teff f GOOD TENANT WANTED redecorated op with Apply to Ontario Street Newmarket v 26 FOUND bill Mil was cC S iC-V- as HH r- es mm wfl Wa Si mm In a bill- Owner same by proving property B Kirk lw Wv- HOU8E ifiM TO LET On- Eagle St Reasonable rent Apply to Brown Niagara St I i i i l duf Tafo cia Mr A hi toan ft 3- a a C S s ft o WANTED Boys Bicycle in good condi tion Stale price and where to be seen Box Era Office FOR SALE Acre Farm in the of Ring 3 miles from Newmarket in good state of cultivation and well watered Apply to J Newmarket 26 WANTED Young man or years of age for position as Baggageman at Station Newmarket Duties to commence at once Apply at station J Galbraith Ediibrial Notes linn Is considered by the teadcrsof ihe party ai r It is sUled in the daily press charges on cable grams from Militia lrs at Ottawa for delivery through the telegraph companies have caused inquiries to be in- respecting iie matter No doubt good will result A cablegram from London dur ing the past week states that British women gave an impress ive demonstration on the of their work the war Thousands of them joined in a parade through the central dis- icts of London The parade was divided into numerous sections with lorries repre senting women in working cos tumes showing how they have re placed men in various activities feiSiillll mm FOR SALE A number of Berkshire Sows and Young Pigs on Lot 32 Con Whit church Ralph No 3 Newmarket FARM FOR ICO Acres Township West Clay loam good state of cultiva tion fairly well fenced buildings In good repair on main road near school first class stock farm Price five thousand One thousand cash bal ance five per cent This place is worth Seven Thousand today Full particulars on request Luke Victoria St Toronto amount of pension childrens under l it Mrs Guy Smith and baby spending the at Miss of Toronto the wfekend visiting nee Miss Elsie home from California fJ For and to less pension and allowances according aes- For wife to less pension and allowances Visit li JM1WM cording to ages Halght returned and five chI The Batt iheir brother at Water loo Mercorof Toronto was visit ing undo- Mr David Hamilton las week PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN SIGNS WITH THE A press despatch from Ottawa slates that the Imperial Munitions Board had received orders from the British Government for thirtyfive million dollars worth of heavy shells for delivery early In This does not look as if the British military authorities anticipated an early peace This last order brings the total given to Canada up to dollars for shells and high explosives The new order includes sixinch and nine- point twoinch shells SALE OF VALUABLE FARM BY TENDER TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the first day of Sep tember for the purchase of the following farm belonging to the late Silas Toole The Northwest quarter of Lot No in the Concession and the Southerly acres of Lot No In the Concession both in the Town ship of Whitchurch in the County of York In all acres On this farm are acres of till able land 15 acres of pasture with a never falling stream running through it acres of excellent bush fairly well fenced good state of cultivation 2 orchards roomed rough cast house with wood furnace coach house and stone foundation One Implement shed Two one hav ing underground stable Two weJJi one at the house and one at the barn One cistern The farm is about two miles from Vendor station on and miles from Newmarket Terms reasonable to suit purchaser The highest or any tender not cessarily accepted For furlhftr particulars apply to CHARLES A TOOLE R No 3 Newmarket Dated 24th July 1916 A ROOM To Let None but a respectable young man need apply Apply at this office HAY FOR A quantity of Timothy Hay in fields Apply to Gardner 3rd Con East The recently manifested strides to wards total prohibition of the liquor traffic in England is a significant sign of times A London cablegram of last week states that as a result of the conscription of alcohol by the Board of Liquor Control the most striking manifestation has been the formation of an organized moment by business men connected with the tem perance work They will soon present to Parliament a memorial demanding a suppression of the liquor traffic The Globe of Saturday remarks One of the most remarkable events that England has witnessed since the beginning of the war was at Leicester England when an Immense crowd as sembled to witness presentation of a warplane by the Leicester Chamber of Commerce to Sir George High Commissioner for Canada for the Canadian Expeditionary forces The presentation was made by Lord Chairman of the Imperial Air Fleet Committee The gift was de clared by the Mayor of Leicester as a visible appreciation of the spirit shown by the overseas Dominion In the time of crisis If the aeroplane Is destroy ed It will be replaced and will be brought to Canada after the war Mr and Miss Bessie Jones Point Hamilton and Under the daily heading of and Downs the Telegram ol- Whitewash Brush Ram pant on a Field of Quibbles would he an