Newmarket Era , September 29, 1916, p. 8

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55a itri US TV 5vrjXJs 1 V r a MB SB -v- HEALTHY BODY Not Had An Hoar Stcme feTJin FfturiVATTVESl JB 5g3 5U i wedding on- Wednesday of this the incumbent Richardson- Was married to Miss Stone- one of Kings young ladies The ceremony was Rev Sweeney Bishop of To- the presence of a large number of guests TJiechurch was most fully decorated for the occasion The presents were numerous and the Mrs Richardson will lake in the rectory was proyidont I loving and followed the feVnains to place- in there await the WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL MIR- Floyd Steokley 9 Winner at CiassiPouitry Bredtb4ayBared Clarence i Kas s i 1 MR Lees Ave Ottawa August 9th think it my duty to tell what has done for me Three years ago I began to feel run down and tired and suffered very much from Liver and Kidney Trouble Haying lead of Fruitatives I thought I would try them The result was surprising During the years past I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything have not had an hours sickness since I com menced using and I know now what I havent known for a good many years that Is the blessing of a healthy body and clear thinking brain WALTER J MARRIOTT a box 6 for trial size At dealers or sentpostpaid on receipt of price by Fruitatives Limited Ottawa I i TO LET First Class Farm on Yonge Street Apply at this Office HOUSE TO RENT Brick House About minutes from Met Apply to FRED w i gharon The annual Thanksgiving ser vices in connection with and Keltleby Anglican Churches will be held on Sunday Oct 1st at and pm Archdeacon of Toronto will preach at Lloyd a and at Ketlleby at pm Rural Dean Lowe of Bond Head will preach at Lloydiown at 7 p and the rector will conduct the morning service at Kettleby at oclock 3 Walter Vague 3- Unis Classes CalfBeef Breed 2 The town was shocked Thurs day morning to hear of the sud den death of Mr Frank who has been market clerk for Sec Pullet- Murray Monkiriari Freda Nurse Freda Nurse A Edith Harper StalUbrass Gertrude it Class Oats Q A No Norman Ramer Un Pindar J 3 Wesley Lome Robinson 5 Donald Petch 1 fiJ Cecil Sanderson 12 Class 3 Field Cora No E Evans 3 Floyd Steckley 3 Gordon Phillip Petch 4 5 Floyd Pike 6 Leonard Robinson i Allen Gray Class boys Empringham Ernest PreBtOn 3 Price 16 Norman I 5 Will 6 Sproxton 4 Class Driving Competition girls Gertrude Ward Ellen Walter Scott 2 Melville Marsh 3 Baker 9 Wagner 3 Ellen Madlll Leonard Robinson 1 FARM TO RENT acres being lot Con New Survey King For further particulars see WEBSTER il BRICK FOB In end Wood- wood finish Electric Light Bath etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply Box GOT Aurora Ont many years He has not been well for some months and ed at breakfast expiring before a doctor could arrive Last Wednesday night Magis trate Hamilton heard a case in which four men were charged with being intoxicated in a Local Option District The charge against one man was withdrawn against two others the evidence was insufficient And one man who pleaded guilty was fined The evidence was of the usual conflicting nature in liquor cases It appeared that one man had somCihottleslaid away in a barn and they all disappeared except one The supposition is that someone had discovered the hid ing place and distributed enough liquor to give a number of lows more IJian they could nice ly carry Had it not been for a fight amongst seme of them the affair might have passed without much notice Journal mi sap 2 Building Lots on Park and Lrne Avenues Apply lo Newmarket TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR SALE acres more or less clay earth being East half of Lot In the 3rd Concession of East Good house and barn Appl to J Davis Newmarket m 23 iV iii mm mm MB TO OR TO RENT I A One Hundred Acre Farm a part of Number in the Con of East south of A frame House and Barn underground Stables and good orchard School man For particulars apply to Jacob or MrsC SlouffvMe out 33 r JERSEY Brampton Merry Prince hire Bright Prince Dam Brampton Merry Daisy Record of Performance Test lbs