I IC use day f I i S VkVi i jS J- I St i on good Farm Frank Duncan Newmarket IS- Wilkinson DENTIST g Grocery market v I Lewis Osteopath TREATMENTS Sinusoid Currents Phono Newmarket Bay J- Boyd l- B Cortege of A member of Ihe Royal of Surgeons of England assistant Ey and fiollek Ear Nose and Slat En Throat Main an Newmarket r Telephone tation P Morton Estate a Insurance NEWMARKET Hill on- Suritlay attend a Piratic with- the local lodge ymvcalrj has received lht her husband was on thcnih June and is now in the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield England Pie an employ Canes ehUstening he has a wife wounded on the of but was able to return to duty in May His many friends here hope thai he may soon recover WHEN INSIST ON THIS PACKAGE Vi V 1 C Park Avenue Bert Green AND HANGER Ave 2nd house from PO Box Bolton Hewitt radical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Niagara and i Street New- A NEWMARKET of Piano Voice and Vio- in all kinds of Music- 1 instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING went for Columbia Grafono- Oraphophones and Records Stock Prompt Servjce The Late Peter Mortimer- At the age of eightysix Peter Mortimer husband of he Eliza beth Mortimer died on June at his residence Street Toronto Mr Mortimer at Aberdeen Scotland and had come Canada as a young man taking up farm lands around and Ten years ago he went Jo Toronto and had been retired for lie last fifteen years He was- a of the Presbyterian Church ajreformer in nolitics predeceased him sixteen years ago he by four sons three ton grandchildren and great grandchildren Lawn Bowling itf for the I lily Brail foni atJJafrto at Aurora at Newmarket Bradford at Aurora at Aurora Allandale at Aurora at Bradford Newmarket at Allandale Newmarket at 26 at Allandale at Bradford at Aurora at Allandale at Newmarket at Newmarket at Bradford Bradford at Newmarket overtaken drove for Shelter the door of stable fastened by a small board which they removO The a table Was- and no further damage was proven- case- was dismissed Mr Thos Blizzard of Newmarket was charged with violation of the Public Health Act His house was quarantined for scarlet fever and his little boy was not restrained from playing with other children charge being proved in the interests of the Worship could not do than impose the minim Vim fine which is King and Country Ca Dilman Lieut Jack Lieut Beg Lieut Penrose Lieut Jaf fray Surgeon Greenwood Geo I fegt Ernie Dunn 1 Mir Draper K Win Davis PtuJEves SgtMtr Glen J I SgtE Harden Sig Pearson Hill J Geo Epworth Flanagan Pie Flanagan Gibson Granger Gordon i Pu ID Ross ganger E Hatch Walter Trivell Sergl Geo Vale I Corp Bailey P ALLTHCYAY i mm r it loon Calgary North Edmonton Vancouver and Coast Points Tickets and Berth Resenadons from F York Radial Agent Newmarket write General Passenger agent King St E Toronto 1 mm m i I Life Around the Hub OLT A very enjoyable evening was spent at the new home of Mr and Mrs friends about or 50 being present to show er them with many useful pres ents and hearty good wishes for much joy and many happy years of unspeakable pleasure SNOWBALL Jackson Issuer of- licenses the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired HEW MARKET DESIGNS IN bnumetis and Head Cut Stone for Building Purposes Kept in and Made to Order MO OXIDIZED WELDING On Notice Machinery for Sale DAVIS of Bank of Toronto Newmarket REMOVED NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE JOHN dealer and Importer of Foreign Domestic Granites and Latest In Monu- OiU and All kinds Cemetery work promptly to Call and see before All kinds of Out to Order JOHN MOSS Box Old Stand Huron St orv School Trustees The Public School Board met in the Secretarys office on Wednesday June Members present- Messrs Scott Howard The minutes of last meet ing ere read and on motion con- llrmed The following accounts were pre sented A Binns Marshall Miss Fee Miss Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Howard thai the foregoing accounts be paid Carried The Principals report receives showing total enrolled average nonresident fees May June The Inspectors report was re ceived This report speaks most highly of the Principal and his stall and it is a source of great satisfac tion to the Board that the school is so ably conducted Communication was received from Heal re address to pupils Moved by Dr Scott