Newmarket Era , June 30, 1916, p. 2

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1 MOUSE TO Timothy Street Furnace Electric tight Hard and oft Water A Boyd or Mrs Woollen v Mr arcs i- and Mrs Cain lo thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the Illness and death of his mother and also In connection with the funeral Z mats ft SMS gp Br J At V- it I teres Is in the public life 6 Eng land He is High Steward or the Borough Derby a dent of the Liberal Council and a Chairman of the Board of Trade Arbitration Court He occupied the appointment- of Treasurer in Queen Victorias household from December I till January and of King household to He was to the Treasury from to Last year he was ap pointed Civil Lord of the Admiral ty He has also been Mayor of The different arid Societies Eastbourne of Chesterfield will meet at Market p for Derbyshire and is foie- Decoration -rAT- CEMETERY SUNDAY JULY 16TH 1916 A on J special the Duke of Connaught will be J the succeeded as lie to his uncles IjOeih and is said young women of to- as sist Baltaliori Patriotic Tea- ani Entertainment of Mr Stiver a baa many -in- was realized till -iS- Square and leave lor the Cemetery at oclock headed by the Band DR SCOTT K ROBERTSON President Secretary ii SiS iC DECORATE S5 JX SK t Tin a w Sff fe S- XZtXXffMi Citizens of Newmarket- the business men of the Town are uniting in closing places of business to enable all to attend the Monster Field Day on Wednesday in gra der make the day success we anticipate I would ask all cit izens assist by decorating their homes with what flags and bunt ing they can secure- and so have the town assume a proper festive appearance as a welcome to the officers and men who are coming here for that day I am yours truly S CANE Mayor of Leaguer of Great Britain ir and of spent Sunday inharon Miss Myrtle Johns of Newmarket Is spending of holidays struck and- killed iast night about Sv Col Brown In Command The 220th Batt r tiny a Mi mm m fflgv- fgi 10 a- ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes River trip tourist tickets now on sale frum stations in Ontario at very low rates with liberal sjop-overs- iV Tale V- mm id EXPRESS Leave Toronto 1201 p in daily ex cept Sunday and a id dally for Wharf Connections are Muskoka Wharf for Lakes Leave Toronto 1015 a in daily except Sunday and a in daily for for points on Lake of Bays Equipment for the finest Pull particulars application to agents J Depot Agent Phone 10 J Phone 4 i FOR SALE Buggy 1 Steelex tension Top Carriage Horse Buggy and Harness Apply to K ROBERTSON Newmarket PSj ho an WANTED Cook Kitchen hoy to do light work Jacksons Point TO LET The of the Bat talion which is now making a trek through the Count of York began recruiting campaign on Monday June the Leaving the Batta lion Headquarters SI Pauls Hall Yonge Street they proceeded west ward along the lake shore under the command of Major Pink Their first slop was at new Tor onto where a large open air re cruiting rally was held Addresses were delivered by Lt Col Brown Major Pink- Captain Mills Captain and Gibbons while the brass and bugle bauds the music Leaving New Toronto oil Tuesday morning they continued their inarch to Islington where hey received by the ci tizens of the town A lawn social was held at lie Mclhodisl Church where the enjoyed he re freshments provided by the ladies After supper had been served an open air patriotic rally was held Moving military and comic were shown and appeals for re cruits were made by Major Pink Captain Mills lamiesou LI GriJliiu The following morning the party proceeded to were they again pitched camp The discipline of the men was excel lent and there were no signs of fat igue In the evening a meeting was held at he corner of Street and IJunuymede Road Mr Ward occupied the chair and Miss Con- L Col Cap tain Pickup and Gibbous spoke in he interest of I he Bat talion Music was furnished by lie Band and Piper who rendered several selections on the bagpipes Pie Dainty gave a voeal selection which was well received recruits were obtained as a result of he Leaving the contin ued the trek which was reached about 10j0 on Thursday morning A strong recruiting meet ing was held and every possible ef fort was made awaken the young which will be devoted to equipping Battalion On Sunday evening three meetings were held- Toronto under auspices of the Battalion one at Clio Madison was addressed by Cot B Brown O the Miuiro McGillicuddy Aid Bali Hen derson and Captain Pickup Another successful meelmgwaa held at the Royal George Theatre Earlscouri occupied the Mr Napier Robinson son of late Lieut John Beverly Robinson scored the young- Toronto who could bo seen walking through the parks thinking of- their pleasures While the ion was for its very H review ed the of the- Rangers and their noble record since lip present day jtfio York Rangers is use in mincing mailers want recruits said the Cblpnet It is a matter of regret that the and have beg for we should be em ployed military This lias done nobly in re sponding to the call there are who could step forward and enlist who have not done so At the meeting at he Tola Thcareon Ave addresses were made by Miss Constance Boulton and Mr if Lovelock and several reels of moving picture films were shown On Thursday evening the weekly meeting of of the was held at St Pauls Hall Street Reports were receiv ed from the various depots through out the County The most encour aging feature was the report of the grant of to the Battalion by the unanimous