WW Of 5 K1AE iv AS f Your Eyes ar needed can fit PROPER ONES TCWatson Graduate Optician re fc J 1 The Leading County Papery as well as Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid to advance good assortment LATEST Watsons Jewelry Store J I A s TTJoJEditor and J ST I r that Ford the aver are car new liars Ford En the and la car no a Id by ion of con es are proa- r Quality Good Prompt Service TRY- THE BIN HARDWARE THE PAINT STORE HOT WEATHER GOODS Refrigerators Doors Screen Windows Ice Cream Hammocks florence Automatic Oil Stoves Meal Oil Stoves Hew Perfection Oil Stoves Jt Vapor Oil Stoves Electric Stoves Roller OXFORD STOVE8 AT NEW LOW PRICES English Paris Green lb Iron Pipe Valves and Fittings Newmarket j ed lJpPdf SOUTH END LUMBER YARIX QUALITY FIRST GOAL Satisfied Customers and More Orders tell the Whole Story CEMENT Fresh Car Just In W PEARSON Office Phone Order from Carters Wm John Murphy Our Toronto Utter ODR OTTAWA UTTER I- i TONS ike and Monarch OWL Phono RD TO INCORPORATED 1865 BANK ofTORONTO Reserve Fund A General Banking Business The Benk ol Toronto with W yeara of cesstul Banking Experience with ample re sources with largo reserve and widely facilities Merchants and Men an unexcelled Banking Service Branches in Ontario Quebec and the BRANCH A M LISTER Manager fifty men have been shipped daily from each unit in Toronto since Friday to Ihe Borden Camp near BarHe While fumigating a large bedroom In Ihe House- of Industry last week premiges were set on fire and damage done Complaint is being made that dale dislrict not done its bit in furnishing recruits to City Battalions The number of young men who go through the streets on motors about ten oclock night furnish proof of the above statement Two men were up before the Police Court this week for bigamy One A Rolling admitted his crime and was remanded for sentence the other named goes to trial before a Jury While in the act of shaving in his room on Monday last Thomas Dunn dropped dead He was years of age Relatives reside In the States Heart failure Arthur Briggs twoyearold son of Brings who was terribly scalded when he and his little brother upset a small gas stove on which sat a pot of boiling water passed away on Thurs day of last week His brother Is re covering at the Sick Childrens Hospi tal For giving and wife an erroneous prescription the NonJury Court gave a for damages against the Tamblyn Company They sued for but Mr Justice is taking lime to consider how much to allow A disturbance occurred at Osgoode Hall last week when Mrs Susan Cronk and Sirs Annie got into a heated dispute over the posses sion of Mrs Crooks little son Mrs Elizabeth Much about years was burned and suffocated in bed one night last week Just how the fire started is not known For selling liquor to a drunken man License Board has suspended the liquor license of the York Mills Hotel for two weeks The Toronto and York County Pat riotic Fund received on the of June from the officers and em ployes of the Ontario division of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co thus making a total of paid to the fund sine September A large number are also contributing four days pay during the year which it Is estimated will amount to a further sum of hearty The- National Patriotic Association of this City has decided to hold a cele bration on Aug the second an niversary of the present war the outing of the Methodist Sunday School at Wood- bridge last week a youth went bath- in the number River took cramps and was drowned The Reeve of New Toronto the County Council of York that steps have been taken to ascertain who it responsible for the Lake Shore Road aw BAM- establish BOARD OF DIRECTORS En la It A En- C B I p Fori Cipital paid up 16000000 Profit BANK MONEY ORDERS n f meant jint or he Culled may of A Montreal The Hydro Klec trio Power Commis sion threaten to cancel the license of the Canadian Power Company to ex port power unless said Company aKrees to sell to Ihe Hydro on reason able terms While playing In front of her home on Thursday of last week a two-year- old girl was fatally Injured by a run away mil rig it Is slated that there are over two million dollars in the list of tax ar rears of this City Steps will be taken to collect these arrearages at an early dale An elderly laity was by gas from the Jet in her room on Thursday night of Inst week had made a mistake In her attempt to turn It off Twenty one Counties throughout Ontario have Adopted the new road system construction so says the Deputy Minister of Highways The conclusion dfthe DuffMeredith inquiry leaves ColpneJohn Wesley Allison one feather the praise conferred on him Sam except the paid tributes of- his lawyers who