tfM ore i reliable Flower English Seeds 9 at inn OUR St A onSanday oclock Matins and 2 School arid Confirm pmensong and Sermon v wv FieldJttmforUSociety wil cojlect old papers 6nVe8t7 Side Town on June East side the f day phone for Yf Presbyterian Church Rev exchange with A Ferguson of val May it Only at 100 ixuay packages being services at Our Stock Is Large Lota of Work No one can complain for lack mi- I TURN SEED sealed Packages Only Best both in Quality flsk any SEED S I in at Cose Department our Wew WHNEB set now on speaks fop of work this year an active demand for i of all kinds and no one who is willing to work need The cities arc appealing to the- coun try for help and outdoor work is opening up with a calls for the services of many men There is a great call- for women- for Mr and spent- with Mrs atjjM- y Mr George gklniielt spent end fa7Idrontp dfCattiorlne atMPy lowhshlp is sole THE LATE STUART QUICK much regret to thai among the casual reported on- Wed nesday was the- name of Stuart killed In action Deceased was ah employee in the Era Office for or three years andyas wellknown tnVyoung people In Town in Bible of the Method st Sunday Schdoli an aotive member Sunday Who cap Sunday Hope cause the Mr John ifptpoanarid Mr Visited ttie model third line John was interested ini the fat cattle though was on the Walt- took pointers on ralslngphJpkens The wives the above named gedtemeny8le4je gatekeeper I gA Splendid sermon the Methodist Church Sunday and attenjiaDce Our Toronto Letter v MoQuadeSImpsonv S r of Staple and China J PHOTOGRAPHS OF FATHER How It would delight your children how It would please your friends Us Make Them For You I ZURBRIGG Photographer flic home of Mr Redmond Simp son 3rd concession was the scene of a pretty wedding when at nesday afternoon daughter became the bride of Robert McQuade of Aurora The ceremony was performed by Rev Rector of Trinity Church Au rora The bride who wtis given away by her father was unattended She wore a dress of ivory silk crepe chene and carried a bouquet of bridal roses v Later in the afternoon Mr arid Mrs McQuade left for a trip to the Slates the bride wearing a suit of blue taffeta with hat to match This Society will hold its first annual Banquet on Tuesday ev ening May 30th served from to after an excellent program will begiv- en including a Sketch Tickets had of officers and members of the Society Dont forget the date One Door West of the New Post Office t l TOWN OF NEWMARKET New fruit store al the- South facilitate the handling of logs two lines of electric tracks have been laid through the at Canes Factory Many of our people took in the Fair at Richmond Hill on Vic toria Day The trolley had a big traffic both ways all day Lots of fireworks In Town on Wednesday evening After all the cold and wet Wed was a glorious day for a holiday and fully appreciated Numerous flags lying on Vic toria Day but very quiet in Town Lots of Rain of us can blame the farm ers for feeling a little blue for thus farhas certainly been against them J There are fey seasons term of years however that do not turnout all right the spring- is late the approach of fall is usually delayed so that there is ample time for the maturity- of crops v- passed away sonOf son began a sea ab7at the age tbirteen- jHejWaa before Queen Victoria to theThrone When J miners weVe making journeys to Austral goldilelds MS camddc passen around the Cape of Good Hope to Sydney and returned to England via Cape Horn- onTuesday Sir taurier was eriter- luncheon by Mr JB Atkinson He spent both after noon and- evening with personal friendsdriyihg directly from the residence of Sir Alan Ayleswprlh to the for Ottawa in the ev v A Jack Murray- run downand killed by a motor car last Tues day- It is now stated that the bi lingual issue al Ottawa- is to go before the Privy Council for de- mm ft Hard Man to man II iirAMkvk r J r r i I d The more of red the merit MS ml of nd the cut notice is hereby given ttrtthe first session of the Court for the Town of WWwil be held at the Coun cil at oclock am on May 31st of all persons interested are weby required to lake notice and themselves accordingly J Anderson Town Clerk THE WAR- AND Lord presented the in his role of Alio- Committee He said over of our had for the naval EL Wed8 e Allied Governments per cent occupied carrying materials werniiieiits of the s and the remaining i3 nor W State tai as to its employment Popular Blacksmith Passes Away On Sunday last at the age of years an old resident of New market Mr Thomas quiet ly passed away at his residence on Prospect Ave For years lie has been in failing health and has been tenderly cared for by his affectionate wife and family Deceased was horn in Ireland and emigrated to Canada with his parents when hut a lad settling at Holland Landing For about years he carried on a successful blacksmith business in Newmar ket He was a member of the A and a Roman Catholic The late Mr is survived by his wife and six children three sons and three daughters The service Tuesday morning was conducted by Father Wed lock at St Johns Church In terment St Johns Cemetery Correction Wc have just received a letter from Mrs Frank Cornell of Win chester Indiana in which she states that the credit of giving the Prize for the Essay Contest among High Schools does not be long to her The donor although a resident of York County does wish to be known and she was simply the channel used to bring the matter into publicity If the cpntest is continued another year she hopes all four of the High Schools will compete P King a Miniflter of worldwide in Society of Friends was present at our meetings on Sunday Forty seven years have passed away since his last visit to Newmarket and there are few left who were at the meeting in those days His eh not now he an munitions which are S icLeaos or and Italy munitions which are for the efficient and of these devoted to the Italy ery ton shipping Is really re ourselves At least let fiffrW and should not lhat 0 vessels popular the Hydro ifaS and lho fomrnl8Blon is lhc Profit other roa well over their ili iit hem of gave forth things new and old in both meetings He also addressed a special meeting at Pine Orchard In the afternoon ills ministry is prolific with anecdotes and of Gods wonderful deal ings through his many