Newmarket Era , August 11, 1916, p. 4

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ft i m feSiS WW III A V 3mm A j A I IK vv t f J opt s fid ii THE MS S- Safely Thrih Change Vegetable Compound fi i- its to S3 Sm KM When I the Change of life I bad ft jmor as largo as a childs head The doctor said it was three years coming gave mo medi cine for It until I was called away from the for time Of I could not to him then so sisterinlaw told tiiat she thought Lyma Vegetable Com pound would cure it It helped both the Change of life and the tumor and V ItooV the remedies until the tumor was gone the doctor said- and I have not felt it since I tell every one bow I was cured If this letter will help you are welcome to use it Mrs E H Bkan Joseph JviUe E a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash ioned roots and herbs meets the needs of womans system at this critical period of her life Try it If there Is any in your cm which youwrite to the Lydia Co Mass ii Hi -rtT- Ideal ezemptipn from assessment or taxation be made and assessment shall ply to the coHection lax and Clerks should bear this feature ot itic Xsi qp The Toronto Star of Friday last makes the following significaat observation iSSfe- S v nisi a Of all overworked women probably If we were to sug- j housewife is the hardest worked that Mr Hearst was going has so much to attend to with to England to dodge the election fc S5TOaSS fcA the value of systemand she should Southwest Toronto we rtfvvtime and take a short rest in the daytime t5V rJ Far more effective than Sticky WjT- Catchers Clean to handle Sold by arid Grocers everywhere rf he As a result of semiofficial of black rust in the spring If it is a headache backache a sen of irritability or twitching and i gravel on- SirSam a to Colonel of wlSi woman says but all the tame he didnt know when are the border in the price of that the real trouble very often centers in the Grain growers in the organs In nine- cases out of ten the this is here and a woman minion will thereby be advantaged should for A in advance j Reports from the West slate that Favorite Prescription rust has not materially affected For diseases from which women suffer crop in that part of Canada- Favorite Prescription is a powerfulre- I storative During the last years it has In answer lo the question- g sands of women the pain worry misery the Mayor an member Of the Court of Revision you are a sufferer get Dr Pierce Of the Municipal World j Favorite Prescription in liquid or teblet form today Then address Dr last issue gives the following answer No Furnace Work f Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Hie Shop I THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO SMITH8 GROCERY The constitution of the Court of Revision in a Town is provided lor in Section of the Assess- Act Where the Council consists of more than live mem bers the Court consists of the five appointed by the Council It appears some kind of under standing has been reached be tween Mr Nor is Conservative nominee for South West Toronto and the Ontario Government touching the liquor license ques tion On Friday last Premier invRlioV Hotel Buffalo and get confidential medical advice entirely free Sir Sam fact in iate toorance as to ills fiends change of heart from UK If vrr of the in WaU Street broker out for himself manufacturers were being constantly told to ant- things were running as t Colonel Allison were still on the old basis Of course if the of ha- known Hie Canadian manufacturer no been told los- Hearst as follows I Excellent Business High School College Departments HEW with LATEST HYGIENIC EQUIPMENTS The largest fa Can rack bower baths fcpecial given Kates understand the position of Mr he is a straight supporter of the governments policy on all public questions in cluding the temperance question And I understand he gave the convention nominating him an tin support the government and vote with This announcement of the seems to infer that has abandoned his and declaration of a nays ago it Mr wine few AGRICULTURE IN ONTARIO l I Summer Session Now open In 8haws Business Toronto Gontnues until Aug 28th when Fall Term be gins No vacations Enter any time Free catalogue Write W H President an ST NEWMARKET I FLOWERS -OF- All Kinds Floral Designs of every de scription made on short notice 8 PHONE 13 A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED In ftvery gowl town and district In Ontario where we are not represented In a lengthy the To ronto Daily News recently of Uni versity dealt most thoroughly Willi the question of agricultural development and land lie referred to the problems which will arise