Newmarket Era , June 16, 1916, p. 3

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K iiji ttfJPJKt r VVt i Tira mm i as M JV SasSg3A 3S g B5 tV SWa AraW 3 Site A r iucei 3d fruits- B l Weekly No S and whi s suit jV a I irli- J 10CALNEWS I i to Call Any Time Town Inspector been vol Would you Stock Sold 200andwin j5W pay more attenlipnpUieS to place bin- ll S of back yard C will their and Church on Sunday June Lodge at p Vis requested o in market Home Guard wKttlJve have decided attendance the past has not been at all I Ihe number who and does not instructors turning have 11m Friday nights and giving jUl the liniP Drill lav former is called off un- more There Will Be No Sale Vast Friday Mr McDonald of called at Mr farm lo sec his and before he The Regular SlothersrateoUng will on Thursday the 22nd in the home of Albert on Queen St cbmmenoinK at pm A full of mothers requested Red Cross Items Keep Tuesday evening June lh clear for the -Red- across Parly KingOeorKe School Grounds The regular Knitting Tea will take place in the Methodist Sun day School Room next Tuesday afternoon AH ladies invited East Womens Institute The summer meeting of the Womens Institute will be held on Friday June at p mal Friends Meeting House Addresses will be given by Mrs Hunter and Miss Kathleen Hob- son who have a large variety of f mm mm subjects All women interested in this splendid work are earnestly re quested to be in attendance wore off lie bought the of thai by auction Hie sale is called Methodist Church j jvirs last Sunday were under the supervision of the Alliance- Rev Ben Toronto preached in ni-rninj- and Mr Cooper of Huron pave Ihc evening ad- I morning service -M- Miller of Toronto nee Miss Kdna rendered a lifiil and silos in the an il- re well taken by Miss and Mrs In the evening the special musical lur was a quartette I FOR i Rev Percy Fletcher For the ninth time in succes sion the above gentleman been elected President of the On tario Christian Conference which is a tribute to his ability and growing popularity Rev Fletcher is a Newmarket boy of whom we have reason to feelproud He is a graduate of Newmarket High School and University Toronto For the last to years he has been pas tor of the Christian Church at Keswick which flourishes under his ministry He is a loyal Can adian though many templing propositions have been made to Mr of spent Sunday Mrs Mr Toronto aporit Sunday with his family here Mr and Mrs ronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Mr E Spent Mr and Mrs Shropshire of spent Sunday with his sister Mrs Mrs Gould is her son Mr pave Gould TottenV ham j i mm mm r j- rfVBC PSA j 3l- SSJSSSS Mr and Pat ton of Aurora spent Sunday Willi friends here mmlAmmammmmmmmm J f Brief lets Mr Frank landed a lit carp with a hook and line while fishing near Sutton last Friday The Cemetery is looking line The new caretaker is gelling on well Lots of visitors last Sun day The soldiers good encour age men I from the business peo ple for their Baseball Outfit The annual meeting of York County Beekeepers Association will he held at Richmond Hill on Thursday June at 2 pm Girl Guides The following letter was re ceived from Miss Mairs General Secretary of the Girl Guides by Mrs C Hewitt Toronto June Dear Mrs Hewitt I have your letter of recent dale with enclosure of 15 for the Girl Guide Recreation Hut Fund and wish to thank the members of Ihe Newmarket for this generous contribu tion SCHQMBERG Mr Geo Phillips of Newmar ket spent Saturday with MrG avis Mr John Smith spent Sunday with his mother on the 5th Line KingV H- Sutton is wearing a smile these days for a young re cruit has arrived in town Mr Wm Leonard is spending a week with his daughters in To ronto Mrs Lyons and Mrs Skin ner spent Monday evening with Miss on the 2nd of v- Curtain Draperies In Endless variety Madras Muslin Art Prills and Cretonnes i Jj- Hi from across the border May j Tecumsch he be spared lo many years of usefulness in his beloved and may his people treat him generously CAMP BORDEN PAY ROLL f J ml rt m J Entrance Examinations Following is the TimeTable Wednesday June 1 iiO Composition 25 Spelling Thursday June 22nd Arithmetic Literature Friday June LOO Grammar 1 Writing Geography Oral Reading will be taken these- days the con venience of pupils and examiner Military Concert There was a very poor crowd at Concert in the Town Hall last Saturday evening under the au spices of the Bat The en- lire program was given by the soldiers comprising songs dances ventriloquism vocal so los violin selections machine gun exhibition anof other special- lies The audience was well pleased and the performance paved the way for a good crowd when the soldiers come back again shortly Safety Flrat The success of the Grand Trunk Railway in its efforts to prevent accidents is shown by a circular last week lo em ployees by the chairman of the First Committee It says I am glad to he able lo call your attention to the fact that during the month of May not a single employee was killed on the Grand Trunk There was only one rase of an employee losing a limb and no cases involving loss of eye or other injuries of seri ous nature so far as can be judged from the reports received at Safely Engineers This favorable record is brought Jo your attention and at Ho same time it is desired to impress upon all employees with constant compliance with the Companys Rules and for the ex ercise of all proper precautions in Ilia performance of your duties