If SUTTQN HALL Public Library Store delay fflina Department our window you can see a While and Gold Piece Dinner Set of Quality priced to sell quick All Lines of held at Don Publle Library Tuesday August Mrs Hamilton will at tend as delegate froni i- Newmarket The Public Library Reading Room will be closed on Tuesday evening Name Omitted In some unaccountable manner It name of Helen Wilson was accidentally omitted among the list of successful pupils at the Examination in- last weeks Era V Lawn Social Dont forget the Lawn Social the Mission Circle is holding on the Methodist Church Lawn on Aug Ice cream cake and iced teas will be served Mother Meeting Will be held in the home of the Pres Mrs Albert on Queen St- on Thursday the 3rd of August commencing at p We would like as many as possible to come as we are sewing for the soldiers Press Ho Sunday of the Medical Health Of ficer all the Sunday Schools in Town arc prohibited from meeUngnexi Sunf Infantile pieces and qf children for- fcr wvek the accredited WQ postponed The Boys Conference at wick has been postponed indefi nitely on accoujitif of Infantile paralysis in Newmar ket So far is only one citAe but people are much afraid of it Very Attractive The Niagara Peninsular Fruit Growers are certainly letting the public know the excellent value of their pro ducts Placards slickers are being used as an ad junct to newspaper advertising The sale of their fruit will no doubt be largely increased by its publicity A Toronto AY Close to reduce stock English China Tea Vuf neat patterns 3 colors Priced from up to reduce stock quick a Friends Church Sunday July 30 a rh Meeting for Worship p Peoples Popular Service Rev I Brooklyn New York will V be present and con duct the services A hearty welcome to all All seats free Special Service Following the action of the An glican Church in the Old Country Sweeney has asked the Clergy of the of Toronto to observe Aug in the 2nd an niversary of llie present war as a day of special intercession and humiliation for all church people His Lordship requests that all churches in the country be kept open for worship Importer of Staple Fancy China and of Stock roots etc Coo Abraham live Credit at one oclock i Ke lt Catarrh Halls Co 0 15 years mi In ur obligation Toledo re la la- tie of til In Sold lor Severe Province nfght the Horn the ported lone to crops la awanee fcUio almost rops district and Agricultural I Lands miles one PHOTOGRAPHS A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER Kcw it would delight your children how It would please friends Us Hake Them For You I ZURBRIQQ rtoce Photographer Door West of the New Office Field Comforis The proceeds of the at Broughtons amounted to 05 which was a very generous donation On Monday the Field Comforts shipped a car of old paper and scrap iron lo Toronto Brleflets The Willing Workers of the Presbyterian Church had a picnic on Wednesday afternoon- at Is land Grove on the invitation of Mrs Frank Stewart Newmarket Civic Holiday is on the First Monday in August Picnic All members of Lodge No are cor dially invited lo the Lodge Picnic on Wednesday afternoon August 2nd leaving Metropolitan station at pm A good time is assured and a good attendance is antici pated This is to be a union pic- with Alma Lodge of Aurora Will members please remember to bring usual refresh ments Lawn Bowling Two rinks took a holiday on Tues day and made for lo at tend the big tournament with Fergus and Robitallle were defeated in the first compeUlion but managed to slay in the second spasm They managed to wail with the game till the semifinals when Mount Forest beat them out Owing to pressure of business at home Ihc rink had to return on Wednesday otherwise they would have won the Consolation Prize Smith and Stecklcy put up a good fight and were winners In one game but lost three so they also returned on Wed nesday night The Iwo rinks enjoy ed their outing and look forward to having another trip soon I TRIPS TO IMrtl Liit3 Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Kim Lakes River etc tourist tickets now on sale Ink in Ontario at Wry low with liberal stopovers 1A EXPRESS p daily IMtUy 2o a dully Wharf Connections l Wharf Toronto ex- for arc for a m Big Garden Parly at Pine Or chard last night Mr Garfield Rogers residence looks slick in its new coat Some of our bowlers went to on Tuesday to take part in the Tournament The Metropolitan Restaurant will reopen in a day or two The sale on St last Saturday night was well attended A metal ceiling is being placed in the Bank of Montreal in on the Sunday and a HvnlsvHte points I fcija for on application agents hiitlo UpTown Agent Anil Depot Agent Ladies Bowling Club As the Newmarket Lawn Bow ling Club