The Kind You Can De pend Upon to at Watsons Jewelry JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor J The Leading County Paper as No paper North York paid NEWMARKET TRY HARDWARE Single Copies 3o each I Our 3 kc lie do for be ok FOR RANGES AND HEATERS Electric and Coal Oil Heaters Mechanics Tools if Roofing Pipes and Fittings Paints Varnishes and Stains Automobile Accessories he he y in as be it IK He of ire It tat THE Phone 28 PAINT STORE NEWMARKET BANK- snald florton ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS SIX VKCEKT tCVO A rti C Eh H E14 D 1 En- J rkk Capital Total Apt A SAVINGS ACCOUNT may opened at any branch of the Bank of Deposits of and upwards on which interest is allowed C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD S LUMBER AT HALF PRICE To Clear Out OF Odd Lots HEMLOCK PLANKS and Inches 12 To per ft P PEARSON Office Phone Order from Carter Bishop John Murphy INCORPORATES BANK of CaplUl Reserve Fund tt S Money Orders and Drafts remitting money Urge or do so by means of the and Monty Issued the Back of Toronto It only a few mtctute to and they are a protection to both sender and recipient In Ontario Quebeo and West BRANCH A M LISTER Manager Trrrrvrrrrr uilding Material OF ALL KINDS Umber LATH The Central on College Street is coming so crowded that Lieut is preparing lb open the Knox College Convalescent Home as soon as possible There are patients at the College Street Hospital and many are arriving eaeli dry for treatment The honor roll of the Sons of was unveiled Su preme President J Proctor last week There are now 5100 members at the front from Can ada and have fallen in tie Ail death claims have been paid A boy climbed a telegraph pole in Toronto last week arid the fire brigade had to be called out to get him down again A Toronto girl Miss Archibald has been- appointed extension Secretary of the London Eng C A The finals of the Toronto and District Lawn Bowlers Associa tion were won by- the Brampton Club last week The were the Hamilton An official on the Police Court staff of this city declares pro hibition is working wonders for Toronto On Thursday only two arrests for drunkenness were made Under the license system the number would probably have been three score It is reported that militia of ficers will make a housetohouse canvass of York Ontario and Peel Counties for recruits The Hon Provincial declares the report of his resignation from the Ontario Cabinet as absolutely untrue On motion of Controller Cam eron the Board ordered a probe into the cause of bakers again making a rise in the price of bread The Board also decided to ask the City Council to order a general probe into the high cost of foodstuffs in Toronto and the costof fuel Thats business Following an investigation conducted by Richardson last week three military officers a chemist of the Hospital of Charities and been arrested by the military authorities on a charge of stealing foodstuffs intended for the Military Base Hospital They will be tried by courtmar tial Justice A Macdonald Win nipeg was in Toronto over Sun day last He is Judge of the Kings Bench Division of Mani toba In Fridays Police Court there was not a vagrant or a disorderly case before the Magistrate The only reminder of the days before prohibition were four cases of which the parties procured liquor before the Tem perance Act came into force To recover possession of in bank bills alleged to have been stolen from the New Westminster branch of the Bank of Montreal five years ago the Bank of Mont real has entered action against Chief of Police M and the Bank of Toron to at Hall Both temperance men and the liquor forces regard the open door to import liquor into On tario as a lobpliolG which amending Leo Lyons 1 years old re ceived falal injuries mi Friday last when be was crushed be tween an automobile driven by Miss Bean and Hydro pole An- enormous Incubator Is designed by the engineer at llivenhilc the Ostrich egg which ar rive In Toronto and twice a week The Hoys Exhibition at Rlverdale IuhI week grand success No less than COO boys exhibitors The entries numbered