after the war with the return of the soldiers and the breakup munition plants professor liointed out that lilt great obstacle to the rapid settle ment of New Ontario lay in the iaek of- capital Settlers must be provided with capital even to induce lluin to free land grants Walker Presi dent of the Canadian Hank of Commerce bus pointed out that banks are expressly and delibe rately prohibited from so doing making term loans to fann ers since by their very nature their assets must be in liquid form In the face of this au thority the responsibility for the farmers of Ontario gelling the assistance they require seems to more than ever devolve on the government at Toronto has been enacted with the object providing govern mental assistance hut as ressor remarks as yet little or nothing in a practical has been attempted under the legislation Much depends upon the finan cial help rendered the fann ing community to secure On tarios future prosperity It is not enough for the government to pass legislation presumably to avert suspicion from its actual inactivity agriculturists of i be province are demanding that vigorous action be taken lo aid litem in developing the agricul tural of Hie province which represent the basic indus try of the country The great lire in Northern calls for immediate action on the part of the government not only to provide relief for the but lo put forth real efforts to meet the problem of re protection and furnish mon etary assistance for the thorough opening up and development of litis expansive and fertile region The whole world seems lo he a dead set against Sams honorary According to the London newspapers here are loo hem on Picadllly and the giv ing fine old lawny generals no risked heir lives in India and parts of the British Empire the arm ache answering their salute There Is widespread opinion in London that these tin colonels of Sams ouhl to justify then fine feathers doing a work at life front On top of these criticisms comes tin puffMeredith report which crimp in two honorary colonels of Sams making narninp their names and pointing out their faults In down right fashion Honorary Colonel John Wesley Allison is with ban faith toward his friend and Sponsor Major General Sir Sam Hughes Honorary Colonel David Is charged with bail Judgment in recom mending a contract for graze fuses for he American Ammunition Company when graze fuses could have been made for a dollar less each In Cana da This lapse of judgment on Colonel Carnegies part resulted in of the peoples money being us It were to the birds Commis sion let Colonel Carnegie down rather easy They point out that he was overburdened with- work and Imply that he was possibly suffering from brain fag when he As for Sir Sams friend and super- patriot Colonel John Wesley Allison the Commission offers no excuses They are of the opinion that his lef hand knew all along what Mils hand wag taking although he tell the minister of Militia anything about It Perhaps Colonel Allison didnt think it necessary to tell Sir Sam because he had already received gravel and If Sir Sam dldnl know what scratching gravel meant In ought to Incidentally there was nothing In the evidence to thai Sir Sam was pained or surprise when learned that his friend was in would be busings therri Colonel Allison- how- lo have had business with Canadians erred to hatch- mushroom com panies In the United Slates where h watch them closer Colonel Al tons love for Canada worked ou very for he pre ferred to switch nil the business to the United States iced was Colonel Allisons love for Sam that whenever he could lie rive Sir Sams native land the wors A it How Sir Sams heart bleed when he reads the Commissioners re port and finds how his friend threw dm down I One can Imagine the cars flooding his eyes and watcrlog- his copy of the report the Commission think hat Colonel John Wesley Allison did lot play a square game and just as the Militia Department now the tutelage of Under Secretary believes that he was gut It a flank movement for word has ued that Colonel Allison he likes Just here arise a number it prickly questions Does an honorary resign when his honor excised by the report of a Royal Commission If an honorary colonei A Sir Sams making resigns does his resign with him In pursuit of its boasted virtue of standing by his i lends docs Sir Sam accompany them oblivion Sir Sums hero having been found guilty of grabbing- com missions which- as a disinterested al- wflS supposed to spurn Is there oblique reflection on Sir Judgment In the Choice of friends p LITTLE LOTUS FLOWER hi i I Vpakum produced and that finished inch Territory reserved