Newmarket Era , June 23, 1916, p. 7

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WJ aria HI is iff CHINA a ON Spring Purchases of and Slower Seeds ITERS TESTED RELIABLE English Seeds OUR NEWS -X- fc Rebekah Lodge P will meet on Wednesday even ing June at In the Hall on Lot St Members are urged be present Jr Farmers PIchlp The Jr Tanners Association of York County held a very successful picnic to Wilcox Lake on Thursday This picnic includes the boys who taken course in Agriculture and their friends Kid in Packages Only at 10o or Call Early- Our Stock Is Largo Our Stock Is now In I if I- as at en ia- ic- infl PSO and and onto turnip seed Sealed Packages Only one of the Best both in Quality nd Quantity Ask any of your neighbors who have grown them MOVER SEED In Quality Price Reason- able SEED Ho and No 2 at Close Prices China Department Kate a Look at our New Stock Mem DINNER SET now on rim in Window It speaks for ftsett Laborers Are Scarce The backward spring will cause an unusual demand for farm workers the next two or three months Many men who formerly worked on farms have enlisted or gone into the factories which tends to make wages high and help difficult to obtain for outdoor work of any kind The Circle able meeting at the Parsonage on Tuesday afternoon Rob- son gave an interesting report of the Branch Meeting I St Andrews Next Sunday is Childrens Day in Churches all oyer the Dominion It will be ob served in Newmarket and the children will occupy the centre seats at the oclock service Special program The Date Is Fixed Wednesday July is the dale of the Methodist Sunday School Excursion and Picnic at Montoreno Park near Belle Summer Wood and beat for use at load cut slabs Tor a yjad Phone Dramatic Society On evening- June- Anglican Dramatic Society of St Pauls Church presented He is hot such a fool as he looks in the Ket- ilebyOoncertHailto a fairly large audiCijce enjoyed the farce The party motored to Keltle- and were royally entertained by the village people Strong for the Mr installed the Milker last week for the following on Lake per Patterson Very Good Master Stanley lion cm of Rev C of Holland Land ing has passed his pianoforte with flrst- honors He is a pupil of Mr Arthur Oliver Director of Music at Pickering College Stanley should be credited on his success as he is only years old Grand Trunk train Further particulars later QMS Importer of and Fancy China NOTICE is hereby given that Colin Poole of City of Toronto a County of York in the Province Manager will apply to the of Canada at the next ses- for a Bill of Divorce from Catharine Poole on the of adultery at Toronto in the Province of Eighth day of January UK Bay Si Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant state n good As wives Do PHOTOGRAPHS A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER Ontario Christian Conference The Christian Conference which closed on Sunday evening was one of the best which has been held for years Of course the figure was Rev Dr Bur nett of Ohio whose presence was an inspiration to every session The meeting Friday night the testimony meeting Saturday af ternoon and all the services on Sunday were largely attended and gave everybody a spiritual uplift The Conference is one that will long be remembered Mr Kleinburg Mr Mr- Lome Hartmari St The comes out first for the highest efficiency under the severest tests mm si V sm J Help make the Red Cross Gar den Parly next Tuesday evening a brilliant success from tomorrow is Do minion Day The York Battalion won the marching competition in the field day at Exhibition Camp in Toronto last Saturday There are about 60 writing for entrance at Newmarket High School A telephone is installed at the Bowling Green Old Resident Gone One of the oldest residents of the Town passed away last Sat urday after a short illness in the person of at the advanced age of years She lived in Newmarket over and is survived by a family of children sons and 8 daugh ters place Monday morning The funeral service look in St Johns Church on Sudden Death Mr Silas Toole a wellknown farmer who has resided in the Township of Whitchurch all his life passed away very suddenly on Wednesday morning at his residence on Ihe ith of Whit church formerly known as the Farm at the advanced age of over 85 years He was only sick about hours Heart dis ease is given as the cause of his death He is survived by three daugh ters at home and Mrs Clinton of Newmarket I he funeral will take place on Saturday at pm from his late residence Epworth League The League program last night was greatly enjoyed by all present Mr J