Mi ft J a ass iH j Mount The Sunday School of Ihe Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools will be held to via on Wednesday July Train leaves Mount Albert at am See posters on at IPs IF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Thirty candidates wrote Examination this centre last week Mr Arm- strong Principal Pefferlaw Public School was the presiding examiner and proved very popu lar We are sure that all the defeated candidates who try again next year will be pleased to have Mr Armstrong again Sir- iV let w ii fljE a COOKKEYES A quiet wedding look place at the home of Mr J Paisley at Mount Albert on Wednesday af ternoon June when Mr J Cook was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Keyes Rev pastor of the Church performed the cer emony after which Mr and Mrs Cook left for Owen Sound for a trip inubK of that time bed Much wy is forVhim- The regular meeting of be held at Thursday next- July The of the Auxiliary ire invited lb bring their husbands and friends to the Tea SHARON Pegs of Union SI Mi Mr v J B -f- SB a ill any a fci id GARDEN PARTY The Annual Garden Party of the Presbyterian Church was held on the grounds of Mr Arwcd Case on Wednesday evening last and was a most successful enter tainment although the evening wwas rather chilly After the usual good tea provided by the ladies an excellent program was presented Mr Duncan Cowan the popular entertainer of Toron- Mrs Herbert Hall was found in to was highly appreciated by all present and was liberal in re sponding to many encores The proceeds were PERSONAL Miss Marjorie Moore is attend ing the Convention of the Young Womens Christian Association at Elgin House Lake Joseph Miss Hazel Hooper of Toronto a former teacher in our Contin uation School is visiting old friends in town Mrs Ernest Brooks of New market is in town for a few days School ended with the usual animations and the teachers and students are enjoying their sum mer holidays Mrs Pegg of Union si visited at M on Wednesday Mrs James Hughes Newmarket was visiting friends ftere Miss Maud of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Mrs James of visited friends here last Wednesday Mrs W Knight spent Thursday In the City Mrs Alfred Bfammer or Mr John one day last week Mrs A Eves of Union St spent the weekend at Mr George Hewletts Mr and Mr- Culling wood of Newmarket spent Sunday ai Mr VVm Theakstons Miss Myrtle Ford was in the City on Saturday Pte Harrold of Toronto spent Sunday at Postmaster Watsons Mr and Mrs Robinson of White Rose spent Sunday at Mr Lloyds Mr and Mrs Percy of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Shropshires Miss Flossie Terry and Miss Laura Mornirfg of King City spent the week end at Mr MaokrilPs The- A of St James Church met at the home Mrs A Wilson on Wednesday afternoon The Union S S Picnic at Bond Lake on Monday was a great success The weather was fine and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves A very shocking fatality occurred here on Monday when the body of the cistern of her home here As the rest of the family were absent from home at the time the particulars- arc not known An inquest will be held on Wednesday afternoon of this week The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church Sharon will hold a Straw berry Festival on Temple Farm the property of Mr Ramsey on Tuesday July Supper will be served from six to eight A good program will be provided Tableau of the Allies pre sented again by request Sharon Band also in attendance Particulars later Harold Cowleson entertained his friend Lindsay of Sharon Sunday A Bedford and Miss Hilda of Toronto are spending a week at Mr J Moores leaving for their home In We are Sorry herinother does pvyt improve Keswick least the Red I capture the prize The boysseem to some attraction in Bradford We are glad to hear Miss M Keyes is going with year the popular Softool Teaoner round Is going to leave us for while boys seemed to be quite rushed at the MOUNT PLEASANT i- trio tic Service was observed in Uie Pcesbyterlan Church Pleasant on Sunday afternoon June The responsive reading by the different in turn also the short reading and recitations were much enjoyed those kisses my lads human heart is a del egate organism- and any ferende with proper i action soon shows Our and loving swains are ly suffering placement and their heart strings It appears a great rumpus has held high carnival breasts observe Cora and Merlin areVbncernore of one rnind puts in mind of a kid hatful of apples He takes a bite first brie- and then from another till he samples the whole- He appear really which is best notice