and offered reached The rabbit exhibit was ahead Of the National Fair this year At a conercnoo of officers last week It was decided to maintain eix Battalions of soldiers In Toronto this winter Of these four will be quartered at the Grounds one at Jesse School and one between Crawford and Glvens Street Miss Pearl Wilkin Is the first woman fined for being the Influence since prohibition wa Inaugurated and costs were Imposed by the court or ten days In prison She de cided It was cheaper to go to prison as she would have WO and her board bill PRIZE OF SCHOOL Held at Sharon 22nd Class Poultry Bredto B Rooks Sec Cockerer Daisy Si Howlett 3 Great Smith A Jack 5 Gladys Flanagan Max Glover Sec Pullet Daisy Russell a Mnwlfttt 2 3 Howlett palsy Stevenson Mafnprize Class Oats Murray Smith 3 Class 3 Field Corn Wisconsin No 7 Gordon Gale 8 Florence 7 Robert Bailie 3 Class Sweet Corn Golden Bantam Are We Downhearted Ho Despond not Britain should this sacred hold Freedom still inviolate be assailed The high unblenchirig spirit which prevailed In ancient days is neither dead nor cold FAIR PRIEE WINNERS I f 3 Cecil Alma Cole Arthur Ross Boyd 3 Roy 4 Ralph RIshmeal 6 Edward Kershaw Class 6 Turnips Carters i Fred Ramsay 2 Frank Knight 3 Kenneth Walter Hill Donald Smith 6 Leon Class Mangels Yellow Leviathan Charlie Tindale 3 Boss Watson Ernie Deavitt Class Beets Detroit Dark Rcd Mabel Marlon Ramsay- 3 Clifford West Velma Vera Hall 4 Class Onions Yellow Globe Edith Rogers 13 Class Carrots Gordon 2 Calvin wass 4 Irvine Ross Harvey Robertson Lewis Class Alters Giant Comet Lena Wass 2 Smith Mary Dora Glover Clara Rolling Class Coll of Weeds i Willie Kathleen Class Coll of Weed Seeds Mary Arthur Elva Class Coll of Insects Bcrnlce Cook Marian Greta Smith Gladys Flanagan Dorothy Ramsay fi Dora Hover Coll kings would have hailed As worthy peers invulnerably mailed Because by Dutys sternest law controlled Thou yet rise and send abroad thy voice Among the nations battlingfor the right In the unrustcd armor of thy youth And the oppressed shall hear it and rejoice For on thy side is the resist less might Of Freedom Justice and Eter nal Truth I Our birth is but a sleep and a getting The soul that rises with us our lifes star Hath elsewhhre had its sotting And from afar Not in entire forgetfulness And not in utter nakedness But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God who is our home Wordsworth i I- 3 7 5 Clam 5 3 Continued from last week Crochet Counterpane Misses Gould 2nd Miss Linen Mrs John King 2nd Mrs J Davidson Set Dinner Dresser Cover and Pin Cushion Men whom thy grand old sea- 1 Wisher 2nd Mrs John King Braiding on Cotton Mis- Pillow Emb Mrs J Kay 2nd Mrs John King Tea Cloth oclock Miss Misses Gould Drawn Work Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Davidson Tatting Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs j Davidson Sideboard Fisher 2nd Mrs J King Tea Miss Fisher 2nd J Davidson Table Centrepiece Miss Fish er 2nd Mrs Fancy D GoverMiss Scott 2nd Mrs J Kay Handkerchief Case Miss Fish er 2nd Misses Gould Outline Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Lulu Ernes Darned Net Miss Fisher 2nd Misses Gould Bowing Plain hand Made Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs J Dav idson Sewing Ladies Underclothing Miss Fisher Childs Dress Mrs Davidson 2nd Mrs John King Miss Fisher Mount Miss Fisher Painting in Oil Portrait Mrs J Davidson Painting in Oil Landscape Misses Gould Painting in Water Col r Land scape Misses Gould Painting on ChinasMisses Gould 2nd Mrs J Davidson Pierced Brass Mrs J D Dav idson Wood Carving Miss Fisher Burnt Wood Misses Gould 2nd Mrs J Davidson Applique Work Miss Fisher Pillow Sham Drawn Work Miss Fisher Photo Frame Miss Fisher 2nd Misses Gould Button Hole Collection Miss Fisher Quilt Mrs J D Davidson 2nd Mrs Barker Quilt Log Cabin Mrs J D Davidson 2nd Miss Quilt A V Mrs J Da vidson Hat Mat hooked Mrs Barker 2nd Mrs J Davidson Wool Mat hooked Mrs J Davidson Ladies Wear Miss Ladies Apron Handmade BRILLIANT VICTORY FOR CAN ADIANS Take 1200 Prisoners and Guns Canadian corps headquarters