Newmarket Era , June 16, 1916, p. 6

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a Sfr it ss IP s 329 MP n rW SWS VT 3K E aw K BBS Vr IS rfg S3 rJ HE JV- ms ft- J V v NEWMARKET FRIDAY LabV S9 V If L i K m MOUNT ALBERT JOHN YATES AGElT SUTTON 3 i- tririi 1 1AOb Albert A barn in the 30 Apply ii i McLaren and Mr were- Mie Da- day HOLT Childrens atIIopc next mm RMS with dome other day little Grant cement walk and arm On Thursday and fell and frac- seriously Mm S mm I meeting of the MU of the North York Institute will be held at Mrs Sinclair on June at Mrs J Hunter Lecturer will be Sndkydress the meeting AH invited Sunday Everybody welcome A number from here attended the Ladies Aid Mrs last Thursday evening and reporta fine- and a large crowd Listen for BelHs iIad to be able tojsay Mrs Oliver Dyke is from recent illness vRains have delayed seeding- a great deal around- here Mr Tansley a telegram staling that bis- eldest son Herbert was wounded By shrapnel in right arm Ev erybody remembers Herb and all wish him a speedy recovery Its Quite a common sight to see a grey driver and brandhew buggy climbing that big hill to ward Wonder why I EGYPT PARTY Garden Party in with the Presbyterian be held on Mr Arwed short distance the on Tea will be to 8 and will be ty an excellent program to Air Duncan Cowan the far Toronto entertainer will itribute See posters Wto IT- t S ATTRACTION Vet copy the following from gun published at Swift Sask which will be read by our people Art Exhibit of the Swift rrcnt Schools held in the auditorium on was attended by a great iny citizens and was somewhat surprise Miss commenced her du- arts teacher last a in1 what that talented accomplished during t lime in every grade in all schools is a great credit to is complimentary to the The four walls of the auditorium were not large to- accommodate the full hit and Oman School was set I by itself on the floor space ffprize awards were made study and selection will compare well with in older institutions those of Swift Current Miss has every reason to feel over the success of her and the board can rest that the parents tile progress the pupils are Jmaking were served to tne Patriotic and this was a iice little of the afternoon evening The Management of the Society are endeavoring arrangements for the exhibits to be shown as a special exhibit at the summer ex- at the fair grounds iSTOtmT The meeting of our Young Peoples last Thursday evening wafl attended The topic was taken Gladstone Marrilt of Keswick on Stt he and The farmers around here are all through seeding in spile of the rain Mr and Mrs Win Nelson have a young daughter One of our prominent young ladies Miss Cora Tomlinson of was united in the holy bonds of matrimony on May Mr McClellan has been visiting his daughter Mrs Carl Anderson of ell el I Quite a few of our lads and lassies took in the Concert at Sutton one evening last week and report a real good time Egypt Cycle Corps was doing some very fast speeding on Sun day last Where where were Wes and Enoch Is fishing good Mr Smith and company are busy these days moving the Portable Engine to Methodist Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Airs Will Taylor Friday evening June Everybody come and have a good time Mr and Airs are moving into their palace at Jeru salem Pie William also Leslie Riddel spent Sunday at home Syesla BALDWIN BREEZES It IflppoKe was very by all this week is taken by Atkinson and Mrs J I Hamilton IB Indians In Canada hop to a good attendance the evening service on lay- next at oclock British troops in East Africa have captured jhbo and on Tanganyika yx Albert in all kinds of Farm McCormlck Binders era and Rakes and the Mo- Engines no wade and the John Deere cler Hamilton and do not the quick Oil This is the best Stoves Phono or write BBSS F ramie Plants give or from the top the north wu to lao Icie our pa Farmers- are smiling The weather is assuming a more sum mery aspect We have a mercury period with its usual accompani ments clouds high winds and possible hailstorms the first ten days of July then hurrah for genuine summer weather and the Conservative splultcration at Jacksons Point Nonpolitical they claim but youll nary see a Grit speaker on the platform There is a keen rivalry among our local dames on the poultry question prodigious flocks will be seen here this fall if old Fox doesnt slick his snoop nose in Norman York estimates a flock of hens and roosters at fully seven hundred grownups They consumed one hundred and fifty bushels of wheal