Newmarket Era , July 28, 1916, p. 5

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i Notary on good ISM Security- crank 1 we arc Hero for for for Reduction FNSMITH Newmarket DENTIST jfcijaulijrt Grocery Newmarket St Pauls Picnic under the auspices of the DP Lewis parlor Osteopath TREATMENTS 4CS5m Sinusoidal currents Phone Newmarket Church Si a and returning from I I ONT Farm and Cor- Bible lie young Young J A Principal i in Medicine of England SS clinical assistant Eye Hospital and oor Ear Nose and Sf8w and market w Telephone If A Real Estate Deal Mr Charles McCauley has pur chased the Central from the Johnston It is his in tent ion to remodel the whole place to make of it at least one large torevaiiii two plans are not yet fuily completed but as as they are lie will at once set to work to make of this old hotel an eye sore to Main Street a build ing that will be a credit to the town Mr is to be congratulated on his enterprise and the citizens will wish him continued greater prosperity at his new stand Gunner Carl Granger died In action In France i Wiled In action In France Stuart Quick Private Jack killed In action In France Jul List of those who have Answered the Call arid are Lining Up Country Capt A Greenwood Pie Lieut Jack A A The following men of the market Company left on Man ia University also WWibw take a special course for ft Royal at Toronto T David- r he P Morton and Fire Insurance w1 jeweller park Avenue Post Qice Bert Green HANGER we 2nd house fron IS Street P Box Bolton Hewitt Painter Paper Hanger House Decorator Niagara id Street New- A NEWMARKET of Piano Voice and 1 instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING went for Columbia Grafono- and Records te Stock Prompt Service son Cane Corp Irwin and Mc- leaving their comrades in the Towti Hall on iitlay evening Evans held the chair A very enjoyable even ing was spent if the cheers aria laughter heard from outside is any criterion The smoker developed dome excellent talent and it is their intention to hold them frequently in future There is also a possibility of the hoys giving a Minstrel Show in the near future to which the public will be invited CwiUiinbury Townships North Township at September Township at September Township at on September York and Etobicoke Townships i October Township at October lit open si keep Jackson Issuer of licenses Era Office Office Private issued at private if Schedule The following is the schedule of the Newmarket Lawn Howling Club for season GROUPS A Fergus Marshall Kidd Lister C Manning Willis Smith SCHEDULE Ju Kidd vs Lister Manning vs Smith Fergus vs Marshall vs 31 vs Willis August Fergus vs Hiring vs Kidd vs Manning vs Marshall Lister vs Smith vfi Willis vs Smith vs Lister 7 Fergus vs vs Marshall Kidd vs Willis vs Manning- vs it Lister vs Kidd Smith vs Manning Marshall vs Fergus vs 14 Willis vs Another Newmarket Boy Gives His Life for the Empire It is with much regret that we an nounce the death of Pic John J Mc Donald who was tilled in action this month In France in a very- heroic struggle wa6 one of our bravest then and deserves to his name enrolled among the annuls of the Town lie was one of the seven young men to leave Newmarket when he war broke out nearly two years ago and offer his services to his four years previous he was a mem ber of the York- Rangers He served in the trenches for over a year and went through two terrible- battle without a scratch He comes of fight ing stock bravely upheld the record In Jack McDonald grand father Edward McDonald came out rom Scotland to the Nia gara District and when the war of broke out he was right on the Job mil in thick of the fight in defence the Union Jack Jacks father Mr J J Newmarket served in the Fenian Raid if ib66 and in the Northwest Rebel- lion of 1885 and at the present time is In khaki at Camp Harden The sympathy of many friends in Town is extended to the family and name he held as was ready lj do dii duly IPC is t- NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones ordering elsewhere Cut Stone for i Building Purposes Slock and Made to Order LUESBY WELDING On Short Notice for ftrjTLEDGE DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto REMOVED NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK8 Lower The candidates named below from York County have passed the Lower School examination for entrance into the Normal Schools and Faculties Brodle Bell A brooks A honors Canning K Cros by J Dillon A Kroprlnghain A Fletcher K Free I M J S Hart Hall Hoover V Keiz It Kelly I Lyons Loveless J Madott Meade McMillan M A Meek McConaghy I Moore M Miller Pope honours P A Pntton V Rogers ft I E stark Starr honors P V Stiles Thompson