NilML consider ice Early Spring Purchases of Afl and Flower Seeds TESTED English fruits- In Packages Only at or for Our Stock Is now In Call Early- Our Stock Is Large a Assorted SLf EM NVCTA riisHonor pre sided Court here on Wed nesday There were only Hie Hatband of were adjourned The evidence was so conflicting in some cases the Judge was obliged change ft previous decision- The attendance spectators was small- i So tin ILEY In Scaled Packages Only one of the Best both In Quality Quantity Ask any of your who grown them CLOVER SEED No Reason able TIKOTHYSEED No and No at Close- Prices Department a Look at oup New la Window It speaks fop Andrew Bulling By the will of the late MuIJin of King Township hoe and Caroline Kehoe benefit to the extent of i Deceased passed away on the May last His estate is Valued at made up of mortgage In the Imperial Bank at Bolton and in the Post Office Savings Bank He also bequeathed lothe House of Providence Bowling The Newmarket Green At Pear- son Park was opened day afierhoon with a big in attendance Only local games Military Items Additional names Cradduck PteAVni Atkinson S Cousins Foster Pie I evening a Band Concert will be given by the Battalion Band on the Market Square On Sunday the men will parade to the Presbyterian Church accompanied by the A subdepot has been opened at Mount Albert with dick in charge v V Importer of Staple and Fancy China Field Comforts The Field Comforts Society will next week the work done last season Watch for it as it will show what they are do ing for the boys active service A number of ladies intend go ing to Aurora to hear addresses on the Patriotic Work on Friday A number of well informed speakers will be there Everyone welcome Sewing and work at Miss For syths Picnic from Toronto on Tuesday at Bond Lake They had- a delightful day County Council meets next Monday Only two weeks from Dominion Day The Wednesday halfholiday is strictly observed by the stores In Newmarket Pickering College boys were nappy down town Wednesday ev ening it being last night here before vacation They gave the College Yen as a parting salute B No COAL FOR SALE Anthracite Coal at bar gain Orders filled at all tours Telephone No 3 doors South of Osbornes Shop Main St North RANK GLASS I POULTRY To anyone who not careful lere when I and what smart spring- width and suit every 9 y 9i fln Ms is2 followed he direction of in Canada an the status which poultry industry has now reached must constitute a dis tinct surprise Whether viewed the standpoint of the farm er or of the produce trade it is row one of the best organized and progressive of any of our five slock industries Coopera tion amongst farmers In market ing is improving the product and realizing for thorn a higher hey nave hitherto litn aide obtain Hie of methods by the trade in providing against loss is assuring to the a better article and our export business a firm basis that Canada and ba luring the last twenty received from the United about threefourths of all tie eggs exported by that IniJwlnjf that period This lias how As against an importation of dozen we iii not more than dozen On other vliiU in we exported only in we export dozen This net inrrease in years of at least Practically all of these went lo the United Kingdom dwiifcjiandinjFHi surplus in Cawatfa which these figures during March April and May remained at an high level For the m quarter of year co- least to advance of he received In MnU it was at in and for the d hast in price for restive months The for local purposes lias Tare- JHtn keen as at the This situation Is rtSf in KM Heavy domestic Wonhi the of the high for parity fejcplaina Confidence in the on the part of the trade confirms it from mm direction production the egg business in Canada is Potion at the tteaa circumstances we ihi wise as many chieJc- iluV hatched winter layers probably be Sundance tou profit should be fi Tested from this ftource ifi fln ve under Prospective market be finished at a W I A flock of tfWilllf handled will n the economy In fc as is ftar 5 mar Newmarket Is Loyal Newmarket and the district immediately surrounding has re cruited nearly four companies or in the neighborhood of- 900 men for overseas service and the recruiting officers are still meet ing with fair success in their ef forts to bring the ranks of the York Rangers to full strength Mayor Cane said Sat urday night that the large number of local artisan who have left the town had made the work of taining skilled labor difficult but that record was one to be justly proud of He said all the local factories were experiencing the same conditions and in the case of his own firm they had recourse to Quebec and other se cure skilled men The Methodist Sunday School has decided to hold their annual Picnic at Park this year and tire date is now being arranged with the Grand Trunk Railway Co Park is oh Lake Simcoe a little south of Belle and just five minutes walk from the Railway Crossing The grounds have been nicely graded and there is ample room for all kinds of sports A pavilion is be ing erected for shelter in case of a shower There is a sandy beach for bathing boats swings tables and other conveniences It is new at present but will be a very popular resort in the near future of April fcnaiM for Ontario Christian Conference The Annual Conference of Christian Church In Ontario convened En the Christian Church at Newmarket on Wednesday af ternoon ther being a fair at tendance of delegates present The election of Confereiijcp Offi cers was the first item Of busi ness and it resulted as follows President He v P Flelrhcr of Keswirk Morion Lit tle Britain Secretory Mr Elmer Lick Osha Treasurer Mr Same Oshawa a unanimous vole by ballot Rev Or Kirkland of late of United States was elect ed a member of the Ontario Con ference On Wednesday evening Rev Hall of Oshawa delivered a most excellent