besides other grains in the past winter Advice to a gallant young man Oue of our popular young gents used to drive a colt till by a misfortune it ran amuck through town very- much like John Gilpins famous mount He ran away smashed downD Crawfords Now our friend drives a spirited old nag blind in one eye and cant see out of tother I would advise that lie have green goggles adjusted to her eyes or belter still have her fitted with a handsome set of eyes It must be quite em barrassing to a nervous young lady to ride behind such a nag It is almost enough to give them the fantads The anniversary services and entertainment at Egypt Presby terian Church will be on Sunday the and Monday of June This year the entertain ment will assume the form of an intellectual instead of ihe usual refreshment of the inner man It will probably be an illustrated and pictorial lecture or perhaps storcopliean viewft An automobile Jh a mighty poor investment for the average farmer It makes them lazy vag abonds unwilling to do a decent honest days work once a week Look and sec if I am not giving you straight facts They are on the tear night and day Those who exercise wisdom and prudence on the roundabout deserve recommendation but those who disregard public safe ty and go rushing along at limit o speed especially over bridges my- best wish is that they run into J ditch smash their par into matchwood My worst wish than as Geo Foster Queensville would say Mr friends here feel deeply sympa thetic with him in the loss by the destruction of his home by fire The house was above the average Of farm houses and I doubt if it could be duplicated fop Mayor Cane could say Miss telle Sweet believe was designed by nature farmers wife She is an handler the gibbons reins over a wild bronco or mustang almost with the great and Rockwell them selves and you may perhaps know they were great guns in horsemanship Stella knows a thing or two about how to handle apitchjori well I believe as near as I can make out one of our aspiring young farmers has- an idea that she will make a sweet farmers helpmate Friend Old ham thee will have to watch out or the get thy hand maiden A couple more clever horse women among our local lassies are Christie and Mary Myrtle Elizabeth Foster They any amount of nerve and Christie was out one day when a girl witlj Gertie the racing mare Tlie wind one morning sprang up from sleep Saying Now for a frolic now for a leap Now for a madcap galloping chase Ill make a commotion in every place etc Such an idea apparently caught Gerties attention She took the hit in her teeth and made a bold dash for liberty But Christie yanked and hanked till Gertie was glad to cry quits By gum old girl she said in dumb lan guage I didnt believe you could do Lots of owners of fast nags think they canhaul down Jas A Crydermans colors but I notice none o fathom are to be seen wliqi Jas A is out for a spin Hes got a corncracker I should say Just three and promising well holds her head high like a Queen of the Turf Our Miss Foster intends leaving jus July 1st I have a great respect and admira tion for her cleverness in man aging some unruly urchins and street Arabs She has recently had occasion demonstrate her strong willpower and determin ation by disciplining our kiddies whom it is claimed arc urged to rebellion by parents that an error I read in her face that it takes unusually great difficul ties to daunt her As an educa tionist she is hard to surpass She sends up many successful candidates to Entrance Exams is so thorough in her work Norns and Archibald travelled all the way to Baldwin to get As scalp for a trophy in trotting Eureka They lost their own scalplocks Look at their bald pates Jeff Hip wild Yankee scout and Irapper is clearing out the Johnnie Chucks from Owl town He puts a chem ical in the hole This makes a gas and the fumes kill ahd Union Sabbath School take place at BohdLajce Park on M6ndayJune the A program sports is being ar- Vaces for all the boys and girls Sharon Band wili furhishpiusic for the day Car Boags Crossing at return leaves Bond Lake at seven p Everybody welcome Muricey arid little son are here from the a visit to Mfcs hear tnat MrsWm Turner is le and Mrs Cowiesori spent Sunday in Town with Mr Allan Miss Keycs the popu lar teacher at spent last week in London During her absence Miss of Mount Albert took charge of her school Mr Silas Sennett has had a metallicToof put on his barn About 10 of tire Bat marched recently and after having dinner here home Miss Sadie Turner is on a visit