mm g S r A L SAVED HIS Editorial Notes Mr has bVcnap- ffbrnVff Secretary of the He will be of Militia during Sir yG 9- 1 Stopped Mot Terrible by Getting Her bo from Compound legislation iPnjvidcinl- Texas After my in the dally most girl was born two yean 0 1 began the large Hotels will continue with female places of public accommodation trouble and could of as Sj MR MM lyv as IP t o hardly do my work I nervous but kept drag ging on until last summer when I got where I could not do my work I would a chill every day and hot flashes and dizzy spells and my head would al most burst I got where I waa a walking skeleton and life was a burden to me until one day my husbands step sister told my husband if he did not do something for me I would not last long So he got Lydia Vegetable Com pound for me and after taking the first three doses began to improve I con tinued its use and I have never had any female trouble since I feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies They did for me what doctors could not do and I will always praise it wherever I go Mrs G O 419 WMon terey Street Texas If you are suffering from any form of female ills get a bottle of E Vegetable Compound and commence the treatment without sex arc moving forward ftfMbeAVcs wards the assumption of political rights Report has kthat Mrs Nellie may take he field Central Calgary a next Election haVfof Womens i The is riiade that got preference on the four postgraduate fellowships which will be awarded next year by the University of Toronto as a result of the generosity of Sir Edmund Osier Mr J Flavetle and Col Leonard tbMagoIhad ft ceneral breakdown It in quite a bad case Dr He recommended to I me a friend who used and received much benefit I be gan taking it and in I completely cured of my ailment and have never had any return of same I can recommend this medicine as being good if one will give it a fair trial Mrs John Edgar St Chatham I J VJ x Oil mm mm mm Furnace Work T Plumbing i 3 of Our Specialties Bathroom at Shop UK TINSMITHS 71 ins a Mil k5 GSB0R8E I SONS The death- of Victor is recently in Mesopotamia from a heal stroke He attended the meeting of British Medical Associa tion at Toronto in 190G arid was noted an authority on Brain Surgery and his advanced views Ihc use of alcohol By the medical protest inn It is semi officially stated from Canadas public debt at the end of June last had reached 539- Just look at the figures and we are told the war is adding about sixteen million a month lo this debt about time Federal Government using the most rigid economy in all public service At the first symptoms of any derange ment at any period of life the one safe really helpful remedy is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Thousands of women in Canada have taken success Pierces Favorite true friend to in times of trial For headache backache hot flashes mental depression fainting lassitude and exhaustion women should never fail to take this and true womans medicine Prepared from natures roots and herbs it contains nb narcotic nor any harmful Ingredient either- tablet or liquid form- Write Dr Pierce Invalids Hotel Buffalo today for free medical advice Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets not only the original but the best lAttle Liver Pills first put up years ago by Dr V Pierce have been much imilaUd hut as thousands attest Theyre purely vegetable being made up of con centrated and refined medicinal prin ciples extracted from the roots of American plants Do not gripe One or two for stomach corrective three or four for MlharHc Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers Clean to handle Sold by and Grocers everywhere Every traveler on river has noied conaplciioiis bed four Uutulyljef tt9ecntheFver banks Is ash derived from lu the is if- ry am raDKe i I a Charged with having as doctor and obtained from Duncan McDonald prank Knifer- came the an was for trial j The Corps have complcle the Aiiox Convalescent Home and nyseut for- the of Blind Soldiers Book Fund According- report from Properly Commissioner Chistioim the middle of last week there are only men and women imprisoned in the City as compared with men and women at the same date last year He reports of the men are there margin of the Ellas than miles to geoioglcally speak fug tlie- maierWJJiU of recent age yet It was erupted There are of course no records of this eruption but In the coarse of explorations In has been learned about the dUtiIbitlrm and thickness of the maierlaiejettcd It originally covered an area square and some of it was carried over 450 ml lea from the volcano The deposit varies In thickness from 300 feet volcano to an inch or two at the margin of the areacbvereil by It A rough estimate indicates over ten cubic miles of materin wh ejected at the time of ehipthm Dining the eruption of In southwestern Alaska In June- about cubic miles of ash was ejeei- and about the same amount fell from the Krakatoa eruption of This Yukon eruption Is therefore com parable In Intensity with some of the larger eruptions of