milk 588 fat Also Pure Bred Pl08 Everything for sale and vis itors always welcome DAN Manager Black Thorn Heath Phone ring Newmarket In an tor our bo Miss Kva in on- Tuesday where she had made a number of entries at the fair but apparently the judges of the Ladies Work there not want competition from outside points as Miss exhibits- along with those of a lady from Bond Head were not hung up although entries been made and accepted The ladies were very much disap pointed when they entered the building after the judging had find that their en tries had been Ignored by those in charge- World White engaged In unloading hay Mr McClelland OrangevHieinot with an Advertising matter for the Fair is being dis tributed tins week i W Webster was at London on Friday visiting his sister-in- law Mrs Lester Webster School opening with new teachers in all the local schools has brought to our community now faces that we believe are be ing well received by the people of the community and well liked by I hose attending the schools Rally Day proved an interest ing service in the Sunday School on Sunday last The service giv en by the pupils of the school showed good preparations and talent ami it is hoped will awake interest among the parents for the Sunday School A memorial service to memory of the late Major Lester Webster who was killed in ac tion Aug held at on Sunday evening Rev Aid ridge conducted the ser vice at which representatives from the Township Council 182nd Battalion and the Orange Society Were present The annual thank offering ser vices of the Church are lo he held on Sunday Oct when Oliver of Toron to will conduct the- services in the morning and evening finpt is well known the head of the recruiting league of Toronto and prominent in the manufacture of McLaughlin and Chevrolet Automobiles Ho is a busy roan and comes with a busi ness mans message the matter of freewill offering of financing of the work of the church needs of the local church and our share of the work on the circuit are before the people which will no doubt ho freely met In the death of Mr Philip which took place at the residence of his- daughter Mrs Wrn Arbucklo Con of the of lost one of its most respected cit izens Mr was in County and came to this country when a young man He married Cathe rine abler daughter of Jacob Shier and settled on the 2nd Con of where he lived con tinuously till a few years ago when he gave up active life and bought a residence In thovillago of He had five children one of whom died at an early age The four surviving are Mrs Wrn of Mrs Geo Shier and a son Philip both In Scott Tp and Mrs Norman Lee of In politics he a staunch Conservative and In religion English Church Ho was a successful farmer of his time his actions wore marked with honesty and integrity Rev Johnston of conduced the fuiAral at the Six nephews of the same name as the deceased were chosen as e all cheering messages Nearer My flod to Thee and What a Class 5 Potatoes Gladys Gilroy Ross Chapman 3 R Wagner 3 Abe Skinner 5 StalUbrass A Albert Maskell Class Turnips Carters Carl Earl Cook 3 Frank Lundy John Gould 0 Grace Billing Annie Skinner Class 7 Mangles Yellow Leviathan Arthur Scott Ivan Hall 3 Fred Allin Clarence Gilroy Norman Sheridan Percy At Rural School Fairs Courses at Institute Free Poultry Raising Courses at Ontario College Free Cook Books and Magazines Oyer prizes in all will be offered in broadmaking contests which will be held this ft over rural school- fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and Mi stimulate itbg girls between the ages of and 17 Here la a opportunky for your daughter the contest at the fair according to to win for herself a Free Course In Science below and more fully told of at the famous Macdonald Institute Guelph All she will send you on request The has to do is tobake onedouble of bread and enter with W V West Flour Minnie Connor 2 Class brewing Below Sr ill 1 Mabel Snider Velma Preston 3 Jean Powell Winona Hurlburt 5 Irene 6 Mable Hilts 7 Class drawing Sr land above 1 Carl ReynoIdsT Job Scott 3 Arthur Marsh 12 Lloyd Pike Mary 4 Clara Steckley Class 31 Penmanship