mm mm SbLfJi ISIS tap E sa IS ill Mil ijrai iff ft v iJ MM mi iilili STOMACH TROUBLE J lY Felt Wretched Until He Started Id take mm plain- St r two years I was ft miserable Sufferer from Rheumatism iTuAtteqiieniDijaySpeUs when I took wretched I suffered from latism dreadfully with pains in my ck and joints and my hands swollen friend Fruitatires and Xim the outset they did me good first I fell I I can truthfully say that Is the only medicine LOOTS a box for trial it all dealers Or sent postpaid by tires Limited Ottawa HOUSE FOR Around the Hub AURORA Sir J id lias in for tho past two superintending the seed ing large farm in that province has returned evening Willing Worker Glass met at the home of Mrs Walker as a prise for her daughter HuU During the evening Mrs Hutchinson was presented witli a beautiful glass and silver fruit bowl as a token of the es teem of the class for A jolly evening was spent J Newmarket West end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath Fur nace etc if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora Ont Building Lois on Park and Avenues Apply to C Newmarket H0U8E TO RENT St Rooms Town Water Possession at onc6 Rent- ply to SCOTT i FOR Brick House on Millard Aire late home of the undersigned al- others added to my list lately M HUGHES FOR SALE whole stock a general store in Newmarket A good opportunity ire in a Mi a man going to Box into business Newmarket TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J HWESLEY The Latjies Aid of the Pres byterian Church will meet on Wednesday June at ptn and in rthe evening will hold a Strawberry Festival A good jprp gram will be given and a good lime is expected Our enterprising citizen Merchant is busy these days in his garden which shows beauty and culture Our esteemed teacher Miss Collins be leaving soon fob her vacation We hope for her speedy return of Newmarket continues his services with us it Brick House Lot on prospect opposite Pickering Large garden with large and small fruit and good stable Also an eightroomed house in Ket- Apply to E St Newmarket it i Tate kit ml mi eel TO JERSEY BREEDERS Brampton Merry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Dam Brampton Merry Daisy Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket STOUFFV1LLE Keep the of July open for the regular Lawn Social of the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church The School Board has recently purchased two hundred and twen ty hooks for the Continuation School Library at a cost of Mr George left on Monday for Sutton West where he has been transferred by the Bank of Nova Scotia George will he greatly missed in town The Annual Union School Pic nic will be held at Cedar Glen Park Musselmans Lake oh Sat urday June- Many prizes are being offered for football races etc Sunday School Anniversary andj Garden Party in connection with Christ Church Anglican will be held on Sunday and Monday June and After a severe illness at the age of 86 Mrs Benjamin passed away at the residence of her son Mr Henry on Wednesday June Alha Union Picnic will be held this year in the groves of Messrs Hoover and wander one and one half miles west of on Saturday June 24lh A large number of prominent speakers will he present and give address es Band will furnish music A big celebration will he held in on Dominion Day July 1st The York Rangers 300 strong will be here with a com plete military camp A monster parade will he held in the fore noon Baseball fire works and other attractions Tribune to alleviate he suffering and sorrow which- It pauses he Empire the have sent about tons of sup plies through I heir Chap- tors of are many They aisosOo soven- I nurses anibulances Mrs of h vorj dresa with regard to their efforts She also the Bahamas In these Islands who lias not gone- to the war gives oneday a week of his earnings to Red CrOss work and the women are also very for same caise be impossible in a short address to give an adequate idea of all that has been done- but remark in passing has doubled its membership the has membership in tin- last years apd since the last annual Meeting new Chapters have been formed Ms was reelected President and gave a most able and Interesting address Mem bers were urged to an earnest consideration of any matters up for discussion so as decide on the best means to obtain the objects and aims above all preserve the Ideals of the All need added strength and more enthusiasm to carry on a wo mans work in bearing bur dens of the Empire The Presi dent reviewed the work done dur ing the war and congratulated the ladies on their splendid achievements in patriotic work and on the continued growth as manifested in the many new Chapters which had been formed In fact the growth wa3 phe nomenal Many new avenues of future development will be constant ly opening up and the speaker urged the members to be watchful strong grasping all opportunities for patriotism in the love of arts and literature in which she predicted Canada would take a leading part in the period that would follow the declaration of peace Mrs emphasized the fine work of the Order in the provinces and asked for its continuance