Newmarket Era , August 11, 1916, p. 3

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j ind I i I The light in the Fountain it Ihe Post Office corner is a great Improve ment Orangemens Prad Black Knights of Alex Mulr preceptor Newmarket leave for Oshawa on Saturday to take part In a demonstration The Man Inside This llririlling novel from start to finish will be reproduced by distinguished Edwin Stevens at Patricia Theatre on Wednesday evening of next week Specially good Dont m it Industrial Horn The Commissioners met on the of August and passed ac counts A matter which called for Im mediate attention was the scarcity of water It was decided to construct a cement basin for water storage and to go on with the work at once The site was chosen and the work will be pushed as speedily as possible Middle School Results The following students of New market EL- 8 passed the recent Middle School Examination for Entrance to Normal School Viola Barker Marjory Kathleen Georgia Hewitt Augusta Marsh The examination was unusual ly severe this year and reflects all the more credit on those who were able to pass Newmarket School has done as well as the average in the Province Union The Union Services of he Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday next Aug 3tb willbe as follows am Church Wounded -Hand- Church Subject Disciples and Apostles I I Christian arid Friends Church Sunday am Drl Lee Kirkland will preach at the Friends Church His will be All Things Working Together for His subject will evening at oclock at the Christian Church will be Lifes Ladder and How to Climb It This sermon is intended especial ly for men and women showing them how to a suc cess of life A Busy Time The Metropolitan did an excep tionally heavy business from Friday lo Tuesday Inclusive From early morning till late at night on despite the fact that all available cars were put Into service were crowded almost beyond capacity but no acci dents are reported and everybody ac cepted the situation in good humor However the need of more cars on the line is very apparent especially when people from the city have to stand all the way to Keswick while going back it was Just about as bad from Keswick south Narrow Escape There was very nearly a smash- up on DArcy St the Civic Holiday An auto was crossing the track just as a Metropolitan car came along The moiorman applied the brakes but did not bring the car to a standstill However the speed was so reduced that it gently slid car off the track without doing any damage Better to be born lucky than dpi Ladles Bowling Club On Wednesday Aug 2nd a number of lady bowlers motored to- Jacksons Point and played a friendly game with the ladies of the Club After The game which resulted in favor of the ladies by the close score of to They were entertained at Lakeview House The outing was greatly enjoyed by the ladies and they feel quite proud of their splendid showing in their first game with outside rinks Those taking part were Mrs Dr Hutt Mrs W A Mrs A A Smith Mrs Kidd Mrs Smyth and Miss Anna Smith Rain Badly There has been only one slight shower in Newmarket since the end of June until the few drops last Sat urday night Root crops are suffering badly and unless rain soon comes it Is likely there will be a potato famine as the vines are drying up and the tubers in late varieties are about the size of marbles The Landing Marsh Is reported to be still on fire but some fit best areas of marsh hay used in the man ufacture of mattresses and furniture have not as yet been touched by fire but unless rain comes soon to quench the Names damage Is likely to be heavy Red Cross The Society have mailed lo Miss in France the following sup plies 20 in four parcels Pairs Socks it Tin Quilt Do Handkerchiefs Day Shirts Night Shirts Personal Property Bags Head Bandages first payment of has been made to Haul Office Toron to for the four prisoners of war Pies George West Elmer Turner Thos and P Tills will insure each of receiving two parcels monthly and a loaf of bread per week Barn Raising On Wednesday of this week Mr John Proctor Deputy Reeve of East had one of the largest BarnRaisings ever held in these parts There were over men helping on the barn in the afternoon besides numerous ladies who provided a sumptuous supper on the lawn for all pres ent The foundation work was done by Mr Collingwood in a manner that brought forth the highest praise from all who saw it The carpenter work was su perintended by Mr which goes without saying it was of the very best The Captains were Mr How ard and Mr Roy Watson Both sides performed their work in a manner that called forth the ad miration of all the spectators The raising went