alluded to -as- a giant of business A giant to be sure with a giants appetite His lawyers defence took a curious turn- he not the pat riotic Sir Sam cracked him up to be but a broker who took advantage of the war to go on brokering On a giant scale Allison himself did not deny he look commissions and that the taking of them was unknown to Major General Sir Sam Hughes whose backing had given hfm such powerful pull with the various War Offices of the Allies In short Al lison owned up to working his con nection with Sir Sam to the limit and Ills own lawyers did not find It con venient to go behind the admission Once given the word to scratch gravel for himself Allison to have got results which more than counterbalanced his- short career of disinterested patriot and pure but passionate friend of Sir Sam Hughes Indeed in regard to at least one mat ter Mr Justice Duff went the length of saying that he put his hand In the public till and took out Although certain little- loose ends like the full details Miss Mabel Edwards bank were not finally gathered up Mr made fairly complete case of Colonel John Wesley Allison anil his relations with the American Ammunition Company- Benjamin Franklin Yoakums crowd Which got the fat order for graze fuses- at 400 per This Juicy price which was fixed by Colonel David Carnegie without consulting with the Britjsh War Office arid af ter he had waved back at least two Canadian companies who wanted to make graze fuses as being easy to manufacture and fat to sell was after wards trimmed to but even at that the American Ammunition Com pany will make 3333334 profit This contract for graze fuses seems lo have been a great secret General Hughes says he did not know about it after the conlract was Colonel Allison maintained that he did not know about the graze fuses at first although the whole order went to the combination which he had got together So far as the evidence goes Colonel Carnegie was the only- one that knew the British Office order for graze fuses and it was he who fixed the price at although the same kind of fuses were being made In the United Stales at that very time for The graze fuse contract was two thirds of order for fuses which went to the Ammerican Ammunition that Allison drew down his a quarter of a million money as Mr put It the British Treasury by man en dorsed by Kir Sam Hushes Minister of Militia for Canada anting In the sacred capacity of trustee for the British Government The strong meal strong high of Ihe inquiry Is this graze fuse contract which Mr summed up in these words It was so vielous that the people had to know some thing about It Al the time contracts had been let for Oils fusf in Ihe tinn ed States for It was so vielous that the very man Cad well who was contracting for It completed a con tract 2i0 for this fuse and knew was making these fuses yet he never asked the price The contract was uhconsclcncable that the price was cut In February from I and even with that they are making ft dollars f i G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch be aft Building AT E A OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH I ft ALSO I POSTS jily of Control decldt Inst week to make a grant of a week to the aviators attending the school at Long Branch Mr Dominion came to his death with tragic suddenness on Fri day lastii at St Catharines from heart failure The Toronto Street Hallway Co was victorious before the Privy Coun cil and Ihe railway on Street will now he extended to Metropolitan line At the typewriting contest lasl week Arthur fianrahon again von the championship Sixteen entries were made for the contest The military carnival at Beach was marred by the inclemency of the weather last Satur day- Pour employees In a grocery on Queen SI reel were arrested last Friday charged with theft otjtrovl- slona com the store The Womens lawn fete milliard Hall Grounds last Week In aid of the netted Mayor- Church says the City Is ready to work for treat railway to bridge the gap from the present line to the Metropolitan depot Mr J Fleming Toronto Street Hallway Manager says the same thing The people are walling It The Is so vielous that while has sublet Hie contract he will not afire ll of the sulcontraei lust here- Is the place pause and do a little figuring hi a general way on a contract for fuses such as the American An Muni tion Company was awarded originally at fuse but afterwards when Mr made his speech altered- to per fuse Leaving the ques tion of commissions aside entirely the profits on these graze fuses the cheapest and earliest kind of fund made are enormous Disinterested experts say the manufacturing cost of a graze fuse Is Some put It lower than thai say