a bis a to neglect if you have slrain when work ftrt Your Eyes I t CWatson w HI v v- I i i No paper put of unless paid in advance Editor and T NT Jawelrjr A v i S lOO can l- Poiib to a AeStereTradt Gomey Foundry Co limited in in in the oat old of Up now you wanted to boy a good quality yon to dealer and paid him bis price And Included with that price you paid a part the dealer losses on other store customers Interest oh accounts etc etc OH you bought a cheaply made lightweight showy- looking store at what seemed to be a cheap price a mail order catalogue and did not tret NOW the great house has stopped all that They quote new low prices absolutely fixed by the faefcorr and look to their enormous turnover to make up for the cut in profits yon can get a Quality stove at a mail order price and you can see before you buy -rv- SENIOR Sfeel Range ft V never ranges made strong Six nine inch covers divided fle conitruo perfect baking Special fire box and modern excluiive design grates Splendid Now Value like are prominent all through the big line Ranges tare Stores Heaters Boilers etc Yea ire bound to get and full worth here Coma in and see us HARDWARE NEWMARKET re heard ot c new an SOUTH END LUMBER YARD M ro Bin is Nearly Empty Order at Once a Ton of Coal BEST MINKU AMERICA P W PEARSON from Carters Bishop John Murphy Office Phone a and INCORPORATE BANK Capital Reserve Fund TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts When remitting money in large or amounts do bo by means of the Drafts and Monfiv the Back of Toronto It to and axe a to both sender and recipient Branches in Ontario Quebec and West BRANCH LISTER Manager BANK it board or a tilt l00O 2 the total net distribution of the Daily Globe for the of April was or greater than of any other morning paper iri Canada claims its net paid circulation outside rpnto is that df the two morning papers combined and onethird greater than that of Its nearest evening is announced that Mrs won the contest for a design for tbe seal International Federation of Alumnae the contest was open to all Canada To see the procession of women with little children flinging to them as they climb the Gjty Hall of soldiers hunting for payment of money due them account of husbands off over seas the scene is intolerable ana steps are now being taken to re lieve the distressed P P for Manitoulin sailed from New York this week for England for business He will visit France before returning to Canada Citizens are urging School Trustee Boards to allow school buildings to be used evenings or Saturdays for local organizations thus saving cost of renlingpri- vale halls According to a rniiitary order recently issued if a man discharged on pension eniisted he sacriflced his pension is stated the City may take proceedings against the Street Railway Company for alleged overcrowding of cars wearing stolen rer buttons will be prosecuted by the military authorities Ernest Mills years old was killed in a motor- accident on Thursday the fifth fatility of last week Sir John tire of Ontario and Lady left for Niagara to spend the summer Miss will be the guest of their Royal High nesses the Duke and Duchess of at Government House Ottawa for a week The formal opening of the Royal Canadian Holcl at Hamilton took place on Monday under- the auspices of John Gibson and of the city were present on the occasion The City has donated to the Fund and the school children of Ontario may be asked to contribute one cent each to the tame fund present proposal is to erect a monument to the memory of deceased in versityAve Twenty Toronto men have ap plied to the Aeroplane Co for instruction in flying The land course has already com menced at Long Branch Sir Osier has over one hundred different varieties lips in bloom in his gardens Ho extended an Invitation to the City Horticultural Society to visit his gardens Carl In a printing of fice while using a papercutting machine had one hand cut off his arm badly laceralod a few days ago A lad seven years old one day last week fell off a pile of lum ber at the foot of Logan Ave into the waterand was drowned Press Association Meeting last week a success Four brigades of men in khaki celebrated the Kings Birthday by a march to It was a gala day Tlin City is giving the Toronto Suburban Railway six to I complete its track I not done within the time specified the city will lake of the and assume control over that section of the railway Toronto Council has placed it self on record as favoring the Daylight Saving proposition for this Dominion The City Council decided in fa vor of memorializing Pro vincial regarding the creation of a Department of Mu nicipalities for Ontario This- may mean salaried Cabinet Minister for tife Applegalh of Islington his been Invited to become assistant pastor of Eaton Memorial Church disregarding the directions of a traffic policeman in her rooble Mrs Crawford Brown wife of Rev Crawford Brown Chap lain of the Highlanders was fin ed and coals in trio Police Court James appeared before Mag istrate charged with log his wife and his motherinlaw Annie Thomas After a long of the ease the wife granted an order of and of the husband was Suspended await Ins report of future behavior well as the small cruiser- 18 STILL MISTRESS OF THE SEA a naval engagement f ought of weather on Wednesday afternoon of last week the British fleet buffered British vessels destroyed includ ed the following Three battle cruisers Queen Mary- Indefatig able and Invincible fine ships of the latest fighting design two armored cruisers- old type Defense- and Prince sister ships of the Hague Aboukir and sunk by German sub marine early in the war and eight torpedoboat destroyeravi The atmorcd cruiser Warrior was dis abled and had 16 be abandoned by her brew The German losses British admiralty claims were also serious It is claimed that one German dreadnought battle ship of the Kaiser class was blown up in an attack by British destroyers that another dread nought