Newmarket Era , June 2, 1916, p. 3

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vet is convent took Shipment on Jhia Our of Ladies Parlor next SKBiS before holidays i picture of those who during the of recruiting in New in last Sundays face are familiar the new X Brld9e for It is a structure built on cement with concrete and approaches floor z Si annual picnic of the Wo- SfS Class of School will take Beach op Sat- i afternoon weather permit- The ladies are inviting l0 Quite en Idee In order to prove the gefirii atidgquaUUesrdr the Eves is selling inches high areVgtowjng in his f fed 1 Mistaking- poison tablet for on last AliceJacobs was tern Hospital and Is how yay to recovery but it was a close call Press Association fathered at tie Central Technical School Biiiiding yesterday Is Knitting Tea The next Red Cross knitting- Tea Will- Wfifds School- room on Tuesday afternoon dr next week and be served as an extra All ladles of the Town are cordially hoped that there will be a general rally of the members connection with the above the ladies will be pleased to receive con tributions of home made baking for talent table Bread and Cake Church if Meeting for worship Service Popular Service pastor will deliver the first a series of addresses oh The fakers who they are and what believe Everybody wel come All seals free- Brief lets Only weeks till Day SchpoIhoiiday8 will soon here again- The Corporation Sprinkler got down to business oh Monday new graces the entrance to Mr J Brodies residence on Church Street Times must be Improving About a dozen new in Town this season jiE at Church last the and a very and Atkinson and dau Blanche guests of- her a Mr and Aire of- To- areyisitln parents Mr and honored by p of the American of construct its own were Quests of her mother Mrs street Instead of purchasing In on Sunday last will give 7 Girl Guides The Girl Guides will hold their first annual Church Parade on June 181b This year the Guides will parade to the Methodist Church All Guides are urged to attend and to come to the meet ings on the preceding Tuesdays meetings are very ant The Guides arc asked to come in for a few minutes at Com Improvements A twostorey addition has been placed to the east end of Canes Factory to accommodate growing tiade- Haying discarded steam en tirely and installed electricity at Thompsons Machine Shop the boiler house has been coa- verted into a supply department and a neat Office built in front of adding to the appearance of the shop and being handy for customers Their auto repair de partment is very busy Brief lets I The lilacs and lilies of the val ley are scenting the air with per fume floors are beginning to appear in the woods r Moss of the Huron Street Marble Works has placed Tour monuments at Mount Albert this season and on Monday sent three Bradford The warm weather lost week has wonderfully revived trade at Water Works nicy are new flavors of The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for 1916 took place at the Council Chamber on Wednesday morning Presents Mayor Cane Reeve Keith Deputy Pearson and Councillor Appeals of Freeman Pierre and Richardson assessed too high not sustained Lots and 20 Gardens to be changed Pierre to Beatrice and Reginald Pierre Appeal of Andrew ob jecting to being assessed asten- arii dismissed The Beaver Mills assess ment was changed For ester to Oliver and business assessment added Courtadjourned till June at Very Sudden Death Last Sunday a young man named Fred Hall son of Mr Thpmas Hall College St died very suddenly from heart fail ure He was a machine expert and had been employed at Owen Sound Not feeling very well he came borne a coupleof weeks ago and was apparently improving After taking a drink of water ho expired almost immediately He was in his year The re mains were taken to Bond Head on Tuesday for interment Rev Thomas conducting the funeral obsequies We have since learned that de ceased was sick four days in Dur ham before he came home He had been acting as expert for the MasseyHarris Company erecting machines for their Three sisters and one survive his earlydemise besides his sorrowing parents He warm friends and acquaintances who will long his kind and loving dis- employment to Toronto people A school childrens memorial to Nurse Cavell to be meted in Park is now It is suggesied that raised Girl Guides throughput the ionare now responding more freely appeal tie establishment a- recreation centre the Canadian troops In Prance Several Toronto girls are preparing to leave for the French Capital at an dte The Company have purr chased VUeVTaylpr Shop- plant and are how teslalUng slaughtering plant The change make Torontothe centre of the meat trade of the Province A woman was taken into custody on a vagrancy last Saturday but In reality her- offence collect ing for someVsprt fund that is not known Other people and pboketlng the money She was sent to the Jail farm Veterans of 66 Association on Sun day alterhoon last placed flowers on the graves of their comrades who fell at during Fenian raid and were buried In St James Cemetery and Mrs son Ralph of KindersleySasVi- ai visiting Mr Miss Toronto spoke oh Sunday night attheMethodist on behalf of thevV is expected that the annual Sun day School excursion to Bond Lake will place oh Further notice later Miss Murray from the West Is at the home of Murray- Lindsay