Christian Church The sermons last Sunday by tjie Pastor Lee Kirkland of a high order and pleasing lo all In the morning flu- local soldiers of the Battalion were present in a body Appearances indicate Mien fop 1 in ihw leader- Next Sunday the pulpit will be taken by different prominent of lb Christian which now meet- in in Newmarket from Wed I lib to Sunday as usual June at am ami pm A hearty Welcome and j for you- Com Christian Sunday School This school is now meeting at am for the summer months a id eiiHs have the approval of the majority of the scholars A cordial welcome willbe extend ed anyone wishing attend iw sessions Next Sunday a number of the Church Conference Delegates are expected lo be present Patriotic Sunday June vill be observed by a special pro gram which promises very interesting All are urged lo keep this last Sunday morning in June reserved and if possible to plan to be there It will be worth while A Great Trip The members of the Newmarket Methodist- Sunday School are planning to take a remarkable trip this summer Over two hun dred strong they expect to make an extensive tour The complete route lias not yet been mapped out but it will cover some thous ands of miles To add to the interest they will travel En two separate parties and each will try lo heat the other lo the destina tion The trip is planned to commence on the 2nd of July and about two months will be spent on the way In addition lo the other attractions weekly special programs will enliven the trip- Anyone wishing to lake a really unique summer trip will he cor dially welcomed and the rales will he made so low that no one really ought to miss this oppor tunity One that has certainly never before been offered to the A despatch from Angus the be ginning of the week slates that great progress has been made in Hie work Camp Borden during the past week and the time is fast approaching when the camp will be ready for the reception of troops Since the work started six hundred and forty cars of material have been shipped in over a million stumps dynamited and pulled- out by machines eight miles of sewers and water pipes have been laid three ar tesian wells have been struck giving a combined volume of gallons of the purest spring water a day a mile and a half of trenches and musketry targets have been erected two field bakeries consisting of two sets of double ovens that have a capacity of 20000 loaves a day an army service store house by of reinforced steel and ce ment- miles of planked roads miles of telegraph and telephone poles and wires A modern san itary system has been built and two huge steel water tanks with a capacity of gallons The Grand Trunk has built three miles of main track into the camp eight miles of siding a loop around the camp Each sid ing can accommodate complete freight train The T arc building a modern summer sta tion by feet a huge res taurant for Canada Railway news a freight shed and an 800- foot platform feet wide In ail Camp Borden will be the most modern permanent concen tration camp in America is completed In doing all the different work Col Low has 1000 men working from in the morning till at night and some parlies work all night His payroll every two weeks amount to over far he has paid out in wages To feed men most ly Russians Italians Bulgarians and Austrians is a big Job Lit tle Alex Carise of Ottawa cook house superintendent for McMahon looks after the food supplies and meals lie has a kitchen of and pre pares on an average from Ihreo to live thousand meals a day man gets a pound and a half to two pounds of beef a meal especially the Russians who are hearty eaters At dinner pounds of beef arc consumed and 400 pounds at supper including steaks and roasts pounds of pork pounds of jam COO loaves of bread pounds of nutter70 gallons of milk cases of eggs totalling dozen 18 bags of potatoes There are eight diningrooms one can ac commodate men and besides six others for the different staffs There is al so a modern ice house for meats Mrs H Walker of Toronto spent Friday at her parental home here Mrs is- spending a week friends in Tpronto Mrs of Toronto is spending a week with her son Rev Father Mr Ed Henderson of is visiting with his sister MrsDr The Teachers of Day SclioMl held a successful sale m Saturday of goods left Si I ft AT- over from- the Red Cross Bazaar Mrs Win and Miss ONeill spent Thursday in To ronto The Patriotic Meeting held on Dr lawn on Saturday evening was largely attended but only two recruits came forward Messrs Cook and Bolton Mr Mawer has sold his residence al The north end of the town lo Mr Fever Mr intends lo move with his f ami- sly to Toronto Mr has moved with his family to Toronto J m r 1 TOWN LINE ITEMS PINE ORCHARD The Pine Orchard Branch of North York Womens Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Friends Church on Monday June Besides the regular business Mrs Hunter the delegate speaker from Brampton to be present Music will be provided for occa sion after which refreshments will be served AH are cordially Invited Bear In mind that about the fore July there will be held a Straw berry Festival good dime may be anticipated Particulars later lira The Lightning Struck Queens Hotel During the thunderstorm Fri day afternoon lightning struck the flag pole on the Queens Ho tel and following it to the roof passed through into an upper room and through the floor into a room on the second flat Its course then diverted to the elec tric light meter oh