her concluding words being We shall not have laboured and suffered in vain if we have helped the verdict of history to be that in the great war along with the Empire and the Allies Canada has found her soul L Chapter Ford plant persons there are dependent upon the Ford factory Dominion times when such an influence is intensely valuable an estimate on the fact given In the last census report that there are five in the average family this makes a total of people that look to the Ford Plant for their support other words half the people in these four towns whose com bined population is about are directly benefited by the prosperity of theFord Canadian Company At the same time that they received this increase In wages better part of valor The Ford Canadian executives however preferred to look upon the situation with more optimism At that time they- were considering putting into effect a higher standard of wages for their employes They saw no reason why they should stop any great extent since war began But so ul has been the Ford Canadian policy of full speed ahead war or no war that it has been necessary to take on 900 additional employes August 1914 Has the Ford Company as a Canadian Plant with its own army of highly paid workers done its bit for Canada outside of boosting her prosperity Again let us consult statistics In contributing to the Patriotic and Red Cross funds the employes officers and stockholders gave or an aver age of The factory workers alone gave or an average of per man Office employes gave everyone almost without a single exception gave to absolute limit For instance twentytwo girl office employes steno graphers and file clerks contributed a total of per month for 12 months f The total contribution from the town of Ford with its 2200 this Is increasing the prosperity of the individual with population was or an average of about per capita vengeance which is one of the largest per capita contributions of any city likewise it increases the prosperity of the merchants from or town in the Dominion Ford employes are the highest paid automobile workers in British Empire They are paid 3 times as well as the aver age Canadian workmen receiving 1200 a year as the average wage of as given by the last census reports The Ford Canadian executives have pr6ved to their own sat isfaction and figures make this proof obvious that the increased permanency of a mans employment his increased skill gained through this longer time of service and other factors fully counterbalance this increased expenditure in wages And so the owner of a Ford car receives a direct benefit from all thi3 since it results in putting into his car a skilled workman ship that is most unusual and that goes far towards making the Ford car the wonderful mechanical production that it is today the wheels of progress on account of the war so in April 1916 the new Ford standard of wages was adopted Here was a wartime increase of from to for every eligible worker in the plant The average laborer was at once presented with a a month raise It is estimated that this Increase distributed among the Canadian Ford employes amounts to about a month And bear in mind that their previous rate pi pay was good So by April the Ford Canadian Company will have given its employes 600000 in increased wages for one year Sure whom these employes buy And it increases the prosperity of the wholesaler from whom the merchants buy and so on down the list The commission man the jobber the manufacturers In all parts of Canada share In it And in the natural course of events the whole nation benefits from this increased distribu tion of money In the nine leading cities from St John to Vancouver there are Ford Bra establishments that are also assisting in this promotion of prosperity the plant at Ford Citjr there are about 2000 employes whose places of abode are id the four towns of Ford City Windsor and Sandwich There are 1000 more employes working in establishments in these four towns whose output either in Its entirety or its greater part is taken by the Ford Limited Ford Runabout Ford Touring Ford Coupelet Ford Sedan Ford TownCar Ford Ontario Ford Ontario 530 730 890 780 FOR PARTICULARS AND OTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO K All cars completely equipped including electric headlights Equipment does not speedometer AGENT NEWMARKET t dels WFL Win Are You Going West Sutton West The Grand Trunk Railway System will run EXCURSIONS EACH TUE8DAY to Inclusive Tickets valid to return within wo months inclusive of dale of sale WINNIPEG and Return EDMONTON Proportionate low rates to oth er points in Manitoba ft as r vt mm k v and Alberta Full particulars and tickets on application to agents J Depot Agent J Phone Agent SALLOW SKJN fa one of the greatest foes of womanly beauty It is quickly cleared by correcting the cause sluggish the aid of the gently stimulating safe and dependable remedy Worth a smite 5 Kj m SB 10 mm A very interesting meeting was hold in St James Hall on Tuesday last June when the Daughters of the Empire local Chapter and he members of Ihe local Hod Cross as sembled to hear he reports of Urgent the local