TO -vivdc- delay Ik- trail large attack upon struggle the afterwards lis lay dead I in official Is of the brig oast The and of failed to J J magnate lily were- at d of blood from to Street by i the arrest of members of Hie forces who East Africa forming a mans while Boer ti p ending the has porta as inl keen ln- realized that feathered the house to clirnbv birds Too ml to roam and of birds fall ry pels The that- cats why not Plants give etf house I lants rirfi Spring Purchases of Vi Flower Seeds TESTED RELIABLE English Seeds Only at or Our Stock Is now In Fully Assorted TURNIP staled Packages Only Best both In Quality Quantity- Ask any of your have grown them SoVEBSEED In Quality Price Reason- able land No 2 at Close Prices fflia Department Hare a took at our New WNNER ETf Window It speaks for Itself 0fid of Staplo and Fancy China WE V- A Mass Meeting will bo the Jpm- Hall this Friday -v- ening addreseed by prominent representatives of Dominion Alliance Girls or Canada I King and Country need you Dont to come of your You are the coriiihg women of Britisjli Empire I Join the arid help along Batt New market Co lias organized a ball Club and it for games arid civil The boys hope to give good account themselves this summer wishing arrange games wijl with Sergt- Brlefleta The soldiers who have been helping the- farmers have been recalled and the is pre paring to be transferred shortly to Camp Borden Red Cross Gardenf afty6pon Particulars next week- Today the anniversary of the Battle of All the Banks in Town will be owe evenfnga this wee be be Creative prima from Parid8e Lost to followed evening on ojiaComing Seats free Ev erybody welcome Bee 0 of Valuable Town Property The Royal Hotel in Newmarket is to be offered for sale by public auption on daynett atii im Of the most valuable properties on the Main Street favorably situ ated The hotel bed rooms besides the usual compli ment of sitting and tiled Splendid opportunity for Children Day Church next be annual- ChUdrenis Day Service of the Sunday School scholars- year a program of the old lime plan is being given and every Ihln points to afeuccessful day Thfe service will be auditorium at both morning- and iVA P St As usual a large ex pected so come early secure a seat- The hew pastor Rev Rii Kirklaudbpi short ad- at the day donated to missions The following gram I God Save the King Harold Belfry Zi Chiidrebs brriohof agri culture which -pro- is live Stock In both In umbers since the tie and swine Caliada to fome 6itentjbut not in ariythihg equal with the percentage that has been addedtthep a mqsi ec6himicalaninial to keep and breed have decreased pily In the circumstances it is that prices of meat of wool of dairy products are in the ascendanoyi and well they yet is the opinion of all who aye studied th situation their report the Commissioners of Inquiry into the of jrigHersely of affairs this fashion The cost H stock kept in population in- the cattle raising ctmntriesi excepting Au stralia Farmers tell found dairy work some I productions of the fafrn niorerei murieratiyo than raising live those conditions have tended availing the suipply The conditions here desert arc more marked in the States Therebetween and the population increased mm s ftft gffl j Recitation Prayer foe Peace Verric PHOTOGRAPHS OF FATHER AND BOTHER How It would delight your children how ft would please jour friends Us Make Them For You I Photographer Studio Door West of Hew Post Office ERA REGISTER KING Grand Sire Stallion owned by J Oft will travel north during the season See large for excellent PA King Is enrolled ami graded one Home Lodge Imported Clydes dale the properly of Henry Zephyr will visit and other places in Ml Township Mount on Thursday nights Pure Bred Registered No Inspection and Enrolment No- a He was a First Prize winner at Toronto International Exhibi tion Will stand for tor a limited number of the season at Holland View Farm Lot 33 4th of fej tint Bud viit Wl8ft Mount Hubert visit ftowvlilc zephyr Haven- cedar Valley Si K Ajbert Thursday fiSST bred pacing stallion the fei and JM Whitchurch to Bee cards Percheron ffW Property fcons will 11 Whll- jweb Xing and North the season Porch- oufg W Hill visit Keswick iliA during the Acheron Salter Randall wiU nak0 and North and East u W Albert will ffftMW at Mount and Boy Hurt by Auto On Wednesday evening as a stranger was driving a livery au to along Main St one of Mr Sain little boys about years of age was playing on the side of the road He was struck by the fender and knocked over Moore picked him up and car ried him into the store Ah ei- showed that no