JUNE 0TH mm mm AFFECTED Soon Tills Dangerous Condition nHuv St East two yean- 1 was of Indigestion and Gas In The Stomach It afterwards my Heart and I had pains all over my body so that I could hardly move around of but none of them did me any good At last I decided to try FruitaHves I bought the first box last Jane and bow I am well ofltr using only ikre I recommend FruitatiTes o anyone Buffering from Indigestion FRED a box for trial 25a At all dealers or sent postpaid by limited Ottawa BRICK FOR SALE In Newmarket West end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath etc Terms arranged if Apply Box 607 Aurora FOR Building Lots on Park and Lome Avenues Apply to Newmarket f Around the Hub ERNE KING services were held in LOGH Anniversary Presbyterian Church con King Township on- Sunday- June Rev Mcintosh of Bond Head conducted the services Special music was furnished choir Jiurch packed at evening service Little Fry had the misfortune on Friday of being kicked by a colt breaking her leg gi3 FOR Gasoline Engine almost new A Write Box Era Office it i WW TO OR On Raglan St Sevenroomed house with bath and all conveniences Ap ply to Newmarket 3w20 IB f Brick House on Millard Ave late home of the undersigned al so others added to lately G M HUGHES FOR The whole stock in general store itL Newmarket A good opportunity tor a man going into business Ap ply to Box Newmarket During the heavy electrical storm over the southern part of the county oh Saturday afternoon the big barn belonging to the Franklin House In Markham Village was struck burned to the ground The building is only a short distance from the hotel and but for the prompt ac tion of the Markham fire brigade which soon had three streams playing on the fire the hotel and town hall would have been destroyed The loss is placed in the neighborhood of partly covered by insurance ZEPHYR A pretty wedding was solemnized in Toronto Saturday afternoon when Miss Lola Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Rynard of Zephyr Ont was married to Mr Norman Lane Daniels of Niagara Falls son of Mr Frank Daniels of Toronto The ceremony was performed by the Rev Rankin of Wesley Methodist Church The bride was wearing a smart suit of African brown taffeta and her hat was of pale yellow Georgette crepe with touches of brown Mr and Mrs Daniels left im mediately for New York AURORA On Tuesday evening a party of about twenty ladies and gentlemen from Toronto came to Aurora to see the collection of pictures contained in the gallery ofr Mr F Cummer They were delighted- with their visit By his will dated May James Joseph who died on June last disposes of an estate valued at This amount is made up of Insurance the Royal Tem plars of Temperance in cash household goods personal pro perty and funeral benefits and two Aurora cemetery lots 15 mm pi IL TO LET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY It has been shewn that tains three poisonous substances alcohol and hop acids The alcohol tendency to esdlte the to make and the hop acid work on the kidneys later cause liver and heart This combination poisons one to enforce the other accounts for beer mush more to life- than whiskey or brandy Whiskey drinkers often live to be old men but we see the beer drinkers dropping off alt around at an early age under j the names of Bright Disease Dropsy Heart Failur etc These cases might properly called what they really frm Beer Beer has no inviting taste apart from Ilia alcohol which ft contain- Brewers themselves say in a pam phlet which they publish that beer would be better alcohol If it could be made as attractive to the taste When a man acquires the beer habit Just as a person acquires the morphine habit he finds when it Is too late that he has become Its slave From ray own professional ex periences I believe that three men break away from whiskey to one that drinking beer Medical men often advise those who cannot do without drink to drop beer and take whiskey Instead A glass of beer seems so harmless and the drinker thinks he can it up whenever he wills but this war has proved that whether he can or not he will not do so not for the pleading of the King and his minis ters not for wife and family no not to save the nation from defeat ami ruin The truth Is he cannot for his moral nature has been drugged and his will power paralyzed by the three poisons hidden in the beer The poet describes him as calling for his ale till near the hour of death but that has not been my experience When such men become very III they frequently will not touch either beer or tabacco They are very much pitied for when they try to break off they have the customs of society as well as the craving for drink to fight And they do try to break their bonds but it Is almost hopeless so long as the IreaUng custom and powerful selfish interests are combined to prevent them i On the very day that war was declared the still make a reasonable profit for the company price of the Canadian Ford car was reduced