We tills I i pes I IS RE est rues day market linn NEWS and Brown The rife and four email arc looking at- Iff- West son of Mr AE ha been C 3rd of June SIX BANDS to goiters Trfofttercao ground Park a beautiful the west side of near has place for the Methodist picnic SES Special Grand rain has been arranged w Sgs at a picnic a IMS b while date will us a holiday- Stores oclock his commenced Good next d lhe in i watch the games market won from Bradford Wednesday illonrmy meetings for Captain Lieut Harrison who ij charge of this corps ip held on Thursday June i and Sunday irVj all J am 3 and pm v are heartily invited to and hear the new officers jVJj will do you pond Com -v- A made for Service by the citizens of Newmarket on next Commehcirig at pm a grand Military Procession will leave the Depot and proceed to Fair Grounds by of Main find Water Streets of the commanding officers- the Brass Bands of the York Rangers the Irish Canadian Fusiliers the the Rangers Irish Pipers of the Irish Canadian Fusiliers and the BugleBand of the 220th York Rangers Of the in their street parade and also provide continuous music on the ihibition Grounds A Matched Foot Race will lake place between three Track Champions and of the Battalion Therewill also be a Footbail Match and War between tliescldiers of arid Newmarket Depots 22 Battalion There will be otorcyole Races a Motor TugofAVar the Ford vs the Chevrolet Cars and other field sports Physical Drill Field Signalling Machine Gun Exhibitions will provided An attractive and Extraordinary Midway will be one of the in teresting features of the day The ladies of Newmarket under the direction of Field forts Society will provide refreshments on the grounds and we can promise an afternoon of continuous and exciting events Come to Town in crowds and have a big time with the soldiers before they go into permanent Camp All the proceeds of the day will be devoted to equipping the Batl York Rangers Following is a program of the sports Football Match Newmarket vs Weston was charged usitif the Meeting for Popular rhefdurtbr a series of-ad- dresses on Quakerism J 3apUsm r or Spirit Which Everybody welcome All seals free ft BUTTE1 ALL i tea ei We are noo4rrylng- ilia Best of In the trade v Large Variety of Carpet Squares at old nil flya fivA an4 wfirssi v si J ii Oil Cloths and Wide and yds wide Endless variety Madras Art AH Drills and Cretonnes The Late Estate Estate valued at left when he died in testate on March 24lh Tfie wi dow Irene receives one- third and a daughter Edna the remaining thirds The estate is composed entirely of deceaseds share in the estate of J- his stepfather CURTAIN POLES AND Most Lines in this Department we are selling at old prices which are below now prides in Aboard tot Sunday the two steamers the Methodist Sunday on their two months trip leave port The Vion will be worth coming line For the next two months Lie who are taking the trip will known by lhe pins each will pi- Those sailing with Captain will wear a picture of the Bed Ship while Captain- Wilkjn- parly will wear the These pins will be in evidence lliis summer Witch for the progress of the flips which will he published Each side is confident tut theirs is the swifter vessel the race promises to be a one At the start of the trip there is to a Lantern Review of last Voters Sunday School Lessons set of slides lias been spared by Mr Atkinson The center round places that Vf familiar to all who follow the TO news today There will he iial music and a good lime is to all who come special every Sunday I Motor Cycle Race 5 miles local Physical Drill by Newmarket Company Foot Race Open to anybody in uniform Motor Tug of War Ford vs Chevrolet Flag Field Signalling Motor Cycle Race with SideCar 3 miles open Tug jf War Newmarket vs Aurora 220 Yards Race Open to 220lh Battalion Potato Race vOpen to anybody in uniform Matched Race Longboat Corkery Wood Motor Cycle Race miles Boxing Bouts Will be put on in Main Building by leading Boxers of Town This is extra special In the evening a Grand Concert will be given in the Town Hall under the direction of Torontos popular baritone Mr Donald Mc Gregor assisted character- entertainer Mr Harry M Ben nett and Miss elocutionist An excellent program may be anticipated Reserve your seal early at Pattersons Drug Store or you may he left as the Hall will be jammed Brief leu citizens are asked for the welcome to Bat next sure to visit the Old Curi osity at the Field July 5th Everything anyone could wish at cheap prices It looks now like settled weath er andHhcTown streets are be ing oiled- this week Girl Guides Rally The Girl Guides Rally at loma Toronto was a most enjoy- able event on Saturday in spite of lhe rain Companies of Girl Guides were present from Pic- ton Newmarket and besides a great number of They looked smart ami trim in the ratty uniforms of navy blue serge slirts while middles and hew service hats of navy blue fell re sembling the Australian Cadet hats in shape As the marched past the saluting base they moved with the