vwsfl hi IS LOCAL NEWS Home Guards being loo yet for W Grounds last drill on the tair will lrj it irtin on effort lobe P Lodge I T iU hold it Filing on Wednesday 1M at June I 0 reg- cven- sharp and be are requested to 11 me smokeless Let us lame more- Hardware riPt Boy Wounded he casualties reported evening is the name of Monday Ceci T will lake place on Tuesday thai at oclock at the of Mrs Joseph Good aU tendance requested Firemans Mr Fred Doyle Chief of the Fire Department has -bailed- a general practice for all the fire men at the Fire Monday evening next commencing at sharp Let there be a full roll call I iV A Estate Robert of Newmarket at his death had estate which by Ihewill goes wrio income during arid thereafter it will revert- to his son Frederick E Murray Another son James is left Auto Owners Will have little engine trouble- if our High Grads Gas Engine Oil is used gal lot for Burglary On Thursday night of last week some person gained an entrance in the Billiard Parlor of Mr Chester Brown and stole about worth of tobacco and cigars So- far no clue has been discover ed of the guilty party He Has Tim Beat Finest Barn In theDomlnlon Best flerd of i There are many things about Newmarket viciriUythat we Christian Church have great be of Sunday morning Rev- Our publicuadings schools and Lee Kirklarid the new AGENTS FOR Pastor will take for subject The Fathomless Providence of God or in other words All Things Working Together for Good At this service we will have the men of the with us At night Mr will Reliving the Life of the Saviour Com Newmarket formerly Be was serving his the infantry The re- stales that he is poll Meeting for Worship on Service ttrt address on The Quak- are and what welcome Come and Quakerism stands for Church He League on Monday evening charge of the Christian Flavor Miss look charge evening and Miss an interesting paper on Mrs Mason rendered a lovely solo An interesting pro am being arranged for next today evening Miss Marjone attended Branch Meeting of the Mis- rion Circle in Toronto last week for the Balance Of the summer season arrange ments have been made in the Dressmaking Dept at W Hunters Store for those ladies who wish to do their own dress es Ladies will provide materi als and choose designs Careful instructions will be given each person Class open Monday the of June Furlher particulars on application Alarm About on Tuesday morn ing an alarm of fire rung in at the Water Works from Box No 5 which was immediately re sponded to by Engineer Not seeing any sign of smoke in the vicinity the Engineer tele phoned to the Town Clerk but before he got an answer the ring came for Fire out Such alarms arc provoking and punishable by heavy fine Cut it Prohibition Meeting There was a small attendance at the Prohibition Meeting an nounced in the Town Hall on Fri day evening of last week There were two or three reasons for this the weather was unfavor able and the meeting was poorly advertised In addition to this there is a feeling that Newmarket provided for its own needs during the Local Option Campaigns and is already prepared for Prohibi tion Addresses were delivered at the meeting by Hon Thos Crawford P P Rev H Spence and Mr Joseph Oliver all of Toronto DeputyReeve Pearson occupied the chair i Investment AH fresh and sweet ie i at eatables Prices Hardware Qood Roads are Coming The York County Good Roads Commission visited this section on Monday and formally took over the care of Main Street in the Good Roads plan for North York The roads in which North York is interested are as follows Yonge St From Bond Lake to Bradford Bridge including the purchase of the Bradford toll road Sutton Road Commencing on Street at Lot Con 1 Whitchurch thence easterly along Eagle Street through Newmarket on Main Street and Huron Street to Yonge Street north of Lot 95 Con and to Con 3 East thence northerly on Con which brought in over 3 to Lot Con 3 North following work was ship- thence easterly to Con to the Head Office in Toron- Red Cross Items A very successful Knitting Tea was held in the Room on Tuesday afternoon the proceeds being In addi tion to this a Talent Sale was held Ankle rained While moving some buildings Hie Shaw farm on Tuesday lie Contractor Mr Wilds of got his ankle sprained very badly A piece of limber he standing on turned over and lost his balance He jumped to save leg being crushed but in alighting twisted his fool This the lliijd accident on the firm this week The evening a Mr Shaw was going from the house to the barn in tie dark he ran against an fitment and hurt his breast and that same day one of the nearly broke his arm this Pairs Socks Handkerchiefs Night Shirts Large Pads Compresses Head Bandages Wash Cloths Quilt Reception Last Monday evening arecep- and welcome was tendered Lee Kirkland of the Christian Church i number of members M friends Speeches were made F A Young Regret was that A P Addi son and out Refreshments were and a- heartily enjoyable spent by all best wishes to Dr lot as pastor of at and io Mrs as CUM helper gathering about oclock all ured hat the work and Of he Church w again he taken up and carried on Sunday will he the on of Dr Kirklaiids first am and to a hearty welcome extended for all a OBJ Vacuum Cleaner Rent I i in Church efforts of ViWlien tin- those under- en Day were success last Bun- special service School scholars ndered in the church 5i and of the varied p were well received and fine comments expressed of all