battleship of the Kaisei class is believed sunk by gunfire of three battle cruisers two to be the and the one was blown up anotherwas seen to be dis abled and p thirdwas Seriously disabled one German light cruis er was sunk and six German de stroyers shared the same fate light German cruisers were disabled A German sub marine was sunk Three other German battle ships were repeat- edly hit The Germans admit the destruction of secondclass battleship the scout cruiser Wiesbaden and some de- reported missing as The British lost 14 vessels in all- and they aim that lost at least and proba bly most serious es on the British part are the three battle cruisers Against may he not the serious s- proA two dreadnoughts and and probably two battle cruisers The Germans recently claimed that the main British fleet was twice as strong as their own in capital so one ship is worth to Germany as much as two capital ships to Britain Ger many and Britain ship for ship and- in the end Britain will have avfleet left nearly as strong 0s tbe one the war for in first year af ter the war began she added to her fleet- The loss of the Queen Mary In defatigable and Invincible is a seriojjs but it djes hot de prive Britain of the command of The loss Of life is appaling England loses over 5000 sailors and Germanys loss is about men The Berlin report says that their fleet came into contact with the British while entering upon an enterprise directed to the north ward The Germans evidently had planned a decent upon the British coast but it was not car ried out The High Seas fleet was glad to scuttle back to its hole in the Keil Canal and they received such damage that itmay not be heard of again a fc A commercial traveller called upon a grocer at Gateshead the other day and at the time a poor old woman entered solicit ing alms The grocer wishing to play a joke on the traveller told the woman to askthe master at the same time pointing to the commercial traveller The traveller was thunder struck for a moment but regain ing selfpossession said turning to the grocer who was a very small man Boy give this poor woman sixpence out of the till The grocer paid IS LET IN THE LIGHT If your kitchen Is not clean and up to date it Is difficulty that you prepare in it wholesome food So plan always to Improve the sanitary condition of the kitchen If you have a little money to spent on house Im provement spend of It at least the begin with there should be plenty of light In the kit chen Light destroys many germs moreover It revealH dirt And to the careful houMckceper dirt if It Is seen is soon conquered So Ifyour kitchen Is dark perhaps you can spare enough money for an extra window cut In the kitchen wall Air also on to the sanitary kitchen can be obtained lythc means- as light Bo sure to have the kitchen window open at tie top most of Hie time when cook ing Is going on as tills keeps the air fresh APPEARANCES there once a woman who round thrown on tier re sources Fortunately the resources were there She sold all that had life and de corative and tooS the proceeds to buy useful tbitigs that In turn she might sell these and earn a live hood therewith Out of the wreck she kept but one expensive beautiful and which her husband had glen her in the days before bis life and fortune bad terminated The woman had a little baby to suvort and the only feeaM pur Mailable was to to up the wilds tte north and introduce a of Mat goods to the shopkeepers there The fur coat she felt her from colds and pneumonia which might endanger her own He and so her means of support life lilies she was sure that the arming appearance that coat her to mm however Sly was clad Underneath be an asset to her to Md she came a large store which her em ployer told her w good for a thou Ran dollar and a ten cent commission to her She went fn to see the proprietor and could not decide whether he admired her heaters and shawls iJgg whether the admiration was at lor her beautiful fur coat after he had exajrunhd her goods thoroughly he told her to re turn the next- day when he would have his choice between he line and that of a competitor The oUn had no doubt the line was inferior in quality and in price next day she returned confi dent or Said the the iff X other poor A the order He needed it bo worse thai I tha oiler like mine couldnt mean much a woman who had a back to her cold hotel and lun acrWher bed Bobbing of whether coat S Domostio quarrels arc the got order- gut couponn clipped from basement- iMany an embalmed thought has burled hi the basket Niagara Camp June a oi the storm which swept this sec tion this afternoon one soldier of theiuGth Toronto is dead ftnd forty- Ave others are more or less seriously un der Jesse Wright who 980ftped injury was ft route march along thousand other troops the storm sud denly broke and- of lightning in midst of a of the With Ewan has been killed He was In command of the Brigade 1st Canadian Contingent and formerly lived Toronto Be a widow and Ave whp have been land for about a year and at the present time at oh A got through Into the British lines in some way and Maudougull killed him then stripped him and buried the and dressed up in his clolheB acting as a spy for four days before he was caught recognized Ma jor MacdougaUs clothing The German was arrested and showed where he had buried the body Major Macpougall was born years ago at military station in India His father was a colonel and later a general in the British army Major was a nephew of Lady Roberts widow of Lord Roberts He had the honor of command ing the first artillery unit to leave Toronto for the front He was a very efficient and held completely the confidence of his men and officers Several times his battery which took part in the battles of and Loos was specially mentioned by the official eyewitness on account of its splendid effectiveness Major was held iri esteem by all the officers of the Toronto Garrison He was a very keen soldier He joined the in and tobe commanding