M Kennedy Pte Kelly Harry Kaiser Lundy Pte F Laker Pte TLaviolette Pte AlfLovett Pie Geo Lovett Pie Mee Silas Miller W Martin Pte J Martin Pte Ezra Morrison Pic Millar Pie F Miller Mitchell Manger Pie Win J Moore Pie Geo Murdock Pie McKay Pte John J McDonald Donald McDonald Jas McDonald Wm Pie McDonald Pte McKay Pte McTavjsh W Pte Mcllale Pte Newman Pie Norman Osborne Pte Geo Potter Pearson E Penrose Pte J Robinson Pie J Rowland Pie Carl Pte McLean Stewart Pie Geo Smith Pte Smith Pie Smith Pie J Shelley Pie Stoddard Stone A Smith Pte Smith Claude Vale Pie Reg Wilson Geo West Wesley Pie J Watkins W Ward Pte A Williamson Pic J Wallace Pte Wilson is the largest and most uptodate North York The Fit and Workmanship are guaranteed v Our prices are right because we bought before recent advance Ah Inspection Is C F MERCHANT TAILOR Phone 160 Wain J FIRSTCLASS CONDITION for 5 1 A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Each Also Belting at Half Price is I i relative to from Hie OXIDIZED WELDING On Notice Machine for Kale RUTLBDOE East of Rank of Toronto COAL FOR Best Anthracite Coal at bar- pin prices Orders filled at all bows telephone No South of Osbornes Shop Main St North GLASS lf Millard Ave QEftT OPPORTUNITY paving installed an electric I have no further for a JKtll dynamo having a capaci- VOJ from to lights to o a steam plant Can j n in operation at any time will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Wop peel Ave Newmarket BARGAIN FOR FARMER if- Gasoline Engine in running order with driving Belt a hew and Pulley all cash 5lre at Era Office men in demand lo young to l lmand WHn to start at Mead ON lB St To- The Late J Ve clip the following the death of Mr Mercury Deceased was much Interested In Burying Grounds on St on account of a relative In terred there and he spent some lime Newmarket two year hunting up records and inquiring from our oldest citizens Mercury says This Easter season has brought sorrow to a wellknown family and an occasion of sincere re- grel is the death of Mr Mad- who was an old gentleman of fi retiring disposition and possessing many sterling qualities of heart that won for him the firm respect and ad miration of a host or friends He was a loving fattier and a noble ex ample to a large family In bereavement much sincere sympathy goes Born In Mellon Leicestershire England llij youngest on of the late J Maddock Km he lo Cana da with his parents when hut a boy of and settled In the vicinity of On account of his long resi dence here the late Mr Maddock had many and most pleasant reminiscences of the early history of the town and Ha settlers many of whom have long since passed away Mr Maddock was for many years prominent In mnuiclpal affairs and represented Andrews ward an an alderman for over years He was In business yearn and was able to attend to his almost lo the day of his death He had been a member of St Church for a great many years He Is survived by family offJve sons and five a tern Newmarket High The Oratorical Contest last Fri day evening was a great success The Hall had a capacity audience and was oclock before the interesting was brought to a close Mr W pre sided There were four for the Oratorical prizes and for Marseilles April The sec ond installment of IJie Russian contingent for France landed here today after a land and sea jour ney of approximately 17600 miles from Moscow to Port Dal- Manchuria overland and thence by water transport The total number of Russian troops now landed supplied with French rifles and being prepar ed for service at the French front is estimated at something under Since thc foregoing was Written three additional contin gents of Russian troops have landed at Marseilles On the basis of the size of the first two contingents something like Russians are now in camp or in the Held on the western