Newmarket Era , May 19, 1916, p. 4

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Dont sboat palm In back the lie tight to band backaches nd lej do it in en easy way by going right to tie root of the trouble FOR TKJETKIDNiYS Gin Pills act on the kidneys the Udder They soothe and heal the inflamed which are causing the your kidney and swollen hand feel wrist and ankles likely to follow A of Gin Pill lime world of Von will realise thdr when yon read what Mrs I P T Wedge of writes Gin Pill are the all and ft medicine which is at present doing a world of rood They are worth weight in gold to say Get GIN at your dealer He a box or for Trial satat FREE if write jj National Chemical Co mi Canada limited Toronto Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties See Bathroom outfit be Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS to Grocery- High School Graduates wanted to train for busi ness positions Start now and be ready by Sept 1st Com merce needs your help Hard work and our methods Shaws Business Schools To ronto Shaw President ARTS QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE radios MEDICINE Chemical Civil a Electrical Engineering During la Mtdicioe STUDY The Arts Court roa ate must one session SUMMER SCHOOL may tale en by but to grtdu- chowh passed to amend the Statute Act heretofore In force by Which the poll tax may be creased in Cities Towns and Vil lages i Section of the Sta tute Labor Act is amended by striking out the words taxed at one dollar per year the following words be taxed yearly at not less than one dollar or more than Ave dollars as may be determined by bylaw of the Council and the same shall be levied and collected in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes Touching the regulation of Di visions in which Labor is to be performed the Act heretofore in force amended by inserting the following section as The Council of every Town ship may pass regu lating the manner and the divi sions in which statute labor com mutation money shall be per formed or expended Another section of the Act pro vides the above lax must be paid to the collector within two days after demand and in de fault the defaulter is subject to a line of to be collected in a summary manner DOG TAX AND SHEEP PROTECTION l An Act was passed last session of the Provincial Legislature to amend the Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act in which Muni cipal Councils as well as farm ers will be interested Section relates to ihe increase in dog tax It adds the following to Section of the old Act Pro vided always that any such local municipality may by bylaw in crease such annual lax a maxi mum of for a dog if only one for each additional and for a bitch if only one and for each additional bitch owned by him Section enacts Subsection of section of the said Act is amended by inserting at the inning these words An As sessor who fails to carry out the provisions of Section or This clause relates to an assessor who neglects to enter Dogs on roll Section 3 enacts Section 18 of the said Act is amended by striking out the words not ex ceeding twothirds of in the lion and Inserting in lieu thereof the words equal to This last amendment relates to compensa tion payable Municipal Council lors and Justices of the Peace should mark these amendments in their statute hooks Editorial Notes A Provincial election to the Quebec Legislature is now on Nominations took place last Monday when Iwcrtty- Liberals and three Conservatives were returned by acclamation Polling will lake place in the contested lltuenojcs next The tlim Batt fc Hotel presented a gorgeous the of the soldiers intermingled and blended with the varied hues of the spring beauties the light fantastic this lovely May afternoon Mrs Brown wife of the Com manding Officer- of live stock secure May he with arty to the next seasons next years as j high prices for all classes of farm animals larger number of- mares sheep hogs and poultry We are that the are to the success A statement made by Prof Marlon of Agricultural college in his report on Hie Slock Branch of his department asserts that both slock and dairying In Quebec Province arc ahead of Ontario in the output of factory butter The number of sheep however Is decidedly less Many have Knife ted Many vacancies must be filled Right now the demand on the la fully five times our supply Enter now Open all Write for Catalogue According to press reports from Ottawa during the past week the bilin gual school Question was the cause of a spirited and rather fictional debate in the Commons but at its close on a vote of to the House regis tered a motion not to interfere with the taken by the Ontario Educa tion Department PAH LOUGIH is slated in a London food Crisis exists A Grey Station hands by Faraday dam Old This is a particularly wellbalanced and compact horse beautiful Shoul ders Loins and Quarters good bone imposition kind and very in telligent Typical hire to produce Remounts Hunters Saddle and Light Drivers as he has exceptionally good action This horse stand at Hazel- burn Farm Street near Au rora Lot Whitchurch York Co Telephone- Jarvls King Line Photo and Pedigree on application Fees for approved for Mares Cash on service return privileges may be quartered on premises A prize will be offered at all Whitchurch King and Fairs for the best Pan press despatch from that conditions of a in Germany while In the famine Is approaching an alarming phaze A despatch dated May states that Ihe Belgium pop ulation way on short Matters have now attained such a pitch thai dogs being slaughtered for food By an the Muni cipal Act passed last session In corporated Villages are given the powers conferred and Towns in regard l garbage col lection Will enable Village Councils to enforce healthier san itary conditions within corporate limits In for Our vlU be tat A MARION M of last wttg the Executive of the Associated of Trade re presenting some mernben of the Province of Ontario respectfully suggested the advlslblllly of adopting a daylight saving measure that would come Into operation this year This was urged by the In a tele gram sent on the above day to Premier Borden of Ottawa The Telegrams report from Ottawa on Saturday gives further Kyle charges touching the fuse syndicate it says the real man behind the American Ammunition Co yesterday calrary related to the Mere dithDuff how