for the right man Highest commissions paid matter HEW Including the MEW 8T THIS with Yoak um to pull down a commission of million dollars on the American Am munition Company cop tract Tlia Indeed was where heir hi cam I Colonel Allison furnished the work As had to lei somebody else the profit on the fuses limy cashed In at the start Very little lime seems to have laps ed Sir Sams sratell ftrAvel order and Colonel Allisons activity III thftt Colonel had al ready had some practice gravel Canadian War Contract were concerned and he Hold Colls re volvers wholesale to the Ml II tin De partment for four dollars each could purchased In by retail dealers From lie Company Col Allison got a present for his general work on their behalf hut his general work was as not Including any thing he had unloaded on Canada file distinction was as you will observe tweedledum and did dot receive a commission from no people on Canadian business but he accepted a present for Ids tfjn- eral work on their behalf main vajuc of tle Incident no doubt was indicate to Colonel Allison thai was plenty of gravel to he scratched In Canada as soon as In to get busy Of course thai not he until Sir Sum lifted the After that the Colonel wont enough He fioon ban small Colts friendly lots We One Hundred DeMars Re mi for any of Catarrh tiat caanot be Halls Catarrh Cure J Co We the I Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all trannctloDS and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm NATIONAL RANK OF COMMERCE eared could ban ahead fast fc proved bat as a gravel be had body Pise between the two Oceans backed Into a corner and When Sir gave Colonel Wesley Allison carte blanche to greedy at he It wasnt as if was coaching somebody who had learn about he gravel Colonel All Hairs Catarrh Cm Toledo O re Is taken in ternally setlng directly the and mucous surfaces the system Testimonials sent free Price cent pet bottle Sold by ill Hans for hfl ad Hon hod already scratched gravel In connection French and war con tracts and knew how to go about It No sooner- did Major General Sam him run Canadian war man the American Ammunition was formed which netted practicaHy without turning a Benjamin Franklin Yoakum had pre viously paid him 2o000 sit in and for that sum Colonel Alilaon al lowed the privilege of doing inns of the hard work What Colonel lo Ihe was Spat Phil looked Up as the great while blossom fell at his feel just in lime to be struck in the face by another Hello lit tle boy dont you want lo come into my garden called a sweel childish voice in English The prettiest Chinese girl he had ever seen was smiling down at him from the other side of Ihe wall Now in China nice little girls especially mandarins little girls are not really expected to throw flowers at little American boys or invite them into their fathers gardens Hut this little man darin was very advanced in his ways and little Lotus Flower was brought up more like an Ameri can girl than a Chinese princess Phil was not doing anything very foolish when li picked up boll and said Yes prin cess I should Then climb over the wall Do mil Blind those flowers they are flirty will give you some more The wall was not very high and Phil easily over Into garden The princess clap ped her hands You are the first white boy I have ever been so dose to and I think you are vary nice I Lotus Flower us I guess you and my father is a manda rin- He could your head cut off if lie wanted lo but bo wont He Is nice and does just as I say I- am ten years old Now what is your name and who are you Phil laughed My name is Phil Sydney Ward but everybody calls me Ihjf and I am Then I shall call you Phil too And who your father Phil Well he mends peoples bends instead of cutting them off They call him a mission ary The little frowned I dont like missionaries Phil and I am sure that I shall let you slay In my garden But l will You seem lo bo Here my father will ask him a The tall dignified mandarin had come out of Ihe pavilion to sec whom his little girl was talk ing with Father this is Phil He is a nice boy but bis father Is a mis sionary Shall I lot him stay in my garden I The mandarin and then grave If you are To help the people of China replied Phil promptly But we do not need stronger and- wiser than nation audi the missionaries only- us But yOu are loo young to understand these things Show him the peacocks Flower and and duck jppnd And the mandarin walked back into arid became so engrossed in state that he straightway forgotali about the That was beginning a great friendship between Phil arid Lotus they spent mViiyhappyafternpons together The mandarin would