Newmarket Era , May 19, 1916, p. 6

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v A ft A I tv iirJ ii ft MOON t Mount Albert PERSONAL Miss Dorothy Hunter of was at her home in town for visit Miss Mabel Kightlry of Toron to was home over Sunday Miss Dolly Kirlon of Toronto was in town over Sunday S C Barrett and Herman motored up- from Toron to on Saturday Mr Stokes son of Mr and MrsW Stokes of Mount Al bert is undergoing an operation the Hospital at Toronto be fore joining the Signal Corps for overseas service The sale of baking in connec tion with the Red Cross will be held at Steeper Dunns Store on Saturday afternoon to JOHN YATES AGENT sutton a visit Sunday Mr Merritt Thompson of spent over Monday friends here cough Is visiting around some homes in these parts lately Some class to In town Huh I Sidehlll trotters eh I Quite a number from this burg look In the quarterly meeting Sunday at Elm Grove Church Baldwin Farmers are ver busy these days seeding Horse races to Pshaw I Said enough I Beauty BEACH THE CEMETERY The annual subscription of a which all arc requested to pay for the carclak- ing of Iheir plots is not being paid in as promptly as the Cem etery Company would wish It is intended to hold a decoration day service in June and the company would be greatly obliged if all those who have overlooked this mailer would hand the amount to the Secretary Mr J Rowland as soon as possible so that there may be money enough to complete ail the work by th time ORDINATION SERVICE The ordination of Rev Mr as pastor of Chalmers Presbyterian Church Mount Al bert was held on Tuesday even ing May There was a large attendance of the congregation The following ministers took part in the service Prof Kilpalrick of Knox College Rev Mr McTag- of Mr of and Rev Mr of Woodstock brother of the newly ordained pastor was also present RED CROSS WORK The following statement by the ladies of Mount Albert and vicini ty shows the gross receipts and expenditures in connection with their Red Cross work from May to May Receipts Cake Plough Red Cross Teas Voluntary Offerings Concert Rome Made Making Total Expenditure Trafalgar Day 5000 Belgian Relief J Cross Society Shirts Miscellaneous Yarn Cot ton Flannel Hooks Magazines Sugar Jars Meal etc Postage Printing and Tel Owl on Hand Shipments valued at 50 Day Shirts at 27 Surgical Jackets Pairs Socks Pairs Sheets 5 Pairs Wristlets Yards Bandages Quarts Quills Boxes for Soldiers Cases Magazines and Hooks not valued SO 22500 Mr W Sleeper Mrs Albert Improvements are the order of the day Besides the general cleanup of lawns and gardens painting and other improvements arc going on Mr has had two fancy windows placed in on the front of Edgemere as well as windows in other parts of the up per storey Ball has put win dows on both the north and south windows of his residence He has also added a pivot hedge to his front lawn and is planting a large apple orchard as well as raspberry bushes Mr of Toronto has purchased the vacant lot south of Dr Grants cottage and has commenced the erection of a goodsized cottage with wide ve randah The boardinghouse is not rented yet but there have been two or three people looking at it Mr Hairier is here putting in his garden Mr and Mrs Thomson were here three days last week The wind storm did quite a lot of damage last week to small wharves along the shore The waves were so high that they washed the platform off the Mor ton Store Dr Irwin Lloyd left for Hospital on Monday Miss Ronan of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mrs Lloyd SHARON Mr Frank Tale and lady friend spent Sunday in Toronto Mrs- Col Wayling spent Sun day with friends in Newmarket Miss Williton is spend ing a few days in Toronto Mr and Mrs Stickwood of the Con visited at Mr Win Halls on Sunday Mrs Brown has returned her house at Mr Lloyds after spending the winter with her daughter in Toronto Miss Clara Tate and Miss Eva Hodge were in the pit Satur day The Indies Aid root at the home of Miss last Thursday afternoon Mr Sam of Vancouver spent a few days with ibis moth er here last week Mr and Mrs Walter Wright of Union St- spent Sunday at Mr Chas Haines Miss Maggie Brown of Aurora visited at Mr Thos Browns on Sunday Mrs Rob I Lloyd spent Wednes day in the city The Monthly Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Laura Watson on Wednesday afternoon Messrs J M Kile ley Chas M Ramsay and J attended the Thorobred Cattle Sale at Sir Henry Farm in King Thursday Waller Tate of Ml Albert spent Saturday under the parent al roof surely up date have Installed a fine cash register and A ton an immense refrigerator for his meat A few met at the Hall- on Tues day afternoon to sew and plan ways and means of helping our brave boys who have gone out tc do and dare forus who are so comfortable at home- Come on next Tuesday ladies and help Lots of work on hand Red Cross C sent a box of socks and comforts to Ar thur and this week The boys are in the trenches in France Those having yarn to knit that was furnished by this Society would greatly oblige by leaving with Mrs Frank Morton as soon as convenient Hope to see an interesting crowd at the Hall next