White the his uncle Watson- J Schomberg spent the ialter part of- last with friends friends who enlisted as a private with the Toronto fall be pleased know he has been given a Lance Corppral commis sion v a the Friends meetings were well on Sunday last In Jfirtrning of Kali paraded and the pas tor a sermon that much appreciated from the text Line name of the Lord we will up our banners Many comments were passed J by members of and by the public Miss rendered an appfppriak solo at the close tin The subject for Wiling was moun 1 and many Wit were ilfawn therefrom The WjlOelfAtlj he need good WW a strong life line steady wye and fccftjiey indomitable 1 and pluck we all necessary adjuncts in and who Wd to climb the Hill of God WJJke Quite a to the helpful- sermon David Coliesoh had his arm so hadly injured the machinery at a factory in street on Saturday that he had to have it amputated at the Hospital A Methodist Minister and his wife Rev and Mrs Pomeroy of Fulton celebrated their diamond wedding last Saturday Sir and Lady MelyinJones gaye a dinner parly on Saturday evening last at the Hunt Club The awards of the Royal Life Sav ing Society in Ihe saving held at the Central last six certificates six bronze certificates one teachers- certificate and one inspectors certificate were won by pupils who lined up for the test On Saturday last Magistrate fined J Brooks of Summerville 10 and costs for reckless driving of an automobile on the of May last when three persons were injured in a collision with a horse and buggy A few days ago a ed by a Quorry was damaged be yond repair by the collapse stone elevator The barge was at the f dot of West Market Street On Sunday last while lightirig his pipe Campbell accldently set fire to the shirt he had on and before the could be he was severely burned about the arm neck and hands and had to be taken to Hospital Another bogus collector to the Patriotic Fund was arrested by the Police this week A AURORA A couple of weeks ago oiir the Townlinc correspondent mi a ted that the Kettleby Items were of so consequence that when not sent were not missed He also slated that If Items wfere hot sent inquiries were madeastowhy Weli we would in i him that one of his very near neighbors has said she wis lied the land she vyould mind own business Kehleby Corresi might fill a whole column every week If- she were to jot down every anyone turned I roudd- or stuck their nose outside the door like he does Society metat the home of Richard Burling on Wednesr this week Mr Charles Stevenson of Aurora spared will shortly be removing from Beekeepers Field Day Next to doing a thing yourself the best way to learn Is to see it done It Is one thing to sit in some conven tion room and bear a man tell how he manages bis bees It Is far better to go with him Into the and have him show you That Is what you will have a chance to do at the of Mr A Weir Temperance vl lie on Saturday Tune at P Sharp A qualified apalry sent by the Ontario Department of will show how to hives for disease and will actually put a colony through the treatment for Other manipulations will then be shown such as finding the queen removing bees from supers operating to prevent etc etc Prominent local asked to take and In the of practical questions apalry dcmonslratlons are be ing held all over Ontario and It will he well worth your while to attend one Ladies are especially Invited and all are advised to take bee veils so they can go right out Into the with comfort of the Board of the Dominion Alli- Toronto conducCcd the Wlett lant Sunday to entire sat- 5 ev CWWren JM observed next Sunday Services am The program will be J and win a short ad- cordial- Book debts mortgages 503750 cash in bank and real estate comprised the estate of of Aurora who died May last One daughter May Huntley of and a daughter-in- law of Aurora each receive lega cies of While the widow receives the residue of the estate The real estate owned by the testator consists of tho equity in a house and lot in Aurora The Aurora Womens Institute held Its annual meeting In Mechanics Hall this afternoon and elected of ficers for the year as follows Mrs Norman VicePresi dent Mrs W S and Mrs William Secretary Mrs Charles Treasurer Mrs During the year just finished the ladies received from sale of waste paper SSJ for serving Masonic ban quets from Trafalgar Day collection for British Bed Cross and small amounts from apron sales etc The ladles of the Institute arc nCar- the completion of another comfort kits The treasurer reported at the meeting receipts amounting to Grave trouble in Alliens is reported following news of tho in vasion of Macedonia by Bul garians Vancouver May early today partly destroyed the plant of New England Fish Company and the AlbertaPacific Grain here is estimated at 8000000 No were lost I We are sorry to bear Mr A a change of air for lh benefit of babys who has been confined to his bed for the last seven weeks witli typhoid fev er lias had a relapse but we hope for a speedy recovery now Mr K Skinner of Port Credit spent the weekend with his brother Mr Skinner Miss Death of Toronto re turning with him The sad nevs reached town Monday evening of the death of Mrs Bell in her year Tho funeral Wednes day to Laurel Cemetery Bolton Miss M Elliott of Keilleby visited her cousin Mrs P Skinner a days last week Mrs Bamsden