has kindly placed part of their beautiful new green for the exclusive use of the ladies it seems a great pity that more have not taken advantage of their gen erosity Every Tuesday and Fri day the ladies are accustomed lo meet about eight oclock where Ihcy spend most delightful even ings on the welllit grounds The season tickets are only and can be had from either Mrs Dr Mrs w A All new members will receive a hearty welcome I and acres Frame House house well at shard and over small House the the per MlLtER sal Plants ait home on fcjKiilinn three weekn JM Ufa of Toronto 4yB at her horn and Up- City and i w WJ here Frank it the Toronto General I l J Sl sent to her home funeral visiting her jjM proctor of the Pollock IsviMUng her ffiW the lino Institute evening to get u Death From Shoe- The adjourned Inquest on the death of Mrs Hall of- Sharon took place at the Fire Hall Newmarket on Wednesday evening before Coroner Wesley The report of the analyst did not disclose anything of a poisonous na ture and Is a wellaccepted theory that the woman climbed into the well pulled cover on and In the water death resulting from exposure Constable experi ments showed that It was possible for her lo do It Fvidencc pre sented to show that the woman before her death had been desponded over the outlook of the crops The following verdict was rendered Thai Mrs Ada Hall wife of Herbert Hall Sharon came to her death from Knock when she descended into a cistern while mentally depressed M boxes to our boys at cleared put the Hydro of action Mr throe tit Steamship sails p each v Marie Port ftnlfTtf Killed In Railway Collision On Wednesday morning a rear- end collision occurred on the main line of the at Lon don Out by which Conductor Garnet Cutting son of Mr Joseph Cutting of was instant ly killed as well as his Mr of The accident occurred In a dense toft the result of a heavy rainfall and sudden rise In tem perature during ihe night which made it Impossible to See one car length ahead when the crash oc curred A dozen cars were tele scoped and pilled in a mass or wreckage Conductor Cutting and in the caboose when It was alruck by the engine of the other train He was 22 years of age and unmarried his WAR NEWS General continues to push along day by day making gains of more or less importance against a constantly growing German army which has now many more heavy guns at its disposal than when the struggle began estimate of the losses on either side is obtainable The London corres pondent of The New York Tribune lifts a corner of the censorship curtain when lie stales that the casualty lists published in London on Monday con tained nearly six thousand names of officers and men Killed wounded and missing It Is added that- not since the stubborn fighting of the original ad vance on July have so names appeared as on Monday The losses may reasonably be estimated averaging four thousand a day The Hermans it Is believed are suffering quite as heavily for they are counter attacking continuously and with great vigor along the British front On that part of the where are opposing the Germans they surrender more freely than do to the British Paris reports the capture of prisoners but this probably Includes those taken on the British front The losses In Killed and wound the sector will probably average 1300 men for the French and Germans On the entire twentyfive battle there fore extending from to the losses may reason ably he estimated tt Germans and French dolly Home July Italian troops have taken Mount by Vic- lory came afler a night Of the fiercest kind of lighting ihe mountain is a strategic point oh the line Alpine troops have also cleared he from three lines of trenches between the peaks at Monte and Monte the War reports In the face of murderous machinegun fire the Italians over three lines of wire entanglements and drove he Auslrians back with the bayonet Artillery engagements continue rest of the front In the battles of the present day In France the rifle appears to have become semiobsolete Struggles at close quarters are conducted with bayonet knife revolver and grenade as revealed by an officer who fought at and was wounded Ill Germans have brought Into use a sort of longhandled mace studded with nulls and a German officer was seen using one on a wounded comrade In stead of on his In charges with the bayonet the Australians are terrible The Turks found that out In Gal Up oil Peninsula the Germans have lust found that out at A parly of these Antipodean In one case at charged a ruined house jfn which some Germans were holding out with a machine gun and not a German escaped with Teuton troops have also been Inspired with a sort of Dutch courage In the form of either ft County Council has