Newmarket Era , June 23, 1916, p. 4

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J NE 3RD lis i ly SdS azJ n is- ESSE How Mrs Kelly Suffered and How She Cured Burlington wis very Irreg ular and had pains in my Bide and back wnilmt after taking J Vegetable Com pound Tablet and Using two bottles of the Sanative I am folly convinced that I am entirely cored of trou- and feel better all over I know your remedies have done me worlds of good and I hope every suffering woman will give them a trial- Mrs Anna Kelly Chestnut Street Burling ton Wis The many convincing testimonials con stantly published In newspapers ought to be proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing ills pecu liar to their sex that Vegetable Compound is the medicine they need This good old root and herb remedy has proved unequalled for these dread ful ills it contains what is needed to restore womans health and strength If there is any peculiarity in your case requiring special ad vice write the Pink- ham Medicine Co confidential Lynn Mass for free advice Ill t a J win Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS to Grocery I it to rati QUEENS KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE IncfodlBg Mini Chemlcitl Civil Mccb- Electrical MEDICINE Dorijv will In HOME STUDY but fitudnts to grftdu ate must attend one SUNMERSCHOOL JULY AUGUST Ej -i- i Summer Session How open In Shaws Business Schools Toronto until Aug when Fall Term be gins No vacations Enter any time Free catalogue Write H President The del Mi QREENHOU8E8 NEWMARKET For Spring Planting GERANIUMS for BEDDING I TOMATO CELERY TER VERBENA and other Bidding Plants Floral Designs of every de scription made on short notice I PHONE 1 A RELIABLE WANTED tfnnorfhceti to fate place a seal In the Legislature for reslgnalion ofv Torrance who resigned to ikc a position SftrninaUqns July 3rd aha A- Winnipeg despatch last that Rev Dr Robert Camp- of Montreal leader the In the Presbyterian -As- would keep properly from those who Join the He appears forget lie law may have someUjihg- to say ibuulit- A press despatch from Ottawa states thai notices sent out by the of Fin- to all companies and firms Canadajv requiring them to make returns under the provi sions of the Business im posed by Act passed last ses sion of Parliament It is announced that arrange ments have been completed be tween he Dominion Hospital Commission andthe Provincial Government of Ontario the Provincial Secretary De partment will establish at a Hospital for the Treat ment of mental and shock cases anions returned soldicis In an to Dog Sheep Protection Act passed at the recent session of the Ontario House municipalities are matje liable when sheep are killed by unknown dogs for com pensation equal to lh full dam age sustained- The same Act empowers an increase iivthe dog tax Before Company will take a risk on Ufa the physician will teat the urine and report whether yoa are risk When your kidneys get tod clog Buffer from backache or and of lumbago and goat- The urine often full of sediment channels often get sore and Bleep disturbed two or three times a night This is the time you consult some physician of wide experience Pierce of the Hotel and Surgical- institute Buffalo Send him cents for sample package of his new discovery Write your symptoms and send a sample of urine for test baa taught Dr Pierce that is the most powerful agent in- dissolving uric acid as hot water sugar besides Shop licenses in the vicinity of Camp Borden were all cancelled last Friday Strong pressure was brought to bear on the Li cense but the Board could see ho other course in view of the proximity to such a large body of men The will be com mended by the Province generally for the stand taken Temperance Act Attorney General and If last session By the legislation pa no distiller brewer malsler or a tavern shop or whole sale license or club spir ituous or fermented liquors are furnished- shall be liable for nor any municipal corporation levy and collect from any such person or club any taxes for the year in respect of business assessment By a press despatch from Ottawa on Saturday we learn thai Sir Robert Borden Dominion Premier cabled llic following despatch General Commanding the Canadian Army Corps Pray accept and convey to Canadian forces under your command our warmest congratulations upon the gallantry ami resourcefulness display ed in the recent successful attack To tins thoughtful message the fol lowing repHy was received All ranks Canadian Corps Join me In ap preciation of congratulations convey by your cable All this is not only it is considerate It is over fifteen years since Mr published the last Municipal Manual and we now it announced that the early anotlier municipal manual for Ontario under the editorship of Sir William Meredith K Justice of this issued It will be welcomed gladly not only by the bench ami but by mu nicipal men generally The state ment js made that this new manu al will deal fully with all the vari ous branches of Municipal Law of Ontario An Ottawa despatch which ap pears in some Conservative daily papers gives currency to a ru mor that grain will soon resign his of fice and retire from public life In this connection it is likewise rumored that lion Speaker will become the next An addi tional rumor has it that Sir dolphe Forget will resign his seal for Dorchester and the new PostmasterGeneral will seek his reelection for that constituency harmless it is endowed with other for it preserves the kidneys a healthy condition thoroughly cleansing them Being many times more active than lithia it clears the heart valves of any sandy substances which may clog them ana checks the degeneration of the bloodvessels as well as regulating blood pressure is a regular insurance and lifesaver for all meat eaters and those who deposit limesalts in their Ask