mm 4 Hade Him Feb As If Walking On Air Nov oyer two years I was troulrd with Constipation Drowsiness Lack Headaches One day I your sign which read make you feel like walking on air This appealed to me so I decided to try ft box In a very short I began to feel better and now I feel fine I have a good appetite relish everything I eat and the Headaches are gone entirely I recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends DAN a box for trial sue At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fmlt- limited Otta HOUSE TO RENT On Timothy Street Furnace Electric Light Hard and Soft Water Apply to A Boyd or Mrs Woollen BRICK HOUSE FOR In end Hard wood finish Electric Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply Box Aurora AURORA Aurora Methodist Church A s lends holding their annual excursion and picnic oh- Wednesday August the via Metropolitan arid boats to Centre Island On Tuesday Walter Gray had one of his toes badly cut- When the accident happened he removing a from his foot A sickle wliten had been left beside the tree under which he was standing fell on opt cutting the toe tothe BRADFORD Clean to handle Sold by Drug gists Grocers and General Stores t r FOR Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build- in Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY Shortly ten oclock on Satur day evening a horse belonging to Mr Oscar Sutherland of the Scotch Set tlement broke loose from the sheds of the Methodist Church It ran down Street gaining speed as it went and appeared to be heading directly for one of the large plate glass win dows in Thorntons store but before reaching that it came in contact with the water tank at the corner and strik- it smashed the top Into fragments The buggy was partly overturned and the contents thrown out but the horse kept on Its mad way and only stopped when it reached Mr John Darl ings farm in the Settlement The horse escaped Injury but one wheel of the buggy was broken and FARM FOR acres more or less firstclass clay earth being East half of Lot in the 3rd Concession of East Gwiljim- hury Good house and barn Apply J Davis Newmarket i3tf ORCHARD BEACH The past has been a hot week bathers have been numerous Mr and Mrs Jones and children spent the weekend with her sister Mrs W J Robertson A large congregation last Sunday morning was delighted with the ser mon by Rev Alfred Young of New market His subject was Faith Hope and Love The congregation was small in the evening on account of the heat Next Sunday morning Mr Mllllgan of Toronto will be the soloist Mr and Mrs and children of Totlenhanvwere guests of Rev and Mrs A Belfry on Sunday Rev and Mrs Young of Newmarket were guests at Inglewood for the weekend Mrs E Jackson and daughter of Toronto are spending a month at Also Miss May for a fortnight without success Everything possible was done to resuscitate but by the time a doctor arrived he was dead Mr Brownscombe was born in Port Hope sixtysix years ago being a son Brownscombe who came from Devonshire England After spending thirtyfive years In business- in Port Hope he came to and has conducted a store here for the past eleven years was an honor able business man methodical and careful and of a quiet serious nature taking no part In public affairs but attending strictly to his own He is survived by his widow and four daughters Journal- KESWICK and make delicious and economical preserves House a prospect A opposite Pickering Large garden with large and small and good stable Also a eightroomed house in Apply to BOG ART St Newmarket TO JERSEY BREEDER8 Merry Prince Sire Violas Bright Prince Dam Brampton Merry Daisy Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Pigs Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring 23 Newmarket NOTICE Is hereby given that Colin Darnell Poole of City of Toronto the County of York in the Province of Ontario Manager will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next ses sion thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Catharine Poole on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario the Eighth day of January CORLBY A Bay St Toronto Solicitors for Applicant COAL FOR Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders at all hours Telephone No doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North FRANK GLASS FALL TERM AUG NOBLETON The death of Elizabeth Wilson wife of Mr William Bell line King occurred on Saturday afternoon Mrs Bell had been ill for a long time She leaves a husband and a grownup family of sons arid daughters The funeral took place on Monday to Hill- crest Cemetery The Bell family came from Vaughan to the line only a few months ago Mrs Groves of Newmarket and children arc visiting with her mother Mrs Perdue The death is announced of William Henry Elvis a former resident of this place Mr Elvis died at Oflhawa Hospital following an operation on Tuesday He was a member of the well known Elvis family of this place He learned the milling at Bolton and later engaged in business at Pickering He moved from there lo where he became known as a successful man of business and prominent In life of the com munity He was a Liberal a Metho dist and years