at present Rev Kemp Confer ence in MeCordiek of New market was calling on friends here one day last week Miss Robie has been leaching at spent Saturday at Pie Cordlcks on her way to Bond Head to visit friends Ptcs and Butcher spent a few days last week at ML Albert recruiting for men for the 220th Mr and Mr Kellnr and Mrs Brown of spent the i KESWICK The League at Garden Party on Mr Isaac lawn froiny to ft y ViiKr KetVieby Epwdr an Ice Cream Social June Airs Hunter of Toronto is spend ing the week her parents Mr and Airs Maple A Ave Mr and Mrs J Heacdofcy and Miss Margaret spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs M Stevens of the line Mrs MltohellofEverstey spent Sat urday with daughter Mrs King Christian will hold their annual Bush MeeUng on Sunday July 2nd Tho Garden wllj In probability be on JulyJJfrd Miss Agnes of Toronto is at home here Mr R Burling spent oyer Sunday in Milton is packed by automatic strong white cotton bags aiid at the This is far safer and mora packed by band in a weak paper which breaks at a touch No hand touches SUGAR until yon open it your- self Just cut off corner the carton and poor oat the sugar as you need it and Cartons and 201b Bags The AllPurpose Sugar Mrs spent Wednes day in the city SHARON Ladies Aid met last Thursday afternoon at Mrs Geo Miss Flo Hall spent the week end with friends in Mr and Mrs J M Kightley spent Sunday with friends in Newmarket Mr and Mrs M Duncan Union St spent Sunday at Shropshires also Mr Stone- house of Mrs Cowel of Toronto also Mrs Art Simpson spent last Friday at Mr Lloyds Miss of Toronto visited Mrs on Sunday of the line Is having his house remodelled Messrs McDonald of carpenter work- Our popular blacksmith Mr J ins a new Kprd car Mr Harry Kitchen of Schomberg called on friends in town on Friday Mr and Mrs C Black on the line spent Sunday with Mrs Blacks sister Mrs William Wilson ISLAND GROVE Mr and Mrs Howard are moving into the ac- property of Mr formerly occupied by Mr of Toronto where they will bo prepared to weekenl with their Mrs i will still use their recent abode as and Mrs J An derson are spending a few days hand Grove We extend as tin annex Sir William Mulocks new res idence is progressing rapidly now that the weather is improved It will be a creditable addition to Is land Grove Mrs J Irwin and little son are spending a few days here tills week Master has been very ill with rheumatic fever is improving slowly His sisters arc caring for him at Mr J Anyone wishing to secure one of the famous Airedales should visit the Kennels at Island Grove lately removed here from Montreal Mr Robinson is the manager Lieut and Mrs Lindsay are spending their honeymoon at LANDING The In- work annual of the Red was held Monday Is the report of year Inn during Hie I oo to FARM FAR BALE Being lot In the rear of Con cession of East belonging to the estate of the late Farm contains acres more or less acres being working land the remainder pasture and swamp On the farm there Is a nineroomed house a barn 3 frame hen houses an1 a stone pig pen with driving house above Water Is supplied by windmill to house and barn Farm will be sold by public auction subject to a reserve bid Poole hotels Mount Albert at oclock noon on June per cent of purchase money on day of aaiev balance days For further particular apply fa WARRBK SO 13 doz Bandages Pads Small Pads doz Compresses doz Pillow doz Slings Mouth Wipes Pyjamas 2 doz Shirts Quilts pr Wristlets pre Socks Gauze Wipers Total- receipts from all sources18i80 balance on hand 3146 K Tate Sec with friends in the city Mr and MrsWmr of Newmarket spent Sunday here with friends Postmaster Watson spent a- couple of days in the city this week Mrs John Storey spent Wed nesday in the city The Misses at Toronto Sunday at Mr Crones Mr and Airs Lloyd attend ed the funeral of a sisterinlaw at King City on Thursday last We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Hughes Mr Thos spent a few days visiting his cousin Mrs M A Ramsay Sorry to hear Mr is under the weather Hope he soon will recover Pretty good weather- for ducks What do you think Jean Woiider if Mike enjoyed his stepdance Tuesday evening Do you ml mills quite warm these days Frank Word came saying the Hi Halt has landed safely on other side The Cornet Players of Sharon Hand will assist Newmarket Hand on Sunday Slop I Look I Listen I Annual Picnic of Sharon cud Sunday Schools held on Monday June 2rt to Hood Lake Park Two special cars will leave am and returning leave lake at pm Sharon Brass Hand in