historical time Geological Survey Reports- MAIN SOUTH Our summer Wear TO MAKE Room FOR FALL As our Store Is small and our FALL GOODS are Arriving we Selling All Our at a REDUCTION Here re a the articles which we will mention and Sateen Underskirts reg150 for Blouse Assorted Colors and Sizes for 33 Boots Special Sizes from to 8 reg for Large Stock of Boots for Ladles and Gents at a Big Reduction In Price to Clear Them Out to Smiths Grocery A press despatch from Ottawa dat ed July stales jhat the sit uation In Canada was less favorable in June than for some time previous The chief centre of disturbance was at Hamilton where strikes of workers railway shop employer and munitions workers effected a number of men The Globe expressed a veritable lruh when It remarked Allowing incompetent owners to lake vehicles into public streets white rer quiring hired to pass ex- minalion Is and the leg islators are gradually discerning the paradox Somebody is responsible for many human lives which have been sacrificed through the Incompetency referred -to- Old Man of the Mountain The title Old of the Mountain on remand one Ho go to Kingston Pen- was first applied to Hassan Ben iienliary and one lo the Central Prison who founded a formidable In Syria A D He wns prince or chief of a sect of the Mo Having been banished from his country he took up bis abode F J an 3 Doors South of Kind George Proprietor AUTO FOR HIRE Of the women two are on remand Ami sentenced lb the Mercer Re formatory A- Pie J Cole of Trout Creek a mm aiS5f rati isBU Berlin itorio Excellent Business High School Coll Departments HEW BUILDINGS with LATEST HYGIENIC EQUIPMENTS The largest gymnasium in Ciudi track pool theatre CMftrbUl to students preparing for Matriculation moderate Ill- V- iiC- ml Mi The friends of prohibition will note that the Ontario of One Hundred in tf the have determined to appoint a special com mittee In with the duty of seeing It that good ho tel accommodation Is secured- for tlje travelling public in their respective localities This Is important and will very materially contribute towards the successful operation of the Act mm iltli Summer Session Now open In Business Toronto Contnues until Aug when Fall Term be gins No vacations- Enter any time Free catalogue Write W Shaw President During the past week the Toronto Star made this observation in regard lo anticipated changes in the Ottawa Cabinet There is talk ef Sir Roller Borden resigning Ihe Premiership Should Ihe rumor be wellfounled there are those who say that the is Sir Sam He is the spokesman of ihe Ministry anyone desires to know what is to he the policy of the Government must keep in touch with the Minister tf Militia DOLLAR CROP EXPECTED After a thorough canvas of Points throughout Western Canada Or McGfll of the Dominion Grain Com mission is quoted in Calgary as that Alberta would have a crop is good as last and that the grain of the Ihree prairie Pro vinces would be little if any behind that of last year The country as a whole never d better lhan it does at said Dr McGfll The weather was made to order as you might say and am of the opinion that this years harvest will be another wonderful one Those who contemplate will do well to remember that the fertile diMiicU In Western Cana da are served by the tines of the and that this season Ihey car travel from their home districts to destination by Canadian Northern All the Way Arrangements have been made for comfort Colonist and Lunch Counter Cars being a feature The first of these excursions wilt run in August the date will be an nounced later For further Information apply to Nearest Canadian Northern Agent or write ton General Pas senger Agent King St Toronto NOT TO BE GIVEN AWAY There is one sentence which every editor of a newspaper is very familiar with and which appeals to him with every Issue of Ids paper that is We rust that you will find It of lent interest to give It- space most cases editors do find Hie be Interesting to the member of the 1st Battalion- an In- Mount and gathered round his right leg A soldier from- Cam Borden was brought to the City on a band of followers who the terror alike of Christian who arrived here last week has i piece of lead dangling from his The piece of lead cost J They paid the most Implicit obedience to commands and believed that If they their lives for bis sake they would he re warded with the highest Joys of paradise For 200 years these sins as they called themselves tobe the terror of the Whenever their chief the Old of the Mountain himself injured he dispatched some of his us secretly to murder aggres sor This Is the origin of our use of the word assassin for secret murderer h MRi i Orii mm MM nun dbiiSe s GREENH0U8E8 ST NEWMARKET For Spring Planting The Toronto News is no authority for liberals The oilier day It warned Liberal prohibitionists that unless they desert their party and vote for Con servative candidates prohibition will Buffer as seriously as the Conservative leaders Commenting on this observa tion Globe remarks It seems to be impossible for The