Newmarket Era , July 28, 1916, p. 6

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T- i S3 fcS is J j 0 1 xa Eft K 35 S H AGENT MOUNT v I life Mount Albert CARD OF THANKS I Mr Mrs Geo desire to express their thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kind ness and sympathy during the illness and death of their infant daughter also for the many floral tributes resourceful moths I r J- t WOMENS INSTITUTE King East Womens Institute will entertain Mount Albert ladies at the home of Mrs McDonald on day August the 2nd instead or Thursday August 3rd announced BRIEFLETS Remember the Garden Party under the auspices of the Christian Baldwin at Mr Tomlinsons on Friday evening Ross Who trained for some as a member of the battalion has been discharged on acr count of being medically unfit for military services Crops especially potatoes are suf fering from the drought and excessive heat MOUNT PLEASANT The Young Womens MB held a very successful Strawberry Festival at the home of Mr John Anderson A good supper with abundance of strawberries was served after which an excellent program was Tendered The proceeds amounted to The girls are to be congratulated The and Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs Man oner on Friday afternoon at 230 1 in the excessive -i- Hello Again heat Farmers are having O K wea ther for haymaking Mr- Rose spent Sunday with relatives in Town He says To ronto is busy Johnson loaded a car of live stock for Toronto on Mon day The service in Hall started Sunday after having two or three weeks rest Paul left on Tuesday for Mrs B Rose and family left a I this week to visit a few days of To- 1 Mr Max took a trip to Toronto this week Hello Dave How is the care Ha Ha Sleeping Beauty Toronto is her sister friends t Miss Florence is at the home of her aunt Miss Kate McFarland Miss Blanche Keyes of visiting at the home of Mrs Robertson Miss Belle Cook is In Miss of Ottawa is the guest of Miss Ted Walton Mr and Mrs Herb Shields and Miss Shields of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr J Walton Mr and Mrs Herb Shields and Miss Olive Shields of Toronto spent weekend at the home of Mr J Walton Mrs A French of is visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Walton Mrs A Ward Milne of is In town on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Thlrsk Gunner Grey of Camp was a visitor at the home of Mr J Walton Mr W Wagg of was a visitor at the home of his brother Mr Oliver last week Mrs Robert of Zephyr was the guest of Mrs McCordlck for a few days last week Miss Cook is spending part of her vacation at KeBwick Miss Green of Toronto spent last week with Miss Miss Ruby Woodcock Is visiting- friends at Hope Mrs McCordlck visiter hereon C McCordlck of Newmarket from Saturday to Monday SHARON Dont miss the Garden Party and Illumination of Sharon Tem ple under the auspices of Sharon Brass Band to be held on Wed nesday Aug 2nd Supper will be served from 6 to after which a Mr and Mrs Johnson and their two boys are summering at Mrs J Is a daughter of Rev Jos Mr Bert Cane of London spent Sunday with his parents Mr arid Mrs C ECane The boys and girls are practising in and on the water for the Regatta on the Civic Holiday Three oars have been ditched al ready this season Just south of Mr John Manns About time the road fixed at that point or the ship may be in for a lawsuit for damages j Water liilies are in bloom on the Jersey river A painful accident occurred on the Beach on Tuesday Mrs Graham who keeps house for her father Mr Coulter was openina a can of chloride of lime when in some way her hand slipped and some of the contents flew in her face and one eye It was so pain ful that a doctor who was sum mering on the shore and admin istered temporary treatment ad vised that she be sent to the To ronto Hospital She was there fore removed in the next car and an ambulance and nurse was tel ephoned for to meet the car at North Toronto The Boarding House is about filled to capacity There are 90 people booked for the weekend Another bunch of girls is at the old residence and still another lot are coming next month Many of the cottagers are very pleased to see that Mrs Likens of Toronto and daughter Miss Thel- ma are again guests at QUEKNSVILLE I MOUNT ALBERT ROLL A J Ramsden Harry Shields Ross Shields Douglas Shields John Morgan Ed Morgan Milton Geo Reg WUIbee A Gordon Smith Angus Colllngwood David Terry Dr Geo Cameron Lawrence Ross Lepard Stanley Draper James William Byron Geo Price Wesley Brooks David Brooks Leslie Mahan Rev Oscar Irwin Percy Croulch Kenneth Ross Stokes W A Middleton Roy Willbee Arthur Wain Cecil Steeple Geo K Merle Jennings Howard Jennings Chester Donald Shields Mr and Mrs Price of Newmarket good program will be rendered spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs consisting of selections by of Union Street also Mr and Newmarket and Aurora Bands Sandersons Orchestra solos duets