seconded by Mn Brimson that Mr Ileal be asked to address the pupils after vacation Carried It was decided that the schools reopen after the summer vacation on Sept All teachers were reengaged at an increase of salary according to schedule Miss Aggie Seymour is visit ing at Mr John Mornings Miss Alma Hall has returned home from Toronto Misses Ruth While Margue rite and Dora Morning have been in Toronto trying their music exams We wish them all success Miss Laura Morning and lady friend have been visiting in Shar on With the latter sister Mrs Mackrill Messrs Wm and Lawrence Morning have been visiting in Kettleby this last two or three Sundays Si says its got to be slopped as he cant sleep Mr Wm Webb spent Sunday up in old survey We wish him good luck Snowball intends holding their Annual Garden Parly on July the It will he held in the large school grounds Corp Bailey Corp S Biice Corp E Cody Hartford Corn Parnell Howard Co Signaller Charlie Corp Dunn Signaller Harry Corp Godwin Sapper E A Mitchell Corp- E Hare Pie Irwin Corp E Hardin AURORA Money to Loan Ontario and western Five to and second Morl- Low lnUrcet payable privilege to repay Old paid off and Bought Bold Ren anywhere- Ho Special Days The Methodist Sunday School will observe the following program of Special Days during the next two months School at p as usual Everybody July REVIEW DAY Another of the popular Lantern Reviews Special music Contest Tour to commences July DAY special missionary pro gram July BEGINNERS PRIMARY DAY and rcciUUonK Ihe tiny tots What every body enjoys July GIRLS DAY Our Girls In full charge said July FLOWER DAY class provide a floral display Itccognlr lion to class having best display distrib uted to the flick Aug MISSIONARY DAY peeling our missionary Norman of Japan Aug BOYS DAY Our buys in charge They they can heat the girls Aug MILITARY DAY Personal messages from our boys overseas Aug CONTE8T A contest in finding bible references Class making most points given special recognition Contest Tour Closed fiction P Toronto sfe w Police His Worship Police Magistrate held an Interesting session of Court In Newmarket last Friday Mrs Cook of Toronto was charged with assault When the last Wylsion she slapped a man in the face who had won a suit against her- She acknow ledged the charge and said had been provoked She was severely reprimanded and allowed to go suspended sentence on payment of costs which amounted to Mr Foster of Holland Landing had a couple of yoUng men up for It appears the young men A big Patriotic Field Day will be held in the Town Park Au rora on Dominion Day Satur day July 1st under the auspices of the Patriotic League Of the Womens Institute which will he one of the best days sports in the County The program will commence at am with a baseball match and from then until the close of the Concert at night there will lie al ways something doing A football tournament for a prize of will he one of the features A Grand Military and School Childrens Parade wilLslart from the Public School Grounds at I pm headed by the York Hangers Overseas Battalion Brass Hand ami Irish Pipers Canadian Irish Fusiliers A handsome prize will be given for the best decorated appear ing in the procession During the afternoon the sports will eon- sist of games races etc Dont forget the Baby Show Patriotic addresses will he de livered by prominent men A Plow donated by J Sons will bo sold by numbered tickets The 1271b York Rangers Overseas Battalion Brass Band and the Irish Pipers only Irish Pipes in Canada of Lennoxs Overseas Canadian Irish Battalion will furnish music hope The Ladies Aid at Mis Joe Gibsons was a decided success Quite a crowd proceeds The members have been knitting for the soldier and sending the Hocks direct to Herbert He writes back that the boys think so much of them they wash them for themselves for fear Ihey would not get them again We understand the Ladles arb keeping on the good work Mr and Mrs Wilfrid the Choir to Ice Cream on Friday evening Mr on the Fourth lost a valuable young last week When arc we going to get dry weather kind of weather wont ho very nice for camprncot- Ings next week A monster quilting at Mrs this week Fuller ao- count later Sorry to lose our teacher Miss Cook It will bo hard to- INT place She seemed lo suit ev eryone Gordon was homo over Sunday Sorry Mr on the sick list Hope he will soon be Corp J