Secretary on the annual meeting of the in Toronto The Secretary Mrs Morrison having acted as delegate In the meeting gave a most inter esting detailed report of all the work done in the various provinces Newfoundland and the lands There were delegates from all over the continent from Halifax lo Victoria anil he amount done or hospital work and the soldiers their wives and families is simply mar vellous II is Impossible for me to do full justice to Mrs Morrisons rc- but may say I we shall always be as in he selec tion of such an able delegate us at the future annual meetings of lie Order Icy us next meeting will lie I ill Victoria which is loo long a journey for mo of us Wo can only and pray thai by fhal lime peace may Jie restored amongst nations ami ted Cross work may cease to be a necessity in look ing after our wounded soldiers and trying to occupations Suitable to their conditions we as Daughters of the Empire shall still have much to lax our energies and must bold ourselves ready aye ready for all hat ilea before us In the future I Irtffli that during the present year we may him many additions to our Chapter In conclusion I hat we hope hold the An nual at the or the of I would remind members ha each- Is to give a small of needlework in value from ton cents up and have also a slock of work on hand for members lake borne and do at their leisure Hut one thing I must Impress on all is that the work be finished and brought buck fo mo one week be fore at he latest so that it may be priced properly and a list made of it This will save a groat deal of trouble and misunderstand ing Chapter ANNUAL I All attended Annual Mooting of must have come away Inspired with zeal for further promoting the gpd of particularly during present dark lays when the heavy cloud of iter l over us all our energies are required PRODUCTION AND MARKETS How is the war affecting the live stock industry of Canada Can this country develop a expert trade in livestock products If so how would such a trade affect Canada and what advantage will it yield to the Canadian farmer What op portunities present themselves in ihe way of foreign business as a result of our participation in the war Will more or heller poul try hogs sheep cattle horses insure any profit or benefit to the man who owns and raises them Will systematic or organized ac tion in breeding feeding and selling be of any service in making Canada henceforth a powerful factor in the worlds product business If anyone is interested either In the town or on the farm in the problems which each or all of these questions raise he should secure and read copy of Pam phlet No Production and Markets written by the Live Stock Commissioner and As sistant Live Stock Commissioner and recently issued by the Live Stock Branch of the Pom in ion Department of Agriculture The pamphlet has the unique feature of dealing not only with the question of production but as well with the equally important problem of markets We think thai every farmer in Canada should at once carefully read a copy of this publication It is is sued at a moment when a careful Study of existing market situ ation should prove of great value owners of breeding stock of all classes Application for copies should be made to Ihe Publication Branch Department of Agricul ture Ottawa SAFEGUARD YOUR HELIANTI A NEW VEGETABLE Many or these are used In this age of modern agriculture development and they are truly very necessary At same lime the wise farmer will lake ample precaution that they will not be a possible source of danger lo children or to others in the home For the sweets used to attract flies will also attract the toddler Just he- ginning to explore the mysteries and wonders of the old home Paris green is also an alluring powder To a child and carbolic acid other dangerous but necessary germicides and disinfectants are sometimes taken by mistake- for medicines These materials should be stored in a place where Ihey cannot he readily secured by children preferably under lock and key should be placed In light vessels properly labeled All flykilling solullons containing poisons especially those arsenic In dangerous proportions should be placed- where children can by no means reach them Now thai spring drawing near Its usual visitation of hugs blights and flies the matter should he chances of danger from your home a small poison cabinet build It now and keep it locked FELT IN8ULTEO them and suggested politely Hi LAME BA Spells Kidney Trouble Theres do use putting on liniments And plasters to cure that ache In your hip or back the trouble Your kidneys areout of order GIN IlLLS go right to the of the and heal and regulate the kidney and bladder action Then you get permanent relief I Manv a man and woman who has been up do up shooting mini In the back having to stop work and lie down to get a little relief has found new health and comfort lo School Reports 8 8 No East For The Month Of May Helen Wil son Karl Muriel Kershaw Harry Jen nie fr vycdlel Jack Tate Muriel Shrank Eugene Lome Ramsay Arthur III Bessie Kershaw Vera Glover Ramsay Annie Pearl Microtia Hutchinson waller Davis Mabel Howled I owlet I