Newmarket Era , June 16, 1916, p. 1

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can PROPER ONES Watson Graduate Optician i KB NEW STOCK GOOD STYLES to 500 ft Watsons Jewelry Store Editor and Proprietor- Jackson Single Copies each Vol Prompt TRY- THE BINNS HARDWARE THE PAINT STORE WEATHER GOODS equipped metric dot before NEWMARKET Flours Florence Automatic OH Stoves Meal Oil Stoves Perfection Oil Stoves Vapor Oil Stoves Roller Shades OXFORD STOVES AT NEW LOW PRICES English Paris Green lb Iron Pipe Valves and Fittings Newmarket Refrigerators Screen Doors Screen Windows Ice Cream Freezers Hammocks SOUTH END LUMBER YARD QUALITY FIRST SCRANTON GOAL Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON Office Phone Order from Carter Jo E INCORPORATED 1855 BANK of Paidup Capital Reserve Fund 8439382 Business Accounts Bank of Toronto invites the Accounts Men Its ample resources exten sive connections and complete facilities as sure customers of the Bank of Toronto a per fect service Branches In Ontario Quebec and the West BRANCH A LISTER Manager ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN Roil KCVO Ktutf I En Ctpfol up I 6000000 ffl 302380554 Savings of upward received 5 1 interest allowed At rings Department accounts special attention G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch LDINC ATE RIAL Of- ALL KINDS i LATH ft r ALSO r ETC 8A8H if MOULDINGS AND TRIM Trim- 1 Our Dryklln and Shrink It la Put Up Will Not Mil Hie Methodists Presbyterians and Baptists Hold last week in Janes Ave Baptist Church was one that will long bo remembered by those present on of the Chris tian spirit which prevailed and he earnestness of who look active part There passed away last week at Woodbine Aye one of the best known in the City Hall in the person of Burns who for years was prominent in connection with the County Court One of the oldest residents of Ward Seven and a prominent Orangeman in the person of J passed away last week in his year was before the Police Court last week on a charge of bigamy He pleaded guilty and the Crown showed that he had a wife and family re siding in Buffalo was remanded for sentence He mar ried his second wife in Toronto on the 1st of June her name be ing Sarah Jane Little While the case was pending she fainted in court causing quite a scene A former Toronto soloist in the person of Mrs George Tor rance recently passed away in England She was the daughter of the late Alex Cameron a well- known Toronto lawyer An Ottawa despatch says that the Kings order for military of ficers overseas to wear mourning for a week in memory of Earl Kitcheners death does not apply to Canada Many Toronto Churches on Sunday last commemorated the heroic achievements of those who fell fighting for freedom on land and sea during the past tragic week The new C P station at North Toronto was opened this week for public traffic An interesting of sporting events was witnessed by a large crowd of people at Scar- Beach last Saturday after noon It was a real gala time James Milligan was acquitted in the Police Court last Friday of being responsible for the death of sevenyearold Ernest Mills in an auto accident on St a few days ago An excursion from Toronto to and return per tickets only 75 cents Couch ching Park will be the gathering point at Temperance people of Toronto will form organizations to aid the authorities in enforcing prohibi tion after the of September next On Friday last men took part in a military mobilization scheme under command of Lieut Col J at At the Methodist Conference last week Rev Griffin Su perintendent of the Superannua tion Fund roused the Conference to cheers Itoljon making the statement that this was bis Methodist Conference The Rev gentleman is in the year of his age Ed Note Mr Jack son heard Dr Griffin preach in about before he was ordained Nine young men were ordained as Ministers of the Methodist Church last Sunday six were in attendance at the Conference Inu three are serving King and Country overseas Hey Dr- reported to Conference last week thai the Methodist Book Room business last year reached an in crease of over the previ ous year A donation of was made to the Superannuation The Anglican Synod of Toronto ore favorable to conscription if the Dominion Government think action a necessity The Ottawa Minister of Militia reports that the loss of Canadians wounded and missing dur ing lie first nine days of June to talled over but they never flinched As result of the recent wet wen her I he Woodbine Ave cast- ward on the lake front Is terribly disorganized and presents ri wrecked Sidewalks broken light poles are two feet of water 1oat houses ore swamped and fences broken down Two and wagon of the Transportation Co fell the water at Street slip on Wednesday of last week and were drowned Revelations before Fuse Com mission at the Capitol Is much controversy In Conservative circles In the city- Members of the Canadian Press Association and their wives re turned to Toronto on their way home on Thursday of from their trip Ihe head of Lake Superior and Ma rio well pleased with the ure afforded The Anglican Synod passed a v heart of a crowded cily arfd yet small as it was three families made a home there The first floor and the one that brought most rent was occupied by James Saunders retired sea captain who was supposed by he to possess a gold mine at the very least and who had undoubt edly feathered his nest well in many years of prosperous voyag ing The basement floor was dis tinguished by a sign oyer lHe door and a shop window where in were displayed the wares of a grocer George Davis on a very small scale a grocer who bought by the basket and box and sold by the halfpeck and pound Upstairs there was only one storey above the flrst floor nette lived with her mother Ma dame Hillien had been ten years in America and was employed by ahiilliner who made good