Tuesday night We have a and he needs your help and coun sel Remember the Mission Circle on the at Mrs BPur- dys Expect a good meeting Program expected from Newmar ket and Sutton Mr has been pro and watch over the flower of the flock twin grandkids floral show is fine Tim is fellowla bourer among the Our farmers are dingdanging away slow but sure j BALDWIN BREEZKS Dealer in all kinds of Farm Implements McCormlck Binders Mowers and Rakes and the Mo- guel Oil Engines all sizes no bet- goods made and the John Deere and Peter Hamilton and goods and do not forget the quick Meal Oil Stove This is the best of all Oil Stoves Phone or write KESWICK lliiiik you It is wet FELLOW I If you have the real Rhode ts- Red fever you will need a few settings of eggs from iy heavy laying Reds Last years average per hen for flock eggs They have the color and type and for 15 one exhibition pen at for Albert Red Feather Yards MRS fioH Frame Plants Are butter better rooted give bet ter than hothouitc plants Choicest of lower Flower Plants Dont it make you are in Holland folks I enough any way Well say I You are going to have another chance l do your bit for the Red Cross Work I here in to be a Garden Party at Mr Frank Terrys on June 2nd A chance for everybody lo com forts to our boys who are fighting our battles The Christian Church was well filled last Sunday morning the while carnations werJ plen ty in honor of our mothers Mr Fletcher paid full respect to the Mothers of Men and as saying what he was he owed to his mother One more of our hoys has felt ft his duly to wear the Kings Uniform We will miss Lee very much but trust he may return to us The Methodist League enter tained the newcomers of the com munity In the Temperance Hall on Wednesday night Just a way of getting acquainted- Glad to have Mr and Mrs Da vidson with us for the again many friends of Mrs Mar- and Frank will be glad to hear they able to be little Mrs Ira Morton keeps much the same We hope for a speedy re covery Mr Fletcher will be able to go some now In his auto Any person having bought pie Quarterly meeting at the Free Methodist Church here on Friday Saturday and Sunday but this did not deteriorate or detract from the usual large congregations at he Christian Church Elder has an established fame for interesting services The Free Methodist congregation see with sorrow the prospect of the removal of Stevens to anoth er charge He is popular here A Box Social was held at the Christian Church here on Wed nesday evening Such an affair is dead sure to catch our young people J Esq held down the chair and sold the boxes It brought about sonic a cry appropriate paying off Mr Ivan Tomliuson got the elegant Miss Sweets box of sweet things I wish Id been the lucky chap Elmer and Jennie Foster schoolmates two of our very ni cest young folks of lender years were seen marching away in perfect enjoyment of the contents of Miss Jennies box I should suppose Elmer was the object of many envious glances For Jenny is well thought of especially when located behind the counter at Glovers store- I cannot afford space to pair off pur little buds of promise who were present conspicuously The proceeds to talled up to Our ladies have also a very handsome autograph quilt for sale A Dominion Bank Cheque fpr a coolthousand would doubtless secure it Mr and Mrs Glen Chapman had a great surprise party on Thursday A couple of lit tle travellers a boy and a girl arrived in America and sought hospitality which was cor dially granted Dr Noble who I may incidentally remark is man- of reputation and skill in troduced the tiny lots to public life Our best wishes are for Iheir future welfare The proud daddy and mamma are almost over whelmed with congratulations Veca will be a model mother be yond doubt She has an almost national reputation for her de votion and care for little folks James A and Ed ward Glover have been discuss ing the relative merits of their fast nags Jack has a colt com ing three Glover has an old stager which can go a nil when wellwarmed up The discussion ended In a dollar a side being put up just to make id interesting you know Glover remarked Til show you who has the fnst- On Friday evening the rare was puljed off on King Georges Race Track An enor mous and deeply interested throng took observation If Jas As nag hadnt been so amazing smart and had been rightly wakened up he must have been doped Eddy Glovers horse would most assuredly have won the day but look the money in two In a trolling race running counts Tor naught A blew out Glovers and his own too I reckon to treat the boys to candy encore do it some I guess it would lake about to treat If everyone grabbed like the President of the Mr and Mrs Will Morton of Jacksons Point wore guests at on Sunday Those new twins draw the crowd Mr and Mrs Jos Clark and MOUNT PLEASANT The attendance in the Sabbath School shows the interest taken in this work The P Meeting on Thurs day evening of last week was in charge the Literary Committee and a program wfis given by the different members The Meeting next week will in charge of the Social Committee Everybody should have ode of the new Chevrolet Cars Best on