he and had come to an agreement to divide In profit to be accrued from the order for fuses given by the Shell Committee It was a profit of cents a fuse He Identified as cor rect the copy of the agreement which read In house of Commons by Kyle At the weekly meeting of the officers of the Battalion at St- Pauls Armouries oh Thurs day May Brown expressed a strong desire to have the officers arrange for the formation of baseball and football teams as sports are to be a strong feature in the training of the men of the York Rangers The popularity of Battalion is increasing in West on and men who have hitherto held aloof are coming into line 1 he young men at Richmond Hill are beginning to take a keener in terest in recruiting but are still slow Ill signing up Stouffviile Dr Dale is doing splendid work by instructing the men of the depots in physical drill daily West York led in the recruiting during the past week Fortythree men are now at that depot and Lieut re ported that he expected to have at least one hundred men at an early date Mr has placed a vacant store at the dis posal of the depot in additiorf to loaning his car for recruiting purposes Sergeants are being sent to the different depots to instruct the recruits sixty men having been added to the strength of the Battalion during the week A Sports Committee has been formed composed of Brown Pickup and Lieut Amsden Friday May A Patriotic Meeting was held in the Islington Town Hall on Fri day evening under the auspices of the York Rangers The West York detachment under the command of Lieut Griffin inarched from I amnion to Isling ton headed by the Rand of the under the direction of Bandmaster The Town Hall was crowded Ex- Reeve Evans took the chair Speeches were made by Major Pink second in command of the Oliver Esq of the McLaughlin Motor Company and Martin a returned hero of who was wounded and gassed Mr spoke with great force He said that decadency was no longer a term to apply to Ihe Englishman- but rather to the Canadian as only thirteen percent of the men of military ago born in Canada had joined the colors whereas sixty was the percentage in the old country Canadians had no right to the credit of the glorious deeds of the First Canadian Contingents as per cent of these men were of British birth Every eligible man who refused to enlist was keeping such men as an old Islington boy confined in a German prison all its misery all the longer Could Islington boys face him on his return if they had not done their bit Martin who was in Captain SI ghts Company at made a strong appeal to men to come forward to relieve their brothers who were so hard worked for want of reinforce ments He gave a thrilling ac count his part in the fighting and how he lay for three days af ter being wounded in two places and afterwards gassed being left for dead Mrs Freeman President of the Soldiers Aid Society of Islington made a strong appeal to the wo men and expressed her intention that the Society should work in the interests of the 2201b Two were given by members of the 220th Ham which were re ceived with great applause The motion pictures of March of the 1 were nut on the by Hotelier of the Dramatic Reoltal at Newmarket In the Town Hall at Newmarket last evening a musical dramatic recital was given under the au spices jf Yorks The play When Love is Young was put on the boards Miss Farley Miss Kyle Miss Jones and Mr performed their roles in excellent style Solos were by Mrs and Miss Armstrong and Lieut Johnstone of the A reading was given by Miss A tumbling exhi bition by Messrs also formed part of the program The Atkcy arid Lieut Preston also took part The accompanist was Miss Bill Hamilton Saturday Hay On Saturday afternoon the congratulated on theafternoon On Saturday evening an Air Patriotic Meeting wps the Post Office Square The North Toronto Band played selections The large audience was addressed by BH Brown Officer Commanding the Major Pink second in command- Major and Corp both return ed heroes wounded and gassed in the Battle of gave very graphic accounts of their experiences at the front and the doings of the Huns- They made a very strong impres sion on the audience by their earnest fir men and the I act that three men signed on is in a large measure to them Among other films that of the Route March of the was put on the screen Lieut Unsworlh and who engineer ed this meeting are getting results in this district- Sunday May 14th On Sunday morning at am detachments from headquarters East York West York and depots assembled at the College St Entrance to High Park and marched along the Lake Shore Road At the Bridge the contingent life force and the column proceeded to Mimico Methodist Church for service A vigorous sermon was preached by the Bat talion Chaplain Capt Pick up He compared the men who hold aloof and refuse to enlist to the who in one- of Israels greatest battles stood aside and when the victory was won came forth to greet the re turning triumph and claim their share in the glory of vic tory Even as they were ousted in dishonor so the shirker now adays will be branded with the mark of shame when the war is ever He cited the case of a man he came across whose religious ideas prevented him so he alleged from lighting and shedding blood anxious though he was to serve his country He was offered a noncombatant position which he turned down For pure cant said the preacher or unadulter ated hypocrisy commend me to the men who were making gain by remaining at home for those whose love of ease stood in the way of heir performing their duly he said Nero fiddling wbileRome burned was a playfuleccentricity compared with those men who are seeking case and amusement in such a crisis as this On Sunday evening in the Theatre moving pic tures taken by the Ford Motor Co of the march of the York Rangers were presented to public for Ihe first time cartoons of the barbarity of lite Huns in Belgium were also shown Brown and Major Pink made Strong appeals for recruits The audience was a large one position than the present as regards extension his opera- lions but tovehable tbfomi more easily his own conclusions the facts are submitted Horses Since the outbreak of the war the British Remount Commission has pur chased in Canada horses have been bought by French con tractors and by the Canadian Department of The Depart- ment of Militia is nowengaged in buy