on this volume But dont mistake the reason for this reduc- If we are only able to manufacture and sell ikes the price i knowledge of how prices of Ford cars are additional 20000 cars which decided reduction of possible These prices are based oh the estimated Although to build cars means doub- ferati fa Mini ffixa House Lot on prospect opposite Pickering CoUofee Large garden with large and small fruit and good stable Also eightroomed In Ket- Apply to M St Newmarket TO BREEDERS Brampton Merry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Merry Daisy 2559 Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath ring 23 Newmarket Worth a Guinea a Box mm as a remedy for the evil effects of quick eating overeating and strenuous The medicine that meets this need that tones the stomach stimu lates the liver regulates the bowels Is Mr L Welter spent Sunday with his sister Mrs Davis of KelUeby Mr Norman Wallace of Toronto Is spending a few days with his friend Harold Mr and Mrs Chas Hidden celebrat ed ten years of married life on Wed nesday A number of friends gather- and spent an enjoyable evening Mr Arthur Snider provided the music Mrs Lyons whose home Is In Mani toba is visiting with Mrs Mr and Mrs J Archibald a number of friends the other evening Messrs Dan Malloy and Thomas have each purchased new cars Mrs J Hunter Provincial will address Womens Institute In the Methodist Church here at on Friday afternoon June All ladles Invited demand for Ford cars for the fiscal year starting Aug 1st would be about cars With this production it would be possible to reduce the price So an announcement was made to the public at large thepnees of Ford cars would be less for the coming year It must be admitted that this was a remark ably sincere and substantial expression of faith in tne prosperity of Canada and the Empire that prompted this Canadian firm to stake their entire business on the continued prosperity of their country Yet the Ford Canadian executives did not allow the war to interfere with their plana in the slightest degree They considered the pros perity of Canada and the victory of the allied cause as assured This was emphasized a second time last August when the prices of Ford cars were again reduced by Profitably to manufacture the Ford Canadian car at this lowered price requires a of cars during the year endinf 1916 To quote from General Manage regors own statement If this company is able to manufacture and sell cars between August 1 1915 and August 1 1916 we know that our buying capacity the production efficiency of our facturing plant and the distribution of over- bead expense over a volume of this size will enable us to reduce our prices per car and an A very pretty wedding place on Thursday June at the home of Mr and Mrs James of when their daughter Helen was united in marriage to Mr Webb son of Mr and Mrs James also of The Scott Officiated the wedding march being played by Miss Cousins of Weston The bride who was given away by her father looked very pretty In a gown of white silk de chine and wore the usual veil of net surmounted with II the valley and carried a sheaf of maid en hair fern carnations and roses the only attendants the of the bride and Irene Sharkey of Weston who won- dresses of white voile and gold lockets gifts of the groom carried baskets of bridal roses After a dainty luncheon happy couple motored for Tottenham en route Sale In lh la it mm m SYSTEM Dominion Day Going July Valid to return date FARE AND Going June 30th July 1st Valid to return July 3rd Between stations In Canada east of Port Arthur also to Detroit sand Port Huron Mich- Buffalo Black Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices Depot Aent J Y for oilier parts bride travelling In a suit of Bilk poplin with hat lo match their return they will reside the grey on pear our July and contin ues until Auk when open Miss Hodge of Sharon Is visit ing with friends In town for a few days Mr and Mrs W Marsh and son spent Tuesday In Newmarket at Mr J Bleckleys On the Sunday following Dominion Day there will be a church parade In the Park for the soldiers All are invited The business men of have decided to close their places of business on Fridays at during July and August Mr and Mrs R have been visiting friends Toronto Aurora and for the past two weeks Geo Mustard while working around a ripsaw In the planning mill had one of his fingers cut off at the second joint I Remember the Annual Strawberry Festival under auspices of Methodist Ladles Aid to be held at on July The women orstouffvlUe and the surrounding country are asked to provide pies for four hundred camping in Diamond park on let Tribune ONE DAY OF PROHIBITION has had a trial of prohibi tion of the liquor traffic Sun- day beginning October the and the result as reported would satisfy any one but a drunkard or an Idiot that the sooner the whole world goes dry the better for everybody When the saloons were open there was an average of three murders every Sun day and a