ideal coat of arms for the MeredithDuff Report Truth ful to a demonstration but had be statement been made by a Among those who have recently enlisted with the 220th York Battalion is Leonard senior partner of the firm of and Bowes architects and engineers Bay Street Sergt was born in Chester field Derbyshire England the town famous for the church with crooked spire which according to a Roman Catholic legend was caus ed by a kick administered by the Devil as a rebuke to the He is the son of Sir Samuel a graduate of London and Oxford knighted by Queen Victoria for his skill in sur gery He comes from four gener ations of surgeons An interesting fact is that all his male relatives now living are following the profes sion of medicine yet Segt Foulds has never had the occasion to con sult a physician in his life Sir Pyc his uncle has written some standard works on skin dis eases Bis mother was a daughter of Edward Johnston President of Bros with which firm Birmingham Small Arms Company associated with the name of the Right Hon Joseph Chamber lain was arnalagmatcd Scrgl look his degree as Architect and Structural Engineer in England fa and was elected a member of Associate Royal Institute of British Architects He was head draughtsman for Bratby and Liverpool and Bir mingham lie came to Canada in and became head draughtsman and assistant manager to the Doug- Is Saw and Machinery Company of Toronto and Chicago In he entered upon his profession at the corner of King Street and Leader Lane and some lime later received A Bowes Civil Engineer into partnership He designed the Park Theatre the Playhouse Theatre and front of the trailer Hotel Buffalo For the last five years he has been architect for Manning during which time he has remodelled all their cold storage system on Front and Colborne Streets married Miss Ther esa of California formerly a Toronto girl She was educated at Stanford University Mri spent Sunday OK A number of the boys back from Camp Borden calling friends this week at are on Tottenham Sentlnal Tenon of Newmarket was the guest of Mrs J as A- Mercer one day this week Mr Joseph of Graven- hurst spent a few days in Town with his brother returning home on- Sunday Carter and Miss Lewis of Toronto were the guests of Miss EtHel Maw for a day or two last week Miss leas pension and allowances according to ages Wife and six to 55 less pension and- allowances according towagesv l A wife with seven or more children under the maximum age may be given the maximum allowance of leas and allowances All these allowances for wife and children will be paid direol to the wife unless otherwise thought fit by the Commission 4 A married man living at home will receive sixty cents a day This of course Is In addition to the allow ance for wife and children A widowed mother If depend dent entirely upon the son who Is receiving training- and If the son made an assignment of his pay to his mother and also arranged for her to receive separation allowance while he was on service may be paid at the same rate as the wife of a mar- Fresh Celery Tomatoei Cabbage and Lou Fruits Arriving Daily ii We have a large variety Peaches 10o lb of cured and canned fruits Raisins 10 and 1 Prunes 10 and 12 lb Ho the statement been made by of an Independent and has had a Conservative print the remark career on the stage She would be declared by organs to be the utterance of a political partizan The Com mission cost the country a pile of money- but prices ar ruling high these war times The Tcl- ados MeredithDuff re port may include that J Wesley Allison will cease to be an hon orary colonel Perchance J Wes ley will be made a general FIVE WERE KILLED IN BOOM EXPL08ION FOR SALE Rubbertired Steelex tension Top Carriage Horse Buggy Harness Apply to K WAQI8TRATE WA8 HARD TO Padgett- ac cused of being of a group of three who stole bushels of barley from Henry Saunders of the place could not convince Magistrate that the prisoner was ho drunk on lljC of July 13th as not be accountable for his whereabouts during the three and a half hours that elapsed between the start of his Iwo- andahalfmile drive from tin Fair- bank Hotel to bis home and the finish of that Journey On account of the accused mans- poor evidence on his own behalf and on the statements of Constable McMillan and he was found with sentence de ferred until Friday Inst San July 22 Five cer tainly were killed and about twenty- one persons injured in the explosion of a timed boom In the course of a preparedness parade here lOday It was said the dead may number eight The Grand Army of the Republic was forming at the where the boom exploded The veterans appear ed in the parade unperturbed fi The bomb made of nails cartridges and dynamite was placed in a In front of a saloon before which hundreds of persons were crowded The building was wrecked and stores across nearly demolished Persons cut ran madly through the crowd and others- panic stumbled over the bodies of the dead and Injured piling up in heaps on the street NOW DROP HUGE CANADIAN CORP 8 OF AIR July 25 Among the mat ters