M J K Willis WIddl field honors P cl The following candidates were not successful but in view of their are permitted under the regula tions to qualify for a Lower School certificateby taking the subjects nam ed In brackets along with departmental examination Middle lpper School which they have not al ready passed BroWfl art J Corson Karl art M Hastings A M Lehman his li A Hamilton Irwin A war wedding of unusual Interest took place at three Oclock on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Irwin Boulevard when the marriage was solemnized by the Rev John Mc- of their daughter rwin to Lieut Henry Sidney Hamil ton 2nd Battalion son of Mr and Mrs Hamilton formerly of Marie Lieut Hamilton who was with General- Mercer uncle of the bride was the first Canadian to be wounded In this war and after wounded is returning to the front immediately for the third time The ceremony- took place in the drawingroom decorated with a pro fusion of roses and gladioli Miss Ir- win of Weston played wedding march The bride who was given away by her filhor looked lovely In dainty WCdijVc of while with filet lace She also wore her mothers wedding veil ami orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of miles and roses She was unattend ed brother Mr Fred M Ir win was best man Later In the after noon Lieut and Mrs Hamilton left for a short wedding trip the bride travelling in a blue taffeta and Georgette crepe suit with hat to match The bride Is a granddaughter of Mr Irwin at one time of the York Co Industrial Home at Newmarket Lieut Reg Lieut Harry Penrose Lieut fray Robertson Surgeon Greenwood SerglMajor Geo Ernie Dunn Glen J Gadsby Harden Sis Pearson Hill iig G Mortimer I Ross G A Smith Major Waller Geo Vale Corp Bailey Corp Corp E L Cody Corp A Corp Corp Dunn Corp Godwin Corp Hare Corp Hardin Corp J Hartford LanceCorp Herman LciCorp J Mountain LanceCorp McTavish Corp Morris Corp Proctor Corp John West Or Master G A Smith Wheeler S I Dunn Gunner Carl Gunner Mont Brimson Bandsman Harrison Gunner W Clark Gunner Clark Gunner Samuel Carter Gunner A Martin Gunner E Lloyd Gunner Verne Gunner Bruce Morton Gunner Howard P Proctor Gunner A Sanders Gunner C Wesley Driver Lyons Inch Sapper Fennel Sapper Gibson Sapper S Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Sapper Harry Stephens Bandsman Ross Armilage A Adams Adams Sr Roy Anderson Pie F Pte W Bailey J Bell Caldwell Brown Pte C Barnes E- Barber Geo Pje A Art Pte Frank Br em Pte Reg Norman Blair Pte J A Cox Pte P Pte Craddock J Clark Ted Pie W Cox Pie Samuel Jack Gunner Ed Pte Arthur Pie Cain Pie Stanley Draper Pte Dilmin Pte Davis J Epworth lt Pie L Gibson Pte L Granger Pie Gordon Pie Gordon Pie C Granger Pie Pie Ernald Hatch Pie Henderson Hill Pte A Hare Pie Hartford Parnell Howard Signaller Charlie Hilts Signaller Harry Hilts Sapper A Pte Irwin R Jones Pie Johnson Pie Ernest Johnston Pte- Jas E James WJ MKennedy Pte H Kelly He Laker T Alf Lovett Geo Lovett Pt Silas Miller Martin J Martin Pte Ezra Morrison Pte Millar Miller Mitchell Pte Manger Wm J Moore GeoMurdock pie McKay John J McDonald Pte Donald McDonald Pte Jas MeDOnald Pte Wm McKay Pte W McGill F McHate Newman Norman Osborne Pte Potter Pte Pearson Pte Penrose Pie J Robinson J Rowland Carl Pie McLean Stewart Pte Geo Smith Pie Smith Smith Pte J Shelley Pie Stoddard Stone A Smith Pie C Smith Pte Claude Vale Pte Reg Wilson Pte Geo West Pie Wesley- Pte J W Ward Pie A Williamson Pte J Wallace Pie Wilson Pie P Wright itings f you Will be able to secure thorn for yors to come fleRCHANT F W L IS TAILOR Phone j Ham G I Pickering College Newmarket t ENTER ANY TIME The Fall Term Opens Wednesday 1916 Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teaohers Examination COUR8ES IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING I Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MU8IO ART I Address W FIRTH A D 8 3 P CONDITION A 9 I A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Each Also Belting at Half Price Enquire at Era Office Newmarket A report Just issued by r mission of Conservation JOHN O MOSS and Importer of Foreign Domestic Granites and Latest in Monu- All kinds J Cemetery work promptly Call and hoc before elsewhere All kinds of Gliding Stone Cut to Order JOHN MOSS BOX to H Eves Old Stand Huron Newmarket WW Ashquah J Andrews W Albinson Walter Aril James Abbs Charles Enlisted In No 2 Company Newmarket 127th York Battalion Graham Fred Godfrey Thomas a i din Money to Loan and wtstern Farina Five to ten First and second MorU Low Interest payable Privilege to repay aa Old pud Bought Sold j No private School Fair The school fair movement which was Blurted York County In with OHO fair held KelUeby