address on So cial and Moral Reform The attendance was only fair Methodist Conference Election of Chairmen of Dis tricts resulted as follows Toronto East Rev J Simpson Toronto Central Rev T Toronto West Rev R J Trc- leayen Brampton Rev J A Long Orangeville Rev Young Owen Sound Rev J Stew art RevJ J J Coulter Bradford Rev A P Addison Rev Grey Rev Harper Rev W Watch Rev J Adams Parry Sound Rev T Sudbury Rev North Bay Rev J fl Bowles New Rev J J Spar ling Cochrane Rev A A Wall The day the British Em- by the account of the battle the a battle as glorious in its conduct and- results as Tra falgar This battle in which odds werOheaViiy against the spirit f admiral dowji to cabin boy Time and again His Majestys ships bucked German swift battle gave and look destroyers their charges recked perished provided first Admiral with ho high courage of the British navy a courage which is nature placed his squad- German Grand Fleet and held the to terrible toll on both sides uhtii Admiral and his Dreadnoughts hove in sight and sent Germans scuU baok to cover Admiral Hood went down with his ship as many other gallant officers men- did with theirs Five thousand of the bravest men in England lie at bottom of the seafpr the price of Admiralty the German navy is bottled up once more The Canal is crowded again that she rules the waves aha intends keep on ruling thern The only mistake seems been the meticu lous caution of the British Ad miralty which let the Germans put their story on the wire first- it will take the truth some time to overtake the German misrep resentations The great battle had its les son for Canada- What if the Ger man navy had broken through Where would Canada have been then with no navy of her own and the tied at Halifax ahd being a cook house for landlubbers However that is an old story What really does count is the thrill of pride Can ada felt at the great British vic tory in North Sea The Ger man fleet may never conic put again indeed its coming sputa all is in tho nature of a last card and is a that the war is sight of its finish this demon stration being a sacrifice to Ger man public opinion which sus pects that the German army has shot its bolt on land But mean while it has provided the British Empire with a thrill thrill of Perhaps you work Indoors outofdoors i man It makes no difference this Oi- perhaps you are an The point Is i i l it export TO Christian Endeavor The Endeavor Meeting on Tuesday evening was well attend ed The topic Will and the Way was taken by Mr Will and was handled splendid ly A very interesting discussion of the topic followed which was very inspiring This was the first time our new Pastor Or has been with us and a warm wel come was given him by the Soci ety He asked the members if they would stand by in any which he might undertake Rev M of was also present and gave some splendid thoughts to orers On Thursday evening the attended the Conference ses sion devoted to Endeavor work Next week the topic will be taken by Mr J Booth and all members are urged lo be present The Newmarket Company Battalion Club A meeting was held on May for the purpose of organiz ing and electing officers The following names were submitted lo Col Brown for his sanction to act as Hon Pros Col Brown Major Pink Davis Hon J Davis Dunbar It was agreed that the follow ing officers act on behalf of lhe club Pjes Lieut J A Gordon VicePres Lieut M Win chester Secretary Davidson Treasurer Cane Corp Manager Lfeufc Winchester Captain Pte A Evans Com A Butcher J Pal- dear Judges Court Lust Wednesday afternoon His Honor Judge ponton held a spe cial Investigation into a matter of dispute concerning plans of pro perty In A surveyor was present and it was shown that a mistake had been made In the plan as registered An ami cable settlement was made and the costs will be divided equally between the two men and the not to exceed ease of public lercflt was that of a farrncr who sued a Toronto dealer for the of his a cheque which was mark ed on face amount of account in full but a sum trad been de for some rnllk The former proved that any lack of good milk wag on account of the dealer not supplying cans according to contract and Judgment was rendered In 14s fa vor for balance of account and costs of court It Is said that when Court was over the defendant was struck by he plaintiffs wife who also pulled his hair and complaint has J Crocker Ralph The colours are lo be cardinal and black This is lo be the principal sport this summer In Newmarket and we auk all the of town to turn out and us their heartiest sup port The first game of the season la to take place at Weston on Fri day June when the New market Company meets West Toronto Company The and men of lhe Newmarket Com pany wish to take this- opportuni ty of thanking the citizens of the town for their generous contribu tions which enabled us to atari our club with a complete outfit- Commencing June the Do minion Government proceeded to lake a census of population of the of Manitoba Sas katchewan and Alberta cen sus is taken five years- In order to datcrmlno the amount of subsidy the three provinces are entitled lo frpm the federal gov ernment school scrap has been oh In for some time The school premises was overcrowded and the school board was anxious to build an addition to the school so as to carry on continuation school work more effectively The trustees submitted through the council a bylaw to authorize the issuing of debentures to raise the money to was voted down some weeks ago by the ratepayers The latter were In favor of doing away with school work and thus lessen the attendance the school week school building was been entered for Police Magistral burned downiothe Which it Old opinion to an end Thomas pride and satisfaction that Eng lishmen make no account of it if death is only up in victory for a great cause Right on its heels