and choruses Mr and others of New market will run a jitney service between Newmarket and Sharon at reasonable rates Master Harry Watson spent the weekend with friends in Toronto Mr Elmer Shropshire of York Mills spent Sunday under the pa rental roof Miss Ruth Haines of Toronto was home over the weekend Mrs and Miss Ada Armstrong were calling on friends here on Friday Jut and Mrs Wiiliton and Miss spent a few days in the city last week Mr Frank Tate spent Sunday at Jacksons Point Mrs James Anderson and Miss spending a few days with friends at Sutton Mrs A is visiting for a week with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Norman Kay of Vandorf spent Sunday at Mr Ar thur Halls Mrs Graham and daugh ter of Holland Landing spent Sunday at Mr Shrop shires Mrs Dunham of Winnipeg visited over Sunday at Mr ville Mr and Mrs of Mount Albert spent Sunday at Mr Halls The Monthly Mission Circle met at the home pi Mrs Thomas Brown last Thursday afternoon Mr and Mrs Robinson of While Rose spent Friday at Mr Lloyds Mrs Albert Milne and son Syd ney of Second St North spent Sunday at Mr Watsons Miss A has returned after a weeks outing with friends at Island Grove Mrs Frank Wilson and little daughter Ruth left for their home at Man after a visit of five months with Mrs Wilsons parents Mr and Mrs J Bram- HOLLAND LANDING Bell has been visit- COLT Came upon the premises of the undersigned lot Con East about July one twoyearold gelding Owner Is re quested to prove property pay ex penses and take It away Job Harrison ft Mount Albert SERVANT WANTED Good General Servant for family of three Apply to Box STRAY ipon thepremJBefl of the undesigned about July let one Red Owner Is requested to prove property par Oliver VVagK Albert take her Miss Marjorfe in Toronto Hie Frank Hull of was awarded the I on April the 3rd for dressing a comrade wound heavy fire He has wounded ami also his brother John Bell The Ladles Aid have been making a patriotic quilt with soldiers names put on It In red and a small charge of five centB for each name Mrs Hell Is secretary A large number of our citizens at tended the annual patriotic and picnic at Jacksons Point oft Wednesday July All report good Mrs Fred Kltchlng is vislUng friends in Mrs Marsh and family have return ed to spend the vacation at Marsh Manor M of Charlotte USA was on old friends this week Mrs ChasS Clark and of Ottawa are visiting with Mrs Mc- Rose Goodwin of Toronto la her brother S li Mr and family Miss Rose end J Morris motored up to the lake Sunday Mrs Jacob Meyer of Zephyr We are sorry to hear of the accident that happened to Russell Strasler While unloading hay he fell and broke his leg which will lay him up for some time Glad to hear that Mrs Strasler who was visiting at Mrs Seymour sometime ago and had the misfortune of falling down and breaking her hip is getting along as well as can be expected She has been able to be brought home from the Hospital and is at her laughters Mrs Clark It will be some time be fore she will be able to walk Mr and Mrs William Keller and mother Mrs Brown of Midland motor ed down and spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs S J Miss Mabel Lector of Whitefish Bay Lake spent a few days with Miss Mrs Lawrence Foster spent the weekend at the lake Mr and Mrs J after spending a week at Mr Battle ranch In Victoria has returned home Dont forget to go to the Mission Band picnic In Mr hush Mothers and all arc invited to come and have a pleasant afternoon in the lovely cool Mrs CaughcH and Mrsi Robinson of Minneapolis spent the week end at the Parsonage Mr and Mrs Wfllsh of Toronto visited at Mr Chas McConnclls last wee Mrs Law has returned home after a few weeks visit at Stoynor Mrs W Beckett of Toronto is visit ing Mrs Miss Mae Conncll visited Mrs Wright of Second Street and took In the Garden Party at Holland Landing Miss Kathleen Moore spent her holi days at Orchard Beach at MIhs Kathleen MI8B is visiting Miss Clara Hill Mr Win Huntley sports a Utile Ford car Quite a number from here attend ed the Garden Party at Holland Land ing ami report having a good time Miss Edith and Laura Anderson of Bond head returned home after spend ing their holidays with their grand parents Mr Mr Gordon of Hamilton Is visiting his uncle Mr Fred Cowleson also Miss Gladys Morton and friends of Hamilton The Girls AntiCant Class of the Presbyterian School arc having a pic nic In Mr woods on Satur day afternoon The W W W Young Mens Bible Class of the Presbyterian Sabbath School appointed two delegates to the Boys Work Conference to be held at Keswick on and of August Mrs Atkinson addressed the M Societies at Maple and Las- Kay this week The regular meeting of the Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs W Hill Some splendid papers on patriotic work were given and Miss Ardlll favored us with a reading Hyacinths to feed the soul was duly appreciated Mrs W Hill and Miss Clara Hill I gave a duett