de cided to insure all Its soldiers who go overseas Cleveland July Twentytwo men are dead and half a dozen others dyings the result of an explosion- of gas In a waterworks tunnel five miles from shore Lake Erie late last night The dead Include workmen who were trapped in the tunnel when Sundays heat ls cause of the Peter In tyre found In- his tt Is thought the heat affected his heart Chaplain of the Church of the I Ascension has enlisted with Ihe Battalion His name Is Gibson and Is credited wilh having made not preach recruiting sermons was able to with me He asked the eligible members of the church to join and they didV ffey Ball who has held successful meetings of the Chestnut Street British Methodist Episcopal Church here has by conference to go to Winnipeg and es- a church there for the colored people A large section of independent Con servatives of the City are dissatisfied with their leaders in- both Provincial and Dominion Governments On Saturday and Sunday last the temperature reached to degrees in the shade A motoi driver who injured a per son seriously a few days ago was re fused bail by Magistrate Denlson The Provincial Hydro Commission has accepted the terms of the Canadian Niagara Power Co for a of power bathing on Sunday In sight his parents- In a Centre Island A ONeil aged years was drowned before help could reach him Stepping from behind a wagon on the Lake Shore Road last Saturday Arthur was struck by a passing auto and was killed The boy had been playing behind the wagon A noted artist named Geo passed away In Toronto on Saturday evening aged years An employe of National Iron Works on Friday last was electrocut ed He was found dead beneath tie electrical Wiling The announcement is made that J Stephenson M A Assistant Master of the Normal School Toronto has been transferred to the Agricultural College and appointed Pro fessor of English Conservatives arc making consider able complaints about Camp Borden Mayor Church wants Parliament to probe the camp Last Monday was the hottest day of summer up lo that date In this City At 3 P M the thermometer marked A woman is the inventor of a sand glass that rings a bell at whatever time for which It may be set The Masonic Grand Lodge at Lon don last week reelected Grand Master Sydney A Lukes and Deputy Grand Master for a second term The Mayor assisted by Parks Commissioner Chambers and P J City Clerk have for band concerts in several parks in the City on the evening of August the anniversary of the outbreak of the war No less than five people collapsed on Saturday on the the City being overcome wilh ordinary heat of he day People were more Cautious on Monday and Tuesday The refining of nickel In Ontario is foreshadowed in a statement made by Hon Howard Ferguson on Satur day Word has reached this City thai Camp Borden under Major I Dunn I S has 1781 signallers in training there Of this number are ready to pass their examinations Mr Alfred Coyell City Relief Of ficer and Treasurer of the Canada Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows for he past twenty years Is retiring from office and the General Belief Board presented him with gold watch as a special recognition of his services The baby elephant of the circus here Saturday escaped from Its stall and created quite a street sensation before his capture The assault of an Indian on Saturday evening was fearful He was slashed With a razor about the face and hack that It required over ninety stitches to lose wounds His assailant was an Italian who was arrested and is now held awaiting results The Mayor and City Alderman have been Invited by the to Inspect Hie work on the new Union Station The steel girders In the foundation are Immense Mr Francis a veteran rail way man who rode on first train on the Northern Hallway to Colling- wood passed away this week aged years Two young lovers were drowned on Monday when their canoe was upset In the wave of a passing ferry In view of thousands on the Island A feature of American League Day At Beach on July 20th will be the crack allAmcricau drill by the picked members of the Malta linn This Battalion is compos ed entirely of Americans who have came to to pay a debt which United States owes to this Dominion for ho help Canadians gave the Northern States luring the South ern Rebellion At Ihe Sunday morning service of the Baptist Church the con gregation presented the retiring pastor Rev Dr with a diamond stick pin and bis wife with a gold wrlst- as a mark of appreciation Press despatches from Western provinces call for or harvesters from the eastern part of the Dominion to help them harvest crops this season ft A spectacular blaze which broke but late Tuesday night In the plan mill of Edwin A Murphy