the druggist Jot put op by Dr pierce in packages ArD BEAUTY Cpme With Dr Pierces Medical Discovery Is a blood cleanser and alterative that stam tne liver and stom ach Into vigorous action It thus assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves brain and The organs work smoothly like machinery running In oil You feel clean strong and strenuous In stead of tired weak and faint The220thBatfc Monday J una 12 llie Battalion has Had another active and successful On Monday an openair meeting the Vermont Park Toronto Strong appeals were made to the young men present by Brown Mills Lieut Robertson Major Kirtley and 5gt Brock SEVERAL CHANGES Mr of Brace- bridge has been elected by ac clamation for the provincial con stituency of following the death of Mr Armstrong former member The Liberals did not offer any opposition There arc also vacancies in provincial constituencies of North Perth and South Toronto in the former owing to the re tirement of James Torrance M P P lo become Collector of lonis for the City of Stratford and in the second case owing lo the death of Hon J J former lately the Conservative Government not definitely arranged whether or will con test these seats MIRACLE WAR A Spanish who has been visiting the British front gives his impressions the Pe tite Journal- lie remarks that he has seen a army created in months And after enumerating all that be saw the masses of and When you have seen colossal ma chine workingV -whom- you heard the of guns and the calm con fidence from officers and men you believe England invincible and well worthy such art ally as France- But what is most astonishing is- that all that one sees now did not fifteen months ago that all these polite ami chivalrous officers are lighting outside their own country lo de fend the soil of their allies And in this hey acted spontaneously under no compulsion It is difficult to this but the miracle is above all due to moral factors The social body and- lhe national machine have been transformed because lhe heart and spirit of England had undergone a prior change The lack of scruple by the scrap of paper men showed that the English possessed not only a- feeling heart which brought them to help of the robbed and assassinated Belgians but the implacable will to im pose the final decision upon the vandals of Europe And when the women intervened when the de lightful blondes of Great Britain Joined the campaign Kitcheners contemptible Utile army became a terrible army the accumulation Of forty German di visions And that is only trie be ginning I Far more effective than Sticky Catcher Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere Tuesday June In every good town and district lp Ontario where we are not represented Territory reserved for the right man Highest paid Attractive advertising matter NEW EKK S it a e K Including the HEW RASPBERRY TORONTO ONTARIO It begins la look as if the days fit Sir Hughes as Minister of Militia in the Borden Govern- were drawing to a close The Conservative press are ad ministering sideslaps thai to say the least are very suggestive For some time past the Toronto Telegram has been tramping on Sir Sams toes and Hamil ton Spectator this Week referring the the Hon Minister of Militias observations respecting late Earl Kitchener takes occasion to say Premier Borden ad ministered to him a merited re proof This now the Wind blows K fcWKV tv AUTO roll HIRE Any parties to go out into the country on business pleasure can be by with hie new car Terms Orders at lhe Market Bargain House wUl receive prompt Phone if Union sentiment appears lo be on the Increase In both the Pres byterian and Methodist Churches as years go by The menu of the Presbyterian Church Canala have voted twice on the subject rhbjflrl vote was taken in 1011 secondln with result In vole cast reached It totalled Maiprfy for union In was reached The General Asflembly at Winni peg last voled decidedly for union- action by the Presbyterians Methodists and etea Kit OP DURHAM excellent fanners meeting- at live problems of Interest to the of proving were dis cussed wan held at in connection with the Liberal Conven tion for the provincial of West Durham William John farmer of Darlington Township wan chosen as the candidate for Hie next provincial election p West and Nelson P of Prince County of whom are fanners wore the fad ing Patriotism vyastleVey- of both their afldrcsscs patriot- Urn both IncpqnecUon the war and the duties of Canadiancltlzens at home especially the farming In dustry Mr Parliament emphasized the need of more specialized agricul tural education cooperation tile draining and rural credits devoted his attenUon largely to the dafy branch of farming and em phasized aggrcsBlve agricultural policy of the Liberal Party as pro- in resolutions In lhe Legis lature the- last two sessions ParUsan were n discuss ed On Tuesday evening art air recruiting rally was held in Moore Park Cor St Clair Aye and Clifford St Moving picture or the Route March and other shown Dunbar and Mills addressed the meeting and Several recruits were obtained A meeting was held the same evening at Willow- vale Park on the occasion vyerc Lieut returned soldier Kirtley and SgtBrock Sev eral musical selections were ren dered by llic bands of the lalion At on the same evening a splendid banquet was given by the ladies of Christ Church to the platoons of the 127th and Battalions dinner had been served a program of sports was carried out Later addresses were de livered by Rev Trcmayne who occupied the chair Deputy- Reeve Lieut J Pick up of Toronto Miss Hogg Mrs Ireej Mr Lee and Duck worth of the also assisted in lhe program Wednesday June On Wednesday afternoon a happy event of a military charac ter took place In when Harriet Charlotte daughter of the late lion Clarke Wal lace was united in marriage to Captain- O J Little