Methodist Pastors Who Change- The Stationing Committee of the Toronto Conference made the following changes in their first draft Rev to Thornhill Rev John Locke St Toronto Rev W Robinson to Daven port Rev Partridge to Isling- ton Rev Payne to Lemonville Rev J W to Sutton West T Douglass to Brad ford Rev A to Rev A Bedford to Friends the popular service on Sun day last the pastor commenced a scries of addresses on The Quak ers Who They Are ami What They Believe He dealt first with the origin of the name Friends and from thai proceed ed to show where the word Quak er came from This in turn was connected with Geo Fox the founder of the Society and the speaker gave a very fine com mentary upon the state of the country arid people that gave rise to such a Society A capital sketch of the life of Geo Fox followed and of his herculean ef forts up and down the country His imprisonments his won drous preaching powers his un tiring zeal and energy his great labors on the American Continent his return home and finally his death were all reviewed by the speaker In a very pleasing man ner The whole address formed a fine Introduction to what we are sure will he a splendid series on the subject of The Quakers and was listened to with very marked attention North thence northerly on Con to Lot Con thence easterly on the side- road to Con thence northerly on Con to Baseline easterly on the Baseline through Sutton and on Con to the Brock Townline with an extension to Jacksons Point in Sutton 31 Vi miles Mount Albert Road Com- meucing at the Sutton Road Lot 10 Con East thence easterly along the to Centre Street Ml Albert and thence by King Street to Main Street Mount Albert miles Weston Road Commencing on Con at the Vaughan thence northerly along Con through to the Town- line of the County of Simcoe miles Road Commencing at Yonge St Aurora thence westerly on Wellington Street to Con 3 King thence northerly to Lot Con thence westerly to Con thence northerly to given road called the Lloydlown Road to the Weston Road miles King Road Commencing at Lot Con- King thence westerly along the Concession Road Con King Willi a branch to King Station and the Vaughan Townline along Con A King miles Kennedy Road Commencing at Street thence easterly along Wellington Street East to Con Whitchurch miles Pine Orchard Road Com mencing at Main Street New market thence east on Street to Con Whitchurch thence southerly to Lot Con thence easterly to Con Whitchurch miles Work will commence at once in the vicinity of Bond Lake aild continue northward for a- Tew miles Another stretch will be improved on the base line run ning west of Sutton Between and be spent n the roads of York County this year and the amount would have been greater but for the outside expenses of war times Much cicdlt Is due to Reeve Keith of Newmarket for the proposed Im provement of roads in North York monuments to public enterprise owned waterworks and electric Tight plants are the envy many oth er corporations Nexl to this corses private- ex4 terprise and in this our three largest industries ail oyer the wof On here to more than a Quarter Of a cen tury ago Sir Wm invest ed in farm property and soon gave the farmers such an object lesson in buildings and stock- raising it became known as the North York Model Farm Now along comes a new claim ant for distinction in private en terprise Just one year ago Mr Shaw bought the old Isaac P homestead al most opposite Sir Wm Mulooks farm and has transformed it al most recognition The old farm house has been replaced with a beautiful modern mansion with every city convenience the barn has been razed and in its place stands we are told the fin est barn in the Dominion of Can ada Not only in this respect Is Mr Shaw foremost in his class but last Monday there arrived from Quebec a largo head of pure bred cattle representing the big gest deal ever put through by one man involving ah expenditure of over On the invitation of- Mr Shaw the editor had the pleasure of the premises last- Tues day The farm is most delight fully situated commanding a rapturous view of the entire Town of Newmarket A row of beau tiful large maples line the front of the farm as well as both sides of the approach to the residence and at the entrance gate a two- storey Lodge is under construc tion The barn is in the form of an and ft the two glazcdf tile silos each ft in diameter and feet high iiifrthe buildings a picturesque appearance The barn ia con structed on cement foundation with dressed lumber battened and painted The ground floor is of cement with cork brick under the stalls The ceilings arc covered with tongue and groove lumber and neatly painted The ventila tion is excellent All the stall fit tings are of iron tubing with patent feedboxes raised arid low ered by lovers All the latest devices in car riers and switches are installed Water is supplied by pipes from a and pressure tank operated automatically by elec tric motor Electric current is obtain from the Newmarket system and there are about 10Q lights installed in the barn When the lights are on in the cat tle Stable it has I he brilliancy of entertainment hall It is the cattle that is Mr Shaws strong point lie had on the farm and these were augmented last Monday by the entire herd of from the famous Farm Vandreuilj Quebec He was also very fortunate in securing with them manager for the past three years Mr Gordon Mail- hard who is recognized as one of the best herdsmen in Canada