front The voyage of the Russians eon- stilutcs a record in military transport history for distance and diversity of route The soldiers were concentrated in Moscow under the supervision Of General who land ed with the first contingent last Thursday and at Moscow en trained for carriage by the Trans Siberian Railroad across nearly 7000 miles of country Por near Port Arthur whorice they were to start on a of about miles The Russians voyaged along the coast of half the eastern world being from along the Shore then through the Yellow and Chinese Seas passing Shanghai and Hong Kong and then reaching Singapore where transports Indian Ocean by the Straits of Malacca Here they got a glimpse of south ern India al Ceylon and so made their way by Aden and the Red Sea to tho Suez Canal and Port Said Enlisted In No Company Newmarket 127th York Rangers Battalion A mining corporation will embrace the Acme and Millerton gold mince and a partially developed claim of the Canadian Min ing and Finance Co been formed will receive our shares In the new Andrews Win Albinson Waller Aril James Abbs Win Charles Harrows F Drown Lawrence W Burrows Blair Ernest Dunn Big Canoe Enoch Leslie Samuel iCorp Boswell Maurice Barnard Win Brown Geo J Black Harry Beck Richard Holland Marshall Holland George Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp David Harnett Herbert Charles Syplier Oscar Frederick Win Council Hugh Fred Cooper Chapman Wm Donald Chapman Wilmot DeenuUjI Jos Dewesbury Lewis Donne Dougherty Stewart J Dean Donne William William Eves Alexander Alfred William Eves Samuel Fee J Flanagan Roy Forth Albert Gee Henry Alfred Godfrey Abraham Rutherford Graham Fred Godfrey Thomas Glover Leslie J Harden Joseph Harris Harry Enquire at Era Office Newmarket r r A I fc John Corp Hill George Hayes Wm Geo A Silas Huston L Hill Sydney Hopper Jolin Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James Leo John A Henry Lecson Benjamin Liscombe Leslie Miller Win Morrflt John Mcintosh Alexander Mears Fred Mclhcrail J McTavish Brown a McDonald John- McLaughlin Carl McGonigle Rowland Corp Norwood John Nugent Walter Near Rupert Frank Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Page Leonard John Pip her Molbourno Peat Edward Pratt Albert Racine Henry Robinson Wm J Donald Ransom Rose Ross Rye Freeman Smith A Ivan Stanley Robert Smith David- Starr Edgar Stone James Edward Clarke James Smith Frank Geo Saunders Walter Ed Martin Leslie John Thomas J Charles William A GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE Leave GOING NORTH am Newmarket am Allandale 130 550 pm pm pm pm pm 1000 pm Leave 20 am am l 9 pm pm GOING 80UTH Newmarket am Toronto pm pm Arrives 1035 aaiw 335 pm i pan 1050 Arrive 1018 pin 800 NOTICE man 8avo the money you are throwing away by selling to the I am prepared to buy and pay big prices for your Junk Price RAGS delivered per lb 2c OLD RUBBERS per lb MOUSE HAIR delivered per lb 30o- COPPER delivered from Itr BRASS dollverod up to 10o lb if AND A GOOD PRICE FOR OLD IRON ACCORDING TOT O U T H Doors South of King George Motel Taylor Martin E Tremayno Thompson Frank Tunny Clarence Toskoy Walter G Thomas Wellington Jas White Sydney M Wilkinson G Corp Watson Oscar Woodhead Sydney Wells James W6ods M Leonard Weir John Young Geo York Sansom mm Newmarket Men Who Have P 2nd York V Davis A Davidson Sergt Pto Jos Ralph Plo P McCordiok Pte Patterson PtoJ A Pte J P York Pierre Pte Lomasi A Evans Pto A Pennold Pte A A Price Pie Comer ft I ft i HJ Rose J Patterson Ptb Jay Pto Pte J Hughes Pto F PteIL Simmons Pie Kennoll PtoA Skinner Awly MoKi Jefferson Pie I if Saunders Pte El PterT Butcher A Evans s Pte iff- Pte Pte If names are Ihoir win receive jour snares in ne Harris Harry Charles A mil the Heading ConUst Each can- for share now held Harrison Freeman Thayer William A lis wilh them j SZg32i