that young ladies look dark J as a thunder cloud when slighted by their beau Jealousy is an eyil passion sure No use to sing the Gypsy Warn ing to some falls on deaf earsl Experience is a good FORGET Paint QV f Last week we were most ably surprised enjoy Elder P i Relieve lutMl my ia sad Our Hero was the title of the pre- Fletcher came along and taking pared program which appeared most appropriate The pastor gave a short address which was muoh enjoyed by all Rev Clugston of Albert Presby terian Church will give a Lime Light Lecture on Sunday evening July 2nd In the Presbyterian Church Pleasant on A Missionary in the West There will be special singing by Mr and one of the mem bers of his choir A collection twill be taken for Missions Quite a number our young people attended the Anniversary at Egypt on Sunday evening The Girls Do Can Mission Band will a Strawberry Festival on July at Mr John Andersons Particulars next week ORCHARD BEACH Miss of Torontois spending Miss 111 r it In than ecu hum a mm ii m The X At V- srt A number of soldiers who have been drilling at were in town last week saying good bye to friends Messrs Stokes K and spent Sunday at their homes here They expected to leave for Ottawa litis week but their going has been postponed for some time Mrs Arnold and Mrs Dunn last week at Proton vis iting the formers sister They to leave on Friday night for in company with Mrs Arnolds son James who has been with her since his fathers death The ladies will spend some months in the West Mrs Winch and her sister Mrs Davidson left on Monday evening for a visit of three or four months with friends in the Western Provinces Mr and Mrs Sibley of New market motored to Mount Albert On Friday and spent the day with friends in town and were accom panied home by the formers sister Mrs Webster of the Oldham family motored to Head last week to visit Mr Jas Oldham who is very ill Mr J Graham has been a sufferer lately from muscular rheumatism but is improving Sorry to hear that Mr John Sleeper who a little bet ter last week is much worse again Mr Stepper has been con fined life house for about nine The Garden Party and Strawberry Festival of the Presbyterian Church has been postponed until July on account of the berries not being ripe The Union Sabbath School picnic at Bond Lake on Monday was a huge success The two cars were crowded with a Jolly bunch of pleasure seek ers The day was spent in boating swing and eating and a good number took part in the races arranged ac cording to points In- which Sharon carried off the prize- The Patriotic Service in the Presby terian Church on Sabbath morning was well attended The special order of service was followed and the Church was appropriately decorated with flags Congratulations the lucky pit pi Is from here who attend High School Mr of the Harris Co Toronto also Mis Prod of Toronto spent over the weekend with Mrs Sydney Thomp son at Moorefields Wedding bells are ringing this week in our town Quite a number from here attended I L ff KSS or SSJ mm 4Sf A r i r a irt WirJ PS Albert Dealer In all kinds of Farm Implements McCorrnick Hinders Mowers and Hakes and the jruel Oil Engines all sizes no made and the John end Peter Hamilton and goods and do not forget the quick Heal Oil Stove This Is the best ft all Oil Stoves Phone or write Sold Frame Plants Are better rooted give bet- tier results than hothouse plants Choicest varieties of Tomtot Flower Plants CftrnaUons Col- Phlox Mignonette Sweet Ayls- Plots PER BOX Of Wee have moved from the east to Uw ride of on the north A Tory Walk roio Stop 15 to first line eon Is but our customers Including Landing may rely upon the f oo as ere On the every barnraising at Mr Bert Coles last Car Party postponed until next week Mrs Horn Is visiting her sister Mrs vyihnot A splendid meeting of the Womens met in basement of Methodist Church on Thursday after- neon and everyone enjoyed Hie ad dress by Mrs Hunter on Home and Country Mrs Secretary Of Aurora was present also Mrs McDonald and Miss Hudson of Toronto gave a paper on and their value to us Mrs Sydney their value to us Mr Sydney sang a very pretty duet Refresh ments were served and it brought to a close one of the most pleasant meeting of year The Topics for the Methodist League for the month of July arc as follows July Topic Luke the Christian Writ er Reading Luke Corinth ians Speaker Mrs White Header Clarence Heap July Topic The launching of the Missionary enter- prize Heading Acta Romans Speaker Miss Carrie Wright Reader Mussel July Toplc7The Son of Cod goes Forth to War Reading SpeakerrDorls Stephens Reader Ross Grant July