eighty cents Hut let It go at a ilol- la The minimum price at which the British War Office acting through the Morgans let graze fuse contracts In the United States was 179 each Thus a United States Company filling an order at this price for graze fuses such as Am munition Company got from the Bert ram Shell Committee would have charged and would made approximately a profit of Al per fuse at which price says he could have offered to commission of half a million dol lars the American Ammunition Com pariy could have made graze fuses for whloh leavjng the commission out would v AND TRIM Trim It Throuah Our nd Will H It la f J THE QMS S3 ffi33 a mean a profit of or couoi- for one or the other to do thelihg the commission in profit ot work At 8240 at which price the AmeH- WA can Ammunition Company was actual ly filling another graze fuse contract from Morgans at the Bertram Shell Committee was passing out contract 1400- per the Compfthy At at price the Anieri- can Ammunition Company lg actual ly making graze fuses for the Shell Committee at the present the shaving been cut from 4 in view of Mr Kytes dis closures the bill would amount to 5- 000000 and the net manufacturing tract from this the million dollar commission split by Yoakum 922OO0p was handed over to Colonel John Wesley Allison and still stands to make 2333334 profit Add to that which was Mr slice of the million- dollar commission and Mr Cadwell eighty per cent of American Am munition Company and Ihe American Ammunition Companys net profit stands at At Ihe price at which the Ameri can Ammunition Company look the contract graze fuses would have amounted lo- 66G664 a manufacturing profit of Subtract the million dol lar commission from this but add Mr share of and the net profit of the American Company on this deal would have been Thus it works out that this favored company the pet of Colonel John Wesley Allison Sir Sams friend and superpatriot even if the parliament ary alarms frightened the price down to could have made less than and stood- a mighty good chance to make as much as provided it was always dear weather and plain sailing As It Is the price being whittled to 270 the American Ammunition Company will still drag down a manufacturing pro fit of which plus the share of the commission amounting to means a net profit of 3333334 It was heads I win tails the Brit ish War Office loses whatever hap pened By the way who is and what right had he to 225000 commission He did not appear as a witness before the Commission He Is said to be the owner of a two by four locks works in Connecticut and he never seems to have had any In tention of making fuses What did he do with his Did he keep it all or did he split it with some body else as Yoakum did Let us look at the American Am munition Companys contract for 666666 graze fuses from another angle the difference between the minimum price of at which the British War Office let graze fuse con tracts in the United States and the various prices quoted by the President Cadwell In his evidence before the Royal Commission Again making an order for graze fuses Ihe basis of comparison we find that this favored company was on velvet over and above other companies In the United States Canada to following At Hie price at which Mr Cadwell could have offered to pay half a million commission the Am- merlcan Ammunition Company would have made more than any other company tendering at the minimum price the price at which the American Ammunition Company Is fill ing the contract now it will make more than any other com pany tendering at the minimum price At 4 the price at which Ihe Ameri can Ammunition Company originally took the contract It would have made more than any other com pany tendering at the minimum price These figures lend to show how strong Allisons pull was with old Shell Committee No wonder Yoakum could pay Allison 25000 for the privilege of sitting In steering Bobbers wrecked the Bank Branch at Marie Que but did not get in the safe At a patriotic tea find entertain- given by the young women of last week on the grounds of Sliver handsome sum of 120 was realized toward equipping the York Hangers Battalion Barric June Slmcoe County Council today showed Its further In terest In Ihe two splendid battalions recruited from this county voting each which makes total of to each unit London June 22 have been received here that serious up rising against the Turks Is In progress In and hat the rebels have captured the Holy City of Mecca Department has decid ed that for the overseas force no more kills will he Issued and the unit which have kilts now have to wear when their pleasant clothing has been worn out There will be no more bare knees