large number of accidents on Monday Since the saloons are closed on Sunday there has not been a murder on that day and Monday accidents have been greatly reduced The Editor of The Templar has been In Chicago Investigating and has given some Interesting factS bearing on Sunday closing Ten thousand bar tenders will- now have a day of rest and it has been estimated that the of Chicago will save about twenty eight million dollars a year by Sunday closing A- chorus of approval comes from the heads of the big manufactures and show that there are fewer Monday ac cidents merchants report selling more goods on Monday and that Monday efficiency has greatly increased In the- factories The foreman at Swift Co Pack ing Plant Morris and Plant all ogee with the foreman at Armours who said Our workmen conic to the plant Mondays clear heads and rested bodies It was the saloons were closed that many men either did not show up or were very little use on Monday Last Monday all the men were promptly on hand with steady muscles rested bodies And minds fit for their tasks The manager of the Illinois Steel Plant Issued statement to this last Monday for the first lime In years When wc asked them what caused the change Ihey said they had nothing to do Sunday hut rest for Monday Marshall Field A Co and other big Slate Street Department stores report the biggest Monday sales In years That the Temperance forces should win such a victory In a City- that has long been known as the of the liquor Interests Is Indeed good news The American people doing lot of these days There Is good awakening What was winked at In the past will not he tolerated much longer The only way to mend the is to end It They have been called drunkard fac tories but arc they not murder fac tories as well Hi Arnott i Ford Runabout Ford Touring Ford CoupeUt 730 Ford 890 Town Cur o Ford Ontario And the sales to date and the prospects for the next few months prove that they are correct in their belief Moreover this action becomes increasingly significant when the advance in price of raw materials is taken into consideration At least one automobile manufacturer has been obliged to increaie the price of his car on this account And the Ford Company again have an added burden in the increased duty on the few raw materials that they are obliged to buy in the United States But all of these increases have been absorbed into manufacturing coats by the Ford Company as part of its obligations and its duty in times such as these- is another significant fact that while prices on other products have so generally been increased the prices of Ford cars have been decreased So Ford Company of Canada proud to advertise this reduction in Ford cars because it is a substantial material proof of its faith in Canada The Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd is a Canadian Company owned in great part by Canadians and as such believes in Canada It believes in her prosperity It believes in her final triumph and the triumph of the Empire in this tremendous struggle that is now demanding so much from her manhood and from the faith and support of her people And this Company is willing to back its belief to the last cent r Limited Ford Ont All car completely equipped Including electric Equipment not Include speedometer FOR PARTICULARS AND OTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO K ROBERTSON AGENT NEWMARKET some fanners always think that they work extremely hard and he read of in the city who were getting rich So he sold out and went to Chicago He had no training or ex perience In anything but farm works he had to take any kind of Odd Jobs he could get It didnt take experience lo be a night watchman nor much to be a Janitor hut he found the salary for such jobs didnt go far In the city instead of being able to dig all anil more potatoes than his family could possibly use he paid for enough for a couple of meals lie found chicken out of the question anil the pork bacon sausages a luxury which In the past seemed to cost him nothing The cream fruit and many vegetables the family had en joyed In the past were now only pleas ant memories The end of a years struggle found John and his family In a miserable basement barely ex isting with the help of the United Charities Seven In one room an American family I The youngest child was four the oldest a boy of thirteen These country children who knew nothing of city ways could not hustle MI8PLAGED Etemember not to forget Is on in junction familiar to every age and walk of life Awritcr gives he fol lowing as a specimen of what even the most cautious may come to Whats that of cord tied round your finger for asked Mr Church My wife put It there to remind me to post her letter answered Mr Chapel did you post it And did you post it No she forgot to give it to me SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED RECEIVED PATRONAGE EXTRAORDINARY Under the above caption the Liberal Monthly fur Juno has paragraph respecting the patronage