attendance Mrs of Nova Scotia is spending a few weeks with her father Mr T Although rather late In the season the farmers ar very busy planting their corn while the flno arm weather is at its zenith our heartiest congratulations Lieut Lindsay leaves for overseas shortly islander ORCHARD BEACH Some more cottages are opened up this week for the season These In clude Mr VnnNormnn at The Cedars Mr Tyrrell and family In he rough ton cottage as usual Dudley Manor and Mrs hong and In Lodge There are also a number at Urn South end as far down as Mr Elliott Mr R and occu pied for the week end Travlss V Mount Albert JuneBtb A Field Day is to be held on the fafrn of Mr Rich ard Good near Stop Metropolitan Hy on Wednesday June sharp Everybody invited especially the ladles The Ladies Aid of the Presby terian Church Intend holding the annual Garden Party and Straw berry Festival usual this year on June on Mr Ice Cream Par- tor Is- open Ing Is well laUonlxed ara ringing Hello and sunshine We are glad lo sec Mr able to be around The Free Methodist on Sun day last was very largely attended Miss Walsh of Toronto has been spending a few days with friends In A Johnson loaded a car of nice live stock this week They are certainly some buyers We aro glad to see our In action again with his great hustling motoroycle Mr miliar Miller of Dennis spent over Sunday with relaUves In town Baseball Is booming with some of Ihe lads now Mrs J Merohanl spent Sunday with In Sutton Guess seeding la getting pretty welt Wound up now around Ihope 90 peeping Beauty Has yof occurred to any of family that a approaoh of brings holi day plans that mother never a- 16 YEAR OLD BOY TRIED FOR MURDER As there are a number of car Wninwright Alberta who went from Newmarket Mr John sends us the follow ing item for publication Charged with the murder of his father a lad aged stood in the dock before Mr Justice Sim- moils at the Supreme Criminal Court in Edmonton This was Waller Gray who lives at and is charged with that on or about the day of March he did murder Win Gray Tire enso is a pathetic one ris ing from the of his parents In outlining the case lo tJie jury Mr Cogswell drew- attention to the fact that the prosecution bad lo depend upon evidence from a source that wmi frlondly to accused meaning the anil brother Walter The first was the mother Jano Gray wbo said that and her husband frequently quarreled and thai they had on the morning of May had an altercation concern ing milk as she wanted hus band to obtain another cow as theirs was dry She l that she had bad enough of condensed milk The boy Walter was get ting ready to go to school and one of other children were than Walter him Ho came and told the falhor not silly and alio promised him she would- not quarrel any more Afterwards however the father began to call family names and to say they were no good and she retaliated Then ho struck norland eventual ly threw her on the floor and threatened to kill her She heard the begging their father lo leave mamma alone and one of them Walter- again and said was killing motherV Waller came In but she did not sea him as her hus band was slltl dealing Tier then heard the report of a but did riotsee who fired General Store WANT Lota of Good Fat Fowl Will pay top prloe Dont delay In selling them while my price Is good Prop Herman Falrbarn Phone GENERAL STORE Hitting on a box outside and Wal ler talking to him The boy want ed to go for a doctor but her hus band did not this The boy eventually rode off for a doctor and another brother went for the husbands brother who lived near Her husband was about years of Age He was seen by doctors and until he died They had a revolver in the house which was obtained by Winnipeg GERMANY LOST BIG WARSHIPS- THE 8KEDADDLERSJ One of the newspapers in Great Kails Montana says that a number of men have been giv ing drill exhibitions in street there just to keep in touch with the steps they learned recently in Canada where were con scripted for the army The people of Great Falls ought to know the about these men If they were in Can ada at all and were in the army as possibly some of them were they enlisted as volunteers There has been no conscription this country If these men enlisted in Cana da they did it as volunteers They walked up of their own accord and of own accord were sworn in lo go forth and fight in this war They enlisted and marched with honest meif in uni form lived with them shared them the esteem and ap plause of the public and then they got cold feet and ran away deserted