vole of the York County Council which was in ses sion during the week Col Brown Coh P Brown Aubrey Davis Cap Pickup Ciipt A Woodcock and Capt K were the deputation that awaited the Council and were received The spontaneous and generous respond made to their appeal shows that the people of York County are taking a deep interest in the Bat talion and that they desire to pro vide for the comforts and interests of men who represent hem in I his great war Spring Is here and planting time handle Ronnies Selected the best on the market we Sfll guests of Mrs oa THicsday rThe Misses rerdVomc on Wednesday evening after visiting for a fortnight Mrs Or Kghng- and baby visited- her MisVJi Wlddifield this Mrs Gamble and Miss Doris are Spending vacation Willi her mother MisO J Wilson Mr and MrsJFred Boyd and daughter Joan of Newmarket spent Sunday friends at Sherrington spent a Tew days her brother Alderman BhinsrQtQngn0nlQ iJn Sunday Air and Mrs Zurhrigg and daughter of visited Mr anil urbrigg for a few day this week Mrs Grace Chappell of Fleming is spending a week wHh Mrs J and calling on I friends In Town Mrs Vm Clarke and little son of Que who have been visiting Mrs Clarkes sister Sirs LaSalle Ave have left It appears that Mr Gordon and family a to Lake a east of Bond Lake and were returning to The was very and the driver not see Mr- Gorman hitting- him Dr of Richmond Hill was Immediately summoned but the man was dead when he arrived- Wesley of was notified and instructed Constable Thompson of Richmond Hill to take charge the car- which will be ex- by an A preliminary enquiry will be opened this afternoon at Wrights undertaking parlors Richmond Hill states that Mr Cordon who driving the car said that he was travelling about miles per hour Tie victim of accident SliyfJor who lived- on Street distance south of where he was killed was employed as caretaker at the Summit Golf Club near Bond Lake Tomatoes Cabbage and Lettuce r I Prunes and 12 lb Raisins 10 and lb and Seedless Raisins 12Mfo Evaporated Apples lb c Pates 10 anrf 12c- pkg Fruits i for home Plums and Gages 10c tin Pears 12y tin Peaches and Raspberries tin Pineapple and Strawberries Miss Vera of Is- spending a monlhs vacation with her mother and her sister Miss Greta of Edmonton Is expected home next week Alexander of Ottawa Newmarkets highly esteemed Princi pal half a century ago was calling on some of his old Town on Wednesday i -Airs- Kelley and Miss Irene left Saturday for London and roy and from there to Harbor Beach Michigan expect to be away about two weeks Mr A principal of Collegiate and formerly of Newmarket High School has been ap pointed principal of the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute RICHMOND HILL in Three members of the Village Council lately resigned and on Tuesday night live candidates were nominated and arc contest ing for the vacancies The five nominated arcall running lo sup port Reeve In his oppo sition to the expenditure of money at present for the new Town Hall and other buildings SGHOMB15RG Rev A P Addison of the Metho dist Church Newmarket has received and accepted an Invitation to Beach Ave Methodist Church Toronto The change will lake place July 1st Mrs Wood of- Bond Head spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs Russell Stone and Mr and Mrs Mc- and Mr and Mrs Mc Lean of Newton were also in the motor parly Mrs If of StOUffVille is Spending a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs Mann She leaves Or home on Monday and Mann expects to- go with her for a couple of weeks KIND Take every chance you can get to be kind because some day there nifty be no more chances But just kindness seems such a small and unim portant thing I If we were bid den to die for people we love how gladly we would offer up our lives I Bui we are not ask- ed to die for them only lo live for them only to do the hundred small things that- every day of fers us only to be ready with truth and courage and service There can be no doubt about one who has stood by an open grave will say can be no possible doubt that only memories of opportuni ties embraced of duties done or rather of privileges accopledi only such memories will com fori us when the price To have to look back upon quarrel ing or selfishness or even upon trie more pain of mere leaving undone that which we might have done is enough lo poison life No wonder that those who are acquainted with grief cry out to us Oh kind be kind be kind Harpers I Phone 36- S PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET B for Camera- and Photo Supplies Fresh W- TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No Attractions AT Boyd ply to Mrs or Mr A to a of their I Newmarket responsibility III regard to the war I taplaui Aubrey Davis Quartermaster FOR SALE Brood Sows and their Utile Pigs the second Utter a Cedar Valley Men Boys and Girls WANTED For Inside work all year round Work under good conditions GOOD PAY Active Intelligent operators for wanted or apply lo A CO LIMITED T WANTED j Dont sell your wool before you ace Top prices will paid Phohe at my expense CLOOTH Heal Anthracite Coal at kr- doors of Osbornes Butcher Main Mil of he acted as chairman and strong appeals were made by Col France of the regiment Mr Hugh MccDonald President of the Manufacturers Asso ciation Captain McGonfgle Chap lain of the 127th Battalion and Mr of From tlie cohnnn advanced lo Thlsllelown Here several were obtained In response to ap peals made by Davis Davidson K Captain and Olbbons The noil stop was at