along speedily and without a hitch or accident the side captained by Mr Howard finishing a little ahead of the oili er Mr Proctor will have one of the finest barns in this section giving one more proof of his progressive and uptodaleJorming Promi nent among Those present were Reeve and Councillor FROM BELGIUM following- letter was re ceived fromPie John Robin son by Edgar Dear Ed- Just a few lines in- answer to your kind and welcome letter very glad loliearfrom you and that you are all well Well Ed was hard for me when I got word that our dear little baby had gone from us I the cable just as I was leaving Eng land so my first trip to France was not just asI thought it would be But thank God I have come through alright so far and if all goes well wilfsoon be back in dear old Canada again fori don think it will last longer now as the Huns are beaten and only have the finishing points and believe me it wont take long now v i Well you want to know if this is any harder than at Canes Factory It is ought to say ten times harder and about fifty times hotter for we are under are all the time so you see it is no snap When the British guns begin lo speak you would think all Hell had broken loose Of courso that is all in the game and they dont make a noise for nothing for when they start they mean business I would willing ly beat Canes not as hot as it was but of course that cant be now My young brother has enlisted in England and I guess he will soon be in Belgium with me We have had seven in to it and have managed to have one of us in the field all the time Five of us have done their bit and arc at the different places in Eng land and I am still over here in and training to I am glad wewere all able to do our little bit I only hope that doesnt have to come Mother would not say a word against him joining but she is beginning to feci it now Thank God we have all gone so far with our necks all safe Well Ed you can tell Howard when you see him that this is far hotter than the old boiler house and I am sorry hav ing such a hard time getting men but he cant have them and the country too When it is all over he will be ablo to have all the men he wants I have not run into any Newmarket boys over here yet Hah a nice parcel from Newmarket Comforts and was very thankful for it glad the boys are doing well and that Albert has got the laugh on us but never mind tell him we will have the laugh on him soon I hope your father and mother are well and tell them the weath er over here is not as good as it could be but I believe Bel gians are the best farmers you could find They are oldfa shioned in their way of farming but they can grow the crops and waste no land and what at one time was battlefield now has fine crops on it Well Ed I must now draw my letter to a close Give my best respects to all the boys left in the factory and to mother and fath er ami Daisys mother and fath er and to and Goodbye and write soon remain yours truly J VIVIAN 1 Raines badly heeded after the dry this vicirri Mr George Jacks on and wife Toronto spent Holiday with W- Miv Atkinson of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents at a vis home againiaftetf spending months in the oily Miss Merle McCprmack and her cousin Viyian-are- visiting at Mr Joe BirighamBV Mr ChasPfpher and Ernest Somerville spent Sunday in Mark- ham Mr Ernest Somerville is now spending a few days with Charlie Miss Sarah Cook is spending her vacation with her mother here No wonder -Brads- father is kept busy shoeing the horse and repairing the buggy as he takes so many trips north every week Better invest in a Ford Llewellyn Peterson spent Sun day with his Uncle Ben at Aurora Redwing AURORA The Excursion of the Methodist BAKING T f are how the Best of House- the trade Large Variety of Carpet at old Prices I WINDOW A CURTAIN AND BRASS EXTEN8ION RODS Most Lines In this Department we are below new prices w are selling at old prices J SNOWBALL all recovered since the big barn dance on Tuesday evening Sabbath School on Aug 2nd to which was given by Mr ITllQ J War Anniversary Over people gathered on the Market Square Friday evening to show their loyalty Great Britain on the 2nd anniver sary of the Declaration of War against Germany Mr of War Auxiliary took rltarge of the proceedings his Worship Mayor Cane made an on the necessity of looking after the boys at the front and presented to Col Brown of the Bait a cheque or to be used In ilifi comforts for the men of liillalion Of this sum was raised by the ladies of the under the direction of the field Comforts Committee and balance raised on Field and by personal subscrip tions Col Brown thanked all in address on behalf of the Battalion