system of the present Government Allen- lion Is directed to a report made at annual meeting of the Ottawa Conser vative Association held on May by the Secretary In which he apparently looked for great credit for the fact that during the year he hud written letters for Government Assoc la- out rtnd sell papers and hold own portions for members of the At So don resulting In being given THE NOVEMBER VOTE for now fornr graduates 1 The states that ore now expecting to vote upon the question of prohibi tion In November next Alaska California Idaho Michigan Montana Nebraska Ohio and South Dakota DOING GETTER A very Interesting item of Informa tion comes to us concerning one effect of the operation of the prohibitory law In the 8late of Arizona It Is In the following form During the nix months Arizona voted dry there were in that State During the eighteen months whle has been under slate- wide prohibition the Dumber of has been They who think before they may not to what whit those who have heard them I Therfts no expensive s mothers r It to nun it farmer who gets of his Job and quite because he Is only mak ing a for and family sometimes makes a mistake John ease Is doubtless one of many He was fats and fivo a I to but he worked With Hie llttlu urchins there was nothing hut what the father earned A position was again offered chlnsons on a farm in southern Indiana lie and his wife jumped at It It looked like heaven on earth to them then It tin dons ami the children arc regaining their red checks and are looking cornfed A similar case although less trag ic Is that of a young couple who hud not counted the cost of a home and tin- extras entailed In bringing up a family In city retaining the position held before marriage it ill looked very easy Hut with the always happening and no bank account to fall back upon for emergencies the rosy liued had chang ed to a dull grey There seemed no way of even keeping paco with the present much less of getlfng ahead Then the opening came to go on farm man had not much ex perience little since early boyhood but ho worked undor a manager and again began to think life worth living The first baby was named for tho managers wife which Is a fairly good Indication of the condition In which they lived The manager of one employment bureaus says the farmer who comes to him for a city Job al most Invariably goes back to the farm after a hard struggle for a short In the oily As a rule he know what real deprivation means un til he has had this experience But also that the man whd has known nothing but oily life single man who spends spare In the pool roomy Is fre quently discontented with a Job on the There are two classes of people in the world those who thin first of their own and think first of the duty of which class do you belong dry LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEED EARLY BRITONS VARIETY OF CORN Also Red Glover White Blossom Clover and Timothy all Government Standard J Royal Household Flour Made from Old Wheat Choke Pastry FloursMonarch Moss and O K BRAN AND ALL KIND8 OF FEED FOR Prompt Delivery A HOWARD ALL KIND8 OF AND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO employment Of course the Secre tary modestly admits that the majority were temporary Jobs but quite a number he lakes occasion to tell Association somewhat boastfully were permanent positions Considering the terrible expense present war has Imposed upon the Dominion It seems hard lo believe that the would counte nance parly t the boasted by life Ottawa conservative Association Secretary hut his admis sion scatters all doubts In regard hereto This Is kind of administration now controlling the public fairs of the Dominion- The- admission of of the Conservative As sociation of virtually plundering finances of tho country to help zans is too plain to bo misunderstood It is of the rankest kind of political plunder KmH If you feel bilious headachy and thats a sign your liver Is out of order Your food is not digesting It stays In the stomach a fermented mass poisoning the system Just take of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets they make the liver do Its work they cleanse scd Ito morning- At ill or by mill Mdlctn Comoanv Toronto ADVERTISING not In Advcrllslng pays but vance If over you reach point In ncss when you do not to ad vertise somebody else will own business Some men imagine that they advertising when buy space and fill It with words Dont expect the advertising man to root fattest grubs If you put ring In his nose There never was an advertisement that too much If it was worth it Advertising Is and the more we the more we learn Knpoklng the other fellows adver tisement doesnt improve your own publicity promotes goodness and prevents badness As much can be learned by studying mistakes as successes Advertising Is not a gamble the fellow who tries to do business with out It Is taking all the chance read as If Newntarktt INTER ANY Resident and tojf taf and Tsehr fteMlng to Cpltogtate fei