rhythm and precision of thoroughly trained battalions The chief commis sioner Lady took the sa lute on the west lawn The Newmarket bunch of girls were tfhaperoned by Mrs IJ Hew itt Mrs W Lyons Mrs Hunter amiMrs Geo ccpt for the concert in the even ing Union Service Next Sunday the Methodists and Presbyterians commence their union services for the two months During July the morning service will be in Methodist Church and the evening ser vice in the Presbyterian church Rev P Thomas will be In charge and the Presbyterian choir will provide the music Christian Endeavor The Sealed Orders Meeting Tuesday evening proved very successful a great many taking part throughout the whole meet ing Miss Leila Belfry gave a vocal solo and Miss Georgia Mann an instrumental There will be no more meetings for two months but when the meetings commence again let every member come back feeling able to do more and effective work Attend the Endeavor Picnic to Bond Lake on July 1st You will have a good time We will leave on the oclock car Com 1 i i ml j W A i i I J CLEARING OUT AND BOYS HARD AND FELT AND PANAMA Vr In order to make for a GROCERY 8T00K i Mi I on 9rt Cms Garden Party Garden Party or the a grand success The Kit George School Grounds were proved adequate for crowd that assembled and 220lh did noble in the fenceless grounds The Newmarket Oddfellows Bawl provided a splendid gram was much enjoyed The la4iw were very fortunate regarding lhe as it turned warmer and outdoor were enjoyed All lie and icecream were liberally patronized The sale of Home Made Candy amounted to over The only regret of the even- log vma lie unavoidable absence Dr of to deliver i Many people for Vtragof IIm- Iiniidsomc Marble Clock Mrs Murphy holder Hie lucky no and I Ik dock added HMO to tile raniR The total of the Liberal Picnic at The Patriotic Demonstration to he held under the auspices of the King Township Reform Associa tion at Kettleby on Saturday July promises to he the biggest event ever held in the township This year the pro ceeds will to the York Hangers Battalion for Field Comforts Patriotic addresses will be de livered during the afternoon by prominent and eloquent public men in social and military life The Band of the High landers of Toronto will play dur ing also Highland Pipers and the Concert Hand of the Highlanders will give one of their famous night In ad dition to Ibis War and Military Pictures will be shown The Band of and the Bugle Band will also he present unless the Battalion receives mobilization orders prior During the day a Football Tournament will be in progress and in the afternoon a full pro Masonic At lhe special convocation St Johns night June the following officers were duly in stalled for the ensuing year by W E I W A Boyd WM Muir E Wbyle J Bro Barker Treasurer Bro J R Bro Bosworth Chaplain W P J Ander son I of W Atkinson I W Smith J D J Wilson I J Booth S J Harvey J Osborne Tyler Bro Duncan Auditors W Smith J Wilson I 1 If Christian Church Sunday was a good day largo audience in the morning com mon sea of faces al night Next Sunday morning will be our regular Communion season The Pastor will preach at this hour on The Lords Supper and Its Design Those who wish to unite with the Church will please be present al this service They might also do well to call on him or phone him so that he could have their names In mind night Dr Kirkland will give his second lecture on The San of athletic contests and Francisco Earthquake He fob School wJ was observed as patriotic Sunday and a program was given in which The We proved very interesting and Appropriate hymns ami- each scholar was prn a program with the order ytVi names and ap- addresses of all the on it- of Honor were mention of which a short address wen by Lieut Harry Pen This excellent talk vas ftppreclacd by the large present tfoai consisted JM Beading by some of the also a solo by Miss Ma- by Miss Arnold reading by Frank and a chorus Mortons trill concluded I w Uncart a hoys ttaJ morning at yr A hearty invitation rf wishing to 5tt hour loin gram aiouMenicnts will lift carried This year the trolley will run from Bond Lake Junction to to carry the public A Jitney service will lake the pub- that the Earthquake was a fulfillment of Divine Prophecy This will close his description of that awful- Sunday School am Mr lie from Kettleby Station to the Russell Collins Picnic Grounds Rich and poor alike are will be a great day for coined to this House of God young and old No charge ex- Com Have you any Armour on Your Watch BUY A OF MAIL THE NEW PROTECTIVE Maw Arrival of RADIUM DIAL WATCHES W Institute A meeting of the Newmarket Branch was held in the Friends Meeting House Newmarket on Friday last when a number of the ladies congregated to hear Mrs Hunter and Miss both from the Depl of Agriculture The latter chose for her subject Dietetics of Children from two to ten and went on to show that proper food in youth makes re served strength in age and also that clearness of brain is due to good food in proper quantities Miss Hudson