Prance Sept via The Canadian troops have been actively participating in the great battle of the Already in a series of brilliant attacks they have forced the Germans buck for over a mile beyond their original line They have captur Farm and having An ally overcome a desperate resist ance they have attacked and arried the- sugar refinery and its lines of connecting trenches and following up this success with a boldness of plan and action of execution not excelled in this war they have in the organized and delivered lacks which made thorn masters of the whole village of Courcc- The Canadians have taken over 1 prisoners 32 of ficers together with two guns a large number of machine guns several heavy or trench mortars and in the course of the heavy and sustained fighting they have inflicted very serious losses upon the enemy A Montreal Battalion was Pie YEARS AGO From Era 28 The ladies of the Presbyterian Church announce that they will hold a grand Bazaar on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Mr J Edmaiul is offering a handsome Cruet Stand and But ter Cooler as a prize f the best or- Crock of Butter exhibit ed at the coming East Fair Mr offers a Churn for the best Firkin or Crock of Butter on exhibition at the approaching Newmarket Fair An inquest was held at Hotel Sutton on the on view the body of George Reefs found dead on the Base Line in North Terry Esq was Acting Coroner A verdict of accident al death from falling intba pool of water was returned The Legislature has been mak ing a change in the qualifications o both Councillors and electors Market prices Fall Wheat to day is quoted at to Barley to Oats 25o Peas Butter 15c to a lb Eggs iOc per dozen and Pork per V I J J 25 YEARS AGO of Diseased Plants P08T8 ETC -AIO- MOULDINGS AND TRIM Trim Is Throuflh Our Dry kilns Not Shrink It Put Up THE CANE S0N8C0 a 1 Ceo Hill Lena Soillll Class Coll Grains Deal rice Thompson Class oil of Native Wright Hush Win McMillan Class Northern Spy Apples Ada Wright Florence llurcli Hogg 4 Wans Class Snow Apples Stella Maries Hogg Mary Marlon Ada Wright Class Apple Coll Ada Wright Florence a Daisy Harry Duckies Class Tabic Bouquet Marlon Hopkins Beatrice Thompson Ada Wright Velma Bertie Bain Hose Class Tomatoes Marlon Ramsay Hayes 3 Harold Hone Pearl Jack Ruth Turney Class Largest Squash Mary Hill Flanagan Mario Watson 4 Willie MHlcr Geo Miller a Etc 10 2 10 first to enter the battle coming Up through a heavy hostile bar rage to the assistance of hard- pressed troops in the middle of an attack They were closely followed by the Canadian Scottish and by Toronto Bat talion These Battalions they delivered no assault given a very difficult and trying task to perform They were shelled heavily in trenches newly dog or recently captured from the enemy and the location of which it was almost impossible to determine Yet despite ad verse conditions they consolidat ed their trenches and repelled several hostile bombing attacks LTD The IrishCanadian Battalion strong were accorded a royal welcome when they alighted from the special train at Aurora Friday afternoon preparatory to a three days visit In town Mayor Baldwin the members of the Town Council and the band together with hundreds of citi zens were at the station to welcome the soldiers sod reception was held on athletic grounds Lun cheon was served by the women of the town And every provision was made for the Comfort of officers and men the Mechanics Hall town hall of the churches befog utilized Some of of flyfff Te quartered at the homes of frietids i 4 4 Huntley Class SpringColt Crouton Murray Smith Ross Linton Class Calf Breed Lindsay Byron 11111 w f w VVIWMUI several of churches being utilised rfnott i quartered at rtrw NEWMARKET the homes of friends i 3 Geo Hill Class Calf Beef Breed Wm Class Driving Boys Arthur Irvine nose 3 Harold Byron Hill Class Driving 2 Grace Maggie THE A O U To the Editor of the Era I see In your issue of September 1st the A Order is now advising policy holders who have attained over the age of years Hint their policies are cancelled Therefore I am a Victim to the extent of which