mm J Barrister Public Office Main St Newmarket to Loanonopd Farm Security Frank Duncan nrTI AND COLLECTOR Auctioneer Newmarket Phone 197 GAL NEWS Now Directory In the new issue or Telephone Directory the following Subscribers were omit ted Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Over Grocery Newmarket J J is Dr Lewis Church St Currents Phone Newmarket ill Walter Newton Carter Rev A- Parsonage- i J Boyd ihv Sis Newmarket Friends Church Sunday rieiJ June amMeetirig for Worship Speaker supplied Min istry of Christian fere he pm Special Church of Canadian Order of Forest ers Space wilt be limited Come early to secure a seat Centre of Church reserved for members of the order Collection for Friends Am bulance and Belgian Re lief Funds J IN Gunner Carl Granger died fa action in France September Gunner Stuart killed In action In France lay 7 List of those who have Answered the Call and are Lining Up for King and Country Con Telephone Hours P- Morton Heal Estate Insurance S C- JEWELLER Park Avenue Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket P O Box It was a Fire Last week we stated that there was a false alarm rung into the Water Works At the lime we made enquiry about the alarm hut could get no information Last Friday we were informed that it was no false alarm The house of Mr John Ficrheller was on Arc and narrowly escaped serious damage As it was the loss amounted to about cov ered by insurance The lire started in a bedroom which was being fumigated Pre vious to the process of fumigat ing the mattress was thrown over the of the bedstead and the coals were put under the bed The beat in some way caused the mattress to slip down and it caught fire The whole room was ablaze when discovered and Ihej alarm rung by Mr succeeded in sub duing the flames mail public is indicated in- the fact that liquid or quick assets have reached the new high ecord of per cent of liabilities to the public as compared with 6163 per cent at the corresponding date last year and per cent at the of the last llscal year would be difllcult to overestimate the importance of so strong ah exhibit con ditions The Dominion is inviting a large amount of capital from the leading outside financial centres and the statement of the Bank of Mont real is always accepted as one of the most reliable judications as to con ditions prevailing in the country BY Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Niagara and Tecumseh Street new- market THE RULES OF THE GAME Little Mary was eager to get hack to her new doll and know there was to be any dessert She slipped quietly from her chair hoping she not be observed Out in the hall she mot the cook with the ice cream as quietly as she had left it she slipped hack accustomed place at the table Mary Lou said her mother re- back But didnt excuse myself mother the little girl said quickly in by a neighbor hut I thought you had us effort at great risk dinner It isnt polite to A NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in ail kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records complete Slock Prompt Service Issuer LICENSES the Era Newmarket Private jjPapers issued at private rc- if de NEWMARKET Friends Church The interest was well sustained in the second of the series of ad dresses on Quakerism delivered on Sunday last by the Pastor In this he sought to show the cause of the growth of the Soci ety and its effect upon the Priests Clergy and Ministers of the existing Churches Then the speaker dealt the specific leaching of George Fox and bis colleagues and enlarged upon the ideals of Christianity as held up by them From this he proceed ed to Hie points of distinguishing doctrine on War Oaths Minis try Worship etc and finally dealt with the great power and influence the Society bad been in the whole World on the questions of Slavery Temperance Prison and Moral Reform Education etc It was a splendid resume of the position of the Society and one calculated to give a better under standing of its belief and work to the world The third of the series will deal with some of the great en terprises that the Society has en gaged in and its power in the commercial world FARM LABORERS WANTED The Western Provinces of Cana da are not experiencing an acute of shorteage of Farm Laborers for Spring and Summer work which makes jSteady work and good wages a certainty has call ed for Laborers and an equal number is required In Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by the Canadian Northern Railway It was found thai an average of men is required at the points from which returns were received An average wage Is per month Including board is being paid the highest being per day For further particulars as to the men required and the wages being paid at the various points apply to Agent or write General Passenger Agent King Street Toronto LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Cut Stone for Building Purposes Kept in Stock and Made to Order GEO LTJESBY OXIDIZED WELDING On 8hort Notice Machinery for Sale DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto Newmarket REMOVED NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE W0RK8 JOHN Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Mar- Latent Designs in Monu- and Headstones All kinds Cemetery work promptly at tended to Call and before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Cut to Order Wide Use of Electricity The use of electricity in the home is gradually developing Its original limited utility as a source of light has been extended to the supplying of energy for tlie elec tric iron and toaster the sewing machine and vacuum cleaner ranges arc coming into general use the first objection the relatively high cost of the range having been overcome A domestic use to which- elec tricity seems admirably adapted hut which thus far has received insufficient attention is that of providing hot water In many Canadian the furnaces or coal ranges arc provided with at tachments to supply hot water for the kitchen bathroom and laun dry during the winter months As the furnace remains unused from the middle of spring and coal ranges are not regularly used during summer the supply of hot water throughout the house is lacking from May to November Supplying this service by electri city is a great convenience to the householder and at the same lime opens a new field for the desired summer load to the cen tral station or other organization dealing in electric energy In Newmarket the Council has adopted a low rate for heating purposes and it would be well for our citizens to enquire into the question especially families un able obtain domestic help JOHN MOSS Box RemovBd to Eves Old Huron Phone Money to Loan On Ontario and western Parens Five to ten and BHtB Jam Interest payable Privilege to repay Principal a Old paid off and Farms also Bought Sold Rent- exchanged anywhere private Victoria Toronto Bank of Montreal Assets Now Total Almost Four Million dollars Liquid As sets Reach Record Level of Over Per Cent of Mobili ties to the Public The semiannual statement of the Batik of Montreal shows an increase of over one hundred million dollars in assets bringing them up to Among the other outstand ing features are the tremendous gains in both demand and notice de posits and an unusually strong liq uid position the Increase In deposits not bear ing interest amounts to and while this would indicate some superfluity of funds It also estab lishes that the bank Is in a position to do its share of the large addi tional business that will be carried out in the country The gain in in terest bearing deposits Is compared with a year ego and 33000000 since the beginning of the current fiscal year Thai confidence Is sure to be ther strengthened by the Our Toronto Letter Ministerial Recruiting League of Toronto a newly or ganized body including repre sentatives of all the principal Christian denominations waited upon Premier Hearst last week and asked for financial assistance to their plan to aid recruiting A- Sailors Society menfohal service was held last Sabbath to commemorate the loss of sailors in the battle at the North Sea The service was held at St James Square announced at the Parlia ment in the Queens Park that thirtyeight thousand automobiles have been licensed in Ontario this year Word comes from Ottawa that Sir Sam Hughes stated on Thurs day of last week that from the 1st to the of June at the ter rible conflict at the loss to Canadians in killed wounded and missing totalled upwards of Wilkin formerly of Ihis city is among the missing Arthur Dice of Street was caught between two cars on King Street one day last week and was sent the Hospital suffer ing from severe injury about the head County Robert Hums aged years and a well- known familiar figure about the County Courts and southern part of York County passed away on Thursday of last week Word has been received front Geary that he Is not coming home at present He slates ho expects to see fighting His civic salary may bo cut off At the sessions of the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance the sum of 7400 was raised for Missions ilt was beer that caused the trouble at a Russian wedding In Portland Street the other day The festivities lasted from early morn till late in the night when the effects of three kegs Ofbeor caused a fearful fight On Saturday last two men passed away suddenly from heart Greenwuod Lieut Jack Lieut Reg Lieut Harry Penrose- Lieut fray Robertson Surgeon B Greenwood Geo Sgt Ernie Dunn SgLMlr Glen gig J Sig Pearson Hill H Mortimer Ross A Smith Walter Trivclt Geo Vale Corp FBailey j Corp Corp- Cody Corp A Corp Dixon Corp Dunn Corp Godwin Corp Hare Corp