Cameron Street In about dam- ago being done A man and woman were arrested week In the Normal School Grounds on a chargo of soiling mor phine- No less than six onedollar packages of the drug were found on Drake and a quantity on the woman According to the police the school grounds have been suspected as a rendezvous for some lime post J J J I You I Man to I I i Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an man It makes no difference The point Is this J If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of su perstrength Nothing elsewlll hold you long Come In here and get a Warm comfortable suit of Unshrinkable DONT FORGET THAT WE HANDLE BOYS AND YOUTHS CLASSIC James Go The Men Wain St West on The little chap had been playing wilh other boys on the waters edge Finding the board floating ho caught It and almost Immediately was carded out into thc lake The Liberals of SouthWest Toronto have decided lo contest the seal made vacant by the death of Hon J J and will place a candidate In the field at an early date The Conservatives will hold a convention next Monday A new subpost office is lo be established at the corner of Ever- eld and road It will accommodate a large section North of St Glare Ave On Monday Mrs a worker in the Canada- Foundry munitions of war plant had one of her fingers cut off by a ma chine Up to Wednesday last fifteen cases of infantile paralysis have been reported lo the Medical Health Hoard of the Province The Ontario of Agricul ture will send a larger quantity of fruit than last year to military hospitals of and a HURON NEWMARKET noun FEED COAL HAY Prices Right Give Us a Call TERM8 OLIVER DIKE Successor to Geo Forester Phone GOLD DU8T High hearts arc long without hearing some new cull some distant clarion of God even in their dreams and soon they arc ob served lo break up the camp of ease and start an some fresh iriarch of faithful service Mar- Itnedu Mr A Benson in Beside Still Waters compares the grave quiet gracious life of one to whom the inspiration and opportunity to do a great thing have never come with the lifo of the song bird that had never had an audi ence or a stream which dropped in crystal cataracts from rocks Progress in life wants taking coolly At taining success is often something like cater ing a train You will sec one man walking at a good pace that he can keep up till ho gets there and another runs till he cannot progress at all Vast numbers of arc always get- ling pumped put- The frivolous purposeless lives of this are like ships at the mercy of wind and tide Hail one of them and ask Whither are you bound and the answer will bo I dont know What cargo do you carry Np- Well what are you doing out hero on the ocean you dont only drifting when there is so much to be d0ne7SamuelVGbIe water ran into sand pretty flower drooped its head and wilted in hot sun There was a robin that suddenly hushed bd song Why should I sing said robin when all birds sing My music is not heard But there was a blind man resting by the wayside and when ho robin hushed his merry song tho old man remembered again how tired lie was There was a littlo child who grow tired of working for his Master Theres so little I can do said child But the Master whispered soft and low in his heart Its tho little things that Count dear child worlds sweetest service is up of kindly deeds Se lected To live content wilh small means to seek elegance rather than luxury and refinement rather than fasljion to- be worthy not respect able and wealthy not rich to study hard to think quietly talk gently act frankly to listen to stars and birds babes and- sages with open bear all cheerfully do all bravely a occasions never hurry in a word to let the spiritual unbidden and up through common This is to be my of lifo Only drifting Ah lmit t know what a sorry you LITTLE THAT COUNT Theres no us for to shine said a I am so little I ca do good And the star hid itH bright face behind a thick- But there was a littlo watching for thai star who would not be comforted though all the other stars blinked in the faraway sky There was a little that rippled don the hillside What good can I do7 said the little stream I am nothing needs itself in the We ought to be ashamed of being careful for riches how wre may acquire them in greatest abundance and or glory- and honor but not nor take thought for wisdom and truth and for our souls how they may be made roost Socrates best should bo tomorrows starts point is the good rule and a practical one too- A belter tomorrow must always start from the present It canriotstart in the air so its foundation- must be made today That is reason that so many tomorrows fail- si Do todays duty light and do not weaken or distract yourself ARCHIVES TORONTO