of age at the lime of his death He leaves a widow two daughters and one son i and Toronto Was asVfcd to nil more than thirty times as many they had graduates during the last twelve months Writ today for Catalogue This College Is noted for high grade training PLEASANTVILLE loo Last Week On Tuesday the the home of Mr and Mrs Joshua Oliver at was the scene of very happy This being the of their wedding day A number of their friends and relatives had assembled to celebrate with then their Golden Wedding Day After congratulations were over a very suit able address was read and the happy were presented with a Diamond Phonograph Letters of con gratulation were also read from dis tant friends and relatives Tin discoursed sweet through out the afternoon and a most enjoy able lime was spent Tea was served on Hie lawn The tables were very prettily decorated Willi flowers and a beautiful brides rake trimmed with gold While seated at the tables the of Aurora invoked Gods blessing on assembly Tin hours them company dispersed In the early of the evening leaving behind their good wishes for many happy years to come A very regrettable accident hap pened to Miss Clara Hare daughter of Mr V Han of on Sunday She was with an auto party at Gamp Borden where the roads In places are not of the best The driver got their In on awkward position and In backing up ran Into a motor truck belonging to one of the bat talions another twist and the car col lided with a Stump Miss Hart was thrown forward through the wind shield getting her face cut and her shoulder fractured doctor ad vised against her Immediate return That Ivone version of the ac cident Another la that the car was landing at the roadside when a trick bumped heavily against it and caus ed the mishap The town was shocked Tuesday morning lo hear Browne- combe hoot and merchant had died early that morning He had been as well apparently as usual the day before and retired Monday night without any signs of Illness or weak ness Towards the morning Mrs noticed him breath ing heavily and tried in him but IIP Keswick July To the Editor of the Dear Mr Editor In reply lo Mr Peter Arthurs letter in the Globe of Sat July would ask permis sion to state some of the reasons why W C women send sweets and sugar In different forms apd encourage the children and girls to send to the boys In the camps and at the front Quoting from the Report sugar Is a food In its ordinary form Some years it has been tried as an In- vigorator In fatiguing marches or In sporti Exact enquiries show that by eating 12 to drams of sugar at In tervals of half an hour the feeling of tiredness can be overcome most effect ually We have been rightly urged therefore not to forget sugar of various kinds In sending gifts to our troops In the field This from Germany The Italian Light Infantry have prov ed that they can cover an amount ground with comparative ease and yet finish fresh They give rather a curious explanation of their powers thai when the men are marching they are supplied with a large amount of loaf sugar which sus tains them better than anything else could do and at the same time does not peed a halt to be called to con sume The Officers have tested out the experiment of serving their troops with a substantial ration of sugar and the result was extraordinary Exam ination showed that they had covered a greater distance with fewer mishaps than had previously been accom plished by the troops on the March Therefore sugar now forms a very important part of the dietary of the Army An officer of The Field Ar tillery sings the praises of Jam He says think Jam will never have to bow to wheat while theres an army be fed In the field It is the staph out here many a muddy loaf or a loaf that had a brush of the oil barrel Is made eatable by Jam From the War Book In Production A Thrift Agricul tural War Book Canadians arc advised lo send sugar to the soldiers as It Is most ncccplable and helpful I have searched the War Books from cover to cover and have failed to find anything In regard to Tobacco being needed at the front or advice to Canadians to send It to the troops Mr Cobbs story Is of the German Battle front and Is nearly two years old We all know that there a can teen where tobacco and cigarettes are sold within reach of every Canadian soldier and we have never heard of any dearth of tobacco on the Can or battle fronts In Die ace of these facts It would be utterly foolish for the to promote reform by denying to- to soldiers at the front and can assure the public that the Union has never thought of doing such a thing We ton seriously the problems that effect Home A Country and the lives of our fellow men lo think such a tiling possible We know that when a man has formed the nicotine habit he loves the weed bettor than his own life We have known men who have been lold by their physicians that they must give up tobacco or they could not he cured They have continued use it and died before their allotted time They love It better than their wives and children Medical experts tell us that all the North American Con tinent women and children arc Buffer ing from and dying of Tobacco Heart caused by breathing in their