Topic The Citizen and Land Tenure Reading Speaker Max Reader Floyd Watson July Topics The Report of the gates Speakers Blanche- Cunningham Thompson Mr of the A- has been spending a jew days with his friend J Smith The Misses Smith J Smith and a couple of weeks with her aunt A Fisher Mrs Lloyd having rented her cot tage to Mr Maul of Toronto again this year left for Newmarket on Tuesday accompanied by her sister Miss McMurchic of King Mr Fred Saxton of Toronto is here again for the season with the Wilson family on Cosy Corner in Yates row Another new cottage Is going ui adjoining Dr cottage The Union Church opens next Sun day Service at a m arid p in Very few hoarders at yet Most of the- cottages arc open for the season now A number of Newmarket pass ed along Beach last Sunday after noon On Thursday evening of last week somebody tried all the doors In Mr Coulters cottage but the dog being aroused no effort was made enter wire screening was torn from the window of Dr Rankins Cottage adjoin ing hut anything was taken Is not known as Hie occupants are not here yet This attempt at pilfering has lias made cottagers somewhat alarmed about leaving their doors unlocked luring even temporary Mrs Armstrong and son of were visitors at Mr John Rosa monds cottage on Sunday Mr Hale of the Dale Furniture Co Toronto are occupying Mr Cottage for the season Mr Starr of Newmarket lias wired the residence of Mr Matthews at Roachs Point for electric light and Installed an electric stove pump and other appliances Several cottages are using York Radial current at the Point me by the sleeve almost dragged hie along as he said Ive brought aiiold friend to see As I reached the car I found there Mrs Henry Sarnmells and daughter of Mr and Mrs and your Uncle Owl have been stead fast friends for 10 years and more I shall not worry you with particulars -It-was- indeed a great pleasure Your loving kind ness shall never forget Elder I turned from my friend for a mo ment to address few words to Mrs Fthe power was turned on and I she was gone I imagine None of that Uncle Owl floated back oh the air Phunny that Elder young lady Im told took a kodak shot at me just as I was in all my regimentals No doubt it is a stunner Mr and Mrs Donald Ego called in Baldwin on Friday Mr Ego is a frfcquent caller here Mrs Ego is much beloved and admired by her many friends and not a bit of wonder Her cordiality and so ciable nature are a model to those the esteem of all Frank has a nice little strawberry patch Frank is pretty flush of work and the Missus has much care mi her hands also The Kalzcnjammcr Kids feeling sorry for him gen erously and voluntarily turned in and assisted in picking thorn with the proviso that they might eat all they picked Frank was so overwhelmed with surprise he forgot to thank them Daddies do your duty I Make the black- snake whip whistle Mrs Chapman and returned and reported a very enjoyable and instructive mooting Vclma was billeted at N J and is en thusiastic in praise of her hos pitable reception I presume the young ladies will ever be firm friends Well it turns out just as I anticipated I know those folks Ill quit now jU CBUurtic of letters lacteal fact in conpoawBng a to up ladder pom rguu lb towel do not act fcarahly bowels bat a gradual ad jreatU Try flUa for la Ihe aetf trouble Gin rail are a box or a for at at to Tournament between Virginia Toronto and Baldwin Dancing Afternoon and Evening Supplied by a FlratClass Orchestra AND CANOES FOR HIRE AT HOTEL PARK OPEN FOR ALL PICNICKERS COME AND HAVE A TIME J fc- J AIRBARN General Store Dn Ox erf CuMuUTiaM Cbesakal Co Toronto WANT Lots of Good Fat Fowl Will pay top price Dont delay In selling them while my price Is good LETTER FROM A SOLDIER The following was received this week by Mr Marritt of Keswick from his son in England FAIRBARN Prop Herman Phone BROWNH1LL GENERAL Sutton West BALDWIN a anniversary services in connection with the Egypt Pres byterian Church were unusually successful The evening services were thronged It appeared as if Mount Pleasant congregation at tended to a num Given a fair evening the lecture on Monday will undoubtedly be also a great success as is an entertainer are to bo able to report that Mrs Small- wood Is out taking a littlo sun and air Dr Graham must be a crack rjic Aunt Sally was tak en ill suddenly oh Thursday Noble Jr and were soon In attendance and iKAniced trouble ulceration of the stomach Dieting will att aint nature to soon rectify the ailment Wo are much pleased to notice that our good friend Dr Noble is in splondid health and spirits and bo- loved by his old patrols Ho says he