sometimes sit and watch he a rest from duties which took up his time He seemed to have taken liking to the Phils father and missionaries and all to prevent them extending it His opposi- thin which was rather surprising as lie was known tobe iiye in ways was a ToThe One day Phil came into the garden and Lotus flower was there Ihslead old mandarin was seated all by the door of his pavilion re were markg of tears on his face Lotus Flower cannot play with you today Phil he said She is very sick and the doctors all say she must die Oh mandarin cried- Phil wont you let mo bring my father to see her Perhaps he can cure her mandarin hesitated L always told my people lo have nothing to do with the litries or white doctors But I love my little girl and our say they can do no more Yes Phil be may come and oh bring him quick How Phil rushed to the mis sionary compound I Dr Ward was at home and lost no time in hastening lo the bedside of the little patient J Appendicitis he exciaihicd at once We must I He expected a of opposi tion but the mandain only Our doctors have given up and the cas is in your hands Do what seems best to you Little Lotus Flower did not die three weeks later she was strong enough to play a in the garden Then on day her lathers slate palanquin appear ed at the copipound I have brought my Utile girl to see your hoy the manda- explained And while they playing you and I will talk about your work You know more- about- medicine than out doctors perhaps you know more about other things than we do I am willing lo learn Now oui work will prosper said Dr Ward after the had gone And Phil I think the credit belongs to you and little Lotus Flower rfff 1 S r i i It s xtf- ELECTRIC HEATING APPLIANCES I at present a stock of Electric Heating and Cooking Appliances as follows Hptpolnt Ejeotplo Iron Canadian Beauty Iron 375 Canadian Beauty Toaster 375 Quality Toaster Grill Hughes Stove 3heat A demonstration of any of these devices will be given on request Electric Wiring of Every Description ALFRED STARR Electrical Contractor MARKET BUILDING NEWMARKET- YOUR FOR THE Dominion War Loan MON TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA WILD WEST AT THE EXHIBITION Pawnee Bill the millionaire banker and one of the few remaining members of the old western pioneers Is bring ing his big wild beast west produc tion pioneer- Days to the Canadian National Mile Dilis last appearance at the Exhibition was In when a very small show In his present production he has over head of stock and there are people In his company lnchi1- Ing some of the worlds champion horsemen rifle shots and ropers He will appear on the midway and In- ad dition will present each afternoon ami In front of the stand a half dozen of Ida best acts MAIN SOUTH Clearing Out Our Summer Wear TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS CANADIAN EXHIBITION Sepl Empire Federation to Spectacle fe Performers 10 Massed Bands Chorus of Voices Glorious Pageant Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia ment Westminster Abbey and the War Office ON AND UNDER SEA A ON LAND A IN THE AIR R that thrilled the by Overseas As our Storo Is small and our FALL GOODS are Arriving we are Selling All Our Goods at a BIG REDUCTION Here are a few of the artloles which we will mention A line of Silk and Underskirts reg for 59c Silk Blouse Assorted Colors and Sizes for Boots Special from 3 to for sd A Urge Stock of Boots for Ladles and Gents at a Big Reduction In Price to Clear Them Out- IF 3 Doors South of Klnc Hotel Proprietor AUTO FOR HIRE droops Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp Trench WrfVeHnd Bomb of by Hidden Mines Bayonet Fighting Federation Year Completo New boy I think ho may missionaries are feeCte In their own Ihem Why do conio Exhibits Superb of Live stock and Agricultural Product Aorea of Farmers Sons Attention- WOODSTOCK COLLEGE WOODSTOCK ONT Offers a Designed Course to Hoys from the Farm November to English Agriculture Physio Forging Commercial Law Cor- rospondoncc Commercial Arithmetic Bible A thoroughly practical training to meet the needs of man on the Farm Woodstock College is a Residential School for Boys Menone of the Most Completely Equipped in Canada Other CoursesPass and Honor Matriculation and Business Write for Calendar i AT MaeNEILL A For personal interview see WJgj EREAMAN Hill J fc GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE W pm pm iii pm 1000 GOING SOUTH Leave a a pi No early train Monday morning andiio Al a IT 340 Toronto i Newmarket am am a- pm MOP laWttoin Saturday gj Camp Borden Newmarket on Sunday only

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