homes the tobacco smoke of the husbands and fathers but the heads of the families continue to smoke The Hiform could only bo promoted by a great moral Earthquake when men would rise In their might and throw off the chains that had held them captive and In the strength and power that God alone give become masters of their own desire and Saviour of race The Union has objected to the wholesale collection of money by children and young women fpr smokes for the and tried to Order LANTIC SUGAR by name in original packages and b Cartons and 20lb Bags PRESERVING LABELS FREE ni bill for book of u d to Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd Montreal use their Influence to have them col lect money for wholesome candy and soups and to hinder the sending of tobacco and cigarettes to who have never formed the tobacco habit and do not want to form it One of our North York boys to his friertds Tell them not to send tobacco tous we do not need It I have seen one hundred pounds thrown away How loyally the majority of the wo men of Canada have responded In thl time of stress and strain and have re solved on one thing that no sacrifice Is too great to make to serve the Em pire In this time of Its dire need They surely are their bit and our boys who have offered their lives for the cause of freedom and have suffered the rigours and privations camp life and the horrors of the front they surely are dolnj their part But there are some classei in Canada In this time of the worlds crisis In the hour of countrys peril are not measuring up their responsibilities Among these h the class which indulges In expensive Injurious selfish luxuries For In stance men and women In Can ada who use tobacco would deny them selves of this luxury during the wai and until after the adjustment whlcl must follow the war and devote the money which they had spent for to bacco to Patriotic and Belief work what a blessing their sacrifice would be to the world what comforts would be sent to our soldiers at the front what equipment could be provided the hospitals what bread could be given to the hungry Belgians Poles and Serbians To those win have all the comfort conveniences am rest of whom what a Utile sacrifice I would be to what our boys and men who have offered their lives are mak ing what a sacrifice compared to what we mothers who have said goodbye to our dear boys perhaps for last time have had to make For the ones home this should be a lime of self sacrifice It surely Is not a time for shrinking and quibbling but a time for each one do his or her share in the way that those who have knowledge and experience think best From a mother of two boys In khaki -fOOO- I ALL THY Consider ail thy actions take need On stolen bread It Is not to feed Sin like a bee unto thy may bring A little honey but expect the sting Thou mriycst conceal thy sin by cun ning art But conscience sits a witness In Illy Which will disturb thy peace thy undo For that Ik witness Judge and prison too Roland Watklns foremost railroad man America wai what some would rail old man when ho began tils work that of the Great Northern At ripened by knowledge John Wanainaker one of the merchant of America Is and a going ahead faster than ever Glad stone at gave fin administration of unusual vigor and success- Victor did good Work at Verdi produced his greatest opera at 80 Graham Bell at Is at work on what ho thinks will he his Invention Alfred Tennyson wrote what he thought was his best poem Crossing the Bar at arid Alfred Russell Wallace w6t hi greatest work Mans Place in Na ture at 81 He another book of almost equal Importance at 89 BRITISH FOOD PRI0E8 Since the war price of food the United Kingdom has In creased at least per cent accord ing to statistics Issued by the Board Of Trade However this Is Jess thai ihe Increase In Berlin and Vienna According to the figures food has advanced 83 per cent In the Ger man capital and per cent In the Austrian capital To those who have been In the r habit of tempting Goddess of Chance the fact that the late Richard the New York gambling- house keeper left over should give pause for thought ran a gambling palace Its furnishings Its entertainment of patrons were on the most lavish scale Its owner Is credibly reported have lost huge sums In playing other mens games for money Some BULLETIN Every housewife can put down a good Raspberries The very best of all Niagara Peninsular grown Black Currants are also their best for canning cherries are at their Have your grocer order once Look for this label on the bas ket It is your guarantee of Honest Fruit Niagara Grown Note the Growers number It is his personal Guarantee of flood Fruit Insist on the label with the Map and Growers number EAT MORE FRUIT FULL VALUE PACKAGE GROWERS from top to bottom estimates of these losses run Into Ihe millions He had not been In busi ness for several years leading a life of costly leisure Yet he managed to leave over a million dollars even a of his fortune accumulated after defraying overhead charges which would wreck any other business OneAdamB from the pennies of the poor gambled In his policy is reputed to have accumulated over The gaming table at Monte yield it