LanceCorp Herman J Mountain Corp Morris Corp Proctor Corp John West Or Master A Smith Wheeler L Dunn Gunner Carl Gunner Mont Bandsman Harrison Gunner w Clark Gunner Clark Gunner Samuel Carter Gunner A Martin Gunner Lloyd Gunner Verne Lepard Gunner Bruce Morion Gunner Howard P Proctor Gunner Quick Gunner A Sanders Gunner Wesley Driver Lyons Inch Sapper H Fennel Sapper Gibson Sapper S Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Sapper Harry Stephens Bandsman Armitage Pte A Adams PlcE Adams Pte Roy Anderson H W Bailey J Bell Pte Caldwell Brown Pte C Barnes Barber Geo Pte A Arl Bremner Pte Frank Reg Pte Norman Blair Pte J A Cox Pie Craddock J Clark Ted Pie A W Cox Samuel Gunner Ed Arthur Pte Wm Cain Pie Stanley Draper R W Jones Pte Johnson pte Ernest Johnston James Pte W J Kennedy H Kelly Pte Harry Kaiser ite Laker Pte Alf Pte Geo Lovett Med Pit Silas Miller Martin Pte J Martin Pte Ezra Morrison Pie Miller Pte Mitchell W Manger Pie J Moore Pie Geo Murdock Pile Hi McKay Pte John J McDonald Donald McDonald Jas McDonald Wm McCulIough McDonald McKay Pte Pte Pte Newman Norman Osborne Pte Potter Pte R Pearson Pte F Penrose Pte Pte J Robinson J Rowland Pte CarJ Pie McLean Stewart Pte Geo Smith Pte Smith Pte J Shelley Stoddard A Smith Pto Smith Pte Claude Vale Pte Reg Wilson Geo West Pto Wesley Pte J Walkins Pie W Ward A Williamson J Wallace Wilson Wm P Wright I ir I Our stock Is the largest and most uptodate In North York The Fit and Workmanship are guaranteed Our prices are right beoause we bought before the An Inspection is solicited p it recent advance F MERCHANT TAILOR Phono 160 Main w 115 I IB i r k H P Gasoline FIRSTCLASS CONDITION i Si Pi Hi A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Each Also Belting at Half Price Enquire at Era Off Newmarket Enlisted In No 2 Company Newmarket York Battalion J II Andrews W Albinson Waller Aril James Abbs Win Charles Burrows Brown Lawreiico W Bodley Burrows Blair Bailie Ernest Big Canoe Enoch Bog art Leslie Samuel tCorp Maurice Barnard Wm Brown J Black Beck Richard Marshall George Bridges Victor Brooks Corp Brooks David Robt Herbert Charles Syphor Oscar Frederick F Wm Wm Hugh Fred Cooper Chapman imp man Corner Wilmot Jos Dewesbury Lewis Darby Denne Dougherty Stewart J Dean Harry Denne William William Eves Alexander 1 I h Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp Hill George Hayes Wm i Geo A Silas Huston L Hill Sydney Hopper John Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James Lee John A Henry Lecson Benjamin Liscombc Leslie M Miller Wm John Mcintosh Alexander M ears Fred Melherali J Brown McDonald John McLaughlin Carl McGoniglo Rowland Corp Norwood John Nugent Walter Near Rupert Frank Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Pago Leonard John Pipher Melbourne Peal- Edward Pratt Albert Racine Henry- R08C Robinson J Rhyndress Donald Ransom Robs Wo still have a few hundred dollars worth of Furniture left out of Mr we are making big reduc tions on A few are Bedroom Suits Sideboards 2 BuffeU 1 Combination and Bookoase 1 Hall Rack cut Oak Parlor Suits Extension Tables 8 Iron Beds and Many Other Smaller Articles- ffi FRED SKINNER Alfred Rye Freeman William EvesSamue Smith A Ivan Eg i Fee- J Albert R Flanagan Roy Forth Albert Gee Henry Alfred Canton Orviiie b Godfrey Abraham Rqlph Rutherford Graham Fred Godfrey Thomas a I Stanley Robert Smith David Starr Edgar Stone James Edward Clarke James Smith Frank Wm Geo Dealer In Furniture and Funeral Director Undertakers License License Leave GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE GOING NORTH Arrive Toronto am Newmarket am Allandale 1035 a pm pm 335 pm pm pm pm tone pm 1000 pm GOING SOUTH Allandalo am Newmarket am Toronto am pm 535 pm am pm pm it pra Arrive 730 1018 am pm John Thomas W J Simrnerson E Charles Thayer William A Taylor Martin t Thompson Frank Tunny Clarence Walter Thomas Vanderburg Jas Wellington Jas White Sydney M Wilkinson G Corp Watson Oscar Sydney Wells James Woods Leonard WeiCi John Young Geo York i Newmarket Men Who Have Joined V Davis Capt A Davidson ODonnoll Jos McGordlok Patterson J A J Cane P York Roy V Pierre H Lomas A Crocker Pie J Evans A A A R Comer E Coble HJ J Patterson Jay P 2nd York r Marshall J Hughes M H Simmons Geo Kennel I Pie A Skinner R M Pte Jefferson P Saunders f Pie Butcher Pie A Evans Hutchinson Hoare Mullen Pie Kenne Pie A- Caldwell 1 m vC mm