and afterwards pre- the prizes to the winners the various events held on the Field Day A short address was made by Major T wn and Monro K songs were sung by of the Miss cljd Kiplings- AbsentMinded WW- and a small boy about years of age the mascot of the Mahler Johnston also It was nearly oclock- when Grier was brought on and many who went away about that missed the treat of the even- Is an eloquent W fascinating speaker Those remained say impression ft forgotten flection were given by the of the under JjwrMilp of Bandmaster broke up national During an electrical storm at St in the Province of Quebec on Tuesday last among other accidents four children of the Joseph Cote fami ly were benumbed By while at prayer Later they but all bear traces of the shock r The Packet thinks the Methodist Church might apply for a special act of Parliament requiring John Wesley Allison to mange his Christian name Some people who pretend to know say that records out In Bun- das County were looked up it would be found that Allison at the baptismal font was called Isaac and not John Wesley at all By way the Packet is a Conservative journal yet it Is moved lo say Perhaps Sir Sam Hughes will now lie convinced that his chosen friend is a- double dealing knave Everybody else was Convinced long ago Ren frew Mercury Centre Island Toronto by car and boat was a pleasant outing for young and old The day was one attendance good Centre Island is an ideal spot for a pic nic i The firemen had a in the heat on Friday last to a lot on Tyler Street where a fire was started on the street rising wind drove dangerously near to a dwelling It was soon under control andi no damage done The Sunday School of Mount Pisgah held their annual picnic on Saturday Aug to Bond Lake There was a large gath ering and every person enjoyed the outing Mrs Ben Stephenson with her son Carl returned from High land New Ontario on Aug 1st accompanied by her daughter Mrs J Barnard and Master Mor- loy The fire zone was some fifty miles from Highland- and they were not in danger Rev and Mrs Madden accom panied by Mr and Mrs Jas Butt and Mr Orlander Butt spent Ci vic Holiday at Orchard Beach Upon their return they found a serious lack of car accommoda tion upon the Metropolitan An additional car southbound would have greatly relieved the situa tion The young ladies carried out the fancy stepping all throughout the- evening Some mistake made last week Instead or Mr J Morning building a new house it is a fine new garage Martin seems quite on Monday morning when he returns to his work What is the cause Miss Maggie Morning of New market spent a couple of days with her cousin Miss Laura Morning and attended the danoe Will had some drive over the hills on Tuesday evening I Two barns outbuildings and nil this seasons crops with Implements were lost through lightning early Tuesday morning near Chatham London Aug 1 Roger former Knight and consul was hanged all oclock this morning In ville jail for- high treason lie was convicted Of conspiring lo an armed revolt In Ireland and with hav ing sought German aid to that end North Bay Aug The rnlng and Northern Hallway officials report that the heavy downfall of rain during the past hours lias practical ly extinguished Ores In the north Word was received last night Ural a good portion of the town of had been wiped out by lire yesterday Aug Heavily over charged wires caused consid erable damage to motors Injured two persons and caused a lire In one home today There also was a serious In terruption In Industrial activity the power was turned oft at noon to avoid of any further mlKjjap A loosened wire of volts be lieved lo have fallen across the wires of smaller voltage was supposed to be the cause of Die difficulty SCHOMBERG Misses Laura and Mildred Kit chen of Toronto- are spending a few days wti their uncle Mr J Kitchen Miss Mary of Ayton spent a week with Mrs Han- Ion Mrs Davis of visiting with her brother Mrs A Mltlsand daughter of Port Arthur are visiting with Mrs Mills sister Miss Walton Miss II Cutting spent Sunday at her parental home in- Pottage- ville Mr and Mrs Coffey spent Sunday in Toronto Miss Clarice is spend ing a couple of weeks with her aunt MrsM Cain at Holly Park Mr and Mrs J Kitchen and family spent Sunday in Bradford Mrs Roan or returned homo Inst week after spending a month at the Island Mr and Mrs W Frcole and Daughter have returned home af ter two weeks visiting with friends at Park Hill Miss Dean has returned from a weeks holidays Toron to Mr Harry Wood Is now work ing in Toronto Mr Skinner is busy paint ing his house roof these days Mr Win Courtney has improv ed the appearance of- his office with a coat of paint PINE