News to gel Idea Into Us head that Liberal tem perance men are proud of their own leader and of his consistent record on prohibition and have no Intention of dCAerllrig him for doubtful honor of becoming followers of Ministry of the Seven Sleepers suffic- articles readers to the City on a charge from Mr of ihe Itogers Coal Co The case was dealt with in the Police Court of Chicago began a j six weeks engagement at Deer Park Presbyterian Church last Sunday Two special Pullman r Coaches sljity members of the Hunting and Fishing Club of Pittsburg en route Inlet were attached to the P train which left for north last Sunday night Mr William Travelling Passen ger Agent of the C P accompanied the party from Buffalo to Toronto A Toronto man named Warren was robbed of in Buffalo last Saturday A big fire occurred the P building early Saturday morning Returned men from overseas this week are freely expressing opinions at the Union Station Hint the prcen war will soon seasc Thousands of people are dally praying for an hon orable peace His Grace Archbishop McNeil ad ministered the of confirma tion to 36 members of SI Clements Italian Church Sun day morning A boisterous wind on Friday caus ed the waves of Lake to wash away quite a large section of side walk In front of the pavilion in Kew Gardens Statistics made public this week in dicate that about members of Masonic fraternity arc wearing khaki Dei Kit GERANIUMS for BEDDING TOMATO CELERY AS TER VERBENA and other Bedding Plants Floral Designs of every de scription made on short notice PHONE in week stated thai the Ontario of the paper They are both lalning and Instructive showing that capable person has prepared them But the request usually comes from some organization or branch of work that considers the subject Ju hand of sufficient Importance to pay a capable to further Its interests Then the newspapers are asked to give the necessary publicity lo make work effective The only thing a newspaper has to sell Is publicity and It cannot afford to give away this commodity to every worthy organiza tion any more than the merchant or the farmer lo give their merchandise to who ever might ask Leader sit A loose tongue can tie some ter rible hard links In lifes skein QUITE DIFFERENT The lady bather bad gol Into a hole and couldnt swim the young man on the end of the pier l aP IBP Sr m In A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED every good town and district Ontario where we are not represented In J ft m MB Territory reserved for the right man Highest- commissions paid Attractive advertising matter fr- 5 FOR SEASON including the NEW RASPBERRY ST Premier Hearst Government had Invited Sir It Haggard to visit and confer Willi the upon his land settlement for soldiers It was Intflndfd said to Imhlaconfercffce at Ottawa hut having received no communication on he I have wired inviting him to come to Toronto and have offered any assistance and Information in my power This lalemenl unfolds he views of the On tario Government In regard to the land Settlement proposition THE MODERN BULLET The modern bullet It travels at a terrific speed due to Its having a long and tapering point to the air refllBUnoe is easily deflected The helmet used In the European war have saved many heads from being by bullets and Is deflected bullets travelling at a rate of 2500 feel per second speaking such a projectile wuld penetrate at short range a halfInch boiler Iron If It struck point oh CANADIAN NATIONAL but when she came up for time and he caught sight of her ire could shriek and he did shrieked Help A burly fisherman sauntered up his side he asked There hoarsely cried the young first face lie to Making absolutely no other human occupation that requires tbe accuracy of observation and the delicacy of touch that are requisite for the of the finest lenses These are most perfect products of tiuman hands It may convey some Idea of the labor required In the making of a large to say that at least one years time If required for the grinding and polishing of a thirty Inch object glass A iena two Inches In diameter require- unremitting care and attention or a skilled workman for two or days It is easy- to see why it Is that even lenses for nigh class photo graphic work are costly A forty lucti object glass for lurge telescope not be made In much less than four years time and If everything does not go right it require longer than that Farmers Sons Attention vVOODSTOOK COLLEGE WOODSTOCK ONT Offers a Specially Designed Course lo Hoys from the Farm November to March Comprises English Agriculture Physics Manual Carpentry and Forging BookKeeping Commercial Law Business Cor respondence penmanship Commercial Arithmetic llible A thoroughly practical training lo meet Ihe needs of the young man on the Farm Woodstock College is a Residential School for Boys and Young Men of the Most Completely Equipped in Canada Other Courses Pass and Honor Matriculation and Business Write for Calendar A MacNKILL A For personal interview see Principal Richmond Hill 3m26 Circular Saw technical considerable