Newmarket Era , May 19, 1916, p. 2

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A WANTED lira lclais Fillers for Metal Doors Co Toronto i WANTED v for Summer Resort at Jacksons Point Good Cook DlnlnRoom Girls and Woman for Kitchen work also Char Boy Apply to HOUSE TO RENT On Court St Newmarket rooms furnace and bath Apply to Chas Rose Prospect Ave HOU8E TO RENT On Prospect Ave Barn and large garden Hard and soft water Very conenIent 3 minutes walk from Of fice Specialty Apply to I C Newmarket The 220tH Baft WOOL WANTED Dont sell your wool before you see me- Top prices will be paid Phone at my expense F Newmarket From the The Angus of May WI6 is vastly different from Angus of two dayspreviously The ma gic Was waved by Sir Sam Hughes on Sunday- the arid Angus despised and neglebU ed among men suddenly resumed the activity which it lost half a century ago The oldest and to bo a lot that particular is rejoic ing see the village of this youth revived all its majestic glory To the average man the days when 2000 men drew from to a month on the pay rolls of various saw mills were gone and gone forever The most sanguine never imagined the clay ever dawn when that number multiplied by 20 and the pay would average as much per week as was then paid per and we urge the VJ of Canada has with grim it determination set itself the task Hutchinson Pie Pie Mullen The wet weather has had effect on recruiting this past week However we will be out on the road again weather permit- ling in the course of a few days and feel confident lhat we will have belter results are CARD OF THANK8 Mr Storks wishes to thank the man kind friends for their sympathy in the sad loss of his wife on May 10- AUTO FOR HIRE Any parties wishing to go out the country on business or pleasure can be accommodated by with his new car Terms reasonable Orders left at the Market Bargain House will receive prompt attention Phone TP OF GWILLIMBURY Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Muni cipality of East will be held at the Municipal Hall Friday June 2nd at the hour of oclock in the forenoon All appeals to be sent to the Clerk on or before the day of May A MACKENZIE Clerk Queensville Session of Council for regular business immediately fol lowing TOWN OF NEWMARKET is too late Remember man in the firing line is worth more than a thousand sympathise The need is greater than ever Will you not take your place in the line and help on the good Lieut J A Gordon is now in charge of all recruiting in North York This is ajarge field extending from Richmond Hill to Sutton His headquarters will be in Newmarket Lieut Gibson has returned from Aurora where he has been conducting a recruiting cam paign Pies Saunders Prosser and are attending a class for NonCommissioned Officers- at the headquarters in To ronto The Concert given in the Town Hall last Friday night was a great success The house was filled and each number well received The net proceeds came to over and will be given to furnish a Bugle Band The members of the Dramatic Club gave three skits Lieut Johnstone sang several numbers and was heartily applauded Mr Howard Cane on behalf of the Club presented to the Bat talion a Motor Truck Da vis spoke on behalf of the 220th thanking the Club for their very generous gift Public notice is hereby given that the first session of the Court of Revision for the Town of New market will he held at the Coun cil Chamber at oclock am on Wednesday Way 31st of PARLIAMENT PROROGATION It was understood on Wednes day night that Parliament would be prorogued yesterday afternoon at three oclock but that being the hour we go to press we are unable to give particulars As His Royal Highness the Duke of Governor- General is down at Montreal which all persons interested are Kir Charles hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly P J Anderson Town Clerk SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Apply to Angus Campbell Vivi an Phone Independent No Id 10 TO St Possession Rooms at once Town Water Rent ply to SCOTT GIRL WANTED For a good home in North Toronto a wanted Experience not who can do housework arid who will learn Enquire at Era FARM FOR SALE acres comprised of lot Con of North acres cleared Good house good barn underground school house On corner of farm acres young orchard Apply on the prem ises to Geo Wilkinson Sutton West WANTED An Apprentice or an Improver Apply at the South End Bakery Newmarket Miller Bros r j REMOVED NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK8 Chief Justice of Canada will per form the function of prorogation In of parly friction in Quebec arising out of the bi lingual Question at Ottawa the probability of a general election is freely discussed and may soon be ordered by the Government Wednesdays report from the Capitol in the Toronto World gives strong indications that supporters of the Government have a notion that the political status of Quebec in support of