comes-ah- thrill Our brave Canadi ans baptized with fire at SI are carrying name to glory again at- Ypres The casualty lists are going to be long There will be many sad hearts in Canada But they will not sorrow as those without hope these fathers mothers wives maidens children who have given their dearest to the call of honor and duly Such are the thrills which a war three thousand miles dis tant provides for us on land and sea Meanwhile what kind of thrills arc being provided at home Well we have lhe Kyle inquiry which concerns a lot of highbinders whose chief object seems to have been to soak the British coming and go ing We have Colonel John Wesley Allison Sir Sams friend and superpatriot being told to scratch gravel for him self did it lo such good effect that Wall Street buccaneers would pay each for an introduction to him so as to be able to get- in on the gravel the Colonel was scratching The Colonel seems lo have struck pay dirt from the very first He made so much money that he could divide a commission of a million dollars with two other profiteers and then forget lhe de tails Colonel Allison didnt bother about such chicken feed It came easy that he could afford to give to his typewriter for ten years work who says she hardly remembers which hank account she put it In as she has several hank ac counts in these warpro fit days a year Is good pay for typewriters and is calcu lated to wake other members of the profession Jealous Howev er whats lo Col J Wesley Allison Everybody with a proposition had to sco Allison and- Allisons commis sion otherwise his tollgate was roughly speaking ten per cent All those who refused to see Al lison or did business with Mor- or who preferred to act as Independent competitors- characterized by Minister of Militia as rings Allison was one Just man According to Sir Sam he could saved the British War Office a hundred million dollar If he hadnt boon halted In his wild career Another thrill was furnished by the revelation In regard to the Bertram Shell Committee and mated in the House of Commons that the manufacturing mehibers of the Shell Committee had fed themselves eighty million dolIarsV part ly based on Lord re mark that War Office got dollar value for- every three dollars spent In Canada It did belter than It had al so a paper of million dollars which so It boast ed It divide a and- If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of perstrength Nothing hold you long Come In here and get a warm comfortable suit of Stanflelds Unshrinkable -r- iT mesWhimster The MenSWear Men THE IS LEAPING THE 220TH YORKS To BE KNOWN IN HI8TORY THE LION BATTALION OF YORK a fc p j J ft The GLORY of the LION is his MANE LAD8 OF YORK I Line Up or You Be Too Late Dont Miss a Chanoo as This to Hand Down Your Names In History m made few remarks about it In deed it will be handed back to the British War Office whereby Shell Committee acquires great merit for a somewhat belated act of virtue Another thrill Is provided by a letlor of Mr I A Thomas which was to go dcuce fcho Commission In letter Mr Thomas points out lo Shell Committee that Mr considers that the Shell Commit tee prices are too high and In timates that no further orders will bo forthcoming until prices take Mr Thomas fur ther that tho prices would yield to a little healthy competition but Shell Com mittee had to have the Infusion of steel manufacturers reorgan ized out of it before it to see things In that light The old Shell was mighty set in its ways and did not leaveoff trying to pull- Lions tall out by the roots until its cluch wa Moreover It took some time break its Clutch because Premier Borden was on Mr Thomas side one day the flqeHCohi mitteesv fllde Premier to he led right Iheo-Z-W- Thomas Government ff5R conaShpps go lion wtfiom on the lines of list ami it refused lo do anything that would put a crimp in the cam paign fund on it was obliged to put a small tax on the war proJUcers it did it more in sorrow than in anger and In cidentally took edge off it by taxing business also so thai the goats couldnt be dis tinguished from sheep While our heroes arc dying In Flan ders and elsewhere home Govern ment supplied still another thrill by disclosure In regard to the cartridges which were good enough to be bought by Col Allison a former Bradford boy has made name for himself in American Re public Ho recently received a ten years sentence for forgery About two years ago ho returned to Bradford driving a mo- lor car and many believe ho was on the big way to pros- pertly It was found out after wards the cap was a stolen oneJ A 3tyoarold son of Richard Mono mot with a very painful on Friday The little fellow got a can of lye and while playing with it some of mm s at and sold per thousand I lye got into his eye It is feared to lhe Admiralty On top of the sight of the eye has roved that came another thrill In the shape of General letter when drew attention to a suppressed re port on the Ross rifle which the Brit ish War Offtco complained was at the breach One way and another these thrills of with which the Government Is so plentifully providing the country synchronise as Sir White would put with the noblest performances of our soldiers at tHo front It while our brave boys were Canadas name the scroll of fame at St llen and- that flrfltwarscandals were aired and two Conservative members of Parliament being out that time it was paper shoes and These things loomed large at the time look thirty ftFJh JHU1 left stroyed London June least the sinking- of the cruiser Hampshire aboard Lord KUphenor staff met doath They raft which was washed ashore one of the Orkney Islands Copenhagen June or man cruiser 5 son a destroyer and have been a florin the Four men flfty InJuredTi grain elevator destroy of Office for getting fingers AtifPj W steamers almost destroy by a flrewhloh started elevator this ARCHI TORONTO