record Full particulars from Morley Hamilton Air and Mrs WVD of Toronto spent Sunday last under the parcntaj roof- On Thursday evening April a social evening was spent in the basement of the church when the friends gathered in honor of Bert Stephens and Gerald Sedore who have- enlisted for overseas ser vice A good program was given and at the close of the evening the boys were presented with Wrist Watches The address was read by Donald Davidson and the presentation was made by Ada Stiles and Florence McMillan The following address was read to which the boys made a very suitable reply It is with a good deal of pleasure perhaps mingled with sadness that we meet here not only to congratulate you on the noble you have taken in enlisting for the de fence of our Empire but also to show our loyally to our country and King We become prouder each day we live of Canada and that we are Canadians Proud of the manner in which our Canadi an hoys pursue their way in the danger and suffering of a winter campaign It takes all the forti tude and courage that they as Br tains have inherited to stand the strain But our Canadian hoys are doing their dutynobly and well with a cheerfulness and courage that has brought Ihem the admiration and praise not only of Canada but the whole Em pire we are proud to feel that if it becomes your duty to go on the battlefield in a distant coun try that similar honors will come to you and while we know that your absence will make vacant places around your home circles we can assure yon that those who ore left as well as your selves will have the sympathy and prayers of the people of this neighborhood and we hope that some day when this war is over and Justice and right for which the Allies are fighting is obtain ed and the oppressors crushed we will meet hero again to give you a glad welcome home Kind ly accept these Wrist Watches as a slight token of remembrance froin your friends who all wish you well and hope for your safe return ask them to enlist pursuits its their duty v Neighbor Will Kay has indulged in a new Maxwell car a noiseless one- that the farmers cannot hear his approach and a sneak before he sells them a bin der or other agricultural implement or a Martin Stiles says he has all of them skinned in binders He sells the International or Taylor daughter of James Taylor has a bad attack of typhoid and has a the city at tending her James Freeman our popular is reported doing bettor al though si ill in the hospital Out mail courier Minns went In the city on Saturday to visit his wife is suffering from can cer and returned yesterday and re ports that she is improving and will soon be able to return to her Mrs Freeman is still confined to the house and while not exceed ingly dangerously ill is a very sick woman Fred of River Street has been quite ill with symptoms of fever but is reported doing well Our town musicians Miss Hoi- born the Sutton orchestra Charley Leigh and Dick who catered to the musical end of a very pleasant entertainment last evening report swell attendance and Char ley says They all came home sober and I believe him DECEASED The John Gibson an old resi dent- of Sutton died suddenly at on Monday Deceased was a son of the late Rev J Gibson the first Incumbent of this parish and was a graduate of Trinity College He had charge at Norwood for years and at Thornhill for 17 years but retired from active work four years ago and has been living in Toronto fir Gibson was an earnest hardworking clergyman and a man highly esteemed by all his acquain tances and his death at a lively early age is much regretted He was buried in St Georges churchyard by the side of his father and mother MEETINGS The annual Easter Vestry meeting of St James Church was held on Wednesday April the Rector Rev Gordon Matthews presiding The reports of ific Sunday School Ladies Aid and Womens Auxiliary showed a successful years work on the part of the various organizations The Rector read brief report of the years work which was very satisfactory The financial state- do now June Sharon at 10 vision and general adjourn meet on at the k of He WANT Lots of Good Fat Fowl Will pay top prloe Dont delay In soiling while my price Is good Prop Herman Phone 21 BROWN I RE Miss Marlon spent Sunday at Bon That wonderful lit tle lassie gains in attractiveness day by day Shes good shes pretty and shes nice- A real heart winner Well why should she not be With such a glori ous ma and a Jolly Joe Love Courtship and Marriage the theme of so many a gossips Unlawful unholy love has wrecked many a courtship caused greater disaster than such as is portrayed Mh those beautiful lines depicting The Wreck of Hesperus needs a thorough knowledge of dy the plates at I ships and nautical terms to fully from the wagon a noon Mrs Councils as some have not comprehend its real beauty are favorable locale yet Flirting and heartbreaking ifas every Connelly has re- dangerous play True honest for the sum Alters Carnation Mignonette Nasturtiums fSalora Flowery- Sage Snapdragon etc PER BOX OF Wee have moved from the east aide of Stop on the north of A- Tory Hill Walk vjU Stop to lane The la lite but bur East including