crank Duncan SMITH Newmarket phone Mr Dennis Whit- church reports a yieidVof about 35 bushels of Faliheat to the acre- The sample is considered good though not quite up to last year York Radial Picnic Wilkinson DENTIST rtvff Grocery Dr Lewis Osteopath E TREATMENTS Sinusoida phone Newmarket J- B1 in Medicine of Ci also Licentiate of Phy lh 1 member of the Royal surgeons of England 5l assistant Sm Eve Hospital and Ear Noseband he annual picnic of the employees of the Metropolitan Railway which took place at Bond Lake on Thursday of last week was a great success the most largely attended of any yet held Quite a lot of Newmarket peo ple look in the dance at night It was ilygii by ticciai fop King and Country CaptABGreeiiwaodtCAMa Pte Draper Lieut Jack Lieut Lieut Harry Penrose am Cheaper than you will be able to secure them for 4 Softool Exams Tiie of Middle School exaniiiift1 into the Normal School for York County are below Successful candidates who desire the coining ses sion at Schools are notified that their for admission mus he made to the Deputy Minister of ion not than Monday Aug The Normal solioyls will open Tuesday a 111 a- DECLINE SUBSTITUTES OF NORTH ON TARIO FOREST FIRES ARE DELUSIONS i Lieut- Robertson B Greenwood Pie Geo Phone in i London k Telephone Hours lirL CPMorton Insurance Ottawa Aug 1916 patches out from Northern Ontario to the effect that the re cent forest fires have not been without their blessings in the matter- of clearing agricultural land and helping are vigorously disputed here by the which ail Canadian Forestry Association BOX AND JEWELLER II -J- Vvah A Barker A A yJ Duncan J K Iitwii I Ms ii- It Running Shields A J Park Avenue Now Post Office- Bert Green Ave 2nd house from ftueen Street Newmarket PO Box Bolton Hewitt Painter Paper Hanger led House Decorator Niagara Street mar A I NEWMARKET rtcber of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of ilulruraeAts Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia Grafono- and Records Stock Prompt Service motoring Party Nearly Killed a miracle nine people in a motor car driven by J Woods College Street Toronto escaped death when the machine overturned in front of Sir Farm St about oclock Sunday morning Alio car contained six adults and three children and was going to Midland when on the bad piece of road at this point a rear tire blew out and the driver partially lost control of the car Swerv ing to the side of the road it struck the guard rail and fell in to the ditch and rested in an ov erturned position The passengers were all more or less injured and it is a my stery how they escaped without a fatality MacFarlane of the was knocked un conscious cut about the face and had an arm fractured in two Jackson Issuer of LICENSES Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re if desired NEWMARKET It was pointed out this morning by the Secretary Mr for every acre of ag ricultural land helped by the lire probably five acres- of treegrowing land have been disastrously affected Over huge areas of try swept by the fire the only crop possible to grow is a tree crop stated Mr Black Fire- not only kills the merchantable timber on such land but does away with the young growth which the future woodharvests of those areas ab solutely depend Under present conditions it is extremely doubt ful if more than a fraction of the timber still standing will be sal vaged The loss is therefore of most serious proportions be cause only crop that thous ands of North Ontario acres will grow namely pulp wood and limber is cleaned out by fire the chance of new forests arising is greatly reduced and these non- agricultural acres must head for a condition of barrens instead of producing valuable wood crops year after year and supporting numerous industries in the fu ture As for the real agricultural land from which the forest growth has been partially burnt the incoming settler is in just- about the same state as if he the tract in its na tural green condition The it- places His wife was cut about the face and had an arm fractured trunks of the trees still stand He the hips and had her foot injured must fell them burn them and One of the children suffered an injured arm and the others re ceived minor hurts The injured given medical attention by Dr Wesley of Newmarket The car a heavy was com pletely smashed Our Toronto Letter Warble ire ire 39 ion LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones- Wi Wore ordering elsewhere W for Building Purposes and Made to Order GEO