Medical Officer of the 220th Bait The wedding took place at Christ Church lhe Rev Wm Evans and the Rev Swallow officiat ing LlCol Brown Ma jor Pink and many other officers of the Battalion were present The Weston platoon of under Lieut Lyons and Mcintosh acted as guard of honor After wedding Capt and Mrs Little left for New York On the same afternoon the Brass Hand of the Battalion attended the military Field Day given un der the auspices of IheUed Cross Society at the Agricultural Park at Weston There was largo program of sports in which the men of the 1 Mi Battalion the civilians of partici pated LUCol F Clarke act ed as referee On Wednesday ev ening a detachment of the under command of ftil Brown and Mills acted as a guard of honor opening of the new Pi Sta tion at North Toronto The Hand of the Battalion was and added greatly to the in terest of the occasion by several well rendered selections The Battalion availed themselves of the opportunity to impress upon the large audience present the Immediate need of men for Over seas Service On lhe same even ing the Independent Women Workers of an Important meeting held In Littles Hall announced their Intention of giving their sup port to the Battalion Thursday June 16 On Thursday evening the meet ing of the Officers was held in St Pauls Hall Brown had Just returned from Ranges Ottawa presided Reports from de pots throughout the wore very satisfactory and showed that the mark bad been reached Friday June 16 On Friday afternoon athletic contests were held In West To ronto by the Battalion Weston Newmarket West Toron to and Headquarters competing Running Jumping the events op the program and a hardfought baseball match took place and West York hundreds yard dash was won by thiv and four hundred and fortyyard sprint by the Mimico men K McNalr carried off honors In the running high jump At pint an openair recruiting meeting was held in Park Pickup and Miss Constance spoke In the interests of the Battalion The results were encouraging- not withstanding -the- unfavorable weather deivcrnd by LlCbiBH Brown Davidson k and Capt it Pickup Great interest was manifested in the meeting and splendid things are looked for tiietowh of Sunday June 18 On Sunday morning markci and Aurora detachments of the Battalion logelbcr with the Band to the Presby terian Church in Newmarket for divine service ft H of the Battalion preached-a- fliie recruiting sermon to the large congregation which the Church to On Sunday evening meetings were hold in the Doric Theatre St and in Cum Bac Theatre Road CoC Brown Mills Capt Pickup Major Kirtley and and appealed for recruits Moving picture of war scenes were shown musical numbers instrumental and vocal were rendered by Miss Freda Johnson Miss Muriel El der and Miss Lieut addressed a meet ing in the Royal George Theatre held under the au spices of the Trench Comforts League He spoke Jn the in terests of the Battalion and se cured from the ladies present nearly one hundred names of men eligible- for Overseas Service On Monday morning at o clock the Battalion stalled on a trek by which to cover the County Leaving St Pauls Hall St they marched to New Toronto where the first meeting was held Great re sults are expected from this lour through the County The Brass and Bugle Bands accompany them and are arousing great enthusi asm along the way Tuesday March to Oct All Rail Every Wednesday During Season Qraat Lakes Route tonaner out on the prairie when lut r Cuud ft Crop home for CANADIAN PACIFIC take there you ell and help you to Particulai Agent or Agent Toronto from Canadian Howard AGENT NEWMARKET Til MAIN 8TREET Specials for Friday and Saturday Running Shoes and Pumps NOW 18 THE 8EA80N AND HERE ARE THE GOODS THE AT PRICE Ladies Patent Leather Velvet and White Canvas Pumps Reg On Sale Pairs of Boys Girls Ladies and Gents Running Shoes Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies and Misses House Dresses Sizes 34to 38 Beg on Two for 100 Sideboard Covers Reg on Sale at 23c 100 Pillow Covers Reg 75c on Sale pp Mens Fine Top on for 39c each Kast Africa FARM WANTED The Western Provinces of arc not experiencing ah of of Farm Laborers for Spring 5 and Summer work which makes steady work and good wages a certainly Saskatchewan has call ed for Laborers and an equal number Is required In Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by Canadian Northern Hallway It was found that an average of men Is required at the points from which returns were received An average wage Is per month Including board Is being paid the highest being per day For further particulars as to the men required and the wages being paid at the various points apply to P Butcher Agent or write H General Passenger Agent King Street Toronto 3 Doors South of King George Hotel Proprietor to go to Country on call up PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR At Prompt Service Charges Reason E A BOYD Pro Night Calls on Phono 172 Promptly Attended Your Floors Need Paint i Paint preserves the wood Paint keeps floors healthful Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery Painted floors are easily cleaned a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germ Paint your floors and thus have them always Spic and Span MADE CANADA is all ready to brush on anyone can apply it evenly ana smoothly And it gives a nurd lustrous finish that stays fresh and bright and wears and wears and wears I Saturday On Saturday evening Capt Mills spoke at- a- meeting at Vic toria Square at which he repre sented the Battalion A large andenUiuBlastio Openair rally was hold at Newmarket The It to use than other flooir paint because it covers more surfaee and wears longer mm We Senours Floor Point in beautiful colore Suitable for every floor in the of out of it to our tfft TORONTO

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