intends to live as long as he can He Is clever and right well he it Io a young member of the profession who had the to express a difference of to he crustily remarked Ive forgotten more than you ever knew A couple of dazzling beauties from away of Sutton perhaps dropped down Into our burg Sabbath afternoon Bo beauti ful were one of our prominent business men express ed a desire to got an arm about When tempts him thus should say Go way old Ned Seeing that the dameols wore without a lawful proteptor Herman and Jeff the Wild Yankee Scout and Trapper- formed a protectorate and gallantly saw the belles safely homo Our gal lant knights will no doubt able to get bread and buns at Mrs Anderson wishes thank all who look pari in the Chain of Teas for Ihe Sutton Sock Fund sum realized was The socks are be given the Sutton Platoon of the 1271 when they leave Tho Girls Patriotic League had a successful sale of homemade candy last Saturday the proceeds amount ing The following girls Kathleen McKay Lena Sennelt McDonald Olive and Flo proved them selves workers by soiling the candy There has been rather a falling off in the attendance at As there is plenty of work for every Canadian who is willing to serve their country It Is he hoped that allthe Sutton girls will League this summer The next meeting a very Impor tant one arrange work for July will be held at St Monday evening July 3rd at pm For the coming week MIhk Os borne will give big bargains In he millinery lines The remainder of seasons styles In hats for grown and children as well ribbons flowers veilings braids etc will bo sold- prices regardless of as Miss Osborne Is going out of business and Is dlBposfng entire stock at ridiculously low prices The annual- meeting of Kpworth League was held In the Methodist Churoh for the purpose of officers for Ihe coming year Rev Madden presided The past year has been successful and we hope the next year may be ad as the past The following officers were elected as follows President Mrs O J Silver 1st VlcePree Miss 2nd VIcePres Miss Miss Mr- John King Secretary Miss Otis Mrs Organist Miss- VloePres Junior Department Mrs J Sunday June 4th Stationed at Gamp Kent England Dear Home I should have written before but all our time seems to be taken up I dont know what Isaac told you when he wrote so I hardly know what lo say I remember him saying that he had written quite aletlcr and didnt tell any thing about the trip across so guess I will write whatever I can think of and you will have to bear with it if some of it is old news Wo arrived in Halifax about noon Saturday The Baltic was there wailing for us to go on Very soon after we were all aboard Then we pulled out from the pier and steamed farther down into the harbor into what is called the Ba sin it is like a small lake Here we anchored and stayed all day Sunday We had a Church Service in the afternoon and the rest of day was spent mostly in exploring the There are large boilers and two big engines We were all through the engine and I Oiler rooms The stokers on a boat have an awful life Wo were down there when they were eating one of their meals I thought a soldiers was enough but it is nothing like as rough and dirty as theirs On Monday we lifted anchor began lo slowly move put into the main harbour As we passe IIuj Adriatic and Empress of Briton they also lifted anchor and followed line was my breakfast when we started but I soon got up on deck and there I stayed till the last bit of land was too far away to Isaac and I and ten others were put on signal duty on the Bridge to in communication with the cruiser and the other two ships We were on forlhe whole and it was quite interest ing We knew everything that was going on We had excellent weather all way across There warp a few sick hut not many Isaac had a slight attack 1 Sign up with your Count Battalion for Overseas Service 2 If you are not eligible And a man who Is and show him that It la his duty to servo hfs King and Country In the 220th Yorks 3 Your friends are there They want you to come now and enable them to give up recruiting and get down to training for the work which lies ahead SIGN UP NOW WITH THE YORK RANGERS BATTALION AND GET IN ON THE MARCH TO BERLIN a- On Sunday May we had Church Services on board half or us in forenoon and hah in he afternoon The message was sent from tho cruiser that our Destroyer Escort would bo about pm so at everyone Was up on deck eagerly waiting About seven we could the light of their lamps signalling to the cruiser and in ton minutes they wore up to us It was a sight well worth see ing They came right straight for us the four