after which the ladles were served to Ice cream and cake SuttonWest has taken over the business of Alex Burrows and takes possession on Aug 1st Mr is wellknown In Sutton hav ing been a resident here all his life and we bespeak for him a share of We wish him every success Ids hew venture- J Smaller has- opened up the News and StaUonary Store re cently occupied by Mr John Yates Mr Smalley thoroughly understands this business as he has had eight years experience He will handle papers magazines and tobacco also and do job printing Air H Morton and Mr Milne of Weston were guests of Mr and Mrs JasH during the past few days i Pte J Smith and MrsMcMurdlch and were guests of Mr and Mrs W H Pugsley on Saturday Mrs A M Martin and daughter have returned home after spending a few weeks here the guests of Mrs J Smalley Mrs C J Smalley and Ross Smalley are spending the week In Mr and Mrs Cook of Toronto visited their sick son Pte Cook here last Friday Mr Brown of Toronto spent a few days last week In town the guest of his uncle Mr A E Pugsley The Ball York Hangers have received orders to prepare for seas Mrs and daughter of Hamilton are visiting friends here Mrs W Holbrow and Mrs A Pugsley are home from the Wesi Mr and Mrs accompanied them here A fire created some excitement here on Thursday of last week The back kitchen of Mr Chas Leighs was partly consumed The bucket brigade were on hand anddid great work The ladles deserve great praise for their work Pte Cook of the Battalion suffered from a sunstroke at the pic nic oft the He was brought to Dr Prlngles residence and is improv ing slowly The Lennox picnic was a huge sue- cess and Ideal weather helped to out a large crowd Corporal M Tremaync was home over the weekend Also Ptes Big- canoe Kaiser Burrow Bid den and Latimer The following candidates were suc cessful at the Entrance from Sutton showing that Sutton School Is doing good work M lion Ingram resourceful moths th Thay Found Way to Crow Qrowora Englands Winter moth Is ode of the gmteipeiiJwi fruit growers of that coon try hay to con tend ft begins Jo appear hi October and the are very abort and quite to flight climbs the trunks of the nil trees and deposits These In the spring and the caterpillars soon devour the young leaves Heretofore it has been comparatively easy to com bat the ravages of the pest that the female is unable to fly fruit growers place banns of a sticky sub stance round each tree The female In climbing the trunk comes to band and is held fast Bnt a wonderful thing has happened says the Manchester England Guar dian in recent years the female moth has been found from time to time abort the band and how she got there was a mystery Finally however an ento mologist expert unveiled it He saw the mala and female moths together above the band on the tree the mala evidently having just deposited the There appears to be little doubt adds the Guardian that In this we bare a remarkable adaptation to dream- Stances The female cannot fly bnt the male can and It would seem that be had flown to the higher part of the tree carrying his If upon bis back This Is one of the most striking discov eries In natural history- and is creating much Interest among nature stndentB GHAS FAIRBARN General T Lots of Good Fat Fowl Will pay top Dont da In selling them while my price Is good Prop Herman Aaat Phone GENERAL 8TORE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Hamilton A Noble B Smalley V Hunter M Ferric McDonald A Woodcock Sellers Mr and Mrs J Henderson and daughter of Toronto spent over the weekend at Mr Pugsleys Big Improvements have been made to the residence to the late Mr J I McDonald New verandahs have been added and the whole interior re decorated and fitted up New Depot have a nice clean line of stationary on hand Al so all accessories that are usually car ried In line Give them a call Next to Burrows grocery MIbs Kdllh Sharpe Is a guest at the home of Mr It Osborne also Mr ami Mrs Boss of Toronto Corp Thayer of the Is home Again having been granted an honorable discharge he being found medically unfit A CURIOUS HISTORY The Life of Sir William Cavtfndlah With a Comment by Sir William Cavendish known English history as the first Duke of Newcastle was commander of King Charles first royal- army In his contest with Cromwell Sir Williams second wife the Duchess Margaret wrote a life of her in which ahe depicted him as a moat prince add in every respect the pink of perfection The work was supposed to bo entire ly authentic and truthful for Sir Wil liam himself assisted in its preparation It was published early in and many complimentary copies were sent out including one to the officials of Johns college Cambridge university In acknowledging its receipt they wrote Your book will not only survive our but hold date even with time Itself and incontinent ly this age by reading your book win lose Its barbarity and rudeness being mads by tho elegance of your