Newmarket Era , September 29, 1916, p. 7

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a m ill e a I 18 Is it l- in it in ft is id A L MRHUP Hi 1 1 In our window you can see a White and Gold Semi- porcelain Piece Dinner of Good Quality priced to sell quick All Lines of Business Is Brisk Mr T hek is extremely busy- this week Ho is putting in a 1400foot floor at Canes Factory sortie cement work Gl and two cellar floors lot Mr at Milk Delivery milk dealers of to an understanding anion themselves on Tuesday that the weather is cool enough now to keep milk without a Sunday de livery Patrons will have to take a sufficient quantity on Saturday morning to last till the Monday morning delivery or go after it to the Dairies A to reduce stock English China Tea Seta Very neat patterns 3 colors priced from up to reduce stock quick I A Importer Fancy Dollar and Cost Persons who become Intoxicated under the new Ontario Temperance Act will pay good Miff penalties if they get caught The fines for drunken ness now are to These sums are mandatory and ten dollars is the minimum fine that any magistrate may impose The man who takes liquor into a hotel can be prosecuted under the section which makes it an offence for anyone to have or keep liquor place other private dwelling house Coming Tom Marks with his clever company of dramatic and vaude ville artists and Kiltie Band will appear in the Town Hall foe one night Oct re senting the great success Are you a Mason Prices 25 arid 35o a few special seals al Seats on at Pattersons Drug Store j New Cement Bridge The Corporation of East limbury is putting in anew Ce ment on Main St on the road to the Cemetery which will be a muchneeded and permanent improvement Work on the abutments is proceeding satis factorily There will be some thing over a hundred loads of gravel in the job when completed Christ- of Staple and China pi all ol rip in in me ay he on Sou feel cat al- od ard a mid out the and for on the at- at imp any tight if I lo- and it by Of like here lirod loath hero tight ex it the- n rig PHOT A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How It would delight your children how It please your friends Us Make Them For You I E Phone Photographer- Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Hod Cross Items A meeting of the Society look place in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon the President Mrs J Robert son ins the chair A number of matters were discussed and the Society enters upon its Fall work with renewed energy The need is greater than ever and the work of mercy must not stop Some arrangements were made to send Christmas presents to the Newmarket boys in Hospitals prison camps and at the front which will be sent next month Christian Endeavor The C E meeting of the fan Church was well attended on Tuesday evening It was In charge of Miss Potter and Miss Lulu Collins Miss Brfstow gave a reading and Miss fav ored us with a solo The meeting next Tuesday even ing will be withdrawn on account of having a union meeting with the Epworth League of the Methodist Church The to be Consec ration of Friendship Several members will take up this topic Endeavorers are requested to meet at the Christian Church at and go together if to the Metho dist Church Com new platform is being put in front or Canes Factory The old pnewas badly damaged by the runaway in Ihe summer The Girl Guides had a Corn Roast in Bush Satur day afternoon ft Lucky Benefactors w The of iniiwas a member ofthe at When he got word about his Beneficiary Certificate being of no value He reinsured according to the con ditions stated paying amphthly assessment Shortly af ler receiving the third payment the Secretary of the Lodge received notice death and his heirs will receive the full 2000 insurance NEW Moved Away Mr John Bingham has served his connection with the Hard ware and will leave for West Toro nto where he has accepted a more lucrative position During his re sidence of four years in Newmarket he has made many friends espe cially among the young people and his departure will leave a gap in their circle that will be difficult to fill He has given unsparingly of his lime in the work of the Presby terian Church and his valuable as sistance has done much to promote the interests of the church All will unite in wishing him every success in his