Sleekly gave an interesting illustrated lecture on insects that are enemies to farmers Next Monday night the meeting is in charge of the Girl Guides An interesting program is being prepared and those- who miss it will miss a treat How It would delight your children how it would please jour friends Us Make Them For You I E Photographer Mo On Door West of IhtNew Post Office What are You The men who are prisoners in and our soldiers in the Hospitals have risked their lives in defence of the flag What sac rifice have you made your sympathy for them by at tending the Red Cross- Garden Party on Tuesday evening next and be liberal in your patronage They deserve all we can do for them Field Comforts The Field Comforts Society of Newmarket have the following re port of last seasons work The citizens who have so heartily supported our efforts will be pleased at Ihe work accomplished in six months Parcels have been sent to all boys on our list con taining altogether Passed Away After an illness of some months Mrs Mary Cain widow of Michae Cain farmer on the 3rd of East died on Monday morning in her 83rd year De ceased leaves two sons Michael on the farm and in Newmar ket It a few months since she was left a handsome legacy by a brother in California r old a t Christian Sunday School Next Sunday morning at will be held the Patriotic Service entitled Heroes This will be given instead of the regular re view the lessons Everybody cordially invited There are to be special hymns as well as interest ing items on the program Do not fail to be present All mem bers of the school are urged to attend 9 9 Store delay I E SECURE Ior our free t HONESTLY Thut and to in Foresters Decoration There was large turnout at the Cemetery on Sunday after noon it being the annual Decora- lion Day of the Canadian Order of Foresters i The in regalia were escorted from the Lodge Rooms to the Cemetery and back by the Military Band of the Regi ment with very appropriate music and the graves of deceased breth ren were decorated as the cere mony proceeded On their return to the Lodge Rooms was served and in the evening the members attended the Friends Church In a body Socks pairs Shirts Towels Handkerchiefs Mittens pairs boxes Join pkgs Chocolate bars J Soap cakes Carbolic Soap cakes 200 Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man It makes no difference- The point Is this if you are supervigorous you need Underwear of Nothing hold you long Come In here and get a warm comfortable suit of Stanflelds Unshrinkable DONT FORGET THAT WE HANDLE BOV8 AND YOUTHS CLASSIC 8H0E8 ffi tii Win fc j I I Sot James I Candles 9 one if the In four fiv hard on ir I anwerw it hadnt you you I dont In Ilihly ffood and get In the not have J kitflriT It will ft Wf ope you will At wd neither K in lie was ll crowded street for wear IiUm A out 30 Grand Military Field Day In connection with the Houle March of the now taking place throughout Ihe County a grand Field Day will be held on the Agricultural Park in Newmarket on Wednesday July Old I of lh fat he out u you Oh said J Wy Wife and with her We often A a Plant rooted give bet romto Plants Phlox PfJ or Tory to flrat our wwn You pee luck up at I was vah third llrne here J the States and am lo turn up M Oh thats all Jf friend did not I teu the hope lu WJ Tour A public meeting was called by Mayor in the Town Hall last Tuesday lo make pre liminary arrangements The audience was not large but it Was very enthusiastic Mr Howard Cane was request ed lo act as Secretary and the following Committees were ap pointed Program and Concert Com mittee A Wat son A A J Osborne A J J Cane J J J Patterson Smith J F Har vey J F Stewart Advertising Com A J Da vis K Robertson J F Harvey Mr Blemen Grounds Decoration Corn Hunter Os borne Hi firimsoii Geo J Mat- John Doyle A Brunts Pearson Hi Clark Meter Dr J Wesley Executive Keith Chairman K Robertson- J R A J Davis It Is proposed to an after noon of all kinds of Field Sports and a grand Concert In the Town Hall In the evening will be present the Brass Band Bugle the Irish Brass and Bugle Bands of Toron to Stoves Carbolic Ointment boxes Lead Pencils Maple Sugar cakes Writing Paper Tooth Brushes Tooth Paste We have a good supply of wool on band for knitting and enough socks for our June but must purchase worth of oth er supplies at once At the business meeting the following ladies were ap pointed to carry on the work for Ihe coming season Hon Pros Mrs J Davis President Mrs Howard Cane Choppin Secretary Mrs Andrew Davis Treasurer Mrs of Wool Forsyth Executive Com Mrs Ross Mrs Brown Mrs Hunter Mrs Clark The ladies