Hardin Corp J Hartford Herman J Mountain LanceCorp Corp Morris Corp Proctor Corp John West- Master A Smith Wheeler Dunn Gunner Carl Brodie Gunner Mont Brimson Bandsman Harrison Gunner B Clark Gunner Clark Gunner Samuel Carter A Martin Gunner Lloyd Gunner Verne Gunner Bruce Morton Gunner Howard P Proctor Gunner Quick Gunner A Sanders- Gunner Wesley Driver Lyons Inch Sapper Fennel Sapper Gibson Sapper Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Sapper Harry Stephens Bandsman Ross Armitage Ptc A Adams Ptc Adams Sr Roy Anderson Pie Ptc W- Bailey J Bell Caldwell Brown Pie Barnes Pte Barber Ptc Geo A Bisson Ptc Art Ptc Frank Ptc Reg Ptc Norman Blair Ptc J A Cox Ptc P Cdntine PIC J Clark ted Ptc A W Cox Samuel Carter Jack Gunner Ed Arthur Pte Cain Pte Stanley Draper X Draper Dillman Wm Davis J Eves J Geo -Epworth- W Flanagan Flanagan Gibson Pte Granger- Gordon G Gordon C Granger Gadsby Hatch Henderson Hill A Hare Hartford Howard Signaller Charlie Hilts Signaller Harry Hilts Sapper A Mitchelll R Irwin R Jones Johnson Ernest Johnston E James WJ MKennedy Kelly Harry Kaiser Pie F Laker Alf Geo Meo Pit Silas Miller Martin J Martin Ezra Morrison FMillar F Miller D Mitchell Manger Wm J Moore Pte Geo Murdock Pie H McKay Pte John J McDonald Ptet Donald McDonald McDonald McCullough Pte Jno McDonald Ptc McKay Pte McGill Pte Pte Newman Pte Norman Osborne Pte Potter Pearson Pie Penrose Pie Pte J Robinson J Rowland Ptc Carl Pie McLean Stewart Pte Geo Smith Pie W Smith Smith J Shelley Stoddard Pte G Stone Ptc A Smith Pte Smith Pie Claude Vale Pte Reg Wilson Pte Geo West Wesley J Watkins Pte W Ward Pte A Williamson J W Wallace Pte Wilson Pie Wm P Wright fc Wl J Our stook is the largest and moat uptodate North York The Fit and are guarantee Our prices are right we bought before the- recent advance An Inspection Is KSS J Sf y MERCHANT TAILOR Phone 160 Main i mm asm i liai if- 1 7 FIR8TCLA88 CONDITION II for A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Eaoh Also Belting at Half Price I Enquire at Era Office Newmarkets Enlisted In No 2 Company Newmarket 127th York Rangers Battalion Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman failure Their names were Alex and Joseph Priest John Mallock was arrested Sat urday on a charge of stealing a bank book from a fellow boarder He was dealt with in Police Court on Monday CASTRIA For Infanta aad lit Um For ttpriMI bear filatoeofV Ashquab J Andrews Wm Albinson Walter Arlt James Abbs Win Charles Burrows Brown Lawrence Thos Burrows F Blair Bailie Ernest Bum Jas Big Canoe Enoch Leslie Baggs Samuel Corp Maurioo Barnard Brown Geo J Black Harry Beck Richard Holland Marshall George Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp Brooks David Charles Frederick WmC Hugh Fred Cooper H Chapman Wm Donald Chapman Rymor Corner Joe Lewis G Donne Dougherty Stewart J- Dean Harry I Donne William Eleon William Eves Alexander Alfred Eves Samuel Albert Flanagan Roy Forth Albert Henry Alfred Godfrey Abraham Graham Godfrey Thomas J I fl a John Corp Hill George Hayes Geo A Silas Huston L It Hill Sydney Hopper J oli ii Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James Lee John A Lundy Henry Benjamin Liscombe Leslie Laviolcllo M Miller Win Marritt John Mcintosh Alcxandor Blears Fred Mctherall J MOTavish Brown McDonald John Carl Rowland Norwood Chas John Nugent Walter Near Rupert- OHearn Frank Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Page Leonard John Melbourne Edward Pratt Albdrt O Raolne Henry nose Robinson Wm J Donald Ransom Wm Rose Ross E Rye Freeman C Smith A Ivan Stanley Roberto Smith David Starr Edgar Edward Clarke James Smith Frank p We still have a few hundred dollars worth of Furniture lefv out of Mr we are making big redv tlons on A few Items are Bedroom 2 Duffels 1 Combination 8eoretary and Bookcase Hall Rack Oak Parlor Extension Tables 8 Iron Beds and Many Other FRED SKINNER 3 Dealer In Furniture Funeral Director Underlakers License License GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE Leave A Arrive Toronto 805 am pm pm NORTH Newmarket am Allandale a I pm 335 pm 8 tooo pm io5o GOING SOUTH Arrive Allandale am Newmarket am Toronto am am 1018 pm 137 pm pm 535 pm I Leave si j John Thomas W J E Charles Thayer William A Taylor Martin Thompson Frank Tunny Clarence Walter Thomas Newmarket Men Who Have Wellington R White Sydney Wilkinson G Corp Watson Oscar Woodhead Sydney Woods M Leonard Weir John Young Geo York S3 i Ill 7 Davis A Davidson Jos McCordlck Patterson A J CaneSorgt P York Roy V A Crooker J Evans Ptb A i A A Pierre Comor F Marshall j Hughes fie Pte Geo Keririell Skinner R M M Jefferson Saunders Pie Butoher A Hutchinson v I I Bill I 5S ffii sjS j Godfrey Geov Glover Leslie Saunders Waller Ed Stutter Martin Leslie Pte fc 7 HoarePte J Molten 7- Rose J Pte Kenne Patterson Pte Jay Ple7J 77 Pie If any omitted