style and manner Bnt old Samuel was not quite so favorably impressed In his cele brated Diary date of March he made entry Staid at home reading ridiculous history of my Lord Newcastle by his wife which shows her to be a mad conceit ed ridiculous woman and he an aase to suffer her to write what she writes to him and of him Exchange LP HELP Thousands of Farm Laborers WANT FOR THE WESTERN HARVEST Good Pay and Employment in Ihe Fertile SERVED BY THE TO WINNIPEG Plus Half a Cent per Mile Beyond Return Half a Cent per Mile to Winnipeg plus Special Trains will be Operated from Montreal and Toronto to Winnipeg CANADIAN NORTHERN ALL THE WAY Later Announcements for Train Service and Excursion Dates For Full Particulars Apply to Nearest Agent or General Passenger Department Montreal Que or Toronto Ont J Indianapolis Ihd July James Riley the poet died here Saturday night from a stroke of paralysis Provincial Health Officials have intimated that they were taking pre liminary steps respecting dogs run ning at large during the hot months of July ami August It Is now stated that probably next session of the Leg islature an amendment to the present Act will be passed giving power to municipalities under of pop ulation to pass bylaws dealing with the confinement of dogs and In muni cipalities over giving that power to Police Commissioners We are told that some dogs arc running the streets of Newmarket without the regulation tag Our Corporation auth orities should sec to it that these should be destroyed as the law directs COMEBt Sole TUESDAY Aug 1st Sale of SUA implements grain roots el the East Half of lot East Gwilllmbury where Abnhii and Rachel Kafitz live tilt Oct 1st Sale at one sharp J Ke6ter HOWS THI8 MAGNIFICENT BUILDING ON WHERE THE 8UN8HINE FROM H Albert Oealer in of Fawn Implements Binders Mirers and Rake and the uei Oil M made ni the John and anil i not forget the This the i Meal Stove raw J turned W be for bur- I gallon Hamilton July Manager of the- Canadian Cartridge Company has the the firms profits on war orders to date was announced this afternoon the firm million cases at cost The money re turned W be used for pur A cablegram from London England Intimates that the of Brit ain may visit this Dominion It announcement of the Duke of Devonshire to be tho nsw of Canada be lieved to be the preliminary to King Georges resolution to make a tour of the British Dominions as soon after the war as may be feasible He had Intended visiting Canada puke of Conn aught a tenure of office bat the outbreak war put this out of the The of Devon shire Is not only Mistress of the Robes to the Queen but perhaps more In timately her friend than even Lady Laroington The Queen will the King Glasgow July The- Lord Pro vost In welcoming the overseas dele gates to Glasgow yesterday told of lie great efforts being made on Clyde It will bo a source of gratification to you he said to see the large number of vessels that arc being built and equipped on the river and to know that the keels now being laid down arc the largest most mag nificent that ever floated on ocean I assure people of dominions that itie men and women of Scotland are determined that this war shall be fore Long come to a victorious conclu sion HEAT GRAZED COW- WOMAN July the heal of today was responsible for an Inci dent that might have proved fatal for Mrs Walker Birmingham Street Mrs Walker was- walking across a field close by the along the river when acow that had been by tho heat attack ed Rushing furiously with head bent she threw Mrs Walker up into the air several times and gored her severely She was terribly bruised and shaken up when assistance carne The Injured lady was rushed to the hospital In ambulance where It was discovered that she had three ribs broken along with Borne severe bruises Eatinfl Experiments bare that ani mals which demand a mixed diet will starve aa surely and almost quickly when fed on a one sided diet even though It be large In bulk as when de prived of food altogether and same thing holds true for men Hunger of a moderate degree Is not prejudicial to strength and vigor provided It bo what might be termed a general hunger The thing to be carefully guarded against on a hard march is the tremendous hunger for particular food con tent such as sweet or fat or starch which we so often And In the caso of a carelessly equipped expedition A well rounded ration is worth two which aro not so The man who has this prin ciple firmly in mind has made a long step toward success as a fleld leader Outing Wealth In Middle whoso View State of Europe the Middle Ages was published in 1818 calculated thai In the latter half of the thirteenth cen tury money had at least twentyfour or times moro purchasing power than at the beginning of nineteenth In Edward Ls day ft knight passed extremely rich on a year while an annual of between and 20 was reckoned ft competent citato for a gentleman But tho gentleman of