l7 a on June median did jn- good t Jwm and tried wince and otterthings but tear benefit- Tounjt at the Ts and knew Ifflwi Wend- came to me with bottle of Dr Pierces Favorite I became and ySW J Fort Cojblonge tog women CiDida who are now with robust cannot understand why thousands of other women continue to offer when they can obtain Pierces will and and misery and restore the Young mothers who preserve the of face and figure in spite of an family and the care of growing always to be envied He Prescription gives the strength and health which happy motherhood drpenda It enables the mother infant life depending on her and enjoy the happiness of the A GREAT BOOK WOMAN SHOULD HAVE million copies of the The book that everyone should in case of accident or Send fifty cents or to Dr Pierced Invalids Hotel Buffalo N Y and enclose thia notice aid you will receive by return mail all charges and customs duty prepaid Tamable book BRICK HOUSE FOR In Newmarket West end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath Fur nace elc Terms arranged if Apply Box Aurora Ont 2 Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply lo Newmarket of Drnd of spent Jernians Mr and of SuttdrtlareSsiiirig at his G won gold medal in the competition at Hall- lives north ran Jhebther breaking is to have a in dustry The fcldVtas ally option secured acres of land on hich are located the well Jonas with an authorized capital intend to erect a actpry f at the springs for the of bottling the water The factory is to cost approximately and will be built of brick and concrete The prospectus issued states that preferred shares will be issued at par The officers the company are given Pros barrister onto V es Oh a Hack er Toronto Directors A Slouffville G F Hacker Mitchell Toronto Collard Stouffville Dr McDonald Toronto and JV Malcolm IB v If HOUSE TO RENT ft On Court St Newmarket rooms furnace and bath Apply to Hose Prospect Ave KlNCr j f HOU8ETORENT St Rooms- Town Water Possession at once Rent Ap ply to C SWSCOTT FOR Brick House on Millard Ave late home of the undersigned al so others added to my list lately HUGHES 11 FOR 8ALE The whole stock in general store Newmarket A good opportunity for a man going into business Ap ply to Newmarket TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J HWESLEY When Dr William HBurns a King Township veterinary sur geon made his will in he named is wife Mrs Mary A Burns as principal beneficiary Mrs and and the property Mil now be shared by two adopted children Lydia Baxter and- David both residing at King City The original will reads I di rect that my adopted son David Pinker ton and my adopted daughter Baxter she be ing a true and faithful friend of my wife and myself for over thir ty years through sickness and bereavements shall have the full use and occupation of the house so long as they agree but they shall disagree I direct my execu tor lo sell the house and divide proceeds into three parts giving two parts to my adopted daughter and one part to my adopted son I bequeath unto my son my veterinary medicines instruments and together with one horse harness buggy cart and cutter The house is inventoried at with in miscel laneous assets make up the estate in to 9ifeQpr Clark the Said was time we could not tell the wh yr that the covered aii aCIdt6whioh the kidneys and So the matter stood until Prof Grate discovered that the Glands of tiopsse6reted- only Ifhis api4 be calls Acid but also resin bearing a resemblance resin Indian Hemp from whicn the- dreadful r gress concluded Beer stupid Dr of sjty of Zurich says The drinks Beer has killed the ideals and ethics andbas produced aii The reason for the that each pint of beer contains besides a small glass of pure alcohol fa percdhtagc of principle of Hops which acts much like the principle of Indian Hemp Aibnetime dian Hemp was used cine had given up account of its varying and poi- characteristics of the University of Zurich the first great lion Europe to give up alcohol as a medicipe reported that the Beer drunkards outnumbered the spirits drunkards by to Dr sSys and countries such as France Belgium and Bavaria arc more alcohol soaked than the Whiskey and Brandy countries- and concludes that the Beer danger is much greater than the Spirit danger A entitled Alcohol and the Power of Resistance circulated widely among theer- soldiers says There is Tip justification for calling Beer Li quid Bread A glass of heavy Beer costing Pfennings con tains less than Va piece of cheese costing Pfen ning Almost all excesses and disturbances in the army traced to drink and it is mostly Beer that causes the mischief Beer is not the harmless drink it putting energy into an C to uU proebuabea This five I If the demand for Ford