of nationali ty when her customers suspected her being anything but a French milliner Madamcj was yellow and wrinkled and wore an odd colors over a black silk petticoat and a cap of efaborato construction over very rough grey hair was a clear brunette with eyes black as sloes and soft as velvet cheeks like the heart of a crim son rose teeth like pearls and the little figure ever balanced on two pretty feel With scant means and her French tastes was always well dress ed Her print gowns fitted her to a nicety her hair glossy and abundant and always arranged becomingly and there was never anything tumbled or soiled to mar toilette Two men at least adored George silence Captain Saunders with the audacity of wealth and posi tion Captain Saunders always to Madame suob preserves and fruits as opened wide the eyes of the favored few invited to partake of them He bad always a friend in port jusfearrived from Italy from Cuba from- China from Liverpool from anywhere where the long arm of commerce pushes her vessels and- these friends would always have dain ties to tempt the gold from the purse of the generous captain It was whispered fabrics only suited for wear jewels fans trinkets also came to the captains room but of oranges jars of ginger hollies rare wine boxes of maehrori morsels all lands were carried tip the of stalls Madame hut of India Mus- lins Canton Crepes Silks Rings and the captain said never a word Still the ace of George Davis grew longer and paler day by day as he sight of hi rivals pros perity wasofrced upon him It was true Iliad loyally purchased every pound of tea and peck of potatoes I the grocery in the basement and presented her cash with the smile of an angel True loo that she never passed the grocer wiLlioul a smile and sometimes a little blush For the grocer was only three and twenty with blond and eyes as blue as a patch of summer sky while the captain was nearly sixty with grizzled red hair a skin like mahogany and eyes of no special tint unless it was seagreen Bui the captain had a long hank account ami could woo gallantly and loudly while the grocer only spoke his eyes and vaguely how long two could live Upon proUs that were half starvation for one She is so pretty I the poor fellow thought with a sigh no wonder she likes to ride wilh the in while I am lied to the counter and cannot af ford even to hire a boy to roll in barrels I couldnt send a basket home if a customer asked it But fortunately customers were of that that never trusted a market basket out of their own hands as they were very exacting lo larg est for the lowest price that balanced the matter It was not a very flourishing grocery store for the goods ol the very cheapest the profits wore very small and often when the had lo be Davis wore shoes and the shabbiest clothes It would delight heart said once to her I could once get my two bands Into the linen of Monsieur Davis and bis collars and cuffs They are frayed Oh with hands how they are shabby You had better look at some thing else than the cuffs of Moh- Davis said Madame severely In my county YEARS AGO J NEWMARKET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Where the Ontario Christian Conference of 1916 is Being Held him eyery day how can I help but fetter neighborhood and see him Do I not buy of him commodious apartments more sugar and tea and everything that we have to eat If you were wise you woiildn he compelled to buy food in a lit llesliorc like that Listen Mon sieur the captain has told me that if he marries lie will buy the whole house Ah think of a whole house But we are comfortable in three rooms Bah I We live But comfort I You have no sense Nannette I Twice already has the captain spoken to me You will lose him Let him go I I have my work and we have five hundred dollars in the bank should ry an old horror that He is not horrible No you are right He is kind and good and I am sorry he will love me when I canml love him Butwhy Ah why said shrugging her pretty shoulders But she ran away and then began to concoct a marvelous omelet for supper singing in a loud clear voice so that her nothbr couldnt make her hear from where she in an inner Why Never a word of ltve had the young grocer spoken lliUgil his honest eyes old his adoration hut Nannette knew thai she al ways had the choice of the mar ket set aside for her and there was always little overweight of all the choicest tilings in her bas ket But the attentions of the cap tain soon became a burden not because of his persecutions bill hecause Madame became fretful and exacting on the sub ject It was all foolishness on pari and- no modest girl refused the husband tier mother offered her she said But bad been loo long in America though she was hut bytwo to give up her free dom Of choice for any old French custom Here girls choose their hus bands she said And Madame screamed You would offer yourself to Mm Not had as that though this is leap year said for 1HH8 was but one week old Leap Year Ah you arc a hold girl I But was not hold and her tender heart was sore her lovers silence He was her lover of that she was sure but he was poor so very poor am needed a wife to help him How she would save in his housekeep ing and make his clothes last twice as long and tidy up the rooms the open door showed to he so forlorn She was a true woman this Utile long to give loyal service where shegavc loyal love But be would not speak It Is already two years we have been In the house Nannellc thought and J know ho loves me Something wonderful happened There was an old undo in Franco a closefisted old mi ser who had refused to help his widowed by so much as a pinch of salt and ho died leav ing to a sum that made ten thousand American dollars It fairly stunned the mil liner To bo so rlob when and here a choking sob into her throat- when tho man she loved had not a good coat for bis book though he worked