OXIDIZED On Notice d for Sale DAVIS of Bank of Toronto REMOVED YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE W0RK8 JOHN and Importer of Foreign J Omeglle Granites and Designs in jwisail Headstones All kinds work promptly to Call and see before J- All kinds of Who Stone Cut to Order moss Box 412- Removed to H OldStand Huron l Loan and western Five to ten Writ and second Low payable Privilege repay it tettd Old W off Increased J Sold Wfooge4 No private tW A S Victoria A deputation from Northern Ontario waited on the Provincial Government this week to consider plans for the reconstruction of the burned territory Lake Shore cars collided near Mi mi on Monday One passen ger was severeiy hurt The service of intercession to lie held in Convocation Hall on Sunday afternoon at oclock will he conducted by Col- the Rev A Williams and the speakers will be the Rev Logan and Captain the Rev A Cameron Dr Albert Ham will have charge of the music and Mr A Ross will sing Kiplings- Recessional The Provincial Resources Com mittee are now planning to gel men who have been rejected for overseas service to engage in munition work They claim men who cannot gut to the front would do belter work than ablebodied chaps who insist on laying off to go to picnics as Ihey have found to be the case in some factories A broke on the lake shortly after dinner time on Monday ami upset a yacht The occupants managed to hang on the bottom of the vessel until help reached them The that Angliu would receive the ap- lointment of Medical Officer of I he Royal Military College at Kingston was a mistake Gardiner gets the Situation Royal Highness the Duke if naught GovernorGeneral of the Dominion has been invit ed to open the this being the final year ofhis slay in Canada Preparations are being made to make the occasion of unusual interest- The new formers market open ed recently in North Toronto is proving very successful are now able to purchase farm produce- at first cost cents per lb on butter arid two or three cents per dozen on eggs is thus saved to consumers Beach on Monday while bathing Theresa suddenly tapped Into deep water and being unable to swim vas drowned in sight of throngs of people At a meeting of the Womens Emergency Corps held last Fri day at which Mrs dimming presided a resolution was passed slating that the or ganization would continue 16 work for recruiting and- that they would hold themselves fil places of men In the com mercial and industrial world In order that the latter might fight remove the stumps Meanwhile the rich humus of the forest is lost lo him by fire which he could have saved for his crops by the ordinary safe method of land clearing any doubt the violence of the forest fires in Northern On tario could have been offset by precautions which havebeen urg ed upon the Ontario Government year after year Settlers- clear ing fires are generally accepted as the immediate cause of the conflagration For weeks before the final outburst of uncontrol lable flame these small fires smouldered in many parts of the north Dry hot weather turned the forests into a mass of ready kindling and at the height of the Sig Pearson Hill si CH Mortimer I Ross G A Smith Major Walter Trivett Geo- Vale Corp Bailey Corp Corp Cody Corp A Dixon CorpWm Dunn H Godwin Corp E Corp Hardin Corp J Herman Gilroy W J Mountain Corp Morris Corp Proctor Corp John West Or Master Set A Smith Wheeler Dunn Gunner Carl Gunner Mont Bandsman Harrison r Gunner Clark Gunner Clark Gunner Samuel Carter Gunner A Martin Gunner Lloyd Gunner Verne Gunner Bruce Morton Gunner Howard P Proctor Gunner A Sanders Gunner Wesley Driver Lyons Inch Sapper H Fennel Sapper Gibson Sapper Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Sapper flarry Stephens Bandsman Ross Pte A Adams Adams Pte Roy Anderson H Pie Bailey J Pte Caldwell Brown Pie Barnes Barber Geo A Bisson Pte Art Frank Reg Norman Blair Pie J A Cox Pie P Pie Pte J Clark Pie Ted Pie v Cox Pto Samuel Carter Jack Gunner Ed Cheadle Arthur Cheadle Pte Is via I i drought the hundred ami one fuses from the settlers clearings set off the fearful holocaust No settler should have hcen permitted to start a fire during I he season of abnormal risk Quebec British Columbia and Nova Scotia place heavy lines on settlers who thus risk the safety of whole townships but Ontario despite examples on all sides of her has refused lo interfere with the settlors rights to cause such tragedies as have been now re corded In place of the North Ontario fires increasing the