J m D Department can see a window you nice White and Gold Piece Dinner Sat of Quality priced lo sell quick AH Lines of total proceeds of the Gar den Parly were ThcKnitCing Tea announced on July has been postponed till the Installations Mr Manager- the Office Specialty Works has tailed electric grates In oil the shore of Mr Starr- did the work and has several others in viqw He also expects to install a motor at Dykes Mill near the Depot next- week Very Attractive The Unique Poster issued by the Era Job for the big Military- Demonstration next Wednesday is attracting much attention It is printed paper with red and ink and the style K need 16 go to Toronto for anyprinting from a visiting card to a mammoth explosion of gasoline- Ms a serious loss upon Mr John motor truck valued at was destroyed Ford car was somewhat damaged and the also burped down was no a Mr Clarence Wilson has been busy these days running his 0- wish success Johnston loaded a car of scrap iron for Toronto this Stanley Rose of Lindsay 109th Ball has been spending a few days Willi parents in He expects to sail for overseas service -T- 1 lo reduce stock English China Tea Sets patterns 3 colors Priced from up to reduce stock I A Importer of Staple Fancy China Adjourned opened an In quest at- Sharon- Wednesday afternoon the ingof Mrs Herbert Hall The jury was sworn in and Col Way- ling elected foreman They view ed the body and the inquest was adjourned till Wednesday even ing July at Ihe Fire Hall in Newmarket We wish Mr Rose much Success hope to sec back safely A Johnston loaded livestock this week for Toronto as usual Hogs werjft price Everybody is busy these days rushing Ihe strawberry season Mr Ramsday spent oyer Sunday with friends in town Sleeping Beauty Oh Monday- 300 Boy Scouts marched down Si and entrained for and vicinity to take part berry crop VThatsomethirig should be done to the Street gene s on f the people of North Toronto and travelling public A movement is now under way to allow tfie-Met- Railway rights over the street railway line down to the Depot Monday last P Black was instantlykilled in a lumber yard when of lumber fell on him girl whoa year ago created a mild sensation by posing asia i spy in this cityVandwas seritencd to an Indefinite term to the Mercer Reformatory made her escape Monday from the 2nd- storey by tying a couple of sheets together The Beaver Battalion held a nig family reunion on Tuesday in Park on the King- Tile wives relatives and friends joined in a picnic and enjoyable time This is the unity- meet in relatives aiid friends before Mr G Barnes of the st Toronto was home over Dont forget the Annual Strawberry Festival on Tuesday July to be held at -v- I i 1 J i Vvj k MB V Mr H spent Monday j fe ftS ft Hard Man to II and Ind a I and now ig for O 8 IN an we ample of one sauce i lucky his is been I they and in Room all I will Camp ay for a getting moving at about in hours at our- with a 3- a places a March- I wooded In iTy billy WW overhead are rom thc a ftr of now e lnlH of feet by room the l not part for but is hereby given that Colin Dune Poole of Hie Oily of Toronto County of York in the Province if Manager will apply to the of Canada at the next thereof a Dill of Divorce from Catharine Poole on the mud of at Toronto in the Province of In Eighth day of January CORLEY DUFF Hay St Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant Field Day The ladies in charge- of the Field Day Booths ask that all donations be left at the Field Comforts Tea Rooms on Tuesday afternoon July with the ex ception of Cake Pics or Tarts which may be left there Wednes day morning Theyare trying to make the day a great success by planning all sorts of novelties such as Wish ing Well Tag Day and attractive Booths 4 PHOTOGRAPHS PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How It would dellht your children how it would please pur friends Us Make Them For You I 153a Photographer Door West of the New Post Office Muslo Exams Newmarket pupils who passed at the University Music Exams in Toronto Junior Theory Class I Miss Miss J Stephens Miss Richardson Miss I Richardson Class Miss Elementary Piano Class I Miss Richardson Miss V Hill Miss Ramsay Tate Miss Primary Piano Class if Miss Lewis Miss Jnnior Piano Class Miss I Kelley Pass Miss Moore Miss Mann Mr and Mrs Otto Tranmer spent Sunday in The remains of the late -Mrs- Brown of Ballantrae were interred in the Christian oh Tuesday of last week The Ladies Tea- at Mr Win on Friday evening was well attended Mr Jones has erected a new fence in front of his residence ISLAND GROVE the- recent arrivals at the Grove are Mr Ferguson and family Mr Irwin and family and Mr J and family Miss of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Laura