ing ah additional thousand head The British Remount has fair- chased over since March and is buying daily in Montreal contractors are anxious to obtain and are arranging to buy ail that are available both in the East the West It is understood that as a result of the purchases already made army buyers are finding In- difficult both in States and in Canada to readily secure Ihe number of horses which Ihey Quire particularly of the type suitable for heavy cavalry or heavy artillery In to the purchase for army account commercial activity from two distinct quarters has exerted a very evident Influence upon the Canadian horse market during the past three or four months Since the beginning of the year horses reached Winni peg Stock Yards from Eastern Canada and were shipped from the same yards eastward mostly to Saskat chewan During the months of Jan uary February and March horses were exported the United Stales A few hundred more went to the same maryet n April The horses exported were good farm chunks weighing from to lbs As high as a pair was paid for animals possessing extra quality and This new movement in the horse market its effect upon prices all over Can- Buyers report that the better classes of drafters and farm chunks are gel ling scojce and bard to buy holds true of good big roadsters and saddlers The noticeable scarcity of good horses of these Il lustrates the fact that demand has supply and mates very evident that all the really good sound mares in the country should he bred this year It cannot be too strongly emphasized however that they should be mated with only strict ly high class sires The number of horses by army buyers clear ly Indicates that there Is no place for the unsound horse or for the misfit Such animals have been now and always will be a drug on the market Breed to the best If you would have the host Unsound or malformed mares are just as had as unsound stallions Is easier to raise a good animal than a poor one Manage the work this spring in order that the best mare on the farm may he regularly re turned to the horse Next year a good crop of sound healthy colts will be as good as a bank account Canada- is likely to enter shortly com mercial export market and that market will require all you can produce ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Preparation for Matriculation and Teachers Examination IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPMQl Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department A ART I Address P FIRTH A S Principal j The death of Mr A Bettered Mr Martins Strength Ohio I Am a farmer by occupation and ltft mo vrlth a bed and In a weak- rundown condition and I could not eetato got u thin to do mo any good until I Vino no Sft end my cough all gone and I can truly Vino all claimed for If- Vlnol remedy JJ1 weajr ana rundown m or men women and chronic colds and WASTE IN GOV PRINTING Ottawa May the opening of the House on Saturday Col John A North called atten tion to the enormous increase In the cost of printing anil distributing de partmental publications and the de bates of Parliament The amount In a few years had risen from to He said the Increase re presented an utter waste of at least lie therefore moved the ad- Option of certain recommendations con tained In the report of the Joint com mittee on he printing of Parliament and he fore the House on May 11 Jhls report other things recom mended the distribution of all public documents from the Government printing bureau and the establish ment of a branch postoffice In con nection herewith a Wane At present the reports are carried from the bureau the various de partmental offices There they are prepared for mailing anil carted again to the city postoffice Another conunendaton was that the list of persons entitled to receive Govern ment publication be revised annually Thousands of tons of printed matter are sent out every year lo people long since dead and to Institutions that have passed out of existence Duplication Col called attention to the enormous duplication going on In the matter of departmental reports trade reports of the Trade and Com merce Department contained precisely samo figures as the trade and navigation tables Issued by tho Customs Department There overlapping and duplication everywhere If some editorial supervision were exercised and various departments aten to cut down size of lions and avoid the coun try Col Currle said would be saved at least a year attention was called to unnecessarily expensive paper used for the Agricultural Gazette and some other publications It cost the Government nearly a year to correct errors In proof caused by the carelessness of officials la preparing printer Col said In conclusion hat at and possibly could be saved by the It exercis ed the economy and thrift In printing and dJslrlbuUng publications which Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTO R I A Horn seekers Excursions Tuesday March to October All Rail Every Wednesday During Season Navigation Great Lakes Route Somewhere out on prairie where year Canada Greatest Wheat Crop was produced there a home for you CANADIAN PACIFIC will take you there give you an the Information about but placet and help you to success CANADIAN Particular from Agent or writ Agent Toronto any Canadian Pacific Ticket B Howard Dlatrlct L ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET I sfete 9 I W Victoria Day is and Span Day when everybody out their paint brushes The 24th comes just at the right time for you to give the House its new coat of paint to freshen up the Porch and Front Fence to do the Floors and Walls in short to make your home spio and span inside and out include everything you need for Paint Day Wo carry the full line of 100 Pure Paintalso Spio and Span will be pleased to give you color cards of reliable brands a dlreot to MartlaScoour Limited Montreal Booklet To wo and Country Homes new color and gtvlol valuable paint information ic R St Dr Graduate onto of the and College of Former Go 0 Real BOX PAINTER Ave Queen Be and I and market J Teacher of In strum Agent las Complete liyma At the Er if Cut Stone Kept in Sit mo On East Beat ain pricos hours Teh doors Butcher in Plant I have mall l of from I JUn from a seen in THOMPSON We ara guy Set juoaores or at mail send pani farm for on Farm yearaat TORONTO

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