mm j sac dassHy55 i aw S3 J 4 i SPSS Spent for Without Bene FinallyMade Well by EPinkhamVeg- Compound i a i While the Change of life I suffered headaches flaahea of ana I Buffered so I did not what I was doing at times spent on and not one did any good One day a lady called at my bouse and said she had been as sick I was at one time E Vegetable well as I- ever was I why women dont tirach pain ana Buffering they escape by taking your medicine praise it for it saved and kept me from the Insane Mrs E Sheldon S listed St III Physicians undoubtedly did their best vtSed with this case steadily and could do no often the most scientific treatment Is surpassed by the medicinal rtiea of the good old fashioned and herbs contained In hams Vegetable Compound If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E Pink- Bam Medicine Co Lynn Mass for special free advice Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom it the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS I OSBORNE SONS t to Smiths Grocery D A YUQHT SAVING Touching ijucfiliun changing work hours of the Mail and Empire advices tho Toronto City Council to make up mind hands of the journal goes on to Bay hat the CounoJcoiild uiiv settle business inconvenience public and bring itself into coir with laws to the government of the country This is all very true- We few days a couple of weeks ago in the City of Hamilton where the Municipal have inaugurated this new daylight saving scheme Awhile in some departments trade it was accepted with satisfaction we found much public disapprov al and irritation Many busi ness people who have engage ments both in and the City limits it difficult to go by their clocks Much trouble wo find wag experienced by Ham ilton people id appointments made Customs houses post railways and some Other prominent business places slili respect the standard time This works disadvantageous with whose business hours are regulated- by the daylight sav- ins project Under such cir- it is not a matter for wonderment that trouble and discomfort is experienced En many circles and to people residing in the country- where the new day light proposition has no domestic or other rela tions The scheme will not work without unanimity and until Pro vincial or Federal legislation makes the proposition general and compulsory it looks so far as Ontario towns arc concerned as if the Daylight Saving scheme will be a failure Toron to will take a vole of the citizens upon it next January If Toronto carries it Newmarket could adopt next year Editorial Notes It was stated at the Hamilton Conference of the Methodist Church last week that members within this Con ference bounds have enlisted for overseas service IKS Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores i PE lurhins A small ping fe Ismail Plug rammed the served four years Got very weak could not purpose admiraojy eat- to amount to One d9V ho to stop Iho on BQ The Globe of Saturday- observes Justic Duff is not deceived as to the na ture of the Allison rakeoff It came through the contractors but it from the public till A cablegram dated June gives an accounUof the- terrible suffering of the populace at Warsaw Advices through the Cross sources tell us that people are falling from sheer starvation on Dogs are used for food The Kaiser and his military political advisers arc piling tips terrible record for which they must answer Surely not so bad as that The Packet propounds this question and also proceeds to answer it laconical way Will a man who licesteal trust there is nothing personal in the question which is at this page anonymously The an swer is something like this Great Scott no I If all the liars in were thieves as well it would be necessary to chain down everything in town except the It is inconceivable thai- anybody should covet that in QUEENS KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Including Mining Chemical Civil Mech anical MEDICINE will In HOME Course may but desiring lo meet one JULY Holders of mortgages in both City and County are complaining that taxcollectors have not done their whole duty in collecting yearly rates thereby lessening their securities value The courts may make collectors re sponsible for losses get better could walk a block without feel ing all liredout I took different but did get the help I needed A friend of mine advised me to try Dr Pierces Fav orite Prescription- I began to take it with and by the time I had taken two well on the road to recovery and in six months was entirely well My aopetite came back and I gained in flesh Now I am strong and healthy as any could wish to be I owe it all to med icines and I am glad of the opportunity to testimony in their favor they have done wonders for me Miss Parker E King St Chatham i have taken Dr medicine with good results I was weak and run down lost my and jot very thin took Favorite Prescription and Pleasant Pellets and these two medicinea built me up in a very si or space of time so that I felt as welt is ever I found then to be all that is recommended of them they are good Mrs Cor Taylor Grand E Chathan Every woman who has backache low spirits sleepless nights owes it to to speedily overcome trouble before a breakdown causes prostration Dr Pierces Favorite nonalcoholic remedy that any ailing woman can safely because it is pre pared from roots and herbs with glycerine containing tonio properties r no strength at till i hut the plug had boon dropped on I- was very much Iholoor arid fttiafrbiiliy Something else seKei was never pmg to j and Ih rust over- the Avals a strong of gas and applied a it was which liny The importance of result in- the fact that the illumina tion from these two or three tiny was much brighter than had been given by great flare from the end of the pipe Acting principle which this dis covery revealed he w togeth er the end of the pipe and drilled out making called burner As Iho years passed and more improvements were made in the burners and now that first