Under Sr Hi Watson Scott Eva Case Gordon Jean Harper 5 Verna Walsh 6 Cora MaoPherson Claas 32 Essay Sr and above 3 Tea Biscuits Class 8 rjeols Detroit Dark Red Delia Steckley Marion Could Geo Beach Clara Hall Gladys 6 Jean Harper 8 12 Class Onions Yellow Globe Elmer Johnson Joblc Scott Delia Somerville Marion Harper Walter Brown Cecil Sheridan Gloss Carrots Chantenoy 2 Harry Buckler Olive Lageer 4 Susie Pike 5 Lorhe Fines John Class 11 Asters Giant Comet 1 Grace Hopper 3 Clara Cook 4 4 2 2 4 Class Coll of Weeds Arthur Marsh Viola Lome Nellie Class Coll of Weed Seeds Gladys Mary Delia 4 Pike Hazel Walker Gordon Billing Class Col Of Insects Hall 2 Scott Cecil Sanderson Lcgecr Baker March Coll of Diseased Plants Cecil Sanderson A 2 7 4 Mary 2 Hopper 3 Sproxton Bertha Graham 6 Nettle Patteoden Class 33 Half Dozen girls under ten years i Flossie 2 Audrey 3 Airna Carlisle Class Dozen Cookies girls under ten years Vera Cooney Barbara Forester 3 Alma Carlisle 4 Ethel Nellie Peterson Anhle Skinner Class 35l Loaf of Bread Lulu 2 Gladys Brilllnger 3 Viola 4 Lizzie Johnson 5 Elva Brown Class 36 Honemade Candy Verna Welsh 2 Jean Powell Delia Hazel Walker 5 Winona Marlon Gould J Class 37 Layer Cake 1 Preston- 2 Iva Sproxton 3 Mabel Pearl Phillips Evelyn Gladys Brilllnger Class 38 Patchwork girls under years Graham Olive 3 Alma Grace- Vernn Welsh Class 39 Hemstitched Handkerchief girls under years Audrey 7 Flossie Class 40 Fancy Apron handmode hard wheal flour Guaranteed for bread This Is a splendid flour makes the biggest bulging loave whitest lightest and most wholesome bread you ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in Here e the Sp1endd Prfees jgfJ Provincial Prizes- of the Flour The at paidup to My Maculae tor Kith local lit each The and not be la any one county lull from cover to cover month suitable for people of all Ages It In Vlue per year 2nd month subscription to My Extra- When entries exceed ten a 3rd prize will be awarded of ft paidup subscription to My When the number of entries twenty judges at the fair mil winner lives at Hall while AGgt 2nd Short Courie roonUu Science at Vic Institute Guelph 3rd Short Course weeks to Poultry at Colle Girl ft not live at the Collere but I SS for them In Value No lees are S Short Coarw necks In Poultry RaUlnr at Ontario College Ath to Piiies The Famous latest editkwTlOM miss a 01 are thoroughly tested recipes and uwMniSb the Department of and Flour at the College dishes etc besides much special Conditions of the Contest award arid of one years paidup to The Paper a wootferful 111 tie calloa every month In Its are packed with highly and rclatlni to hluocy animals bird- life The winner of the fairs automatic- become competitors for the Prlie The accond half of the double loaf is scot to Ontario Agri cultural College Gudph by the district representative In special container provided judging Is done A of J 6 8 2 2 f Every may compete at the rund school fair In her district whether or not rtic providing that her birth day occurs before November 1st or her birthday doe not occur before Nov 1 1910 One loaf of bread mult be baked la pan about Inchei and 3 Inches deep and divided Into twin loaves so that they be Separated at the fair The loaf be baked with of the Flour One half will be judged at the fair The other half firt loaf will be sent to Ontario Agricultural College to compete In the Provincial Contest The local contest at the fair will be conducted under the same rule as all the other regular contests at your fair The standard by which bread will be Judged will be as follow Appearance of 16 parks Color marks arks Shipeofloaf fimarks- 3 Texture of Crumb Cotor Amarki Flavor of Bread 15 nut la a Taste Odor be acrompsnltd by the part of the flour bag containing the face of the Old Miller Important and an entry form date Cream of the West wai purchased The form will state that the girl actually baked the loaf entered In the forms vM luture it will be provided at the time of the fair The of final Not more thaa one entry be mule by id not more than one will be awarded to the the at the fair will be made contests The Provincial