ask for your contin ued help and support Parcels also been sent lo National French Relief pairs Socks dozen dozen Chocolate dozen Soap Handkerchiefs To Soldiers Comforts Bay St Toronto pairs Socks Caps Handkerchiefs To Irish Brigade pairs Socks 2 dozen Handkerchiefs To Navy at Halifax 22 pairs Socks Caps To Belgian Relief and A boxes Clothing doz Handker chiefs To pairs Rocks Ban ner and Banquet barrels of Fruit I To boys on last leave 32pafrs Socks i To Prisoner of War Turner parcels each weigh ing lbs containing Annual Liberal Arrangements are being com pleted for the annual Picnic of King Township Liberal Associa tion to take place at Keltleby on Saturday the of July The Highlanders Band Toronto has been engaged It will bo a big patriotic demonstration with concert at night Many promin ent speakers will be present and give patriotic addresses There will also be a list of sports for the young people Make calcula tions to attend and you will not he disappointed The Men Wain 81 Weal affil IV Newmarket Christian Endeavor The meeting Tuesday evening was well attended and very inter esting Mr Oral Hall was in charge of the meeting and Mr Jack Booth gave a paper on the Usefulness of Good Cheer An instrumental was given by Miss Bessie Morton and a- vocal solo by Mr Everyone is urged lo be present next week as this is to be the last meeting till It will be a Sealed Orders meeting which is novel and interesting All members are asked to be present sharp lo have their photos taken Do not forget Ibis Annual Picnic July Int Particulars next week THE LION IS LEAPING THE YORKS THE LION BATTALION OF YORK BE KNOWN IN HISTORY A lb Tea lb Dates 3 cakes Chocolate cake Maple Sugar2 Washcloths Towpls Shirts cubes Oxo a Gum Game of Hand kerchiefs 14 lbs Cake lb- Small Cakes Plugs Tobacco pairs Treasurers Report Proceeds from Teas Donations Benefits and Special Suppers V 07637 Payments Wool for 127th 3000 Tea for Belgian Relief Supplies for Paf cols sent to fioldiore Provisions for Tea Room Expenses of Running Tea Rooms Postage Postage Cash Football At Ihe Field Sports held at West Toronto on June the New market Co 220lh Bat Football Club played their first match with West Toronto Co 220th Bat The game was interesting dur ing the first half Newmarket scor ing goals to West Torontos Bey on minutes before the interval A Captain of the New market learri had the to injure his ankle which pro- vented continuing the game During the second half Pte played in the captains place Although playing a good game Newmarket Co was defeat by goals lo A return match wily bo played at on July at the Field Sports lo bo held on Iho Fair Grounds Go over and cheer the boys The LION MAN GLORY LADS OF Line Up or You Be Too Late Dont Such a Chance as This to Hand Down Your Names In History I On Sunday evening number of the of Johns Church assembled the- to presonl Private Caldwell Brown with a Wrist Watch bis return to MonU ho Is in training for Overseas The presentation was made Rev Father Wedlock followed by an interesting address and Brown thanked members of the church for their kindness in presenting him with such a suit able gin a Short speeches wore made by Messrs Kennedy F Doyle and MoHale all wishing him a Safe return- This Is the ninth mcmbor of the who has been a Wrist Several others are now at the Front and arrange ments have been made to send parcels each month to all the members- Death of Mrs ONoll Mrs widow of John died on Saturday the Juno at Iho residence of her daughter Mrs Wm with whom she had made her homo for the past nine years djreeased who was about years of ago- came lo tills country from Dungarven Water- ford Co Ireland and hud resided in Newmarket ever since A large family of seven daughters and three sons survive The funeral look on day morning at nine when mass was celebrated St Johns Church and interment was afterwards made in the Cem etery following pres ent at the funeral sorvlco Mrs iohn and son George Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Jas ONeil Mr and Mrs Williams Mrs P Lloyd Mrs Mr Thomas ONeil and Mrs O Brimson all of Toronto and Mrs H OHalloran of Ottawa Numerous floral tributes arid offerings wero received from frIendsof the deceased v Theyre me the House of arranged like a big hoose The members can get drinks or anything they are a difference Mao wl a difference In the of CommoDia bill Is in first and then measures are But in a bit- houia the measure Is In then the WflUr tj AC rig- Gen TO THE Y with ttuthoritatiTOkhowlodgt Of need for men appeal County of quota to WJ

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