burn er would seem primitive indeed but it is interesting to know that a womans thimble was respons ible for its invention Over in the college city spsbsj Home seekers Our Toronto Letter Every March to October All Rail Every Wednesday During Season Navigation Great Lakes Route out en the where year Canadas Orate Wheat Crop was produced there a home waiting for you CANADIAN PACIFIC win take you there give you the information about the bast and help you to M Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Tlektt Agent or writ Howard Agent Toronto ATKINSON AGENT one morning Perkins over ley Ids fence and said to his neighbor What are you burying tliere Just replanting some of seeds thats all was the response Seeds exclaimed Perkins ang rily more one of my hens Thats nil came from the man on the other Side of the fence The seeds arc PROMPTLY SECUREI In all countries Ask for our MARION University When will this awful war cease is a question daily pro pounded on our streets During the naval battle in the North Sea lust week between Great Britain and Germany it is reported men lost their lives- Pity those who originated the could not be forced to take part personally En the front ranks Ten of the leading towns cities of Canada haVe now Summer Session n Now open In Business Toronto Conlnues until when Fall Term be gins Mo vacations Enter any time Tree catalogue Write H President J mi ax NEWMARKET a M Spring Planting for BEDDING I TEH VERBENA and Other Bedding Plants and ap proved of Hie Daylight Having Scheme and most of them have put it into effect They arc Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa Lon don Hamilton William Medicine Hat and have no doubt hut that it will general in a few years The Canadian Cost for printers slates that the man- ufacturing costs of printing day as compared with the manu facturing costs of two years ago is bo much higher thai- it costs per cent more for the printer to turn out his product than it did two years ago This is ex clusive Of paper which has great ly advanced Word comes from Ottawa to the effect that an official move ment is on foot at the Capitol ask about one thousand civil ser vants there who are probably ill to declare their intentions in re gard to the war Judging from the extra thousands of officials the present Government have ap pointed in the service the propos ed action is one to ho commended The Globe of Tuesday makes following comment on the speech made by the Opposition leader in the Federal Parliament at Montreal on Monday which we heartily endorse No other Canadian orator in any profes sion can vie with Sir Wilfrid in capacity for at once convincing the judgment and swaying the emotions of his hear ers In bis Montreal speech he was at his very best He had a great time and he made consum mate use of it what ef fect remains to bo seen but for any failure on the part of the young men of Quebec to enlist he cannot be held responsible He look high ground stated his plea with truth and moderation and appealed to political and his torical conditions moving pathos The commendations accorded the Canadian overseas forces are very gratifying to the people of this country Speaking of the terrible conflict last week Cana dian Corps Commander Sir Julian sends the following mes sage I am proud of the Can adians under my command Their behaviour lias been magnificent J have known fiercer nor more deadly courage no have seen any troops light with earnestness courage and cheer fulness The slight penetration of our lines cost the Germans most dearly In this connec tion the war correspondent of the London Morning Post has this comment While only the broad outlines of Fridays contest arc at present known the devotion of the Canadians has never been more strikingly attested Can adians have reason to feel proud of such commendations of their overscan soldiers During the first ten days of this mouth about Canadians were either kill ed wounded or missing Moral Designs of every de scription made on short 8 PHONE 198 fc OUR July and August until Aug when S ft fl Urges you to use the holidays for choice KnlBtness positions in now for our graduates Get thing of a making punish criminals and Ifierpelvcs dodging the same Is the corroding rot that Is ay rely the heart siring of govern- SieptWilson Star At the meeting of Canadi an Press Association held in To ronto last week a to the daily section was adopted that the advertising Committee he instructed to rangefor a central censorship of medical advertising matter A suggestion was also adopted in favor Of seeking legislation to make it a criminal offence for a person to send- a false notice of birth marriage or death to the press for publication This will catch some of the faBt people who are fond of creating press sensations are groundless During the past week the On tario Board held a Con ference with the Executive Com mittee of the Ontario Manu facturers Association refer ence to the restrictions to lie placed on- the sale of wipes when becomes effective on the September next Un der the Temperance Act- wine have the right to sell to consumers wine from grapes grown in Ontario in no smaller quantity than five gallons at a time but manufac turers roust hot retailers or person Other than a consumer The License Board 10 make The very heavy rnlnfalLof this spring has caused much specula tion and discussion particular ly in farming sections of the country In reply to a corres pondent a meteorological official at Toronto furnishes the follow ing as an explanation Refer ring to your lettor of the ult the rainfall is dependent on cy clonic movements which occur within the fairly regular circu lation of the atmosphere These cyclonic movements vary some what In different years and in seasons when they are more nu merous than usual the rainfall is excessive The problem as- to why the circulation of the caiths atmosphere varies somewhat from season to season is as yet unsolved but we now know that the sun Is a