value of land as has been claimed the assets of the entire district decreased The first concern of a settler the safety of his life has no safeguard so long as the CI Ay belt Region is supplied by the Government with the merest skel eton of real fire protection Win Cain Pie Stanley Draper PteE Oilman Enlisted In No Henderson Hill A Hare Hartford Howard Signaller Charlie Hilts Signaller Hilts Sapper A Pie Irwin PteR- Jones Johnson Pte Ernest Johnston Pte James Pto Kennedy Kelly Kaiser Pie Pte Pte Geo Pte Ptt Silas Miller Martin Pte Ezra Morrison Millar Pie Miller Pie Mitchell Pte J Moore Pte- Geo Murdopk McKay Ptc John J McDonald Pte Donald MvDonald Jos McDonald Pie Pie McKay W McGill F Mcllale Pie Newman Pte Norman Osborne Pte Potter Pte Pearson Pte Penrose Pte J Robinson Pie J Rowland Pte Carl Stouffer Pte McLean Stewart Pie Geo Smith Pie H W Smith Pte Smith J Shelley Stoddard Pie Stone Pie A Smith Pte Smith Ptc Claude Vale Pte Reg Wilson Pte Geo West Ptc Wesley Ptc J Ward Pie A Williamson Pte J W Wallace Pie Wilson Pte P Wright 1 V Pickering College Newmarket ENTER ANY TIME r The Fall Term Opens Wednesday 8ept Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teaohers Examinations COURSES IN A Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department A ART I Address W P FIRTH A Principal i HP Gasoline CONDITION Sell for I 4 A Lot of Pulleys and Hangers at Each Also Betting at Half Price Enquire at Era Office Newmarket THOU8AND8 OF MEN REQUIRED FOR HARVEST ING IN WE8TERN CANADA MM Thousands of men are requir ed to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop The task of transporting to the West great army of workers will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pa cific- Railway Excursions from points in On tario lo Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta will be run and spe cial trains operated making the about thirtysix hours without change or transfer Going Trip West to Winnipeg Returning Trip East from Winnipeg Consult P Agents re garding transportation west of Winnipeg- GOING DATES August and From rontoSudbury and East but not Including Smiths Falls or Renfrew also from Main Line East of Sudbury to but not Including North Bay Ashquab J Andrews W Albinson Waller R Aril Abbs Charles Burrows Lawrence W Hodley Thos Burrows Blair Bailie Ernest Dunn Rob t Jas Big Canoe Enoch Leslie 1 Cor p J Maurice Barnard Brown Geo J Black Harry Beck Richard Marshall Holland George Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp Brooks David Herbert Cole Percy Charles Oscar Charpenticr Frederick Wm Council Wm Hugh Fred Cooper Chapman Wm Donald WHmot Dcsautel joe If Dewesbury Lewis 2 Company 127th York Rangers Battalion Graham Fred Godfrey Thomns Glover Leslie J Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp i 1 Hill George Win Geo A Ilbuser Silas Huston L Hill Sydney Hopper John Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James Lee John A Henry Lecflon Benjamin Liscombo Leslio Miller Mnrrilt John Mcintosh Mears Fred Mcthcrall J McTavish Brown McDonald John McLaughlin Carl McGonlgle Rowland Corp Norwood John Nugent Walter Near Rupert OHcarn Frank Orton Goo Pearson Clarence Page Leonard John Pipher Melbourne We still have a few hundred dollars worth of Furniture loft out of Mr Stock vhloh we are making big on A few Items are Suits 8ldoboards 2 Buffets 1 Combination and Bookcase Hall Rack Oak Parlor Suits Extension Tables Iron Body and Many Other Smaller FRED SKINNER Dealer In Furniture and Funeral Undertakers License License James Clarke Juincs Smith Frank S Win Geo Saunders Walter IM Martin Leslie John Thomas Sheppard W J Simmorson Townsloy Charles Thayer William A Taylor Martin Tremayne Thompson Frank Tunny Walter Thomas Wellington White Sydney M Wilkinson Corp Watson Oscar Sydney Wells James Woods M Leonard Weir John Young Geo York Sanson y i f L JIM Newmarket Won Who Have E F 2nd York Peat Edward Wrn Pratt Albert O Dougherty Stewart J Dean Horry Donne William Will Eves Wm William Fee J FOgal Albert- Flanagan Roy Rye Alvin Henry Rose Robinson Win Donald Roneomr Wm Rose Ross Rye Freeman Eves Samuel j v A Ivan V Davis Capt A Cane L P Davidson Atkinson Pte Andrews Pie W M M Butcher A Pto A Cameron Pto N N Craddook Pto W J Corner Pto E Crocker Pto J Caldwell Pie K- Cousin Pto Evans A Evans Pie Foster Hughes Hutchinson Hartford Jefferson Pto A Pte H PteHC Marshall Pte J Mullen Jos Patterson J A Pto A A Pte Prossor JH Patterson Ralph M Rose J Roberts A J i mm lor their King and country Agent