officer The battery to go on active service under his command was also numbered the 9th Battery The recruits for it wcrefrdrn the 9th Battery A Major Mac served in the South Afri can war He was in Gen Frenchs cavalry- at- the relief of Kimberley He joined the Kimberly Light Horse as a trooper and at the end of the South African war had risen to rank of major also ad jutant of his regiment Before enlisting in Toronto for overseas service Major Mac was a draughtsman in the city hall Before that ho was in the of Darling and Pearson and on the staff of the Ontario Department of Public works His elder brother was the first British artillery officer to fall In the South African war j From Era- June Postmaster Roe advertises letters lying for In New market Post Office the United plates has issued a proclamation against those who threaten Canada With a military or hostile raid Canada is preparing to make it hot for Fenians Kettleby Division of hold their annual teaparty in a adjoining that village one week from tomorrow Sharon Silver Band has been engaged for the occasion Sharon excursioh from Belle Roachs to Orillia and return takes place tomorrow Excursionists from Newmarket can obtain railway tickets to Belle at fares Capt of Aurora now with the volunteers at Clifton sends word to the Era that all is serene at that point up to ent Roberts President of the Fenian Brotherhood has issued a proclamation telling his followers everything looks prosperous for them Sharon June Feast of the Child- ren of Peace took place last Sat- I and was well attended Mr John D Wilson son of the found er of the sect conducted the ser- vices Capt T Ferguson of the Co of volunteers passed throughNewmarket on Tuesday While the train waited at the depot he rifle knapsack and gathered while at Fort Erie after the rebels had been soattered J FromEra June V JUST BE 8ATI8FIED When the runnin over An ground is awfi wet An keeps on Then a fellers apt to fret But he belter go Thens the time the fishes bite An the angle worms a On the hooks a pretty sight For the rain so gently Makes em grow so fat and sweet That the fishes fight to get cm Never see the hook sj neat So you fellers quit yer At the weather mans mistako Get pail of worms an fish- pole An meander to lake A QUESTION A party of were visiting the college It was In the late fall and air was crisp and cold One of the members of the parly a charm ing young woman was escorted through the grounds a learned hut absentminded professor Suddenly two of tho track team ac counted for their sport passed Its dreadfully cold remarked young woman with dainty shiver as she gazed after he runners to be without Blockings The professors mind deep In con templation of- the dimension was attracted sound of the girls voice he asked leave them sold her Ml coat for half a lot hut It me lot she as cream- people who ate used to diet may be I v June ins Parks died at the hospital this afternoon having a of for He was at ftweJU known Conservative orator If we didnt need a soakin Then wo wouldnt get the showers Even if its bad for Its Just right for grass an flow ers Talnt no to kick and sputter You cant change thing a mito Make best of cloudy weather An be glad the fishes You get all what youre Of good things handed out If think your is smallest Yo dont know what about For world is full of That youro passin by each day If youro blind so yp cant see em Put your specks on right away iClara Hall Wilson I asked eight doilafiand a half for one line black Polled Angus which price was not too high I hoofed it west I hoofed east endeavoring to sell the beast but no one wished to buy Day after day toiled along and bored men with same old song I have a oalf for sale I ask eight bones and fifty cents unequalled critter gents who will dig up the kale- Then said a friend Oh rest your feet out the street and howling by the year fifty cents advertise your pocket she and buyers I fol lowed up that same advice put my on Ice and when the ad ten cus tomers came to my gate one bought the and paid the freight the cithers and reared And thus by printinglit tle ads In the scads and thai corns noise than flttyseven busy The Tomb At Holland on the 3rd Mary Ann Boyd aged years An advertisement in todays Era announces hat Mr election expenses who unsuccessfully opposed Mr at the recent were Mr A Skinner of had misfortune to lose one of his best horses Rev J Gardner is visiting old friends Keswick this week He occupied Methodist pulpit here last Sunday Mr Morton Keswick is away on to Rainy River Last Friday Mr a for Messrs Barber Ellis look a run through Novelty Miss Maria returned to town lost week after an absence of five months which have been spent with her brother at Inter national Bridge Mr J W formerly of White Rose Whitchurch has tak en up his residence in Newmarket Major Lloyd went to the city in his regimentals on Tuesday to assist In connection with the cel ebration of Battle of Sheriff and Mr Geo wero in Town from Toronto on Monday Mrs Wm is now located at her coltago at Roachs Point Mrs McMurchio of mother of Mrs David Lloyd Is making her a visit Mrs A Terry who has been- quite ill Is slowly improving Miss of and Miss- of Newton Robinson vis ited at Methodist Parsonage over Sunday last J j T OPPORTUNITY Opportunity a big wo biggest In the basest mind- metals into gold or leaves thorn baser than before fountain from which flow love fame and fortune It leaves its footprints in the country and in the It penetrates the wilderness desert and frozen North Sea It waits for rip man yet un bidden it knocks sometime at the gateway of every heart and turns away when people refuse toletitin v It is the guardian angel of fate I and who faithfully follow it roach goal of life even the halls of oil of state and the high places of slate and tne high- places of do not follow the of Hie and die hope love and adntlrattoh who follow It attain to that In the bright lexicon there ho other word 9V ARCHIVES OF vj fr i J i TORONTO