valuable star and It Is probably that varying solar heat affects the atmospheric cir culation The Observatory offi cial does not think heavy the war has anything to do with weather conditions of the country The ByLaw and Legislation Committee of the Pharmacy Council at their meeting In To ronto last week in order that fcry druggist in Ontario have a full understanding of the varjous of the Prohibition Aot re cently passed by Legislature decided to mall to every druggist In the a copy of the affecting them The Committee slate As the Act is very we would urge that the College dissect the Act by taking put all clauses and sections af fecting druggists and arrang ing the same so that it can bo printed and distributed Registrar has been Instructed to have copies of printed and to mall one to druggist in foe Province The Missionary Rest Home at was dedicated on Satur day last number of Clergy men part in the exercises of the occasion Rev Henri Anct Brussels Belgium delegate Of the French Belgian Investigation Committee addressed the Street Baptist on Sunday Some Canadian soldiers have been wearing uniform not quite military Artillerymen are forbidden to wear riding breeches On Saturday last six more To ronto soldiers arrived from over seas service and were welcomed by military men now quartered at the Convalescent Home on Col lege Street More wounded men their way here Victoria Industrial School at has given 35 join the colors and arc now in Cana dian ranks Protests are heard in labor or ganizations in regard to the pay of women who arc taking mens places in munition fac tories j Memorial services were held in several Toronto Churches last Sunday for Lord Kitchener Water in Toronto Harbor has risen five and a half inches this season Mr Howell and Col Williams spoke at a recruit ing rally on Sunday Lake Ontario is unusually high this year and when strong east erly winds arc experienced some cottagers on the Island share great inconvenience in conse quence of the splashing of the waves Tho Imperial College of Phar macy has decided to allow the students who have Volunteered for overseas service who have been preparing for matriculation examinations to Ket degrees without further tests The Masonic Grand Lodge- of Canada has received acknowledg ment of the last draft of Kent to Albert King of the Bel gians for the relief of his peo ple Before the Friends Association on College Street on Sunday last Hon Brawn former Lieut Governor of Saskatchewan de livered an exceedingly interesting and Instructive address on the following subject War and Western Influence on Immigration Women and Kd- ucation The annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association opened at the King Hotel yes terday ami will continue till to day Friday an aeroplane In France Lieut Geo K Williams of this city was killed last week He was former demonstrator on the University Staff Sir George Foster Minister of Inland Revenue Is in Franco this week It is staled in the city press that half soldiers enlisted In the Canadian army arc married If Is not more general among unmarried mon no dodbt conscription will follow A very large congregation as sembled at Methodlsv Church on Sabbath to witness or dination service of new ministers in attendance at the Conference this year Tho grocery storo of- J Greaves College St was broken Into on Sunday morning last and some goods carried away A couple of arrests have since been made A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED In every good town and district Ontario where we are not represented in The rket Bariiit MAIN 8TREET 80UTH Territory reserved for the right man Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter SPLENDID LIST OF NEW SPECIALITIES FOR including the NEW EVERBEARING RA8PBERRV ST REGIS HEBE ARE A FEW OF THE ARTICLES OFFERED BOOTS 8lze8 3 to Regular for MENS LADIES AND HOYS RAINCOATS Regular for AND VELVET Regular for AND MISSES HOUSE DRE88E8 Regular for AND Assorted Colors and 8Ize8 also White Embroidered Reg for 68o and WELLINGTON The lonthill Nurseries TORONTO ONTARIO Mr Tom Harrison met with a painful accident Monday last while working in Mr No lans garage in Bradford A large car which he was repairing fell on him breaking his shoulder and Otherwise injuring him An amendment to the Sheep Protection Act recently passed provides that the owner of sheep killed or injured by dogs can rccoved from the municipali ty compensation equal to the amount of the damages sustain ed in place of the twothirds paid heretofore This is in event that the owner of the dog cannot lie located Any municipality may increase the dog tax to for the first female and for each ad ditional one This is a very just amendment There- Is no good reason why a farmer whose sheep are worried dogs should not recover the whole amount of dam age inflicted LOUT 3 Doors South of King Hotel Proprietor I- to go to the Country on Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY AGE OR At Prompt Charges Reason A BOYD Pro Night oh Phono Promptly Attended to ME Si as s J ncy Well tell you bow In three words use fan gallons Thats thing to go by in Paint not the price per gallon but the number of required plus the length of time will wear and well 100 Pure Paint costs about hall as much counting the surface It covers and wears two or three times as long as ordinary paint You the both for pilot for partial It that I or you In paint that Mitt nd coven th a T A PURE IN CANADA A WOMANS THIMBLE i small a thing as a womans thimble was the moans Of sug gesting the first gas burner world ever knew William bur dock according to an authority on tho history of gas il lumination burned the gas simply as a flame from the end of a pipe When he was in the little cottage- in Eng land where he made gas burned It had a simple method hi icllca 500 fwt by Load tad Oil or by priced paint d you will we you of of 100 to oorw It thoroughly No for lift Writ th Co MofttfM for their color And laloruiatloit 11 R 111 i