Ottawas kick against the On tario Administrations action on the school question will prove a sort of offset to the dissatisfac tion throughout the Dominion arising from disclosures in mili tary contracts and thus help in gaining a political victory at the polls Humors are full of prom ising eventualities in the near fu ture Editorial Notes JOHN O Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Mar bles Latest Designs in Monu ments All kinds of Cemetery work promptly tended to Call and see before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Stone Out to Order MOSS Box Removed to Eves Old Huron Newmarket Phone ST A press despatch from Ottawa States that a proposal Is being considered at the Dominion Capital to have erected In every town In Canada a monument to the lead heroes of this country who have fallen In the present war The is made that part of the expense might he home by the and in the balance hi rcspee- localities hut this has not yet been decided upon An Ottawa despatch- dated the Inst states that Wilfrid has nominated Mr Hartley of Toronto as counsel the Opposition before the Commission In the investigation on the srnrill anna ammunition dis closures The has not yet named counsel to succeed John Thompson before said Commis sion of training men and still more men to uphold Britains integrity and the honor of Empire Then and Wow The hum of the big saws of years ago is replaced by the hum motors Transport trucks now rush across the plains where toiling oxen formerly drew a few logs from somc landlocked point to the mills the change was not wrought in a day though every succeeding day makes changes almost unbelievable and Angus has suddenly become the Yukon and the Cobalt rolled into he Oh Monday the long strings of freight trains loaded with rails nails tents ties poles provisions mo tor trucks and shunted into Angus giving it the appearance of a Divisional Railway Point or a boom town in the zenith of its prosperity About workmen chiefly forejgncrs landed the same day and were afe once- turn ed loose to lay tracks into the camp grounds miles south west of Angus The steel is be ing the east side of the ravine which has been cleared of slumps and graded The stumps are all pine and are being dug up and chopped and burned out of the rightofway for the though the military authori ties arc using stumping machines to remove the stumps from the training grounds Heavy transport trucks are break ing new roads in every direction and others arc hurrying tents lumber and other supplies to ev ery part of he grounds Though there are hundreds of men and teams on the job there is no chaos the work apparently pro gressing with the regularity of clockwork 3 Lighting will he obtained from I he Hydro and the san itation is being carefully arrang ed The water supply for drink ing purposes is expected to be ample and two rivers cross the grounds Several houses and stores have already been built of lumber and scores of tents for sleeping and dining purposes are filled with soldiers or workmen Busy at Annuo J With the possibility of having men within two miles of Angus thai village naturally became the centre of attraction for progressive business men and speculators Among the flrst to start building operations was Mr A Patterson the popular druggist from Allandale who rented a lot or 3 doors from Mr general store and has erected a building to be in as a drug store and refresh ment booth Real estate went up by leaps and hounds and lots lhat I a few weeks ago a man acknowledge as his are sell ing for and During this week approved i5000000 to the of to the andgave sec- reading- to bill to spend some to lake over uncom pleted Quebec and Saguenay Railway from Sir Forget To the amazement of many financiers and way men it does look as the were stampeding the Government and coun try Even the Opposition were barred from bringing in restrictive amendments spec ally dn regard to control of said lines as the special to Star reports they could vote bally to the amounts or reduce them s6mejf they did vote for them During the discussion on Tuesday a attack was made by R Bennett of Calgary on Mackenzie and Mann whom he sal coulld not again- be trusted by thepeoDlo of Canada They had fooled Parlia ment During the debate Sir Thomas White said was the Governments to nominate three directors to each of the and boards to keep the Govemmentln close touch with what is done by these roads during the period of tem porary aid This means more salaried officials at the countrys expense SPECIAL TRAIN HOME8EEKER8 Leaves Toronto p each Tuesday May 30th For the accommodation of and genera Tourist traffic to Western Canada through train carry ing tourist sleepers cars commencing Tuesday May 30th leave Toronto p each Tues day until further notice running through to Winnipeg Attention directed to the remarkably low round trip fares in connection with home- seekers excursions to Western Cana da