results will be announced si after the conclusion of the Rural School in tt Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity 17 years should compete What a splendid wsy lota est In breadniakintct Get a supply of Cream of the Wat at your dealers and practise using it as often as possible to Inertia the of winning If your dealer cannot sell It to you to the Campbell Flour Mills Co Ltd Toronto and they promptly tell you the nearest to get It No Competitions in Counties Named Below The competition Is open to all of the province School Fairs arc held except the districts or River Ktri and Thunder Bay These districts are the of the province where school fslrs are held by the Agriculture In which this competition will not be a feature are no district- represent stives of the Department In the Counties of Huron Perth Wellington or Lincoln and rural school fairs are held in these Ceo- ties by the Department of Agriculture We regret therefore that the competition cannot Include these Counties must be signed by the girl and parcots or guardian stating of birth PO address and giving of dealer from whom in of the West Hour was purchased The form will state If cannot get Cream of the West Flour In you neighborhood write as for prices Addre Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited Toronto the West Flour Is sold by Eves Hamilton Bros A Howard Newmarket T Aurora R J Aurora J 8 Moore Burgess Sutton A J Lowlok 8 on Sutton McDonald Sutton J T East Klelnburg Howland Bros Klelnburg J Cook Brown Bros Unlonvllle A Vandorf Mr Velfore Jos Coats and A Morion Keswibk Class Coll of iiasHca Grains Abe Skinner 2 MoMlie March Marion Un- Skinner Norman Northern Spy Apples Floyd Murray Max Johnson Kathleen Ivan Hall Williamson Clam JO Apples 1 Delia 2 3 Herbert Oliver Sumervlllo Louise Moynahaa Sheridan A A Clara Cook Marion Could A Delia Christina Allen Gladys Class Knit Socks pair Graham Annie Smith Class Device Made of Wood Cecil Sanderson Oliver Hunt A Will Class Sheaf of Oats ft Donald Herbert Oliver A Max Johnson Norman Steckley 15 Five Minute Address Philip 2 Graham Arthur Pollock 4 Mllford Class if Buttonhole Competition 1 Graham A Allen Allle Hopper Dread Special- o 1 Violet Apple 3 Vetma 6 Mry A Class Table Bouquet viola Arthur March Mabel folder i 2 2 I i I 2 8 a pleasure to deal with that home by Telephone Class Boys won by S Class School Parade 1st S 2nd 3rd 4 49 Boy winning highest num ber of prises Cecil Sanderson Class DO Girl winning highest number of prises Class winning highest number of prises 8 No Special Oral Competition by Womens institute Boy Cecil Sanderson 8 2 S 12 2nd T6WE8TanN Winning Friends by Telephone T HAVE nevdr met that young man face to face said a business man recently as he hung up his receiver after a telephone con- veJation but the way he talks over the telephone is typical of the whole organization of that house They always answer every question in a polite and courteous manner They never keep you waiting unnecessarily They all seem to take a personal what you have to say and you can Be sure that your telephone requests will have the most careful attention Isnt such an endorsement of your house by those who deal with you by telephone a asset It is well worth while to make sure every employee in your organization appreciates the value to himself and to your house telephone courtesy The Bell Telephone Co OF CANADA and Alberto each Tuesday until Oct 31st inclusive via North Hay Cochrane and Transconti nental or Chicago St Paul and and arc good returning two mouths from of Through tourist sleeping cara each Tuesday Wlnnipog loavingx Toronto p via Transcontinental tourist sleepers may no- at nominal charge application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Offloo The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and route between Win nipeg Saskatoon and Edmonton with smoplh sleeping oars through newest most ploturesque and most rapidly developing section of Canada deciding on your trip J ask Grand Trunk Agones to nish full particulars Agenl Toronto lifJ ttka it

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