years of service up and down the world On Tuesday evening he gave a brief story of his life and adven tures during the Civil War and elsewhere to an interested audi ence Farewell Presentation Last Friday evening there was a large attendance at St Pauls School House when the congre gation took the opportunity of ex pressing their appreciation of the Hector Rev McGonigle in offering services as Chaplain to the Overseas as well as a token of their esteem of his work in Newmarket An address was read by Mr Walker and the presentation was made by Mr con sisted of a wellbound Service Book an Illuminated Wrist Watch and a of Gold The Hector was completely taken by surprise hut made an eloquent reply expressing his gratitude Speeches were also made by several members of his congre gation after which refreshments were served and a very social ev ening enjoyed Following is copy of the ad dress The members of St Pauls Church in view of your approach ing departure as Chaplain of an Overseas Contingent wish to ox- press their recognition and appre ciation both of your- valuable work in this parish and of your to offer your services la the military forces of the Em pire Wo feel lhat the parish prospered under your able and sympathetic guidance and that it is additionally honored by your selection as Chaplain of Battalion accom panying service book of wo ask your acceptance may be of use and if the watch from to time recalls us to your mem ory it will have served its pur pose Villi lighting Jewel a Beat 8eller fore than copies of Jewel Mrs Clara Louise Burn barns novel had been spld before the book was considered as a moving picture possibility by Lois Weber the noted producer and scenario Writer and her equally talented husband Phillips and by Universal Film Manufacturing Company When Jewel comes to the Patricia Theatre rfn May It will be seen that the appeal of the book and the play are Those who have read the book will also realize how thoroughly Miss Weber has reproduced the spirit ofthe wellknown authors has been done with a fidelity has astonished Mr TJirllls it has none It Is the very of he spectacular yet in spile of this fact the lias been one of the and- the Private If Porter of spent a couple of days family hero Miss Hughes of Toronto la a few days with Mr and Mrs Charles Davis Mr Walter Davla of spent couple of days with friends around town Mrs Joseph Kitchen and Mrs Sparling wotorcd to Toronto on Mon day with Mr Harry Kitchen of Tottenham will have charge of the work In Metho dist Church next Sunday Rev Mr Scott will preach the anniversary ser vices at Rich Hill Frederick of Toronto la spending a week with her Mr Skinner fv Mr John OBrien has a great his smile theao days for arriyed at his Sunday Wfi v The homo of Mr Mrs Harold Porter was this the arrival of a fine baby girl Private Harry a couple of days around town tlia week Mr pttdo Sutton formerly of the Motion It is now slated that the bi lingual issue at Ottawa is to go before the Privy for de cision The el or for increased street car service in some- of the outer sections city is becoming serious ft is estimated that about people witnessed the parade of pupils of the High and Public Schools of Toronto in the Queens Park on Day and pa8sedin review before Hughes Minister of Militia is now talk that Toronto is to have a Canadian Returned Soldiers Association The object is said to be to foster the unity who have returned and may still return from the war LioutCoh Lennoxs Irish Canadian Battalion now has a band of one dozen strong playing imported Irish pipes Victoria Day was duly celebrated at Point As a popular resort is hard to find Its equal anywhere In the Dominion New features wore added this year A man named McSwceney fin ed this week in the Police Court on a charge of keeping a com mon bettinghouse Dewart K of this City Is now in Ottawa as one of the counsel on the Military Commission Inquiry A parade of returned soldiers from the present war also veterans of South Africa the North West lion and other soldiers took place on the 24th Victoria Day to Queens Park and decorated the monuments placed there Col has returned from Birmingham ho at tended a gathering of Confederate veterans as one of their guests- Frank Iyneson of A with the imperi al A is to enlist with Canadian forces Newmarket will Dr A many years ago at parental home on Street A a result of being knocked down by an automobile on Monday evening on King Street Miss Minnie Kchlef re ceived a bad cut over one eye On Monday last Clarence Bedford fell down the shaft from storey of tho Shoe Fac tory and was not Ho received one severe out In one leg Duckworth- who was sen tenced to bo hanged on a charge of murder has been granted a now trial The Daylight Saying problem being considered by a largo number of these days Mr seventysix years of age and an old resident of Toronto died Monday Hospi tal as a result of which developed from a cut ha received from a shell a munition factory He waa born In King inyyH who was wounded at the battle of St while serving- In the Expe ditionary force and achiev ed a record- recruiting sergeant In returned to Canada Toronto on Monday A explosion bleanlng and pressing shop Avenue last Monday blew roof two of walla out of the building a telly the employees escaped Injury People tiro amazed how unlookedfor accidents Angus Elliott slipped wet aidd- opposite his own on Monday and received a broken thigh Crown Attorheyi the Police Bald Si I mm i James Co The Men J a r J WHO WILL 1 1 Km Vl GET IT r fir i They are all after the key that opens the way to untold riches and wealth the solution to the mystery of the lost Gold Mine The moat fascinating serial story ever filmed Come and see dainty little Ella Hall arid Bob Leonard J their wild chase through United In the Chinese Torture Chamber the adventures In India Excitement reigns supreme through all the 16 episodes of this great film Ella Hall and Bob Leonard have made a reputation for themselves by this story It Is powerful stirring and full of wonderful scenes Come and bring the children this story now and see every youll be sorry If you miss even one Starts on Tuesday May 23rd and every Tuesday thereafter Admission TenCents 1 RE THE LION IS LEAPING i THE YORKS 1 if TO BE KNOWN IN THE LION BATTALION OF YORK TORONTO