entrance was offcolecl at Barber bout worth of goods some money in the So far as we learned J no clue lo the robber Badly operating a at Die c Specialty Work on Kin years old hand Ipto the it severely R p ess lotfe loxt will bo all do fade will tho members on Tuesday Oct 17lh with Dickons day had his rig mangling made to injured member but Urn to he done or not Talent The ladies of St Pauls A will hold a Halo on Satur day Oct at oclock in the School AH kinds of for solo Tea will bo served from to oclock i Wotlioro Will held on Thursday ho of Oct in iho of Mrs Ailiorl on Queen St com mencing at MO sharp as Hie evenings long Undo liter on absence of three ibis familiar drama is imck lo Newmarket and will played by Palmers Company arista who are favorably spok en exchanges As the are only 15 and and War Tax no doubt Town will lie packed Those who expect a seal will require lo go Good were in attendance at ihe services on Sunday last when Iho music was of a Thanksgiving nature At the service solo In the was taken by Mr Burnett a new singer in the Choir who delightfully Miss of Toronto gave a line ren dition of Ave Marie and Dr Lewis certainly pleased everybody by Ida expressive singing of Kindly Light the prospects for a good his season are very bright and usual work will be under taken OddKcllows are expecting a big time next Tues day night when Grand Officers and a number of members of City Lodges will make a fraternal visit and also put on the Initiatory Communion will he dispensed at I oclock service next Sunday morning It is hoped there will he a large attendance J fledti of Broadview Avenue Presbyterian Church Toronto was lo give the Prepara tory Address last evening Sunday after Trinity Childrens Day Holy Communion am Matins and Sermon am Evensong and Sermon Special Childrens Service at oclock in the Pratt A Priest in charge The Mayor Clerk and Assessor spent Tuesday evening selecting Jurors for the Courts in Toronto Reserve Nov for Pine Or chard Bazaar Last Sunday was an awfully hot day Mr Hose may well he proud of bis black roadster which won the Red Ticket at Markham Fair Dont Fall to The great laughable success What Happened to Jones which will he given under the auspices of the Halt York Hangers in the own Hall New market on Wednesday Oct 18th by the Aurora Dramatic Club Tickets are on sale and seats may he reserved at Drug store Hundreds were turn ed away at tho performance giv en in on the night of the Go and help the bays Of the and have a night of fun Christian Large crowd at Church last Sunday morning and the second largest since the Conference at night Next Sunday morning the Pastor will take for his subject Windows Open Towards Jerusa lem and at night Have you Look I The annual meeting of the Newmarket Curling Club will he held on Thursday the at pm at the King George Hotel Special business There is some talk of dropping out of the Tank ard and District Cup Competition He on band and let us have your opinion and show your interest in this grand old winter sport Com fciioaiBEna v el tors ore for the are as follows and Airs Sutton at MrsV Sut tons sisters Sutton and Mrs John Fosters Mr Stanley at his parental borne MrA M KirJwood of Mr J Misses and Alma Watson visited with their father Mr Watson Mr Melvillo and Myrtle of Toronto wore with their parents Mr and Mrs Dr and Mrs Perry of Mount Forest spent Thanksgiving with sistor Mrs Fred Mrs and Ha zel spent Tuesday in lb Queen City Father Coleman is in To ronto this week Mr and Mrs Jos of Newton Robinson visited at Mr and Mrs Jos Butlers Thurs day MrsJJogart of Kelllcby is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs Sydney Leonard Mr Jos Kitchen and son Har ry motored lo and at tended the Fair Mr Graham anil Mr attended Fair on Thanksgiving Day Miss Kitchen has re turned borne after spending a couple of weeks In Toronto Mrs McGujre of Toronto Is visiting her daughter Mrs Frank Mrs and son of West Toronto spent Thursday with Mrs F Skinner Mrs If spent a few days Inst week with Mrs Waller Lewis Mr John and Mr Storks of Newmarket made a business trip lo town Friday and Saturday The Ladies of the Methodist Church met at the Church Thurs day evening anjl presented Mrs P Treacy with a purse of money on the of her departure for her future home in Toronto Mrs Dr spent Wed nesday and Thursday in Toronto Mrs Jos Holler and daughter Mrs Marshall of Newton Robinson spent Wednesday in Toronto Corp Ernest of Iho Bait was visiting in on bis last leave before going overseas Who