bones were broken but- his ankle was bruised so that lie could not walk hurt him through the night but I was better yesterday morning and he will probably be around as usual Exercise Little Rainbow Child- Field Comforts Society acknowledges with thanks the receipt of a pair of socks sent The collection of paper rags metal etc was made on Chorus Girls Choir side of the Town yesterday and the East side collections will be made today Other collections will bo later Save papers fill further notice- any town people have boys at the Front whose address have been changed please notify the Secretary of the Society Mrs J Davis percent while the cattle S S Scholars percent In Russia Ar- Exercise Song of tlie Seasons and Brazil there were al if Christian Endeavor The regular meeting of tlc So ciety was well attended on day evening the Missionary Con being In charge A small musical program was given which was enjoyed very much- Next Tuesday evening is the regular Consecration and Busi ness Meeting At 715 the Exec utive will meet and alt conve nors of committees arc asked have written reports to submit for discussion At the regular meeting all act ive members are asked to to their names at the Call by a verse Scripture that has helped them most everyone torn out and make this meeting a bumper Com red Girls Recitation- Childrens Day Audrey Travlss Chorus Choir Patriotic Exercise Nations Characters Quartette A little Girls Announcements Recitation Building ForU Prank Bowser Offering Missions Hymn Congregation Address Rev Klrkland r if V- 20 Chorus Choir 21 Recitation A ThreeFold Need Dorothy Penrose Sole 23 Exercise Ye are the Light of the appeal to Canada 12 Characters m 9 Canadian Pacific Lakes 8ervce Canadian Pacific Steamship sails Owen Sound p each Wednesday for Sic Marie Port Arthur and Fort William Connecting train leaves Toronto p m Full particulars reservations etc from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or Howard District Passenger Agent Toronto J 1- BELGIANS OF CANADA Promoted to General Congratulations to Mr Geo A- Montgomery an Newmarket hoy on promotion to the po sition of General Manager of the Central Railway The fol lowing is copied from the Marie paper Mr George A Montgomery who for some time past has occupied the position of Genera Superin tendent of the Central Railway has been advanced to he responsible office of General Manager of the Algoma Central and Eastern Railway sys tem and is safe to say that the appointment of the directors be very popular among em ployees of the system from end to end of the lines The new Jen- oral Manager Is a man who hah worked his way up through nil the offices of the company and his advancement to position which he now holds Is simply a recognition of real merit Daylight Saving Following the example of number of places in Canada have adopted the Daylight Saving Movement whereby the public have the advantage of an other hour of daylight afler sup per Wherever adopted it greatly appreciated by work ing people While out two years ago we found It working well in fall- yiaytime did not change but people found ft ho inconvenience they got with it Pearson who is always onthe for anything beneficial to the general has- prepared t a ByLaw to In troduce at the meeting of the Town Council net Monday adopt Daylight Saving in Newmarket on Mon day Juno one oclock will become two oclock arid vu wilt require to shove Queens- hour ahead Vm X am Oh tliat I were an artist so that on the spot I might make my fellowcountrymen appreciate a fraction of the beauties of the country through which I have just passed Why am I not a poet capable of singing a hymn of thanks for all the kindness which has been shown to me here Canada salute thee country Of lakes big and little dotted with islands small and great with fancifully indented shores fringed with luxuriant vegetation in the autumn a manycolored and brilliant attire- love thy Vast spaces thy prairies broad as the ocean fields of corn waving as far as the eye can reach like the rolling bil lows of mighty sea T thy St Lawrence majes tic stream chaffing as it in confinement wherein is mar vellously reflected lint of heaven which I have seen on a fine summers day a vast sheet of water shining like an immense blade of steel glittering in rays of the sun I love the incomparable and wild beauty of thy Rocky Moun tains their summit a blaze of light their mighty rocks their pointed peaks their deep ravines their dreamy lakes and roaring torrents pouring their waters of transparent green upon a stony of white bleached purity In vain do the trees try unceas ingly