new field of labor Girl Guides Last Saturday the Girl Guides spent a very enjoyable afternoon in the orchard of Mr G ELewis St The occasion of the gathering was a corn roast which was certainly enjoyed by alt the girls In spite oT the threatening appearance of the sky about twenty people were there The Guides are meeting regularly on Tuesdays now The meetings begin sharp at First Aid and Signal ling are given and second and fourth Tuesdays are devoted to patriotic sew ing and knitting physical drill as an antidote for bent backs and stiff fingers Harness Works Wn S hid A secured the on Newmarket adjoining Ifijtchcr Shop a full slock of I have Trunks SultCaaes Club Christian Church Next Sunday morning Rev Klrkland will take for- ills subject Will we Know Each Other There Will we be identically the same as we were here Will death and decay destroy memory At this service we will observe the Lords Supper At night the subject will be Hindered Believers the man or woman who Is losing the benefit of life and will lose the Joy of eternity over imagination Sunday School Our Sunday School faculty Is second to none and we extend a pressing invitation to not at tending Sunday School to come with us especially to working men and their families Corn it v fcrii Bags required in the lit Social at trillion given to Repairs fining had of experience I am satisfaction at mod- ftw iij a call when In Town JUKI AURORA of Aurora has struck lis lite at mills or four h year The blgln- j due to the county -Ah- Increased cents to C cents on the l irejIK I ever an and a ft j as ike lU lnlf of the County J 5 patriotic fund Is held to he wIWe for rise 4tn to be the order ey are all busy the fa Methodist The Rally Service was a great success last Sunday after noon There were nearly present The new music was led by an Orchestra of eight pieces under the leadership of Mr A A class of girls prepared by Mrs Dr sang splendidly also a class of girls prepared by Miss The Dr Wilkinson took charge of the program and were given by Won J Davis Mr Guy Smith and Mr I Jackson The offering on behalf of work in Canada to The room was lafiCtofully with flags Prominent place was given to the of the three hoys from the Bureanj Blessed Class who had last week in the casualty lists viz Ross and Warren Next Sunday wjll also be- a Special Day with open session on account of the visit Norman from Japan School opens at In Icndancc invited j School which Ketllehy on Thursday Ferguson is visiting for a few days Cairns Is her Karroo spent Thursday with nit Morning IM at f t fc vas held at W Wednesday lost Unded drls that will soon be arc on the able to be Ji Will on Sunday of Kettle- 152 also Mr and fcpnt Buoday at Mr Waiter 1 Mrs P r Fennel spent H of M on Sunday Rally Sunday First lh lo fcbwnt Soldier Dangerously III Mrs Stone of Newmarket has re ceived tan official notice from lawa stating that her husband Henry vho left with 127 York Rangers is lying dangerously HI suffering with ulcer ation of the Stone was born in Eng land fiftytvo years ago and has been in Canada- for the past thirteen years For the past three years he has been a resident of Newmarket where be was employed as section man on the Metropolitan Railway- He Is an old campaigner having seen previous military service In Egypt with tho Royal Berkshire Regiment Another Newmarket soldier Pie Morrison eon of K Morri son last week on sick leave from England where ho has been laid up for time with bronchial trouble Morrison Is a native of Newmarket and pre vious to his enlisting was employed at Office Specialty Co and Canes factory Some time ago he went to Red Deer Alberta where took up ranching and enlisted from that place After a short visit to his home he left for Red Deer St Church The ceremony of the Forty Hours Devotion opened on Sun day at am with High Mass Rev Father Wedlock officiating This is a special ceremony which takes place once a year during which Ihe Sacred Host in exposed for veneration of the congre gation The Choir furnished special music for the occasion during which the Blessed Sacra ment was carried in procession through the Church and was then placed in position over the Tabernacle for a period of Forty Hours The ceremony is held in commemoration of the forty hours during which Our Lords body remained in the grave after the Crucifixion On