Holland re Sutton West Mrs Amos Millard has returned lo town after spending a few weeks with daughter Mrs Win Crock er in Toronto Master George came with her Mr Morley Hamilton has got In another carload of Mr W Holhorn is improving bin properly by a new fence and veran dah Mrs Cuttle and daughter have been hi the city for the past week Mr George Cuttle is making pre parations for his annual trip to the West Mr Martin Stiles la busy these days getting his sold machinery in running ordor Cleaning yards and raking and mowing lawns is the order of tho day at present Mr Win Kay the representative may bo seen out with thai new Maxwell car any day Mr Ed had the mis fortune to slash his arm with a sick le a hedge Several days lay which does not Ed Mr Win Taylor of Baldwin and Mr James Cockburn of are sporting now buggies Mr J Smalloy has been granted a discharge from his regiment through Illness I- who has been HI since leaving here improving Pie Fred Tod who had shoulder broken a weeks ago by a fall when attempt ing to hoard a street car and has since In hospital Is Im proving t Carl McLaughlin and a number of Islanders and and North heroes have been granted a months furlough to assist farmers In getting were read the receipts of the various organizations for the year ending March 15th be ing as follows Treasurers account 00883 Improvement Fund Rectory account Ladies Aid Womens Auxiliary Sunday School The following o Ulcers were ap pointed for the coming year Rec tors Warden Mr K Greenwood Peoples Warden Lake Sidesmen Messrs Ardill A Bur rows Cross W Dolby Fran cis Graham and Howard Lay Representatives to Synod W Dolby Greenwood and Wm Lake A resolution was passed express ing regret at the resignation of the East Gwillimbury Council Sharon May 12th The regular mooting of Muni cipal Council of the Township of East was held on above date Members present Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed An application for bonus for GO rods of wire fence from Nelson Mili ar con lot was presented Application granted Proctor Stickwood That this Council action re building new bridge on the 2nd con Car ried Haines Cole That Councillor he Instructed- to superin tend building of bridge opposite lot con known the Wright man bridge also to repair tho bridge op posite lot con Carried Proctor Haines That the- Clerk be Instructed loorder one 24inch pipe feet long and pipe inch by eel gage Carried Haines Cole That A Stevenson be appointed Road Overseer in lieu of Marvin resigned that Win Oldham bo appointed Road Overseer In licit of Thos Graham resigned That Graham Weddcl be appointed Road in of Percy Browning resigned and that statute labor of Graham lot I and bo performed on Centre Road Carried by seconded by Proctor and resolved that the issue his order on Treas urer as follows Wm Sowcll work McKrill work con 3 It work con and 1170 Ml Albert Tel Co J W Huntley snow shoveling Geo W Cole culvert A work Martin Rose work Seymour Andrews work Tinsdale on account 2500 Umber W Cole work Geo Foster work v 005 E Dawson work ti40 work Joel work Urns Park 92 Jw work thos work Knot work A Goodwin work V work den and Sold In for Call Early and Fully I In One of the and Quantity neighbors CLOVER No In abls TIMOTHY BE No and I RECENTLY ONE OP OUR FRIENDS FROM ACROSS the line was standing on the sidewalk in one of our larger Canada cities viewing a march past of some of our soldier boys Kilties were going by How typically are the kilties he remarked on our side of the big pond associate the Highland uniform u much with Canada as with Scotland Why is it The reply was to that St was because the Scot4 had contributed bo largely to the settlement and upbuilding the Dominion and so many Canadians of Scottish ancestry made themselves worthy of high ranks in the history of Canada Among these Canadians of Scotch parentage who have place among Canadas great builders of industry we must recked Gordon M McGregor of Ford Ont About the year 1850 Mr McGregors grandparents set oat from Glasgow Scotland to settle in what was then a new and far away country Canada A few years later we find them located at Sarnia Ontario Where a son William was born When still a young man William McGregor took a very active interest in tho business and political life of the country and was elected a member of the Dominion Parliament serving ha country and his district well andfailhfully for twenty years Gordon McGregor about whom thisjs written was the son of William McGregor and was born at Windsor Ont As Gordon McGregor grew to manhood he capably assumed much of business cares of his father William McGregor eventually became interested in Wagon Co at Ontario and shortly after his son Gordon McGregor was made manager of the firm Here the son began to show that business foresight that has made him one of the prominent figures in the business world of Canada About this time an event took place in carriage and wagon industry that caused the greatest concern This was the advent and the establishment of the automobile as a practical vehicle Some dealers and builders were so alarmed that they thought their business would to immediate rack