the town of Woodbridge whfcH- was reached oh Saturday In the meeting held In the evening addresses were made by Major Pink Captain Mills- Lieut and Gibbons The Brass and Bugle Bauds both present and much to enliven the proceedings On Sunday morn ing at a drumhead ser vice was held In the camp at Wood- bridge Captain Pickup Chaplain of the Battalion course of a brief but Impressive address phaxled the need of selfmastery pointing out that the present war was duo to he fact one man had not been able to rulehU spirit ami curljtiis ambitions for world wide power He appealed to the men to live clean for by their personal conduct they brought honour or dishonour on their Bat- their country and their God The programme for ttis week includes and Mrs Lyons and fam ily motored to Newmarket Tues day Gibson of Toronto how of one of the visited with Dr and Mrs Sunday Mrs Gibson and son Jack have been here for the past week Mr had a sale of furniture and household goods on Saturday We understand they intend moving lo Toronto the 1st of July Father Wedlock of New market visited Father on Monday and Tuesday and at tended the funeral of Mr of the Fifth Line King Mr and iMrsJos Kitchen and son Harry spent Sunday at Mr Leslie Wilsons Kettlcby Mr Herbert Webster and Mr Shanks of Kettlcby paid a visit to town Sunday evening Mr Telford Shanks of the line was- In town Saturday Mr Win Curtis and son Bruce of Kettlcby motored lo town on Monday also paid Lloydtown a visit Messrs W and of Fifth Line have a Dr and Wesley New market announce the engagement of their only daughter Beatrice to Dr Lowell lales son of Prof and Mrs J Dales Drayton The marriage will take place quietly In July THE LEADING House You can buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phones and THE PATRICIA THEATRE WESLEY BLOCK NEWMARKET if J Henry Prosscr of Union City Pa well known in the North Hiding of York a school teacher and of Island Indian Mission over on a fortnights vaca tion He reports that the work is prospering with him The Rev W J Wood first Methodist Church Bay Conference has accepted the unanimous Invitation extended to him by the Newmarket- Hoard the Conference year of sub ject the approval of the Transfer and Stationing Hill Liberal who with his wife and children arrived from Japan a few- days ago spent part of Monday at Mr Mr Norman who has been a missionary In Japan for the past nineteen years has leave of absence for year and may return to his work after that time Mr of has returned from a five weeks I new way of pasting Wo unj trip to Western Canada and reports they made a personal vis- WOP- conditions all over the provinces it at the Post Offices bore and at on Monday Mrs of Toronto spent a day with her father Mr J Ir win and cousin Mrs Clark on Sunday Miss Skinner of Toronto is visiting at her parental homo here of Toronto and Jameson of KoUIoby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A I Mr Cull Mr Crcodon al so Mrs and Miss M Blackburn of Kettlcby motored to town on Sunday Harold of Is home- this with his wife and family Mr Martin Shanks and Miss of Kottleby wore in town Sunday Mrs went to Bolton Sunday until Monday to attend funeral Miss Proctor her cousin Mrs Miss her of Alberta and Saskatchewan as being excellent During his trip he pur chased a section and a half of land in Saskatchewan for himself It Is his intention to break the most of this land this fall and prepare some for cultivation In the spring Mr Ashton P 0 Stovenson of Chicago eon of the Ab Steven son who- conducted the Borealls Aurora about twenty years ago who Invented a method of tabulating typo set on the typesetting machine has now patented a new device which am plifies Its Scope A Company has been formed In Chicago for its manufacture and of whleh Mr Stevenson Is the VicePresident The Cradle TH0MP8ONrIri King on June Mr and Mrs Garfield Thompson a daughter At Thursday June 1Mb to Mr and Mrs J of Newmar ket a son At on June to Mr and Mrs Jan Cherry a At on June to Mr and Mrs J McQulrc a daughter Johnson In Newmarket on Juno to Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson a son PACKARD At Bronte on June 2Mb to Mr and Mrs Ed Packard a son and greatgrandson to Mr Jackson of Newmarket The Altar At on June at the Manse by the John Mutch Miss Vera McKay only daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred McKay and Mr Abra ham of Aurora The Supreme Test FEATURING THE POPULAR HENRIETTA GROSSMAN KIRBY At the Manse by Rev Thomas on June Sherman C Klrhy to Miss Jean Bishop all of New market Master Key Every TjiesdiJ Broken Coin Every Admission Newmarkets Family Ten Cento Theatre DOOR8 OPEN AT PM HERBERT KINLEY P O Box 161 I At Holt East on June MIbb Flossie to Mr 1 and HP Davis am men of the appreciate the cordial welcome What would a good Job worth that had given them all along adaf Oernun la Canada By having your accurately filled and your fc properly adjusted- Ground Qn ihs Phone Filled The Tomb i I Gov At Sharon June Ada wife of Herbert Hall aged years r industrial Home on June 26 John McCartney years jj in iiiiii hat at on time If hwJ2W her look right nop fools right and it Jit la mm of lheo w PO mm Horth All Orders Receive mm Of a new straw your FELT HAT neither right our tyring needs to set It off Is one of these Our ehbw the styles for this i j j Snappy shapes all of them slightly varied In crown so there Is a hat to suit STRAW HAT IS HERE i iSi S r Jk mm v 3 s ii ssa iM TORONTO rf mum Xi isiAsafe

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