ORCHARD On Sunday Miss Penrose of this place passed away at the In Toronto after an Illness of two weeks duration To know Isle was to love her and her sweet face- will he missed hut not soon forgotten by those who knew her She was fond of- music and had very hard to pass her musi cal examination and win title of A but for the past two years her work has been much Inter rupted She unselfishly and cheerful ly gave up her ambitions to nurse the of her family expecting to re sume her Studies In the Fall hut the Angel of Death her and she was gathered Home The remains were brought to Pine Orchard- Many beautiful Wreaths and sprays were presented by friends A basket of exquisite flowers sur mounted by a white dove was given by her sister Rider I of Newmarket con ducted the funeral services assisted by- of Toronto Her MIbs Forfar sang a beautiful solo entitled My Saviour All The beautiful casket laden with flowers was tenderly borne by six members of the Club wlfo sadly laid her remains In the cemetery beside her fattier and mother OoU oft plucks the brightest flower To adorn His kingdom fair from gardens That they may be- sheltered there A Miss Laura OBrien of Toronto spent oyer Sunday with her par- entsNMr and Mrs J OBrien Mr of Toronto spent the holiday with his aunt Mrs J Wisher Mr F Wilson of Toronto spent Monday with his mother Mrs Wilson I wonder what attraction has the sorel horse up the Miss Janey Cutting of Toronto spent the witl her par ents Mr and Mrs J Cutting Mr and Mrs of spent Sunday with her sister Mrs J Cutting Mr E OBrien of King spent Sunday with his parents hero Miss Hattfe Cutting spent Mon day with her parents at Cedar Grove Mr and Mrs Black spent Sunday with friends at Mr Ward Cook called- on friends oh Sunday night Mr Archibald of spent friends here VIVIAN Farmers arc busy harvesting Messrs J Reid and J Hansford and wives motored up to the let ters mothers on Sunday from Toronto Mrs return ed with them for a few days We our heartfelt sym pathy to Mr anil Mrs Wallwork and family who received word that their son and brother had been killed in action in France on Juno Corp Goodman is home on leave to help his father harvest Among holiday visitors from Toronto we notice Mr and Mrs T Penrose Mr and MrsH Thomas and son at Pine View Miss look and Mr at MI Cooks mothers Mr and- Mrs of Ze phyr spent form ers mother- Pie It left for overseas with Major Bat Mr Mrs also Mr Lewis Dunn over Sunday Miss Harnett and Miss Brooks have returned to Toronto after spending their vacation with Ihn la iters grandparents Frosty LIVE MARKET In Following are the top prices paid Toronto this week Choice Heavy Steers Choice Butcher Cattle Medium Cattle Blockers Springers Milkers Choice Veal Calves Common Hogs off cars I I 1300 Newmarket Aug Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per dot per lb Shorts per ton Potatoes per bag 80 91 BO 0 26 0 26 oo Chickens per lb 0 Toronto i A laro with all this seasons Wheat per bush Oats per bush per bush Hay per Ton iter per lb- Kegs Aug i 0 52 000 S3 j LUNDY Ladies St NEWMARKET r I S AUGUST CLEARING SALE Fancy Floral Muslins Reg Sale Price 14o Fine Quality Batiste Fancy Patterns 36 In Reg and yd Cotton Delaines In dark shades Patterns Re9 8ale Price 14o Ladles Fine Blouses Fancy Trimmed and 93 Sale Price Ladles Princess Fancy Trimmed Keg Price mm JUST ARRIVEDOAR LOAD OF i I J I 8ee Our to lb Inch Clear Butts B Shingles at per They are a Bargain 9 Order by Phone or by Carters Jerry Harrington Ben Man ning or Ajlan LET U8 FILL COAL ORDERS NOW I HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital Paid Up President It- Reserve Fund E HAY Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Mr f Dealers In Government and Munlolpal Dealers Foreign Exohange 8avlngs Department at all Branohes Interest credited halfyearly at Current Rates 100 opens an no count MI Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTE DI80OUNTED FORMS 8UPPLIED ON APPLICATION TRAN8A0TED J a BUSH FIRES AROUND i A number of of or burning in different parts of York County worst of these being In marsh lands around thousands at tons of hay annually out Sunday night the flres were said to be spread- lhnnd number of men were to keep watoh In former years a good of age has taken from flres not In sears havo the marsh lands Our Toronto Letter The Ontario License Board have deoided that they had- no jurisdiction in municipalities where the- Canada Temperance i Act was in force The Board of Control are- free with the peoples money Last week they voted to entortain the delegates at the approaohing Trades Congress on Sept Counoil has grant of towards iV

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