to reach the summit of thy proud pinnacles Their lines so and their outlines so no- bio that the sun and snow alone can enhance their beauty Thou aro glorious even winter land when the snow- hides a cloak of white not as a shroud as a garment guard thy slumber that at their awakening thy flelda thy forest and thy prairies yield more to the millions who depend them their cattle their Urn- and their corn In many the United Kingdom and AustriaHungary there were slight increases but only in France at the same ratio as th population Australia alone was there relatively a greater growth in the number of cattle than of people In Canada the population during the period mentioned per but in cattle only per cent These facts are surely pregnant with significance of the opportun ity that lies before Canada in the breeding of cattle The same state of things exists only in more emphatic as regards sheep and even as regards swine the depletion last year was of such extent produce- a cer tain measure this year prices fell in 10 owing to an overstocked market and the demand for this year for hogs anil all bacon products there has been a marked rise With the foregoing outline of home matters before them it is hard to believe breeders will fail recognize lheVprfflt that will likely accrue from increased pro duction in live stock the present difficulties of shipment overseas the market is buoyant it is surely reasonable- to expect that its activity will be greatly accelerated when nations snail have reached an agreement and decimated flocks and herds have to be re newed and revived VWhen that good time arrives Jpov only the twenty million men under arms but a large part of the general population of Europe will hall with eager anticipation charice to once more enjoy fresh killed beef mutton and pork Breeders loo will hasten to re store their vanished or decimated stocks A dozpn countries will then clamour for cattle sheep and pigs Canada with her channels of supply open with near ness to life sources of will in llio most favored position to avail herself of- the situation to the full and to ob tain a reputation that will last Canada must build up her re serves now Her farmers will find It necessary to exorcise to the limit of industry and Judgment in improving and Increasing their stocks They will need to main tain a steadfast eye upon the best They will have to with the utmost and wisest thrift for which they have always boon noted In mooting these conditions will enjoy the happy satisfaction of know ing that In serving themselves they serving their country They will also be taking advan tage of a golden opportunity WHO i mm i WILL GET THE MASTER KEY Romance They are all after the key thai opens the way to untold r and wealth the solution to the mystery of lost Gold Mine Tho most fasolnatfng serial story ever filmed Rome May Austro-Hun- gariam losses In- the offensive against the Italians which opened on May24th at men figures Include the killed wounded and York May Dr Arthur Warren was this afternoon gullty of the murder of his millionaire fatherinlaw John Peck of Grand Mioiu Queens- clocks hour ahead pro- The Jury were out hour Ions pen bills Itjetiyfaw carries 25 area r A The town of Clinton hns raised the poll tax from one- dollar to three dollars Ottawa May 20 Canadian casualties todate number This killed in ac tion died of wounds 348 died of sickness and wounded 0ne hundred and neutral ships loaded Scandinavian countries for the United Kingdom have been captured by the Germans taken into German port a since October London May the- at tacks orii the firitlsh Isles from sea and air during the war persons have been killed f or wounded number of deaths IS660 Newspapers would bo lees enjoyable and valuable than thoy are If they contained no many road the advertise ments as thoroughly as they road the hews matter This Is Just asJlVflfhouId be Col- conrftruotion of the now- Camp flowing well giving o at tho new and see dainty little Ella Hall and Bob Leonard i The Ma IN- 9 V See their wild chase through United States In the Chinese Torture Chamber the adventures In India Excitement reigns supreme through all the episodes of this great film Ella Hall and Bob Leonard have made a reputation for themselves by this story It Is powerful stirring and full of wonderful scenes Come and bring the children Start this story now and see every youll be sorry If you miss even one Starts on Tuesday May 23rd arid every Tuesday thereafter Admission TenCents THEATRE I THE LION IS LEAPING THE Y0RKS THE BATTALION OF YORK TO BE KNOWN IN HISTORY s i A tfitf Too i IVF aKiJ mm