Is said over 94000000 annually In net profit Thats the percentage against the player and in favor of the house What chance has the man who tempts fortune In this manner low is II possible that any man of average elllgcnce will so waste his time and substance- Yet Ihe thine Is very day by men of apparent Intel ligence 1 THE HURRYING HABIT An observant foreigner once said that the habit of hurry In Americans ted them even to label their doors push and pull Annie Call says of this national In Nerves and Common Sense- Many wJivm will up in dress In the morning as had to catch a train and they will Into break fast as If It were a steamer for other side of the world they had to and no steamer went for months They do not know that hey are in a rush and hurry and not find It out unlit the strain has on them for so long that they are III from It ami they find hemselves suffering from Hint feeling But someone says may I not feel pressed for lime when I have more to Jo than I can possibly put Into the lime before me yes yes you can feel pressed for time and because of Hi Is pressure you can arrange In your mind what best to leave undone and so relieve the pressure If one thing seems as Important to do another you can make up your liifnd that of course you can only do what you have lime for and remainder must go You cannot do what you have time to do so well If you are worrying about what you have no time for There need be- no normal sense of rush about It lust as nature tends towards health nature tends toward rest to ward the right kind of rest and If wv have lost the rue knack of resting can Just as surely find it as can find the It Is artificial are iry- to learn arid alive thai belongs us tfOtir own Insllncl will mm our aid in will only first turn our finding our own In stinct Selected PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges Reason A BOYD Prop Night alls on Phono Promptly Attended to MAJOR WO PINK Second in Command Yprks Bat talion who gave up a flourishing business In order to answer the Call of King and Country Get into Training and be in Pine Fettle for W Finish of the Fight PEOPL Garden Parties INTERESTED Band IN Picnics and Dealers who Candy Chewing Gum PopCorn For Good a woman must have good health She can do her part by helping nature to blood pore the liver active and the bowels regular with of the mild vegetable remedy A ROAD MADE OP In of the world leave would be considered very poor ma terial for roads but In certain districts of Florida they arc used with great There are miles of that would be almost impassable because of the deep sand but the leaves of the longleaved pine are racked over the sandy roadbed at least once a year and the result a road way that can travelled anil which seems Ilka a carpet for neither the horses feet nor the wheels of wagon or carriages make any noise HOUSEHOLD HINTS When making suet pudding add an equal quantity of stale bread soaked In cold water What la the beat early closing moment To go to bed at ten and close your eyes In sleep Be neighborly be obliging be kind and courteous and then when sorrow and sickness come you wilt have syrppathy and help A piece of suet run through a chopper before and- It has been used for mincing meat keeps the machine elean and in good condition When baking potatoes them in hot water tot minutes before put- ling In the They In half the time and so a sav ing- Never leave stock to In a saucepan Trent Canal to Open the past week contractors op the Canal have been at work preparing to place the lock gates on the various locks from to and on Dominion Day they brought the big derrick required to hang the gates The gates of the lock at Bradley Hay were hung on Tuesday and It Is expected that the gates on the looks near the paper mill will be In place at the end of this or the beginning of next week When the gates of are hung navigation will be open from Lake Ontario up the Canal through Peterborough Lindsay and aa far as on Lake A few more months will be required to clean up a few odd Jobs and get everything Into working shape The looks of the Trent Canal are feet long 33 feet wide and 8 feet deep and they are capable of carrying as large a cargo as a double header on the Trunk line through can draw Some of the scenery along the canal Is very beautiful and the Department of Hallways and Canals Is expecting that the Canal will- handle a very large amount of the American tourist trade from- the Thousand Islands on the 8 Lawrence to the is lands on the Georgian Bay Camp News Children FOR FLETCHERS As I am Inking over the Wholesale Business at the North t Grocery Newmarket dealing in all the above lines I am to yon at Lowest Wholesale Prices If needing Confectionery I would urge you lo give mo a call before m If in Town phono and have us call for you bring you here to see the goods you back All goods delivered anywhere in Town or out free Always something new For particulars phone A Cor Main Huron Newmarket Your King and Country Now N w when Britain I calling In pursuit of tho Huns and every J when your own Battalion Venter tlje Training M In paratlon for Ovirseas when your and thtof I humanity I In balance 0i YOU CAN TO TIP