to be dealt with by Kir Sam Hughes on his Arrival here Ik ft for the formation of a Canadian flying which Is already drawn up with preparations for launch- 1 trenches arc close Russians have to as soon project la and stop their ears against the proved July A new system of air tactics has been worked out for Russian- big aeroplanes The giant aeroplane In ques tion has at last come Into Its own Ah a result of an Improvement In phololechnfque the airmen even when travelling at full speed can drop bombs with amazing accuracy This the problem of bombing trenches Manned by four men the can carry bombs nearly as heavy Krupp morlara can shoot They drop these bombs It claimed more accurately than Krupp guns and they ore In finitely more mobile High spouts of flame can he from the enemys llnea and the explosions are no terrific that when enemy with the Southwell Opera Company They have two children a boy of seven years and a girl of three years as a true hoard the call of his King and Country and despite the strength of home and business ties decided- to enlist He chose the York Hangers Battalion under as the unit with which he wished to be associated Three of his friends assured him that they would sign up if he would and under this challenge he immediately enlisted- as a private He has since been promoted to Ihe rank of ser geant His firm was never more busy then when he enlisted having not only he Maiming on I heir hands but also having an order for Bungalows in In addition This- has been working on an in vention for the destruction of sub marines in connection with which he has received several communi cations from Admiral Lord Fisher and the British Admiralty He can not understand how any man who is free to servo his country can slant aside in tills hour of National peril He has absolutely no sym pathy with young men who soften ed by ease and luxury are unequal to Strenuous task which is now required of hern He realizes thai the defence of the Empire is para mount to all business and home considerations and says that the firm of and Howes wil give no consideration whatever to any eligible man who lias not donned the Khaki and done his bit for his Country The Misses and fred Slight daughters of the late Hy Slight visited Mrs J Holingshead last week Chantey Eves Miss Clark Mr Price and Mr and Mrs J E motored up to Camp Sunday Mr ana Mrs J Hall of Stand- Mich motored over and spent a week with their parents Mr and Mrs E Hall Prospect Ave Mr- and Mrs Irwin also Mr and Mrs Irwin and motored from Detroit and are spend ing their vacation with their parents on Niagara Mr and Mrs J Newmarket announce the engagement of their daughter Mildred to Lyman Rose Tiie marriags will take place quietly on July 29th Mrs Win her daughter Mrs Stanley Rhodes and her two daughters Miss Ida and Marian of Winnipeg arc spending a month here visiting friends and relatives Misses Laurel and Jessie of Newmarket while visiting In Ml Albert spent the weekend at Cottage Lake the guests of Miss Jessie He Guerre i Rev Pickett and wife of Toronto and other friends are spending a couple of weeks al Pickering Col lege Or Firth and wife are at their summer cottage at Go Home- Bay Mr Ed Thompson and son of Fort William are spending a few days In Town and with his mother In King It is since his last visit He reports- business lively at Fort William Revs and- Peckham of Brooklyn New York and Clarence Pickett of Toronto are visitors at New market and will have charge of the meetings In the Friends Church on Sunday next July Dr Roy Cody Hon of Mr J A Cody St arrived here on Tues day It will be remembered that he was very low with typhoid fever at Malta Previous- to that he spent four or five months at Is slowly recovering and hopes with proper rest and care to regain his health completely man The with no children parents of a man under going training If both are old and past work- and entirely or partially depend ent upon him may also be paid at that rate The guardian of a widowers children under the maximum age will be paid monthly For one child for two for three and for each child In excess of three with a maximum of Payments under these regulations will be continued for one month after the completion of vocational raining whether has secured employ ment or not It Is clear that this system of al lowances will enable many men to take advantage of the raining offered by providing for their families while training Is being given ONE IN A THOU8AND London July 25 In a report to the of the Dover patrol since December and recommending numeroifs officers for meritorious conduct Vlce- Sir Reginald Bacon com mander of the patrol says that In the six months more than mer chant ships apart from men of war and auxiliaries passed through the patrol lines Of these only were lost or seriously damaged by enemy vessels Raisins and 1 lb Seeded and Raisins and Evaporated Apples 12o lb Dates and12 Canned Fruits Plums and Gages tin Pears 1220 tin Peaches and Raspberries 16c tin Pineapple Cherries and Strawberries 18c tin S GAVE LIFE IN VAIN PRESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT By having your Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Ground On the Premises Mail and Phone Ordors Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST Or KIT TORONTO Phone North PAY FOR proved A of Canadian aviator recently formed for the purpose of patrol work and Canadian Royal Flying Corps are very keen on having their own corps for military work In France Should the scheme go through a gTOup of these men will go to Canada under a young Canadian aviator from the Eastern Townships who made exceptional progress These men form the nucleus of Canadian corp which would have Its held- effects of the concussion Camp Is now the ques tion of the hour nejet to the great war As I la full significance dawns op ho public mind It Is being talked of more and more as a piece of colossal folly If not worse It Is the graveyard of Sir Sam Hughe hopes lo pdse a a military administrator and dales soon gets rid of this will- be the graveyard of at he next Economist Is said to be per week from Pat riot contributed noth ing Unit far Is paying In per raorftf t Norman whose parents re side at Maltland Place Toronto lost his life near Kcnora on Saturday afternoon In attempting to rescue Miss Katharine Both the victims of the accident were members of a pic nic party composed of eight young peo ple who went to spent the day on S island About 3 oclock party With the exception of Mr Lee went In bathing and while swimming Miss was carried beyond her depth Mr Lee dived In to aid her but both were lost Both young people wore well known and quite popular In the district Mr Lee was manager of of the Dank of Ottawa at Kincardine and had only Just returned from where he had been transferred a year previous ly A A GERMAN SUBMARINE MINELAYER Germany suspected has de veloped a tor the la of mines and one of these has been cap ture and will be put on exhibition at London- AbWt forty hew places have been opened it- Angus THE TRJAINING of to Returned Men Ottawa July Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes Commission with James at Its head has token the neccs- to organize vocational train ing for the returned soldier The Commission was not able how ever to put into operation a general scheme of vocational training until a scale maintenance could be ar ranged- for the men undergoing- their dependents The Commission Commission has prepared a scale under which a small sum for ex penses wllf he granted to men undergoing training while provision on a sliding scale Is made for married men and their dependents and for those unmarried men who may have persons legally dependent upon them selves Here Is scale which the Com mission has now been- empowered- to establish It will be understood throughout that maximum age means sixteen for a son- and seventeen for a daughter A- single man with pension living in receives board lodging and washing A single man with pension liv ing cents a day A married man with pension and a month with the following additions wife having no children a month less her husbands pension For wife and one child- If ohlld Is under five from five to THE LEADING Boose You can buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY callo attended to At residence Jabn H Millard Phones and The Cradle Johns In Toronto on July to the wife of the late Johns a son in Con July and Mrs Herb a daughter At Holland Landing July to Mr and Mrs Clarence a daughter On July 2nd at to Mr and Mrs J Frank a son HAMILTON To Mr Mrs Richard Hamilton Roches Point on Sunday July loir a son To Mr and Mrs Stan ley nee Miss Bessie Hill at General Hospital Calgary on July a son Honavan Rich- am The Altar MoOLURE At of Rev I on July and by the same Mr McClure of to M Shoppard daughter ofMr Will of Newmarket borne 2611 The Tomb At Thursday July Hunter daughter of the late John Cook In her year The funeral was held on Friday Jly from Of J Smith Slrect in terment at Newmarket Ccmotcry RAHMER In Mount Albert Friday July 2ist Francis Mary In fant daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed aged i month and days At Mount Albert on Thursday July beloved wife of Marsh all Crtltenden in her year Funeral Sunday to Mount Albert Cemetery Si A J MIWNMJ8B Phone 36 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO f j Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET Agnt for Cameras and Photo Supplies W TELEGRAPH House Phono No 151 store Phono No AT THE PATRICIA THEATRE WISLEY BLOOK NEWMARKET FEATURING THE lire IN FIVE Wednesday Evening Aug Master Key Every Tuesday Broken Coin Every Thursday Admission Ten Cents V Family Theatre DOORS OPEN AT 746 PM HERBERT P Box Newmarket tit a new straw hat at on The time Is here when you FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and what our Spring needs to set It off Is one of these smart traws Our windows show the orrect styles for this V shapes all of them lightly varied In width ana height of brim and crown to that man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE RANGE FROM to Is a hat to suit every