andjwoll and shell lie fell nobly died -f- we toll no parling knell Our hero is our nations pride What greater service could ho give i What nobler life to die FOR f- POIJ AUTO the Saviour hi or Lost Christ This is the sermon that was delivered in part at the Con ference We extend a pressing invitation to strangers especially lo working men and women to attend our Church services He- member that our is at and the Pastor invites young men and young married men to Join Ids class Bible study and prayer service every Thursday ev ening Coin EpWoVth The League was greatly favored last Monday ev ening by having with them Daniel Norman of Japan Mr Norman had on display a large collection he has obtained while in bis field of labor illustrating the customs and dress of our allied country Next Monday evening the meeting will be in charge of the Literary The subject is A Night in Our Town All the young people are request ed to attend the Field J loaning their the winter i m id Guides A meeting of the Committee was held on Tuesday and a of the years work was made Right of socks have been knit five dozen hand kerchiefs and Ibree doen scrap- books have been made for the soUHprs The money for wool and other materials was raised girls lhemsclves During he year about was made doing this work the Guides have assisted Red Cross and Field Comforts Societies quite frequently by selling con cert tickets tags and candy They are continuing their work Just now shirts are being made for the soldiers besides the unceasing knitting of socks To defray the seasons expenses it is planned give a firstclass Concert about the last of November so look out for the dale Comforts Could anyone assist the Field Comforts Society by sewing machines fo The need is very urgent to help our boys in the trenches and the war sufferers Dont forget to come to the rooms every Friday at 230 pm to sew Everyone able lo use a needle is urged to come Can you stitch up a shirt lo put in the parcels for our boys overseas The Society is short of them if so please notify Miss Forsyth Boxes arc being packed for the French Relief thousands of poor children in destitution All clothing in good repair or any that we could make over please leave at Field Comforts Rooms on Friday afternoon or phone or The Society intend holding a meeting the latter part of Octo ber at which a lady recently re turned from France will speak and also another who was in Lille when the war broke out They will able lo tell us thing of the great need in France Barrio Oct This after noon Sherman Russell of Mas sachusetts who pleaded guilty to stealing J A auto mobile was sentenced to two years in Kingston Penitentiary by Police Magistrate Russell was discharged from the American Legion at Camp Dor- den on Sept and stole the cor from the postoffice square the same night driving to Hamilton whore he was arrested on Tues day night With him when ar rested was a man who gave bis name as Walter Davis of Toledo He was acquitted of com plicity in stealing the car but evidence showed that he had en listed with the Bait as Waller deserted from that unit in September and sign ed up with the 153rd Ball us Waller Doyle When ar rested he was in mufti and had his pass two days He bold here pending ac hy the military authorities Calmly he sleeps beyond the seas For ho has done his part And gave lifeblood of his loyal heart For others all the pain la ended now And cannons roar and shriek Wakes not his eye death hath scaled So for him wo weep no bitter tears He lived thousand years in one day And in our hearts his memory lives As years go on it still shall slay Oct A Friend NEWS FROM GEHTinrjY The following letter from Went was received Thlft week by his sister Germany Sept Hear Margaret Received your first letter dated July 24 a week ago waseortnjnly to get In touch wllb you again bust night I received one dated July along with five others which had been cent to France and tills morning 1 received one dated Inly I have not as yet received any of your parcels but Ihey will be here any day now It will be Impossible for me lo acknowledge to nil those who remember ho will have to depend on you to acknowledge them for Will you write to W Saunders Co London and thank him for three parcels of clothing and eats which have received from him also thank Rob son for writ ing and explain to her how I cannot write to all those I would like to as we are only allowed lo write four cards and two letters a month I am Indeed sorry to Hear about Jack McDonald