those days bad few If any foreign luxuries and rare ly left bis own county except to fight London Mirror We Hundred ward for say ease cannot be cured Halls Cure P J We the J Cheney for the last jean believe him perfectly honorable business transactions aid able to carry out any made by his linn NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Halls Cure Is ternary acting directly tie blood and mucous IW system Testimonials Mot cents per bottle SoH all Druggists Take Halls lor a Well Grandma said a little hoy resting his elbow on the old ladys armchair what have you been doing here at the window all day by your self All I answered dear grand ma I have read a little and prayed great deal and then looked at people There Is a little girl that I have learned to watch for She has a wealth of sonny brown- hair her IPat was showing Mike ly arrived America They were In that part of country where the persimmon grows In the course of a walk they came to a porslmmon tree Mike picked up a ripe persimmon from the ground and found it pretty good Pat climbed the tree and threw dowwn Mike found hot good as the first Next Pat tossed him a green one Boon this came to Pat Pat Pali want to hear more about th auld countbryoome down I OVra closing up TV m Violet had been carefully coached as to necessity for quiet- upon the occasion of her drat church attendance remembered admirably Feeling that her behavior was worthy of some audible recogni tion to her mother at tho close of the service Say mother I didnt wsko anybody up did I Womans Borne A Nnesy Escape- Til give you a steak gan the kind lady chop Here the man darted out of the yard If you chop the meat she con cluded back If youre hungry I wouldnt think of ftsklng yon to chop wood rrhls the place yon stupid to secure your en steamer the city health de partment ongtftVt I be ftbW get here berth eyes have Ihe same sunny look In them and I wonder every day what makes her look so bright Ah here she conies now Who that girl with the old brown coat on cried the buy Why I know that girl thats Susie Moore and she has a hard time grandma Has she Indeed asked grand ma Then wouldnt you like to know where she gets all that brightness from Ill ask her said Arthur prompt ly And to grandmas surprise he raised the window ami called Susie riusle come up here a minute Grand ma wants to see you The little girl seemed surprised but she turned at once and came In Arthur meet her at the door and said Susie grandma would like to know what makes you bright all the time Why I have You sec time and mamma nursing and teeth and if would be put her arms around the little girl and said You cotjld not have a better reason for shining KeepJ on shining dear little sunbeam Selected Winnipeg July and hall storms struck th In streaks on Saturday night IhMUra Us most severe of any reported cranio damage was done Jo areas Near farmers had there crops almost hailed out which covered ground deep Is reported Crops J damaged by ball in small Russell and In Winnipeg the Principal aw done to the Manitoba lege where Ihe poultry destroyed by lightning to be she said been sick a long is tired out with babys cross with her I be bright who arms around You lew Mm A E MILLER Real Uxbrldfl I have several exceptional for this Fall in Properties is a sample Across Oxbridge mile to church and school mile distant 90 acres ed Frame hen house bank barn small orchard Poverty makes It to live simple life A severe electrical storm swept over- London district and flooded a THE OF 8TI0KINQ TO IT It may seem to you a matter of lit tle moment how often you chango your mind about trivial things You up your library book and halfway down tho page decide that you would rather read the newspaper And after you have glanced at a headline or two you drop the paper and stroll to the piano or piok up the telephone for a with some friend And you that this matters In the least What difference does It make whether you are reading newspaper or talking over the telephone It does not matter particularly whloh of those programs you carry out but It does matter If you change your pro gram every minute or two Vacillation or perslstencVlft learned In our leisure hours quite aa In those devote to work If you cannot stick to thing you are doing for your own pleasure with no guide but your own preference the outlook Is rather bad when you come to undertake distasteful task Even In our leisure minutes pays to cultivate the art of sticking toit -r-r- Ignorance of law no man unless be has pull barn mini v- plants of Frame House Town of name aero lot near the station I Have Farm Properties I In price up to 1 per Write or particulars A MILLER Real Estate f IB 2w25 better rooted ter results than Flower Asters Cosmos PWej Ptuneae Flowery Sage Bum 1 Wee moved aide or turn of A rely Flowery Wl The aon late throughout East Hotland Landing art the ftWffl-

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