skipped iiu he night dodged and hid to escape the consequences of their perjury One of these men professes to have been a soldier in When there he volunteered and posed as a soldier because it was the most popular thing lo do In- Great Falls he poses as a runaway because ho thinks that the popular thing to do Is ft Will the people of Mon tana the akedaddtor volunteer who deserted the man who sought to win the applause the volunteer la entitled to but ran away from tho fight ing the soldier trains for Wo do not think people of Mon tana differ from people and they can but have a feeling of contempt for these men who started out to play a mans part In a world war but had not the stuff In them to go through with It Juiio To ronto Star IN THE JUTLAND BATTLE London June A despatch from from Renters says the crew of a trawler taken Into who wore later re leased assert thai that six great warships and sev enteen destroyers did hot return from the Jutland battle The sailors say that one of the warships mentioned as lost was the battleship of tons Details of the struggle of the British dreadnought which ran among the German warships when her steering gear failed to act and received a tre mendous pounding at close range while own liupe guns did ter rible execution among the enemy were related today by Capt Philpotls who commanded the dreadnought during the Jutland Rattle This dreadnought which Ger man official statements have in sisted was sunk in the action came safely back to port despite the close range In which at one time was the target of six German warships The readers of this paper pleased to learn that Is will be at least one dreaded disease that science has been able cure In nil its singes and that Is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to tin medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires constitutional treatment Halls Ca tarrh Curt- Is taken Internally acting directly upon the and mucous surfaces of the system thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing lis work The have so much faith in lis curative powers that they One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls lo cure Send for list of tesU- AAddress J CHENBY A Toledo Sold by all Take Hails family Pills for patlon Chicago June Evan Hughes of Now York was today nominated for president of the United states by the Republican national convention and Charles Warren Fairbanks of Indiana was named for vicepresident Jus tice Hughes nomination on third ballot and only one was needed to select Fairbanks to Church Union was carried by he General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church at Winnipeg by a vole of to Liberal and Conservative candidates were nominated ev ery constituency in Nova Scotia for the Provincial Legislature Flections lake place this Friday Possibly thinking hat he needed money worse than the soldier Thos Held of Toronto stole 11 from ihe pockets Of a man who was working for an farmer a few weeks ago and he is now in jail await ing trial Talks with officers who have relieved of duly in front- lint trenches show Hint the bat tling in which Ihe Canadians were engaged Oil June and was ho bloodiest battle on both sides that has been fought on the British front since the battle of Loos There were over casualties among the Canadians The Austrian estimated at about 350000 or two killed or wounded for every oner taken The Hussions have driven a big wedge into the line enemy in the region towards and which each fresh advance positions of the Ger mans on the Riga front are ren dered more precarious Taking the Germans by sur prise with a sudden terrific bom bardment Tuesday morning Canadians established in the salient drove them out of the trenches recently ceded on a front of yards southeast of In their assault which Sir Douglas says jyas brilliant and successful they lured all their old positions along the part of the lino attacked from the southern part of Sanctuary Wood to a point about yards north of Hill They in flicted heavy losses my and captured of his officers and of his men The artillery them efficient sup- port both before and after the assault heavily shelled the position but the Canadians clung to it and have almost completed its con solidation This appears to be the ending of the engagement in which the Germans sought drive on they attempted to drive on Verdun Its outcomes proves that the Canadian Infantry t J outclasses the Gorman- infantry and that the Canadian

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