He is the first man in Canada to a record of butler from one cow in days Among the animals is a cow valued at 3000 which Is the heaviest milk Id the world She has a record of 20- lbs in one year as a year- v T 1 i m foil Curtain Draperies Iri Damasks I We are now carrying the Best Stock of House- Furnishings In the trade Large Variety of at old Prices mm irU saw I 8x4 and wide and 4 yds wide Endless variety Madras Muslins Art K3e mm Damasks Art Drills and Cretonnes i- J CUfttAIN P0LE8 AND BRASS EXTEN8ION ROD8 sra fcT Most Lines In this Department we are selling at old Hoes I are below new prices W A AT CUT RATE PRICE8 No an for Trimmii I FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Irl r s and Mr Shaw expects to occupy part of it next week When completed and furnish ed the cost will not be much less than The entrance and stairway are imposing finished in white enamel The dining- room is finished in black walnut and living room office arid bil liard room in oak second fl in birch mahogany and third floor in Georgia pine There are four bath rooms hot water system Vacuum Cleaner install ed in basement with electric mo tor Hardwood floors on two flats Every modern convenience and commendable layout Newmarket citizens will extend a hearty welcome to Mr and Mrs Shaw and family in their midst Lads NEWMARKET Pari The whole was of w 4h nature The decorations while the birds in their music from congregations capacity services w Resent and ttlng remarks at fii his ah All are cordially welcome are way for Conference of Church lobe held to are is AMe this Con we warmly at months On Thursday June 1st a dep uty inspector of the post office department was in town and had the office here transferred lo Mr Wood who took charge on that date Since 187 Mr held the under Liberal anil Conservative admin istration and it was owing lo his death that a new postmaster was appointed Mr Wood has re tained the services of Miss and the is to remain in the same building That Mr Wood is a popular man in the community is evidenced in the fact that for eighteen consecutive years lie a member of the West six teen as reeve and in all those years had only one election In he was warden of coun ty when his colleagues present ed him with a valuable gold watch Witness Pieces Only Raw Silk 38 In wide heavy quality 47c 3 Pieces Only Cream and White Curtain Nets 38 and In wide Sale Price 3 Pieces Only Dark and Light Shades Ron- Price Fancy Dress Muslins Reg and Sale Price 11c yd Fancy Crepes In Light and Dark Shades Reg 20c yd Sale Price 11c Ladles Tan Lisle Hose Plain and Ribbed Fine Quality Reg 35c To Clear 22c pair Ladies Vests Fine Quality 20c value sale Price for ret 9a SSl- 5 SUMMER PRICES A ling Another cow has a record Of lbs a day for three months The cows are milked three times a day with the aid of the Milker a very superior machine following are few of the official records Johanna 7day butter record lbs Rest days lbs of above butler record lbs in Mildred Peter but ter in 7 days at years old 3045 second highest in Canada Most of the full aged cows have butter records from to lbs each in days Several of the young calves are by a son of the Worlds Cow May Echo Sylvia whose best days milk was 162 lbs There are ten cows in Mr Shaws herd are Gov ernment yoarly record The feed arid milk are Individual ly every day In IJje horse stable there are six box stalls arid four standing stalls all fitted with standard equipment There Is no such thing as a barn yard about the place The manure Is conveyed to a separate concrete building with open sides whloh Is emptied periodically The barn Is all and the liquids run lo a separate ce ment tank The barn stands 45 feet from the ground to the top and Us construction Is dif ferent from most buildings there being a swing for the hay carriers Of about 30 feet The Dairy Oarage and Imple ment Building yet to be con structed though the foundation is ready In reply to the message sent by Sir John of King George on be half of the- Province congratulat ing him on his Birthday the fol lowing reply was cabled from His Majesty I heartily thank you and the people of the Province Ontario for the message of con gratulation and good wishes on my birthday LIVE 8TOOK MARKET Top prices on Toronto market this week were as follows Choice steers Butchers Blockers Milkers Calves Sheep of Feeders Spring 1200 off cars 1116 EGG COAL COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL 750 750 750 650 Ati Newmarket Markets HAVE YOUR BINS FILLED WOW AND 8AVE MONEY ORDER THE BEST FROM Order by Phone 22 or by Garters Jerry Harrington Ben Man- nlng or Allan mm mm ittm Wheat per bush per bush Barley per bush per dor Butter per lb per too Bran per ton Potatoes per bag Turkeys per lb Chickens Juno 1st SO 97 0 ik 26 000 26 6 20 t 20 June 1st Wheat per bush it per bush Hay per ton vvti Butter per lb Eggs per 6 per bag iri ft 3 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital Paid Up PCLEQ HOWLAND President Drafts Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available the Dealers In Government and 7000 Reserve LAND it General Manager Dealers In J Foreign iA tut 0pKment InUrset it Current iWJ j S5 sa ss y hay carriers of about 30 feet per ton warmly The Dairy Oarage and lb I SSftM iVi- yet lo bo con- Bugs per I OH ftFPferall meet at J P lhough foundatlon I tnk MtsmaStX I Is ready per lb 06 INHBJMIkjWafy g20W9 Isnoarlng com- ifCT iii I S0S cc 1V i mm m I- e i m SS ARCHIVES TORONTO J IB