Irwin Mr- Ferguson of A Mr J Smith and sisters and Mr A son were visiting at Mr bys on Sunday Mrs Murray and family have taken Mr R cottage for the Among summer- Mr Warriner has been building a laundry for Mr and he intends having a firstclass laundry he intends having a firstclass in charge Mr C has been at tending County Council in Toronto during last week and this Islander 1 KESWICK Vatftny fit ALBERT HONOR ROLL A0 Ramsden fAHanivliii Shields ws Shields ma Morgan Morgan J- Hummer J- Nuoimer wdon Smith Terry Jw Cameron X J Draper ju Brooks Brook i5Peland Wde r i much Girl Guides Twentyone of life Newmarket Girl Guides attended the very and instructive Girl funics Rally held at Saturday June The Newmarket representatives arriv ed at grounds in time to take part in the grand march and lo salute Lady latt Chief Commissioner of Canadian Girl Guides and other members of the Dominion Coun cil After this the troop march took place but was interrupted by a sudden shower of ruin dur ing which the Guides look shel ter in the castle Here were ex hibitions of embroidery crochet ing knitting photography and painting The baud of the Queens Owen Rifles added to the enjoyment of the afternoon AH throughout the afternoon great courtesy was shown to out-of- town Guides and all of them had a good time talking to the friend ly city girls and admiring luring the afternoon a prog an was given on the south lawn Dances by the Com pany an exhibition First Aid by the Company and sig nalling by Toronto Guides were the chief features One other im portant item of the program was Ihe presentation of the first Sil ver Flail a Canadian Girl Guide This means that this girl has won eighteen Specified badges The distinguished Guide Miss Florence Hardy of Com pany Toronto At seven oclock the companies from and Newmarket and Company 20 Toronto had tea In Ihe Palm Room The members of local committees captains of companies and ladies who assist ed at the flower refreshment and work booths had tea with Lady After tea the ladlos and New market Guides onjoyed a fine m VlItors in the village are numer ous Mr and Mrs VanNorrmin at daughter at Mrs Win Terrys Mr and Mrs P Morton at Mr Ira Morions Mr Joe wards was calling friends here before leaving with Battalion fur overseas People who knew Arthur were shocked to hear he had been killed in action in France Arthur was always bright active and cheerful a faithful member of the Alert Bible Class of Christian Sunday School When we hear of so many of our brave hoys being it makes us want to get busy and help them with comforts This Is what our Red Cross and Field Comforts Society is doing and glad to hear they are ap preciated The ladles of the community are urged to come to the Temperance Hall on Tuesday afternoons to help sew for comfort of our boys in Hospitals arid also In trenches To raise money for this noble cause they are holding a Garden Party tlio of July on Mr lawn Point Two returned soldiers ore expected and speak of the life and work of soldiers also Rev Logan Creggle is expected to give an address also Miss Thomas of Newmarket wlil give sev eral readings In her good man ner Splendid music promised you as well Come one and nil and do your bit bit of money raised goes to procure yarn for socks and other necessaries for our brave boys overseas Alfred Cpates Rhoden Ave fell downstairs on Monday evening broke his shoulder blade Williams estimates that Toronto total Mayor Church says this is ail and that Toronto has furnished Bjg dif ference While cycling on Ave oh Monday White sustained a deep cut On the head when he collided with a motor The 127th York Battalion marched to on Tuesday morning to take part in a sham fight with the Sportmens and Buff Battalions The same Bat talion held a field day of sports yesterday The dog nuisance of tlie city is becoming almost unbearable Hon Duncan Marshall Minis ter of Agriculture for Alberta purchased three carloads of cat tle at Toronto Stock Yards on Monday A coroners jury has found that a commercial traveller named A Tipping had shown negligence in driving automobile which in flicted fatal results to Miss May- ardon Saturday last Conservatives are so divided in South West Toronto that the On tario Government are not hurry ing a byeelection to fill the va- the Legislature occa sioned by the death of the late Hon Mr At a recruilingjneeting the be ginning of this week Mr W Howell K urged the appoint ment of a director of recruiting for Canada A survey of Ontario is being made with the view of solving the problem of hotel accommodation when prohibition takes effect Toronto Junction Orange Lodge and York County Young Britons held a church pa rade to the Methodist