via Canadian Pacific Railway Tick ets are on sale each Tuesday until October 31st arc good to return within two months from date of sale Apply to any P agent for full particulars or W Howard District Passenger Agent Toronto Word from Dr Johns Hospital Malta- that he from his Mrs Kliborn from China her sister ifissSoythes and also Conachie of Aurora visited Pickering College oh Wednesday Rev preached lb Sunday morning the pastor being under quarantine to the family report who worked at Osbornes Butcher killed in action at the fwnt Is not true His mother got- a Jitter from him this week Mr a former oupll- of Newmarket High School who has Just returned from the spent day with his sister Mrs in last week Miss Mdriel McCallum of Elmr vale is spending a couple of- weeks with- her aunt Miss and the two were the guests Lloyd at Orchard Beach last Sunday to Lloyd son of the David Lloyd of New market on passing his third year exani in Medicine and also to Victor Vernon of Newmarket on passing his final exaai at the Ontario College of Pharmacy Mr and Mrs Francis J and children of Kenora have jbeeri visiting his mother Mrs on Ave also his sister Airs J Patterson on Water St They were accompanied by Mrs Mc Manus sister Miss Hall of Bucking ham Quebec isain is here and planting time Is now on handle Rennie8 Selected which the best on the market a V33GET Fresh Celery Tomatpea Cabbage and Lettuce TheBegu Will be the home Queen in A Do Yoii A Then let waste pa or and riS Prunes 10 and lb 10 and 1 lb and ess Raisins 12Jc and 1Be Evaporated Apples 12V lb tt Dates 10 amfic pkg Appfes Dates 10 anif12 pkg Canned Fruits J Plums and Gages 10c tin Peaches and Raspberries 15c tin Pineapple Cherries and By haying your Prescription accurately filled arid your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Lenses Ground On the Premises Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST TORONTO Phone North G Phone PURITY J LOSS OF NEARLY A MILLION Price for Fuses Ottawa On May Apart from utter of Canadian indus try which was involved in the Shell Committee having placed in New York twentyseven million dollars worth of contracts for fuses K V Cad wells evidence yesterday afternoon disclos ed that the committee sunk nearly a million dollars owing to a loose ar rangement as to payment for unloaded graze fuses Col Carnegie has said he did not know what the loading was going to COBt hut was fixed as a fair price This was accepted by Cadwell After wards it was to have the load ing done In and by reason of this a reductions of cents per fuse was mddo The Interesting point of it all is Cad wells statement that his firm pre viously hail been taking orders for un loaded graze fuses at from to and lie would have been pre pared quote those figures on the Canadian Shell Committees contract Instead of this reduction of only 1 cents was made which brought the price per fuse down to whereas it might easily have been or In other words under the Shell Committee management of things the committee Is really paying the Ameri can Ammunition Company from to too much on each of fuses The loss Is nearly a million dollars o AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Cochrane May Twelve hun dred interned alien enemies and three hundred Canadian- soldiers who had them under guard were participants in a turbulent outbreak at Kapuskaing Camp seventy miles from here on the National Transcontinental Hallway and the result of the outbreak reported here tonight is that one alien Is dead nine- badly wounded and four others injured While there are Interned alien enemies at Kap- uskasing Camp the great majority of them did nothing beyond creating a disturbance and urging the others to fight The full military guard of three hundred soldiers was necessary however lo put down trio disturbance which lasted for some hours but Is now under control Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes m lit JI MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Ajrent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly G OFFICE Phone No 161 Store Phone was a THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John H Millard Phones and 7 SOUTH END FLOUR AND FIQHTINQ THE ONE MILL TAX For Spring Wasting Under dale of May a do- from Ottawa that a of the from the contract profits a that Col WBley Allison will admit the correctness of the Yoakums testimony that the two vere to equal ly divide share of the latter in the million dollar fuse com mission vass each after Cravens 130000 and for ex penses had been deducted for BEDDING I TOMATO VERBEHA and Bldlna Floral of every on short VIRGINIA GIRL I from bed o sMtUU and very thin I to help until a told me I have ww end gained fifteen ep- end a cod liver and Iron remedy aa and blood Try It our K of big BUrprfsoM Ibe political is of attack made by the Conser vative Mayor of Toronto on provincial ffovernmonl for levy ing the special one mill las wbicb applies