the wall and wrecking it passed out of the building on the wire connect ed with the meter The dis charge of electricity with this flash traversed the electric light and telephone wires over the cen tral section of the town putting out of commission the telephone in the garage and also In Mr J Carltons store In the central telephone office long distance bell was set ringing and could not be stopped till Miss was sent for In a number of res idences the lights were burned out There was only the one flash in this storm but its vio lence was such that a number of citizens on Main and Centre were shocked by it World people of Newmarket Come along with us Further details next week and other perishable foodstuffs everything neat and clean as a pinBeelon World Hilary Wrist wee Practice Makes Perfect The Firemen turned out in good numbers for practice Mon day evening and clearly demon strated Ihe value of such a A time test was made between the men on two reeU The first trial was made In 2 minutes The second team then tried it made a mistake In what they were lo do They then allowed a second trial and made the lime in minutes The first team were not sallsf fled the result and asked to run again when but for a slight they lowered their time seconds This ill shows that with mor practice the Brigade would more proficient and it is hoped the monthly practices during the surnroer season will Have you any Armour on Your Watch If not ft buy a coat of mail The shield Mew Arrival of RADIUM DIAL roHEa ATKINSON COMPANY Farmers are mostly through with the rush of sowing root crops and potatoes although a few superstitious ones are wait ing for the moon to be right Today Friday is the day of the war Remember the Sunday School Picnic at Bond Lake tomorrow Saturday lh Return Many around hero took in the lied Cross entertainment at IJeby Friday night Many constant readers inter ested in war news were shock ed to hear of Lord Kitcheners sad end What a loss to the Em pire Ladies Aid of King Christian Church at the home of Mrs Fred A on Wednesday of last week Mr and Mrs Albert Baker of the Line were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwood on Sunday last The Executive Committee of Liberal Association met in the hall on Saturday evening last to further arrangements for the Annual Picnic which is likely to be about the middle of July The homo of Mr and Mrs I no Aiming of the Gib Line of King was the Scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday June when their daughter Christina was married to Mr Chas of ihe Town Line Rev Fox of Kottloby performed the ceremony in the presence of about The bride look ed charming when she entered the room leaning on the arm of her father She wore silk embroider ed net trimmed with pearls over blue silk Miss Laura Aiming sister Of the bride acted- as bridesmaid dressed in while em broidered vol Ho while the groom was assisted by his nephew Mr Martin Shanks as groomsman During the signing of the register Miss Blanche of of the groom played wedding march The grooms gift to The bride was a handsome ebony toilet set lo the bridesmaid a gold bracelet lo the groomsman a pair of gold cuff links and to the pianist a gold bracelet Tim many valu able presents received by the couple show the esteem in which they are held Worthy of men tion Is a handsome couch from Swastika Club and from other friends After the ceremony a sumptuous repast June was servedfollowing which wheat per bush happy couple motored Aurora per bush 0 Station on their way Barley per bush 00 their honeymoon among friends per do 0 In Toronto Woodhrldgo and utter The brides going away dress was a suit of blue with hat to malcli- On return they will reside at on- the Town Line Store NEWMARKET ND HOSIERY Ladies White Hose Seamless Reg for pri i Ladles Black silk Hose all 8ale Price Boys Heavy Ribbed Fast Black Cotton Hobo 28 and Misses and Childrens Fine Silk Dale Ribbed Hose Good Value Ladles and Childrens Tan Hose Ankle anjf Plain Llslo Reg 35c Price IDorpalfi Childrens Fine 811k Lisle Hose Pink Pale Blue and Tan 8ale Price 30c pair t- m KM SUMMER PRICES ij Canada has more than three hundred thousand men under arms Each receives per day the highest wages over paid soldiers That outlay readies 000000 every three days Then in addition there are liberal al lowances lo the dependents of soldiers ranging from to per month depending upon the number of children in Ihe family EGG COAL STOVE COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL 750 750 750 650 i 1 HAVE YOUR FILLED NOW AND SAVE ORDER THE BEST FROM LIVE MARKET Top prices on Toronto market Order by Phone by Carters Jerry Harrington Bert this week were as follows Choice Steers 9 1035 9 Butchers Cattle Milkers Calves Sheep Spring Lambs Hogs off cars 875 1750 Newmarket nlng Or Allan 1 m Jewelers and Opticians The capture of Czornowlox the capital by the Hus- have been tak en by the Czars army in its new offensive Shorts per ton Iz8 000 Bran per Ion i2G Potatoes- per bag Turkeys pec tt 010 Chickens per lb Toronto Markets r- per bush v Oats Hay per ton U Butter per lb 0 28 27 K per dor ill rtfc RIAL me HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid Up PCLEQ ROWLAND President Reserve Fund E HA General Drafts Money Orders and Letters of available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Interest halfyearly at opsm en ON mm ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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