Is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs M W Bohlnsqn of Keilleby Battalion have opened up a Ug of fie In the South end In leakers Tailor shop Mis and Mrs Skinner pent evening at Bells Lake hear that Mrs Coffey under care Kagcn of Tottenham Dr spent Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs John Deacon Mr and of Toronto spent the Holiday with Mr and Mrs Coffey The Misses Toronto re turned home Saturday after spending a week with Mrs A Mr M Rogers of Toronto spent the in Schornucrg Tlic Union Aid of and Methodist wiifclr was held at the home of Rev and Mrs Scott Friday was largely attended A fine program was given and one of the main features was the presentation of a Life Membership certificate of the Womens Missionary Society to Mrs Scott Mr Scott in her behalf made a very suitable re ply All had a very enjoyable after noon Mr J Welsh of spent Mon day and calling on old acquaintances Miss of Kettleby Was In Town Saturday Mr Jack Archibald and Mr flhaw of spent Monday In Town A very heavy thunderstorm passed over our burg Friday morning at 4 oclock awakening the people from their slumbers bit of damage was done Mr of Lloyd- town was the heaviest looser his hath was to the ground- Oilier places struck were Mrs Job Fevers barn A Sumcrvlllcs barn Palmers cow killed and two other the homestead have occupied so long and where have been suc cessful enough with Gods keep and attention to business and acquire enough this worlds goods tptake ease the rest of their lives and as a resultMr Cook purchased a com fortable house In Aurora which will be ready for occupancy about the middle of June when the time comes for severing friendships that have- been the Correspondent may extend his remarks- Miss Vera of the 5th Line has gone to keep house for her sister Mrs Mcrrll Johnson of the 2nd Line while the latter with her two little daughters makes an extend ed visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Eiwood Collie Dog belonging- to Mr Geo which was taken to Toronto the week of the Auction Sale- has found his way back to Fair- view Farm on the 5lh Line Great preparations are being made for bringing home a bride to a well- known farm on the Town Line The happy event takes place next Wednes day June Full particulars will follow In the Town Line Items In the Mr Dales preached an acceptable sermon to a goodsized congregation on Sunday last The choir Is strengthening up In numbers and acquit themselves creditably The duet Coming Home rendered by Mr Frank Curtis Tenor and Mra Alfred Baker Contralto is worthy of men tion sweetly and feelingly sung Mr and Mrs Andy Watson and family of the Old Survey accompanied by Mr Martin Wray paid a visit one day last week to Mr and Mrs- Clifton Cook of the Line the latter re turning the visit on Sunday last have been asked where Walter spent Sunday last but not knowing where I could not answer Gordon and Harry- Webster of Toronto Kodak Co spent Sun day at their respective homes on the Town Line returning In the evening to the City I- G ll J Store NEWMARKET 1 Ti tf Pieces Only Raw 811k 36 in wide heavy quality 1 3 Cream and White Curtain Nets 30 and In wide 8ale Price Pieces Only Dark and Light Shades Reg 15c v Sale Price Fancy Dress Muslins Reg and 35c Sale Price 11c yd Fancy in Light and Dark Shades Reg 20c yd Sale Price 11c Ladies Tan Lisle Hose Plain and Ribbed Fine Quality Reg To Clear pair Ladles Vests Fine Quality value Sale Price 15c for f I Wrist Watches IrecB struck Have you any Armour on Your Watoh It on your not BUY A OF MAIL THE NEW SHIELD Wow Arrival of a RADIUM DIAL WRIST if a A- clock Sunday morn urged- lo he- the school In to L lh J Hie a I I n I I liiyi hi TOWN LINE ITEMS A An employee In the shoo factory in Aurora made an attempt on the life of another employee by slashing film is SUMMER PRICES EGG COAL STOVE COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL 750 750 750 650 in the throat with a razor LIVE 8TO0K MARKET Seeding for the year la a thing of the punt although Borne later- than bygone years hope we may have bumper crops and a bar- vest Farmers now on the qui vlyei preparing root ground Is the day of the war- J Mr Percy formerly of he now of Toronto visited friends here oh Empire Day Messrs Fred Kogart and Joseph Wilson Bullying arc much In demand this week They are busy ovorhawllng the of Eng land property on the Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent Empire DayatQherry Lane Farm the home or -his- parents Mr and Mrs fc friends neighbors of Mrs George Blaokburoj are glad to sco her restored to her former health and strength Long may she Two of most highly respeoted neighbors In the person of Mr and Jewelers and J Mr8 the Line if per o -v- Top prices on Toronto this wook follows 1000 826 Milkors 1160 Spring Lambs v Hogs off cars JunelBtlOlO Wheal per bush 00 per hush 0 bush 0 Eggs per 000 lb per 28 0 Bran per ton 2600r0 Potatoes per Turkeys per lb 0 Chickens per 1 0 per iiOirrOO HAVE YOUR BIN8 FILLED NOW AND MONEY W H EVES ORDER THE BEST FROM I Phone Order by 22 or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben Man- nlng or Russ Allan IBVIPIS Wheat per 1 00 02 Oats per t per ton J per lb- 0 29- Pucks per lb oft head office TORONTO 11 Paid Up Reserve Fund HAY V J t rnoh f I te5 r Siffi t mm S BBS s ARCHIVES OF G TORONTO 4 Kg

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