and ruin and that toe auto would horsedrawn vehicles entirely Others were coolheaded enough to see the advantages that this net industry afforded and governed themselves accordingly Among the latter was Gordon McGregor who believed that he could successfully enter upon tho business of manufacturing automobiles and looked about him for wise methodaof doing lliii He got in touch with many manufacturers and looked over many makes of cars Finally he decided on one make and effected arrangements for its production in this country The car he was the Ford He then tried to induce some of Ins friends in Canada to invest in the project and encountered all the usual cold disheart ening difficulties attendant upon the organization of a new and un tried proposition If they could have but looked ten or eleva years ahead he would have had no worries over the of a company even double or quadruple the size No stock was offered for sale outside of the Dominion unt all Canadians had been given an opportunity to subscribe Finally in August 1904 they organized the company with a capital of Then came the difficulties of manufacture and for three It was a constant struggle to win success But success came and a greater success than the ever dreamed of a success abounding in truly And this is the story of Gordon McGregor of Ford Ontario and of the establishment of the Ford Motor Company of Canaft Today half the population of four towns depend upon of Canada for their earnings These Ford City Tho last census states tat family consists five there over 3000 employees in towns mentioned above to manufacture of Ford cars this official census M over people that look to tho This docs not tho nine cities In Canada In which Ford branch 11 established which would add oyer more And Ford employes aro paid thrco times a well as average government wage In April 1916 tirno most Canadian manufacturers a retrenchment present Ford schedule of wages which company virtually handed to wages and reduced working hours from nino to eight per day ft Surely this is a great boon to Canadian workmen and their farnO Is a boon to Canadian merchants who benefit by increased purely power of oil these families It Is a boon to tho eat country la umeoM when living expenses higher than ever And employees responded hi like to the for her support Ford City having made what is record contribution to Patriotic Fund of per capita More than 800 Ford enlisted for overseas Company la thousands of dollars In moving pictures warn offered free to assist in recruiting work all over the Dominion What an expression of confidence In tho ulUmato and success of British Arms and tho allied cause was this great wage Wjg But It was not tho only evidence of Ford Companys faith In before the outbreak of hostilities the company decided to reduce J of car by When war upon us the company might been pardoned for withholding this reduction for a But they considered it Tho reduction was made tho aamo day war declared And you can realize how real this confidence In the victorious of Canada was when you consider that prices of Ford cars are in with the estimated production for the coming fiscal year and not means aro tney based on the profits of preceding year Have a Pattern DIP view In Wlr itself Direct Fa A AND How It hi your friend Let Us Mak E ZU Phone Studio the has been epont on now buildings In Ford City the Over has been on now buildings four alnce war began making a total expenditure for new of a million and quarters 1000000 has been spent In new equipment since war began men have been added to the pay roll since war began And if is needed further proof of this companys absolute In the progress and prosperity of tho Dominion It may bo found In that reduction In the price of the car was made last August- a total reduction of since war begad This new price requires an output cars this year Then too the price of Ford parts has been reduced by that means a big Increased economy to Ford owners Such Immense expenditures and price reductions as these are of wj benefit to general welfare of the nation under existing condition form one of the greatest possible Influences towards boosting Canada Remember thst all but 1688 worth of the material that construction of a Ford car Is bought here In Canada and It would all w- here If It were possible to get It J Truly the Ford Is after a Canadian Car built by tew Canadian manufacturers are able to ahow such a support to g as this Ford Company Is baaing this years factory plans Just double the done last year They stake everything on the conviction They place all on the belle that Britain and her Met fan fc ERA KIN Shire SUlli Clark Ravens York during anil and SUndstone I American property of market will North and during the Cei stallion tin Hill Son visit East I church Kii du Lyon A ben young of Sutton Hah also Scott son A Stallion chestnut years old A by A Vol Commoner Gowiest Jersey parley wo property Newmarket son of foio rough Nor and ftonnio Oldham the m mbury San J Property of Jrt will 1 Virginia Monday wnWell Property SSf- Qucensvi g years lug proud FOB AMD OTHER

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