Church Mimicoj on Sunday Rev J Wil son conducted the church service City Presbyterians who arc op posed to church union arc discus sing the question of what action is lo be taken to meet the vole of the Assembly in favor of Union The Feast of Corpus Christ was celebrated in all Roman Catholic Churches of the City on Sunday with all the pomp and re ligious ceremony of the Church If vou are you need Underwear of au perstrength Nothing hold you long ft iTJi j I Come in here and get a comfortable suit of Stanfleld8 Unshrinkable t 1 FORGET THAT WE HANDLE BOY8 AND YOUTH8 CLA88IC 8HOE8 if lit imster f The Men Main Weal Newmarkei 1 t It i i From His Majesty the King Lord General and The Officer Commanding the Battalion TOWN LINE Have you heard of Jelllcoe The bloke thats oh the Jolly little flic pride of Remember life is and Ihe Poultry w of n better Sf J- Si re- The to the gut the Firm apd you bet hes right Simply dying for a fight Keeps them d d well out of sight Them across the sea Have you heard of Jelllcoe The bloke thats on the sea little The pride of our and square yes hes all there Ready to play the game thats fair When the cowardly Hum creep from An eminent physician llluslrati the enormous power of the human heart In the following striking manner Take a twopound weight in the palm of Itic hand resting the elbow upon a table and raise and lower ft from the level of the elbow to shoulder That Is exactly the work done by the hour at each heat Do this about or HO times a minute mid see how long you can keep it up At each Contrac tion the heart does enough work to lift n twopound weight one foot ran a I fc WAVE ANSWERED 700 MORE ARE NEEDED FOR THE 220TH AT ONCE I llllou Are You and Yours Have you heard of bloke thats on he sea Patient little of our Time and tide he cannot slay- But some day hell slip away And make the Hups regret the day They met upon the P their lair prograrri to which Lady I- Into Hie open sea invited them fthortly aftcr the marched from the ground to the corner of and where after some delay they got a car for Newmarket They Re turned filled with and ambition and new jdeas and plans for the coming years work The ladles in charge of the Guide work In Newmarket are President Hull SecretaryTreasurer Mrs Addison Mrs Hunter Mrs Man ning Mrs Atkinson Mrs Riish- Mrs Lyons anj Mrs Hew itt Five of these ladles accom panied the Guides to Toronto The next Guide Meeting will be on Tuesday July AfuU attendance is requested The Girl Guide Church Parade will I lake place Sunday July to Itbt Anglican ALL RIGHT i A horseowner was trying to sell a windbroken horse was trotting him around for In spection The owner stroked the horses back and remarked to- the prospective buyer he a lovely coat But the other noticed that the was panting and remarked AbI like coat but Strawberry Preserves with pure cane sugar with FINE papulation diasolvea instantly a clear bright syrup and Mb Carton and Bag A book of preferring label FREE If you tend red boll trade mark cut from a JS WHAT TALK ABOUT Walt Mason when modern people get together they do not talk about the weather as fellows used to do but each one In his conversation describes some painful operation that lately lies gone through The innocent tnndcr catches while listening disjointed snatches of talk that this way Oh yes I wont to Dr Sidney and ho removed my kidney his bill Ive yet to pay Tho surgeon In a boastful humor still quotes my large ingrowing tumor as worst ho ever saw When from the I clinched my flu and surgeon on the Jaw That old Doc Fak er Is a wizard the ho cut out my gizzard was something simply flne Doc Chestnut says my systoms rusty and ho will take his bucksaw trusty and am putate my spine The as sures me my salvation -depends- alone on ampliation if I would shake the gout I hear that has hired a famous eastern doctor to dig some organs oul them and me the gulf groove wider alas I am a When my are in commotion sim ply mix a drastic potion and take it with a spoon I PEOPLE INTERESTED Garden Parties Picnics Band Concerts Also Storekeepers and Dealers o Handle Candy Chewing Gum PopCorn Eto 3 As I am taking the Business Grocery Newmarket dealing in all lines I am prepared to servo you at Lowest Wholesale If needing anything in Confectionery I would urge you to give call before going elsewhere If In Town phone and have us for you in the auto bring you here to see the goods and take you back again AH goods delivered anywhere Town or out free of Always something how For particulars phone A Main A Huron Newmarket a EPS Established still going strong THE YORK ttTORE lven GS ft mm iHiiU9 ssm Six in the list and reasons Herald Mum X Vurtomert OF entitling lo their Country I m ti- tsa TORONTO