Wesley Kyes plover Dorothy Violet Hill Carmen Dora Rose- Temple Cephas Andrews Munvll Ivan Eyes Jr Marian Kcnnelh ley Margaret Davis Average attendance Names arc In order of merit An a name signifies pupil was present every halfday during the month How many farmers have tried rais ing the as a side line their farms Is a new summer- and winter vegetable of great merit the flowers are a bright yellow not un like a cosmoss and borne in endless profusion In July and August and Is as showy as the best specimens of and Glow Im mense quantities of fleshy tubers shaped somewhat like a sweet potato but smaller grow Just under the ground and are palatable eating fall winter and spring It will sthnd both heat and cold and wil thrive in any kind of soil An Ideal way to raise them for stock would be to turn hogs in Ihe patch and let Ihein do their own harvesting they grow very shallow often half of litem are slicking out of the ground It Is also an excellent poultry food Chickens scramble over one another in their haste got lliem The green stalks are greatly relished by cattle and they will also cat them when cured It can be cut repeated ly without any damage dining the growing season As a able vegetable it ranks high tender and palatable more easily digested than potatoes and remarkably free from starch Its taste is difficult to describe being different when In various ways It is used at different singes of growth both green and ripe The given tubers are a complete substi tute for fresh asparagus It may be cooked In many ways like potatoes asparagus cauliflower oyster plant etc They require only ten to fifteen minutes lo cook and may he prepared hi a variety of ways steamed boiled or fried served with cream ami bullet sauce etc or made Into a stew a decided oyster flavor The resourceful will find many ways of cooking and serving this new vegetable The libers may bo planted ell her In spring or fall about three feet apart each way In rows and hill up the same as potatoes Harvest them dining fall spring needed have been successfully grown In Michigan California and Texas in all places making good yields Wilson Star fc The their honey- first visit to happy pair on moon arrived for their London As they stood on Hie platform waiting for their luggage they look ed obviously and shy of the unaccustomed crowds Then an outside porter approached Can Ilook after your baggage ye mister The redness of rage mounted to the fair cheeks of the bride she turned Indignantly on her spouse There Bob did yon hear she demanded If aint goto lo thrash for to me thai yon aint no man Front LEAVE TORONTO UNION STATION 1045 P Monday Wednesday Friday For Parry Sound Sudbury Port Arthur Fort William Winnipeg Brandon Saska toon Calgary North Vancouver and Pacific Coast Points Tickets Berth Reservations from York Radial Agent Newmarket or General Passenger agent St Toronto write G8 King SOUTH END FLOUR AND VS LIBERALITV Two I boxes completely cured Arnold McAsktU of Lower I ftny line If you have of lroobUt GIK PILLS cure coc a box six box for nd box lo give or your money beck fre If you write National Dru A Co of Ayj i v Standing of pupils of 3 for the month of May Br Knthleen Si III Greta Smith Willie McMillan Clifford West III Robert Howard Br Mary Dora Glov er Herman Mabel Martin Cecil Smith Leonard once absent for some exams Jr Smith Fred Shields Bailie Ernie- An drews V Kelly Willie Andrews Jr Irving Willie Dean Primary Primary A stance Roy Martin Andrews Lily Dorothy Smith Fred New ton Cecil Shields May Martin Primary Leslie Wright Teacher FVanderburgh my Vital godliness and a failure to re cognise the Almighty as Ihe giver of all good lo whom all have be longs cannot In the same dlvldunl That means that a congregation will necessar ily ho what we call a the other hand some of churches churches particularly arc merely playing at religion and are among the most In their A man may give freely and not the an Idea of the mean ing of spirituality As a matter fact the man who as pointed out once by the Christian Guardian alters Miss to read Take my wife and let her bo consecrated- Lord to thee Man sort of counterpart In these days In the rich man who sub scribes In four five or six figures to Churches and other reli gious and charltablo organizations and Bays hi effect Go away now and dont bother me any more for the present I must see that my got ready for a Sunday trip to MuskokV Hid part Is pay It costs him no to do so Yet imagines thai he holds a golden key which win open to him door of ihe Kingdom without putting him to any prevent to RECEIVED LIMITED QUANTITY OF SED PEAS EARLY BRITONS A VARIETY OF SEED CORN Also Rod Whlto Blossom Sweet and Timothy Seed all Government Standard Royal Household Flour from Old Choice Pastry Flours Monarch Moss and O BRAN SHORTS AND ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Prompt Dollvory P ALL KINDS OF A TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO College oti j ENTER ANY Tl w 1 J Resident lay School for Boys and Preparation fop and IN ifllWtato -uiib- convenience Packet A Principal Address P num Et jsad WSp aflt as iffsr Aa W VST fflatC rtat KE was mm I i-