faithfully loearn one grieved over her access fortune as she rejoiced She very shrewdly suspected the cause of purges silence and knew that The captain had offered his congratulations rather ruefully appreciating the weight of- this new phase of affairs I was sure of the mother he thought but now I am not so sure It was dusk when he rattled the key in his own door and he did not see a tall figure near him un til a familiar voice in the dark ness said May leave the of the basement with you captain Hey what You are going away Yes I- am going away said George Davis very sadly I hope you will be very happy Oh you do Pray what is there to make me especially hap py just now Then George flashed out- If such a woman as were going to marry me I should not ask that question and some thing suspiciously like a sob end ed the sentence Who told you I was going to marry Nannette Madame Then she told a From Era Kyle June Died At his residence in lhe Township of Whitchurch on the George J in the year of his age P Walker Sons 37- King St East have a double column ad- vertisement in this weeks Era The Government has accepted Company of Volunteers at Newmarket and will be so an- pounced in next Saturdays ficial Gazette The Company is headed by Cap a East Gwillimbury Society excursion on Lake on Sat urday last was quite successful A troop of cavalry is now be ing organized in Newmarket with the following officers J Carthew Lieut D Baker Cornet Morton Surgeon Dr Hackett The troop drills three evenings of each week A F Ramsay of New market occupied the pulpits of two English Churches in lo last Sunday Newmarket has a company Home Guards I his week Trent Capt Lieut Alexander Ensign John Cook Color Bishop George and A J McCracken Sergeants Spencer J Chantler and Webster Corp fit i i r J I J 25 YEARS AGO ahem I She made a serious mistake Nan has refused me distinctly on three separate occasions So the way is open lo you Ah no I am so poor so very poor you sen have no capital lo start anything and I can only scratch out the- barest living And now this money has come No I will go away I You see I love her so much I cannot slay any longor My heart is breaking Odd confidences Well yes but I think the darkness opened their hearts to each other Tlicy were honest childlike hearts both of them to belong to great carded men I quite sure the dark was answerable for what followed George was standing leaning against he banister when he said My heart is breaking I Suddenly there was a little rustle above hem and then he felt two arms steal around his neck and a soft cheek touch his and into his oar stole whisper Dont go away or youll break my heart too The captains door opened with a jerk and shut with a bang but I do not think those at the foot of the stairs heard it What did hey say Ah who can repeal the rapturous speeches of the one and Hie shy whispers of the other But one thing Nannette said they went arm in arm I stairs lo confront Madame lien- You will not tell anybody will you George thai I proposed to you though it is Leap Year Never I was emphatic re ply Madame cried- and laughed and was none too well pleased but she gave George her hand at last and motherly greeting But strangest part of all was yet lo for the captain made a wedding present of all ho finery ho had purchased especially for her and of fered his hand and heart lo Ma dame Ho bought the whole loo and a new grocery store was started noxt door with a portion of Nannollos money Tho neighbors always knew It was the widow the lain was courting and it would be difficult to say house hold is the happier that of Jolly Captain Saunders and his wife or honest Davis ant pretty From Era June 1891 The Altar AT the Methodist Church Newmarket by Rev D Hill A on the Rev Philip A Jourdan of Bethel Quebec to Miss Ellen Clara Lowe second daughter of Mr Wm Lowe of Newmarket The Tomb In Town on the Mr Allan Howard aged years At Ottawa on the Right Hon Sir John A Macdonaid C his year Miss Hayes of Toronto is vis iting wilh Miss Sarah Smith Joseph Esq of To ronto was in Newmarket on Wednesday Miss Earl of Toronto is visit ing with her grandfather Mr Isaac Miss Rose has return ed home from New Glasgow N on a furlough Rev John Gardner preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Rev W W Smith is attend ing Congregational Union at Mr J Stephens will conduct al the Methodist Sunday School at Sharon on Sunday Rev Canon is in To ronto this week attending Synod York County Council is in ses sion Mr of Rich mond Hill is Warden this year The school children of Egypt Township had a picnic Jacksons Point on Saturday A memorial service was held in 1 1 m I Children Cry FOR the town Hall yesterday out of respect for late Sir John A The Hall was heavi ly draped for the occasion SOLID GOLD Murray Ileal miner Standing six foot four In Ids slocking feel arrived In Winnipeg the other day a big Diigget of made into a stick pin adorning his Weve got the mine on the North American continent said he enthusiastically The mine lhal I have just left Is he Pan mile east of Lake by 30 miles of Port Alexander making It a Utile over 100 miles fnim Winnipeg We have made ft phenomenal strike there at distance of 110 feci We found almost solid gold J J- MEN IN AUTO DROPPED INTO RIVER George land and Dr fell a dis tance of thirty feet Into the Rougo River hi automobile today and escaped with slight Injuries crossing a bridge over the river be tween Mnrkham and they met a lad on a bicycle and while al lowing him to pass the automobile crashed through railing of the bridge automobile was wrecked Dr McKay of attended Dr and lowland and then arranged for their removal to homes Qttii LtkM Canadian from Owen each Wednesday for Sault St Marie Arthur Port WIHIam train leaves Toronto p from soy Canadian Ticket Agent W- Howard District Passenger Agent efl

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