equally all over the Pro vince Mayor Church not only lhat the tax in illegal and but Hint the Ontario Is even spending the money no rats ed exclusively for war Whether or not May Church right in his im portant phase of the mailer again in this case gov ernment would not have bad to lay this heavy extra burden on the people If they bad managed the finances economically The Mail and links up Mayor Churchs attack on the government with the growing antagonism between the government and the municipali ties of the province on the ques tion of the management of the Hydro Electric Commission in other words the feud Even government therefore recognizes the widen ing breach between the and the government which obviously must endanger the very safety of the govern ments tenure of power Mrs Pete 1 of Armadale guest of the Misses Fairies We are pleased to have Miss in our midst again spend ing the winter at Keswick Mr and Mrs of Victoria Square motored up to her fathers Mr as Burnetts on Saturday Mr and Mrs of spent Sunday at Mr Geo- Sages Mrs Swales of is visit ing at Mr Smith Ih visiting at Arma dale Another of our young men Mr Barnes has enlisted and is in We ore sorry to hear Mr Chris Mc Donald who enlisted several weeks ago Is suffering with spinal mnfn- gltls lo report Mrs las Lemon Is recovering from Illness Mrs P Kennedy of St Paul Mlnti Is visiting at Mr If Kennedys Ottawa May Royal Com missioners appointed lo Inquire Into the origin of the Parliament fire of February last presented their report to Parliament tonight It Is a noncommittal finding The Com missioners Mr A Prlngle K and judge Mactavjsh of- Ottawa state that while there are circumstances connected wjth the fire lhat lead to a strong suspicion of incendiarism yet there Is nothing In the evdence to Justify a finding that fire was maliciously set They find that a suspicion of Incendiarism Is strength ened by the faol that tho evidence showed IJiat no one was smoking In lite reading room previous to the outbreak of fire that It could not have occurred from defec tive wiring The At on Sunday May to Mr and Mrs Geo Col- lard a daughter MORTON At Seattle Wash on May Gib to Mr nad Mrs Percy Morton nee Mss Stella of Newmarket a son HARFORD In Newmarket on May lo Mr and Mrs David Harford a son At St Sunday May Hi to and Mrs Proctor nee Miss Mortimer of Newmarket a daughter Marian Helen In Newmarket oil Friday JUST RECEIVED LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEED PEAS EARLY BRITONS A VARIETY OF SEED CORN Also Fled Clover Blossom Swcot Glover Alslko and Timothy Seed all Government Standard Royal Made from Household Flour Old Wheat Choice Pastry Flours Monarch and O BRAN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Prompt Delivery Phone A HOWARD ALL KINDS OF A TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO J May to Mr and Stark a daughter Mrs MAY In to Mr and it on Mrs May Nor lis May Hon I f The Tomb Private John RoUt- Oak Ridges Battalion Overseas Military funeral on Tuesday after noon to St Johns Cemetery Oak MEREWEATHER At Newmarket on May JO Maltllda relict of John Mercwcathcr aged TRAVI88 On May at bis late Street Aurora In his 70th year Interment In Cemetery on Saturday afternoon Of a new straw hat at on ce The time Is when your FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and what your needs to set It off Is one of these smart Straws Our windows show the correct styles for this spring- Snappy shapes all of them lightly varied In width ana height of brim and crown so that there Is a hat tc man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE HAVE IT FOR THE RANGE FROM to LIVE 8TOOK MARKET 1 p A I Woods Bros are digging a Well for Pawns old Cattle and sheep roaming the streets at will- The Bait will be at on come tnd give the boy a Jolly good tend off Highest prices In Toronto this week Cattle Stockera 8hcep Lambs Hogs off cars Charity Is of the many things that should 8975 BOND At Queensville on May Cecelia beloved wlic of In her year 8HCPPARD In Scott on Tuesday May beloved wife of Charles Shoppard In her year Friday to Mount Albert Cemetery Phone At A St florthi All Orders Careful Attention Mens Outfitter FOR Battalion Overseas Battalion throw th and junior All me lend the the Saturday an Friends Sunday 11 am- AH seals for Finns Change St- P A will May Tuesday will be Auxilian Pauls on 8 Friends The service good me less format io from cla thoughts en of to i the trans gospel of The A spec Saving Friday A and The Friday the The will be forget Si above ha Adult School at All are f Every Fa Should about the but- keep slock Bed Ores A I thou cess orated ind a ve spent 1 Yonge end Mr mans The piece don took A Bin The luck Ihepioce Is not requested the Era Total The We us to to Dr We Hall as well as contribute several Sutter Far men tappers and buy form of Price thre J that it from of the it tain J Resting

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