eta should increase in the Ford j 1 building at build a Ford car complete Also they act as a base for as anaddition to the the hundreds of in their part of thecoun- building It try each of whose place of Is a well equipped space to the Fordl Ford service station in giving more rapid and more re than acres to owner The second reason for this of develop ment work is to be found in the attitude of the Ford costing sales and BtatIdnfcEachonebas But such was noMheir attitude They were con- A One of the branch buildings is Ave East It is ing containing 124000 square feet a four story build- And after the construction work was Oyer the whole feet of floor space find community benefitted from the enthusiastic i is supposed to be Arnolt MB WERE OF THE OLD STOCK Dont grumble because your is doing nothing when you are doing nothing in What your organization is doing for you depends on what cause will take immediate steps to contest the result in the courts They will base their protest on the fact that thoballols were not numbered and that wholesale FOR 8ALE Brampton Merry Prince Sire Violas- Bright Prince Dam Brampton Merry Record of Performance Test His milk fat Also Pure Bred Pigs Brick House Lot on Ave opposite Pickering garden with large and small fruit and good stable Also aa house in Ketr- Apply to R vTecumSeh St Newmarket i SHEEP TO JERSEY BREEDERS- The following poem written by Mr David Creighton Re at the of the Boer War is reprinted because of its applicability nation J y Mrs Presi dent of Iho Womens Political you are doing for it You will frauds were perpetrated as a of anything as much as you put in ho more and no less a to turn a town upsidedown clean it upland make a peaceful right eousabode The men with- the t ji power of the ballot and the ported to her she has obtained lic of office that in concrete facts add instances she air these years But dont think they are not doing this that they are doing OF ALL KINDS dent of Womens Political MBER Union made -unqualified- charges fc of elcctionfrauds From the I at the polls who re- BARBARA HECK and mutton arc dear ah the world over Scotch mutton is now selling on the market at to c per lb and English at 21 to per lb Both Australian ami New Zealand froz en lamb on the same market arc selling at Yearling lambs in Canada have reached the record price of per cwt while in the United States they have been fetching as high as By way of comparison these prices considerably exceed the advance jr values for other live stock hut no appreciable reduction need be expected except through a rapid general expansion In production The wool situation rictus little comment While it is probably i Everything for sale and vis- that the mills in Canada have always welcome I at the present moment sufficient DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring 23 Newmarket GRAND TRUNK r r Are You Going West j Trie Grand Trunk Railway System will run f m TUE8DAY to October diet inclusive Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale EDMONTON A Return Proportionate low rate to 6 Phone brouohtonv Phone i UpTownAf eat allied steamers were reported during the weekend as stocks of Canadian grown wool tq meet their requirements for the current months such is only a temporary condition and is not Similarly the fact as regards their requirements for wools not grown in Canada The position of Die world wool market is very firm indeed To quote from the report of the wool sales held in London on the of April Competition was thoroughly strong and well distributed The demand for cross has been lively There is no indication from any quarter that the mar ket for wool will bo overstocked or that prices will recede The contrary rather is tbe case Russia and Trance are purchas ing heavily in Great Britain while United States and Canada are not easily able to obtain their re- arc in a very strong po sition as regards the sale of their wool this yean The maintenance present prices have only one result Already renewed interest Is being evidenced by farmers who have not for years Rani sales were particularly good last fall More are being bred in many of the provinces believe that this year will ahow a further extension Of the a fact no animal be made more profitable at iho present time to Its owner The of sheep for the of wool alone may become an economic with grade lambs Were of the old stock and when ever the growJ Of the Lion is from equa tor to pole Theres throbbing of hearts and a mustrihg of men As with cheers our hosts rally froincity and glen stirring and inarching from inland lo shore Theres bugle and drumbeat the wide world oer While the nations look on at the sight As the cubs of the are rous- fing for Then heres to the Empire thats