cnsslon has taken place as to who In rented circular saw claim made that this kind of saw In rented and used by a wood turner named Murray at Mansfield the year The first saw Is described aa having been about six Inches In di and was used on a wood turn operated by water power James Murray tba Inventor said have been tbe son of old Joe Murray tbe favorite servant of Lord Byron Public Pledge in in cant save In a wns In out of My swim win Drowning I for you Twenty pounds her life moment the burly fisherman the sea In another he was It with the rescued lady I Empire Federation Performers Massed Bands Chorus of Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im perial Solidarity and iconic of the Parlia ment Abbey and the War Office w A OK AND UNDE2 SEA ON IN THE AIR stars he ap- again the tw Thanking his lucky the young man Well what about iuid he If the young mans face had been ashengrey before it was dead white an he gazed upon features of dame know he gasped Bui when I made I thought was my wife who was drowning and now now it turns it was my wifes- mother burly flHhCrman pulled a long fare Just my luck he muttered rusting his hand Into his trousers pocket much do I owe you July 13000 prisoners wore captured by the Rus sians in Sundays fighting Vof- the Office announced to day The prisoners counted lo date Include officers men Hie Russians captured guns a great number of machine guns and other material STONE and The Nurseries KsUbllBhed TORONTO ONTARIO mm sir i So SJton According to the article of Admir al Bridge of British Navy publish ed recently The London Times the loss inflicted on the steam shlppipg the by lis foes the outbreak of the war to the end of March nineteen months of war amounted to less than per cent In number and per fa tonnage legs per- cent number and tees than per cent tonnage and Italys nearly- per cent In number and 14 percent In tonnage FLETCHERS liberies that have Em pire by OTcrscas Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Muni ions Exhibit Model Camp Trench Warfare Hand Grenade nd Bomb of Werahlpa by Hidden Mines Bayonet Fighting Federation Year Compteto New Midway Showing of Live end Agricultural of 28 to 80t It FARM WANTED Western Provinces of Cana da not experiencing an acute of of Farm Laborers for and Summer work which makes steady work and good wages a certainty has call ed for and equal number Is required In Manitoba and Alberta After a thorough canvass of the Territory served by Ihe Canadian Northern Hallway it was found that an average Of men Is required at the points from returns were received An average wago Is per month board Is being paid the highest per w- iVi i further particulars as to the rcrfulred and the- wages being the various points apply to Butcher Agent or write The Hungarian Crown The Hungarian crown worn at their accession by tbe emperors of Austria as kings of Hungary la Identical one made for Stephen and used at hi- coronation over years ago The whole Is of pure gold except the act tings and weighs almost exactly four teen pounds The settings above to of sapphires fifty rubles one emerald nod pearls It will be noticed that there are no diamonds among these adornments This Is accounted for by the oft quoted story of Stephens aver- to such gems because he them unlucky When an advertiser puis his in the columns of this newspaper he I hereby gives a pledge to public We believe he will keep faith or we would hot print his advertisement The advertiser knows thai his only chance of making his announcement is lo play There is a protection in dealing Willi vcp Users that Is not be had otherwise They have made their promises in the open in the face of the world and they must keep them or bo discredited The advertising in this newspaper is a reliable guide to the men who play square i j I A False Alarm I know something I do about member of this family said Slithers triumphantly to his old er sinter Maud Oh dnnr exclaimed Miss Slither Half ii dollar all I have Hubby Will you Sure I will answered Hobby In Hut It you It was cook Iceunin you not to tell If I give She Mrs Willis So your la heme from domestic school suppose she hits learned several ways of washing tho dlshen No she have learned new of getting of washing Dont Worry Mrs pays If w got de rent to git out Sam Wullahy Den we doun need to worry fo days- 9 There are only two roads by which any Important goal can sheer strength and perseverance Goethe British have captured German Naval Officers and men while the Germans have captur ed 4G men British Naval Officers and Montreal and are in the north in connection the at tempted robbery of a bank at Mo Marie have reported here the capture two more the- bandits case This fourth the case with one bandit shot- dead by a policeman Four rtore are supposed TOR IVi M rtwnger to to the dense woods of lhtomese Excursion MmcH to October Every WHS Crop m horn CANADIAN PACIFIC Km OtiaJa VJ or Toronto ATKINSON AGENT 1 GRAND THUNK TIME TABLE e Toronto am 130 pm V pm Leave am pm GOING NORTH Aft am p pm lis pm GOING SOUTH am Toronto am fe