has now mown to the extent that there are nine Fairs hold in the county rural fichool in Iho county was given a chance to take up the work this year and one hundred and twenty one of them are taking an active pari in the work The School Fair is altogether a Childrens fair as else is allowed exhibit and to this duo a great deal of the enthusiasm that Is shown from year to year Up 16 the present time there has not been a Fair held which would not bo voted a grand success The Fair usually starts in a small way and in a few almost rivals the local Township Fairs In the first Fair was held In the county in King Township In the townships and Vaughan took up Die work In York started with Whit church and North starting in lids year still making in ail nine Fairs The fol lowing dates have been eel for the fairs this year Markham Township at ept Whitchurrh Township Vendor Kept FISH AND GAME Corn- directs at tention to the great value of these re sources to Canada The volume is a report of the proceedings of a confer ence of of Fisheries panic and Animals of the and contains a fund of Information regarding the present condition ind the necessity for protec tion of Canadas fish birds and ani mals Canada taking a prominent part in the International movement for the protection of wild life A Migratory Bird Treaty between Canada and the United is under consideration Through the Influence of Commission Of Conservation and oilier Interests bird reservations are being created where the birds may find safe nest ing and breeding places The and Western Canada are being rapidly exterminated This is clearly shown by the present report To secure more adequate protection the Com mission Is advocating the amendment of the Northwest Act to place responsibility for its administration upon the Dominion Parks Branch which already protects the in the Dominion National Parks The future of the fisheries of Canada Is dealt with In an able man ner by the highest authorities In this country That they are great present value Is recognized but there Is also a potential value In- our oceanic and Inland waters which up on development would mean creation of new Industries TomeeJ this condition the Is sup plying demonstration stations the fisherman thai they may take ad vantage of the most practical and modern method of their calling i The report Is with Burrows Brown Lawrence W Burrows Blair Bailie Big Canoe Enoch Lcslio BiCorp Boswcll Maurice Barnard Win Brown Geo J Black Harry Beck Holland Marshall Holland George- Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp Brooks David Dunn Herbert Cole Percy Charles Oscar Charpentior Frederick Win P Win Hugh Fred A Cooper Chapman Win Donald upinan Corner Wiimol Desautcl Jos If Lewis Darcy Wm y Glover Leslie J Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp Hill George Hayes Wm Geo A Silas Huston L Hill Sydney Hopper John Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James John A Henry Lceson Benjamin Leslie M Miller Win Marrilt John Mcintosh Fred G J Rob I Brown McDonald John t McLaughlin Carl McGoniglc Rowland Norwood John Waller Near Rupert Frank Goo Pearson Clarenoe- Page Leonutd John Melbourne Peat Edward We still have a few hundred dollars worth of Furniture left out of Mr Stock which we are making big on A few Items aro Bedroom Sideboards 2 Buffets Combination Secretary and Bookcase 1 Hall Raok Oak Parlor Extension 8 Iron Beds and Many Other Smaller I I J 9 I I Pratt Albert O Dougherty Stewart J Dean Harry Racine Henry William I Rose Elson William Robinson J Eves Wm Aloxander l Rhyndro88 Donald Elphinstone Alfred Ransom Wm William Rose Ross Eves Samuel Freeman- Fee J 0 Albert Smith A Ivan Flanagan Roy Albert Gee Henry Alfred Orville B FRED SKINNER Dealer In and Director SCHOMBERG Undertakers License Thompson Frank Tunny Teskey Walter G Thomas Jas Wellington R Jas While Sydney M Wilkinson F G Corp Watson Oscar Woodhead Sydney Wells James Woods Leonard Weir John Young Geo York James Edward rfinrilley Clark James Smith Frank Win Geo Saunders Walter lid Shlers Martin Leslie John Thomas W J Simmers on F Charles Thayer William A Baylor Martin Tremayne u Newmarket Men Who Have 220th F 2nd York I A Stanley Robert Smith David A Cane Sergt P Davidson T Atkinson CI M Andrews W W Pie M M Butcher A Pto A Cameron Cruddook Pte W J Corner Pto J Caldwell K Cousin Pld Evans Pto A Evans Foaier I Pte F Hutchinson Pte Hartford Pte fafferson Lomas A Mortson Pie Pte Marshall J MeKinlcy Pte Mullen Pte Jos Patterson Pte J A Pierre Penrteld Pte A A Pierre Pte If J Patterson Plo Jay Ralph Rose J A J i Saunders A E E tJ 5 Simmons PteGeo v Skinner Saunders a G

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