Sunday evening Rev Dean Harris of Toronto occupied the pulpit and after expressing his pleasure at being once I more amongst the people of Newmar ket he proceeded with the ser mon He said in part On my journey up from Toronto I no ticed several burying grounds of cur separated brethren and I was sadly impressed at tle not able absence of emblems on the tombstones that would denote thai they were Christian burying The emblems display ed in most cascswerb pagan ones viz The Broken Column the pagan emblem of despair The Ceptophagus and the Mosolcum also emblems ideas and the Urn emblematic of the pa gan custom of burning their dead Christian people do not burn their dead The only bury ing grounds which are today of Christian burial are those of the Church of England and the Catholic Church emblems displayed by them being cither the Cross of Christ or Dove- of Hope A great leader is needed amongst our separated brethren to read just these conditions Many people outside Catholic fnith interpret Church Emblems as whereas they are really emblematic of stages or scones in the life of Christ For Instance pictures which ham on walls of the Church called Tho Stations of Cross- arc representative of various im portant Incidents beginning with Agony In the and ending with the burial of Christ The of Christ on Cross was representative of ho death of Christ altar the place for sacrifice There was no temple without an altar and no altar without a sacrifice Ho wont on to explain the Cath olic doctrine regarding or the bread and wine into body and blood of Christ and this was the sacrifice which was dally offered up in every Catho lic Church throughout the world on their altars He quoted many passages of Scripture lo prove that this sacrament had been in stituted by Christ Himself and was essentially necessary for our salvation Ho also explained Catholic view hi reference lo and then wont on to speak of the minister who re cently expressed publicly his be lief that there was rio hell This man accepted wages from his congregation to preach their doctrine and then proceeded to Inflict on them his private views He wafl indeed sorry for those who Were weak enough lo bo Influenced by such statements The sermon was able one On evening tho ser mon was given by Rev Father Coleman of and on Tuesday evening by Rev Father Murray of both of whom preached on The Communion or Lords Supper Many nonCatholic friendsat tended the services showing thereby a broad tolerance neighborly spirit which most sincerely appreciated Wo take advantage of this casfon to thank them and to ex tend to our many friends of oth er creeds an open Invitation to attend our ficrvlcos at any limb they desire The Is always open Corn Improvements A break having occurred in the conduit leading from Fairy Lake to the Office Specialty Works the company has decided to abandon their water power Ihe electric installation having proved so sat isfactory In order lo provide for taking care of the sewage which formerly went into the race the Company is building a large seplic lank on the north side of Timothy St thus making a scientific disposal of a- trouble some problem A carload of tile arrived on Wednesday for the job Sheldrake Sunday Young Peoples Patriotic Association Newmarket Pardon delay In not acknowledg ing the socks you so kindly gave the boys on behalf the Girls Guild and I must say the girls deserve great credit and I have told about the girls to many who sit on their verandahs All day complaining about Ihe heat without giving our thought Thanking the girls and wishing them all success I remain Clark Angus Clarke- In connection with the above letter wc might say tht the Young Peoples Patriotic contributed 10 pairs of socks to the Bat talion and arc anxious to complete as promised and Miss the Secretary will be glad to receive the 10 pairs of socks from the Young People who were given wool for that purpose to forward to their destina tion mm r ft j a FITTED AND SOLD BY James The MensWear Men Wain Wool Hew market AK A mm a el aw i RURAL SCHOOL FAIR AT KETTLEBY Although weather affected the attendance at King Township School Fair on Thursday of last week- the program was carried out Representa tive J of the Department of Agriculture was In charge of the Pair Following arc the prize win ners Poultry Dorrcil 1 Greta ft S No Wells 3 