among the Cana dians going overseas Bertram and Colonel Carnegie up against his particular crowd of profiteers These figures also throw a fierce white light on Commissioner Thomass letter In the Old Shell Com mittee which ho suggested Introducing of competition as a means of break ing down holdup prices a suggestion whloh urgonoy of delivery on the part of a company whloh Is already five months behind its lime schedule caused Colonel Carnegie and his Irons of the Shell Committee to dlsre- It Was not untfct Shell Com mittee was reorganized as the Muni tion Board and the infusion of Steel manufactures removed to a safer sphere that the prices were whittled p COUNTY COUNCIL A deputation from Georgina town ship headed- by Charles Styles ask ed the Council to arrange lhat that township be excluded from the North good roads scheme until after the war on account of the increased burden of taxation it would Impose The township has been hit pretty hard since the war started said Mr Styles We have contributed some thing over to the British Red Cross and the Patriotic Fund has hit us up for or 4000 in ad dition to Red Cross work in our own villages Our assessment Is 000 and a large proportion of those assessed are tenant farmers We feel that it would- be a- hardship on this class especially considering the high cost of everything and the Increased scale Phillip Shire said the ratepayers In Cebrgina township felt that on un necessary burden would be imposed on them if the good road systemwaB proceeded Reeve Keith of Newmarket who was In the chair said It was the In tention of Council and the Highway Commission to curtail as much as- pos sible the expenditure on- new road construction until the war was over and things got settled down Messrs Corner and also spoke for the deputation contending that there was no neces sity for road improvement In the town ship Reeve Keith told the deputation that It was not the Intention of the county to Issue any debentures or levy any amount of taxes for this road system this year We will try to finance It with as little expense as nosslble after the war Mr Keith ex plained that It was Impossible with out special legislation to exclude township or any other muni cipality from the scheme- He also pointed out that the expense against the township would be as low If not less than It would be under Hie preserit system Of the reports listened to by the members of Ihe County Council the one which gave rise to Ihe greatest amount of discussion was that of the county commissioners which dealt with matters pretalnlng to rivers roads and bridges With regard to the number River Bridge at Street which was car ried away by the Spring freshet and replaced by a temporary bridge at a cost of the commissioners ask ed power to build a new bridge at an estimated cost of 25000 This sug gestion did not meet with the approval of several of the councilors and on motion by Reeve Cornell of Soar- the members of the council de cided to visit the site shown for the new bridge and so get an idea of the form of construction best suited At the request of the Educational Committee It was decided to appoint three arbitrators to settle the school dispute which has arisen Vaughan The resignations of Messrs Trent and J Lucas late of the Richmond Hill High School Board wore accepted The Council appointed Horace I Mlllor and William Keith arbitrators to school trouble In Mo- Vaughan Township over the selection of a site A suggestion to put over the pay ment of this years contribution to the Toronto and York Patriotic Fund amounting to Si was not adopt ed Reeve Wallace of Woodbrldge said the Ontario formers were never more prosperous and payment ought to be met when it fell due 50 YEARS AGO ii From Era June Ell Pearson son of Samuel Pearson who owned the farm on which Newmarket High School is located Is now living at Kentucky Examination at Grammar School Lot Street this afternoon Lloyd town people gave a grand re- to their volunteers on return ing home this week from duty at the front A very enjoyable was held In the grove on the farm of Mr John Rogers Street on Saturday last It was a day school gathering During a valuable horse was stolen from the farm of Joshua Davis of East Gwilllmbury The animal was found Id Whitchurch A picnic Is announced to be held at Fergusons Point North on Lake Slmcoe on the of next month Ed Note Fergusons is now held as a Bummer re sort by Mr Van Norman of To- ronto The brethren of Sharon A A Lodge visited Sutton Lodge at the last meeting and an enjoyable time Is reported J sate W Hi YEARS From Era June The AUarAtIhe Methodist Newmarket by Rev W Hill A on the 24th Mr Robert Evans to Miss Annie Hunt both of