I have paid the order in assessments on a 2000 policy I look upon this as a premeditated swindle there fore I suggest a Committee bo ap pointed to get In touch with one hundred or more policy holders who are cut off for ttro purpose of raising a fund to flic a suit In law and if we fail to get redress from 11 Courts then appeal to the who has power to legislate and force them to disgorge the money the ore rob bing of in daylight They have the money for on Peb 28th they issued a statement showing their financial standing In which thoy slated all death claims were paid and they hold bonds debentures against various cities In Canada amounting to fir ing 4 per cent Interest Now I one map wjjio will Join one hundred more or less nut no money required to flght the of the order to a finish if we unite and work we will surely got redress Wo will prove ourselves fonts to allow the officers to on Joy our money like to hear from men who are willing to Join fight Johnson Miss Fisher- 2nd Mrs Davidson Ladies Knitted Jacket Miss Fisher Crocheted Jacket Miss 2nd Misses Gould Wool Miss Fish er 2nd Mrs Davidson Bootees Miss Fisher Cotton Lace MrsW Barker Hand Hag Miss Fish er 2nd Misses Sofa Pillow any kind Misses 2nd Miss Lulu Bines Cross Stitch Ml as Fish er Pillow Gases Miss Lulu Mines 2nd Miss Fisher Punch Work Miss Fisher Pillow Shams any kind Miss es Gould Irish Lace Fisher Ton Gosey Misses 2nd Miss Fisher Darned Stockings Mrs Silver 2nd Miss Fisher Fancy Work Hag Mrs John King 2nd Misses Collection of Towels Misses Gould Novelties Misses Work Plain Needlework Helen Cut tle Hemmed Handkerchiefs Helen Cuttle 2nd Ethel Taylor Outline Work Hon King 2nd Doris McDonald Silk on Linen Lena Car penter Fancy Pin CushionMargaret Crochet Work Helen Cuttle Dressed Doll Doris McDonald 2nd Marjorio Cronsberry Pencil drawing Carpen ter 2nd Margaret Copy Helen Cuttlo 2nd Taylor Free Hand Taylor 2nd Margaret Bennett Layer Cake Ethel Taylor 2nd Cuttle- Flower Hand Bouquet Margaret Sen- Col of Cut Flowers Margaret Cdi of Asters Dora 2nd Mrs Taylor Pol of Marigolds Less Bur rows Col of Sweet Peas Miss Scott Col of Slocks Margaret Col of Geraniums Miss Scott borrow From Era Sept 25 1891 The Altar On the by Rev J Bell Mr Walter Irwin to Miss Ernest By Rev Amos on the loth Mr Joseph J Tat ton of Au rora to Miss Ida M Stewart of King By Rev A Baldwin on the Hi Mr M McFarland to Miss Ernest M only daughter of Mr Nelson The Tomb In King on the 1 Ella Rogers daughter of Mr James Rogers aged years The Major and Mrs Lloyd wefts At Homo to a few friends on Wednesday evening Mrs John Montgomery return ed to Newmarket on Monday hav ing spent a week in City Miss entertained a largt party of young people Wednesday evening Mr Marshall of Youngs town was visiting with Constable this week Mr Win Keetch of Thcssalon of Newmarket was in Town this week The Presbyterian Choir wore entertained by Mr a few evenings ago Mrs Gregory and Mrs Caldwell of Rochester arc guests at Liberty Hall this week Mr Joshua Davis an old pio neer of this Riding left on Mon- to visit friends in York State Mr Davis is over years of age Mr VanNorman of Sault Marie an of North was in Newmarket last week Mr T of King was a visitpr at Mr A T at Sharon on Sunday 1 A in if mm At at Deafness Cannot Be Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There la only one way to cure that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling- sound imperfect hearing and when It la entirely closed Deafness Is the result and unless the Inflammation can bo taken out ami this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed for ever cases out of ten arc caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu lars free J CHENEY A CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation es J K I Farewell to Parmer Im going back to my homo once more Far away over tho sea- Back to the my child hood Whore theres a welcome for J Many have passed away I left my native May Speed the vessel that carries mo back To my dear- moro Ssfe John Norton Ont As our past mentai and history has what we we are moment re IK mm Hi Ji-