Gladys Hur ling Clifford fibyd Klvo Winter Greta 2 Ger trude Hunt It Winter 15 Irene Mac Oats A No Raymond Dion it Richard Jones Norton 7 5 Arthur Evans Ed Archibald Field Wisconsin No Robert Kuril 2 Dorothy Dove Vada Leonard Dion Raymond Mar shall Ernest Archibald Sweet Corn Itanium Gladys 2 Konzie Dean ID 3 Dorothy Evans Grace Hurling Allen Curtis Wilfred Aram 21 Potatoes Delaware Roy Marshal David Archibald Ross Fountain ID Ruby Doan Birdie Turnips Curlers Wilson Howard Wells Ether Dove 11 Earl Edwards 14 Ball Yellow Gordon Jones Geo wards14 Joe 17 Harold Davis Wells Merrill Ferguson 0 Beets Detroit Dark Bed i Leslie Grace Sharp 3 Ethel Lloyd Baldwin 23 Cecil Woods Cecil Dove Onions Yellow Globe Victor Bowman Beatrice 3 Bon Fennor Bobby Allen Earl Scolt Hugh Ross Dorothy 10 Bert Sears 12 Mildred Thompson ID Elsie Phillips 21 Asters Giant 1 Audrey Ethel 4 3 Gladys Terry Hilda Cham berlain Study Colleotlon of Weeds i Evans 10 Dorothy Dove 3 David Leonard Dion Raymond Dion Collection of weed Harry Wilson Coupland 21 Norton a Collection of Joseph Proctor 13 Dorothy Dove 3 Leonard Dion Gladys Burling Collection of Plants diseased or injured by insects Emerson Pearl 21 3 Frank Burling 4 Dorothy Dove- 5 Cherry Raymond Dion Collection of grasses grains 1 Lena Clapson 11 Lulu Clap- son Collection of woods Bertram Wilson 12 2 Earl Scott 3 Emerson Leonard Dion 5 Bert Allan Northern Spy Apples 1 Ross Lloyd 15 Eftlo Gould 13- 3 Grace Sharno Harry Gould 13 Allen Curtis 12 Garten Snow Apples a Harry 13 2 Gould 3 Marshall 4 Allen Curtis Dudley Dorothy Evans 10 Apple Collection 1 Webb Victor Bow man Aubrey Wood 11 4 Garnet Pat- ton 2 Geo Hill Table Bouquet Thelma 2 Elsie 21 Webb 10 Elsie Phillips Anna Greta 10 Tomatoes I Alice 2 Haines 10 3 Gladys 10 4 Allen Curtis Irene Earl 23 Largest Chapman Earl Ed wards Doris Chapman 2 Geo Edwards Emerson Live Stock Spring colt heavy 1 Ed Archi bald 13 Ivan 3 Dud ley Calf Beef Breed i Aubrey Pratt Driving Competition Boys 1 Dolhert 19 Howard Will Dobson 4 Cecil Dove Harry Gould Ross Fountain 15 Driving Competition Girls Koffor Janet Davis 3 Gladys 10 4 Wiihcl- mlna Fawcett Verna Fountain 15 Drawing Below III Alice Marion Edith Telfcr Burling Kcnnoth Robert Hunt Drawing III and 22 Bernard Sutton 14 Leonard Dion Dorothy Dove John Morning Penmanship Below Gordon Bertram Wilson 3 Dorothy Dow 2 13 Edna Morning 3 Essay III and Above i Elsie Snider Fox 3 Geo Edwards Lena Clapson 5 Fox 11 Lulu Half Dozen Tea Biscuits Girls un der Years 1 Ruby Dozen Cookies GUIs under years 1 Gladys Terry 3 Edna Morning 10 Dove 11 Gertrude Hunt 11 Beatrice Lewis 11 made Candy Mary Mitchell 3 Dora Morning 10 Dorothy Myrtle Auckland Mary Farren Layer Cake Lloyd dell 13 3 Alice Edna Hunt Bertha Mildred Curtis Patchwork Ten 1 Pearl While 19 Webster 3 Florence Mount Laura Malloy 19 5 Mary 19 Mitchell Handkerchief Girls under Ten Bertha Francis 7 Apron 1 Olive Hazel Thompson Bond 4 Jean Palton Verna Fountain Elsie Phillips 21 Knit Socks 1 Bertha Kerswell Wehb 3 Beatrice Lcvvis 11 Gladys Lewis 11 Device Made of Wood 1 Emerson Bateman 2 Kennedy 19 Bertram Wilson Kennedy 19 Bird House Harry Wilson Emerson- Best Sheaf of Oats Richard Jones 23 Victor Bowman 3 Kenneth 11 Ed Archibald 13 Five Minute Address 1 Beatrice Lewis 11 Buttonhole Competition li Pearl Dorothy Dove 13 3 Effle Dove Janet Davis 11 Dorothy Fox 6 it Boys lugofwar won by No School Parade 1st No II 2nd S Sfl No 10 3rd S No 19 highest number of prizes Emerson SS No 10 This prize was tho Cup to bo won thrgo limes before be coming the properly of any pupil This cup has won in and by Emerson and is now properly Girl winning highest number of prizes Dorothy Dove No School Winning highest number- of S No Bread Special 1 Mildred Gillies I Dorothy Dove 11 f ftx 4GraceSharpe Doris Ruther ford 12 v i- Loaf of Bread We a Natty Range of Suite and 1 Dove 19 Dorothy I f Sweater for Fall and ARCHIVES TORONTO BoVs Boys The you read this go straight to your father and say I Just MUST have a new suit of clothes to to school in and Ill study my lessons better if youll give it to me Be sure to say these very words Learn them by heart say them to your par ents and you will get the Suit Try It Of course you will come to our store for your New Suit In and bur New Boys Clothing Depart-

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