also explained that the value of- foods should be tak en up in schools whore the teach ers could appeal Id the childs reason Miss had a good grasp of her subject and was appreciated- by all interested in childwelfare Mrs Hunter of gave an excellent talk on Dont I showing how the W I should help to keep worry out our lives for when we had a real general trouble or vexation Union was Strength in banishing from our lives Also a band of women can have whatever legis lation they want providing it is right The Proverb claims that worry are bad habits of the mind The ad vice given was to be prepared and meet llie household problem face to Willi regard to contagious diseases rne best plan was to guard your children well as your neighbors Also in raising children teach them to in us and keep their con fidence so that in later life we can trust them to Him who gave them first us Another bit of encouragement given was not Id lie afraid in Lhe Institute or any place to say what we thought was right for there is only one kind of people who never make mis takes and they are those who attempt anything A remedy sometimes applied for worry is to go quietly and think of someone who worse off than ones self when we Unci thai the real trouble of other women helps us to see ourselves in our folly Mrs MiHIoy the District Sec retary was in attendance and gave an interesting talk on the North York Cot in Qnoii Mary Hospital and on its maintenance also some information on the ad visability of having our soldiers socks knit with cotton legs which wo can have done by ma chine There arc to be two bands of wool around the top lo make them elastic The Institute was also delight ed with its musical treat Mrs gave a beautiful piano solo and Mrs sang very effectively two Lyrics After the meeting refreshments were served and everyone felt that It was ah Afternoon wclt spont Com NO service KETTLEBY In the Methodist Church next Sunday night to preach at King Christian Church Bush Meeting on the Fifth line Miss Agnes Seymour is spending a few days at Mr John Mornings at Snowball f Mr and Mrs J and Mr Harry Kitchen of had tea Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wil son The League Soolal on Tuesday night was a decided success Mrs J Burling has returned Aurora Remember the Garden Party to be held at Mr Leslie Wilsons by King Christian Church Ladles Aid on Mon day evening nexl Great preparations are being made made by the various committees for the Liberal Picnic to bo held on Sat urday July 1Mb Mr hem Tatton Is having his house remodelled and redecorated Mrs W has a curiosity in the shape of a Christmas Cactus now in bloom I I J ATKINSON Jewelers and Opticians P TICKET WOBSaB- Theres a plan now in pro cess of perfection to raise the I usltania by means of giant div ing submarines If these vessels act as they arc expected lo treasure than Kidd ever dreamed of possessing is to be taken from the waters of the At lantic A concern has contracts willi foreign gov ernments under which it will submarines to hunt and raise the sunken steamers An especially constructed submersible will be used by the company for the pur pose of sending a diver lo the bottom of the ocean and with the aid of a divers compartment lhe wrecks will be explored- repair ed and raised It is expected that an will ho made to raise the- Lusitanln valued at more than NEWMARKET J J D HOSIE Ladles White Seamless Reg 35o for 26o pr Ladles Black Silk Hose all sizes 8ale Price Boys Heavy Ribbed Fast Black Cotton Hose v and 30o pair Misses and Childrens Fine Lisle Ribbed Hose Good Value Ladles and Childrens Tan Hose Silk Ankle and Plain Llslo Reg 35c Sale Price pair Childrens Fine 8llk Lisle Hose Pink White Pale Blue and Tan 8ale Price 30o pair 5 A SUMMER WOOD AND i LIVE MARKET Top prices Toronto market this week were as follows Choice Butcher Cattle 1085 Common Cattle Milkers Springers 7500 Blockers Choice Yea I Calves Common Calves Sheep Hogs off cars OROHAHD BEACH Mr Will Robertson has had a neat garage built at the rear of his collage for car Mlas Nora of Newmarket Is spending vacation at Mr Yates Newmarket Tune Wheat per bush 0 I Oats per bush 8 0 Barley per bush I per dot v 0 Butter lb 0 ShorU per ton i pr ion Potatoes per bag per 0 00 KINDLING Hemlock Slabs at 450 Cord Large Load Cut Slabs 275 Single Load Cut Slabs 140 THE FOR U8E LET US FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I ra Order by Phone or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben nlncj Allan S mm A test Friday Juno Under Instruc tions from MK Corner will sell quantity valuable farm Imple ments lumber and furniture at at one Torme Cash or approved papers J Kaier Auctioneers June Wheal per bush 0 per bush 54 Barley per bush 0 Hay per ton H Duller per V 1ga per dpi- per t Chickens per 25 OFFICE J tat Paid Up President TORONTO Fund HAY General Children Cry OR Drafts Money and Laitbra of Issued available throughout the World In and Municipal Dealer In Mi at all ranohaa Interest at opens an account V s- BANKINQ K fe mm Si TORONTO