King The- Tomb At on the of June Jacob aged years In East on the Inst Sarah Foster aged years In Whitchurch on the 20th Inst Abigal wife of Mr Henry aged years l The death of Seth Ashton Esq J P at Toronto Junction formerly of Aurora Is announced The funeral was conducted with Masonic The Ladles Aid of the Methodist Church gave a surprise and presenta tion to Rev Hill and Mrs Hill on Thursday afternoon of last week The address was signed on behalf of the congregation by Angle Belfry Helen Hughes Minnie Cane Louie Jackson Rachel Stephens Morion P A deputation- from Toronto visited Newmarket on Friday last and were escorted to the Water Works and through Town factories by the Mayor Reeve and members of the Town Council Luncheon was served Dr Campbell is now proprietor of the late Dr Pharmacy With suits to choose from Messrs Brothers are offering any one of them for Trustee laid the last brick on the new school building chimney last Monday It was over feet In height The Presbyterian and Christian Church Sunday Schools have decided to hold a union picnic next month Newmarket Cemetery Is to be de corated on Wednesday next Odd- Fellows taking principal charge i ti WW 1 ft 1I DAYLIGHT Gazelle The people of this country are In a terrible dilemma They want to begin work An hour earlier than usual and do not know how lo do so unless the clock Is changed So they are worry ing greatly over Daylight Saving and cannot solve How is It possible to go to work at a given time unless the kitchen clock points towards that lime The problem Is overmaster ing You farmers frequently been given niuoh advice by townsmen can you not In turn tell us how go lo work at six oclock without the clock saying seven I have known daylight saving problem work ed out on the farm without much fuss The farmers wife opens her eyes laps her husbands head but firmly with the alarm clock and says Bill It she Is downstairs at the kitchen stove In another- five minutes Bill and the boys are on the way to the stable just glancing at the sun showing the upper half of Its red face over- the horizon are cleaned and fed and harnessed breakfast Is over and tho men In the fields while we town people are toss ing In bed wishing It were seven oclock but not knowing how to get up In face of the A good wav to save daylight Is to got up early and lot the clock say what ft likes if you cannot solve- It any- other way sell and buy roosters FOUR HUNDRED LOST WITH RU88IAN 8HIP June Four hundred persons lost their lives according to latest reports when the Russian pas senger steamer Mercury was sunk in the Black Sea by the mine The total number of persona aboard the steamship was approximately The disaster occurred about In the morning off the village of The passengers felt a tremendous shock In the forward part of the vessel which staggered abend for three ships length and then went down bow foremost In five minutes Survivors tell harrowing stories of scenes that ensued All available- steamers and tugs hastened ffroiii Odessa and rescued Ihe survivors clinging to lifeboats and wreckage Five were taken from the masthead a few feet above the water Many wonien still clasped babies In arms m sag I IT fcj Whoever heard of an actress seeking divorce without publicity impossibilities are J Many cooks have trouble with their cakes falling In the oven Try this plan J Just before putting cakes into the oven give a few hits on the table This all the airbubbles to come to the surface and break- there Is nothing lo cause the cake to fall When a woman winds a towel around her for ft bucket Of water means the beginning of big day but when a mob winds l around- his head and calls for ENTITLED TO PEN8ION The has adopted the- recommendations of the Special Coni- of Parliament which last sea- considered the revision of the war pension regulations The present Pensions Board of the Militia Depart- meni has been to adopt the new scale and to It retroactive applying to all pensions already grant ed since the outbreak of the war A permanent Pensions Board op- pointed for a long period of years and removed from all political Influence will be named later on but mean- while the present Military Board wilt apply the now regulations The new scale Is considerably higher In the case of privates and other ranks up to lieutenant than tho adopted year or so ago Already there are some names in the pension list and when all the casualties so far incurred have been dealt with by the Pension Board it Is estimated the total number of pen sion wilt be up to the lea thousand mark The aggregate St the annual pension bill Is now aver two million dollars By the- time the ends yearly fully ISO- a ruihoto em ft i s mm ift 5 A j