wide as the world And heros to the banner for freedom unfurled Wheneer waved then our hearts arc on fire For the old Lions cubs true sons of their sire From Australia they come in re- spouse to the call New Zealand and From Indias strand now Iho homo of tbe free And the stirrings are felt in tbe isles- of While Canadas sons as men of the North Hurrah as Iho sound of tbe growl colls them forth From each quarter and clime from shore unto shore The young cubs reecho the old Lions roar From this sight theres a lesson the nations may learn- Not in menace wo give con- flrm- Perhaps you are thinking of a a copy of dropping out of union -be- enchanting story of cause you can J see what they are We but through ill- doing you know You of work months havent been to tbe meetings before had time lo read it Why dont you stay in get to my heart was set on fire i P08T8 ETC -ALSO- i i 8A8H MOULDINGS AND TRIM work and make it amount to Bummer holidays 1 learned that From W T hearts had been as deeply Park Region Echo- red as my own and that they had the same feeling surprise that almost a century had l0 P without any Something the matter recognition of the witli the people who are life and saintly of the the alcoholic press bureaus of whom Me liodlals a land light to honor it was left for Dr tffBWft forth gs ness fact that Canadian Inside Trim Is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After It Is Put Up THE WM CANE LTI NEWMARKET SOUTH END under prohibition than un- W W fi ft ftml dor in Kan mMed te Wl license parucuiaiiy W I Victoria University seems moat abler No mora fitting tribute can bo paid to the mother of statistics to prove Methodism nor even to that crime pauperism insanity beloved than grand op- rascality drunkonnoss dopravity such a college will afford sorcery and every other evil are bright and gifted girls of rampant in those all that the has a right to slates whore prohibition pro- expect all that the needs of vails and where the people drink sincursed world demand more red liquor than over CAMILLA- SANDERSON if all that those people say bo would appear to for more than one l were leads to increased crime and pau- bewailing- her FLOUR AND FEED STORE That the Empire thatsworld not a name the centre all aflame For Iho old Lion haabut ut growl And the cubs arc set stirrjng from centre to pole Were of the old stook and the breed As well prove to the world when there is heed Your U Is Just what you make- If the are wideawake and up and do ing can make It the most popular if they are pokey and discouraged make most linpop- With grade lambs organization selling on the open market for away from the more pure brought etc when It to These literary groundhogs ap- of out- pear to crawl out of the hole Mq Qt go In at Now Republic she said rather ruefully then I can do Is HUSBANDS VOTE NO- to count for one I cant do any- YES thing The woman who was HAD -natejig- angered of her wisdom women suffrago amend- Nobody ever for one you to the Stale Constitution of Now Jersey Which was submit ted to the electors and defeated by a majority approximately of will have chance in the courts The woman suffragists who were confident of victory the averao vote to the men who told tho women wore going to oast their ballots for suffrage voted the other way when theygpt into alone- by thmf selves and to that the politicians of both arid Republican parlies did not wahi to have the women put their Angers in lhe political pie Therefore they instructed their lieutenants vote No and the orders out Anoth er element that entered- the the opposition was the Of count for everybody you can influence One Is a force and centre of power In proportion to Iho number of people he can influence Count for one Indeed I I happened to know that counted for people JUST RECEIVED LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEED EARLY BRITONS A VARIETY OF 8EED CORN Also Hod Clover White Blossom AlsIKo and Timothy Seed all Government Standard Royal Household Flour Made from Old Wheat Pastry Flours Moss and K BRAN SHORTS AND ALU KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Prompt Delivery ALL KINDS OF AND TEAM WORK ATTENDED Ifj All we soo today is that the co to arm that oho of the greatest n6t quite finished preparing fori Its great effort by J none of the combatants is on surface at least anywhere exhaustion and that are firmly all quarters We see furthermore that none of the baa the with fob it entered the war All of themrwith the possible exception of Russia believe that It Is a case of -r- Its rivals orsuhmitting to which will in the end and the The dopriYetljem of their as liquor interests lined up solidly When Hie war will j with fearing what ai at the Hewmai r TORONTO V am mm Mr fctit