in line You could not see much else but spray When they came up one went each transport and one with cruiser Very soon after the cruiser sent the message Good and God Speed and sailed away taking one Destroyer with her Monday morning wo woke with in sight of- old Ireland It was good to see land again We were in sight of land all day the Isle of Man and after we left the Isle of Man the Hills of Wales began to ap pear In view We were up on the bridge whenwo passed the of Mao and It was quite Interesting looking through the binoo- ulars and having places ex plained to us We arrived at what they Bar at seven where we had to take a pilot lotake us the rest of the mouth and down the river a short distance where anchored for the night We did not gel into port until about the next day Wc were the last hunch to get off so we did pot get away until about three England is certainly a pretty place I couldnt begin to explain everything interesting we saw Wc passed through London about ten at night arrived at Shorn cliffe at three and got up lo our camp and to bed about live and then paraded at nine next morn ing We were rather tired Mr Webbs well organized com pany was smashed to pieces the llrst day and they were divided into Ave classes for training They have good system here 5 hours instruction I hour for Cable Wagon Drill I on office work on the field instruments etc one riding and one visual signalling Isaac and I put on the other company yesterday Wo are leaving tomorrow to train am sorry in a way that we are leaving separated from most of lows wc know I would have liked to have taken the course One good thing about it wo are almost sure of staying in the same organization now The rest that are left at are likely to go over in drafts There are quite a few operators going from our hunch but only about other ordinary signallers Wc will likely he training a couple of months Bramsholt Division Is not formed yet so wc will likely be on that We have groat view our camp here father can laik all ho likes our view at home but It cant touch one side of this Wo are on a very high hill They say it is hill the Battle of Hastings was fought on We look from this over valley to about a mile away On clear days we can see France quite plainly is certainly Looking straight way It was Just the opposite They were a lot hotter than had been used to example will give you menu of one of our best meals Chick en Boiled Potatoes and Peas some good Pudding with sauce and Ice Cream We were lucky get On the Baltic This only the second time lias used for a transport and the have their regular cooks waiters all on yet We were w the Second Class Dining Room and in Third Class State Rooms Nothing to complain of at all Well I mUSt close or have lo send this in a paf in stead of an envelope I will he he fel- June pill Stationed at England Dear Folks at Home are here at now I hope it is to stay for while anyway as I am sick of packing up and We left Shorncliffe oclock Monday afternoon in London and had an wail there We arrived at our station about oclock witha 3- walk ahead of us wliioh we did in good style We had a lunch and were given our to sleep and went lo bed fairly good sleep We went on a route Mart this morning The around here is the prettiest I hay seen yet It is quite wooded some places and very There are foot paths running a around through the woods places the Irees for some distance There are so some great views from of the hills They say the view in England is only a distance from We moved to another part the camp tonight I w are settled for a while We are sleeping in huts- it lot better than Hie lorn is Just like little villages all the Camp clusters of n in feet A very prolty the from us is an built huts of about feet old Church with dpoumontsin it feet We have lots of room m dated to the eleventh cen- about 30 men in a hut and then around to the north Caesars old camp There Is a there now it is that Folkestone about two miles from camp Is a very pretty place are extra high cliffs along the shore I suppose they somethinglike the of Dover men around the outside There was to be a concert of sent any word- mere was i r tonight Some talent from don was coming down Tg some reason they never up and never a great work at the There are three huts not v which is only a short distance than half a mile There are busses churches have clubs ana iu- valion Army have u from here running from here but you have have a special pass to get in the town at all y They talked so much about to bed I am meals boat not being very mh Well I must close for our hut rather tired- and get to our hut J3K