and Norman Pal- ton had only been lo the P P I a short time or rather his brother claimed Him Ills battalion were holding the trenches on our left ho most likely he was killed the day I was- captured He was a good living boy and bis brother miss him very much In your letters to France you were me to acknowledge the parcels from the Field Comforts Well it Is rattier bard to acknowledge things you do not receive have never re ceived any parcels from that Society as Most likely they have not my proper address I am so glad hear that Angus passed the entrance am sure he will find If far more Interesting than P We are only allowed to write two pages so must close for now Write as often as you con Willi love to all Curtain In Endless variety Arm hobo Lincoln Department wo colling at old which arc below now prlooo f f ecj ORCHARD The regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs J McClure on Wednesday Oct at p m Papers will be given Different Ways of Preparing Beans by Mrs VanLuven and How to Prepare a Thanksgiving Dinner by Mrs Albert Lloyd Roll Call Fall House Clean ing co a Atbabaska Oct The explosion of an oil lamp in a pa tients room caused a fire which destroyed the Sacred Heart Hos pital here and caused the loss of lives of three patients Mrs Olson blind and paralyzed and two feebleminded children Elizabeth and Alice Al- The loss is with no insurance Mr and- Mrs Jesse Of visited Ids brother Mr on Sunday On Tuesday night Mr w Walker of London returned home with his bride to spend a few days under the parental roof Mr Walter spent Ihe holi day with friend at Richardson and Pie Walker of Camp Borden spent the weekend at their homes Mr and Mrs Powell also Mrs Toronto spent Thanks giving Day at A Powells Mr Gordon McClure and Ml Elsie were visiting at Mr A Lewiss on Sunday Our teacher Miss Simpson re turned to her home In last Saturday to spend the holiday blue George looked while she was away Mr Walter Foster of Ihe line has moved lo the red house recent ly occupied by E Allens family For School The Boys of the Second Hook Third Book and the Fourth Book of the various schools around Newmarket also all big boys and young fellows who have ft school also all fathers who that their boys shall he properly and attractively Iri- filructed in how to tab care of bodies are urgently invited to attend two lectures of the ser ies on Personal Purity and Hygiene to be given in King George School on Wednesday Oct am and pm Let no boy be deprived of this opportunity of learning wonderful and terribly Heeded about the splendor and of bis body It is of importance These will he given by Mr Arthur wall A of the Ontario of Mr is a specialist in J subject of years standing expert in addressing boys Tie Wrist for Hen and Women WHY It Is by Hunters and by thousands of Ladles and oven Men who sit up In tionchoa and Wistoh for tho moment lit Is Ibo form In which to carry a It la Inexpensive Wo them In and from to Have a look tit them You are no obligation to buy talk It over with you for purchase or at arrange lo be next Sunday morning at Wesley to hear Rev Dan Norman returned Missionary from Japan Going to Markham Fair Isnt what it is cracked up lo be as one of our residents had a narrow escape from turning turtle and ran into a board fence while another owner had a very narrow escape from running over a lady and child but with quick presence of mind ran his car and oc cupants into the ditch to avoid the accident And one of our young ladles of the 3rd line off to the fair was thrown from the buggy as Ihe result of the horse taking fright at an auto but to report no serious damage done in any of the cases men tioned A DIG TO James was busy all day on Monday and so he did not empty and sift of ashes in the Henleys basement accord to his usual custom Tues day morning he frowned at the of the full tub but his face lighted up again as he noted the two empty coal hods standing so close to the pile of kindling in one corner of Iho basement Shaking down furnace quickly transferred lb ashes with srmo stillblazing coals among theib to the empty hods and went away without noticing the one live coal which slipped from the edge of his shovel into the pile of dry kindling Later in thy day a tongue of flame leap ed from the wall below one of the secondstorey windows and be fore anybody realized bow it hap pened the whole house was in a blaze Before the tire was con quered one of the occupants of the bouse received injuries which meant heavy expense and weeks of suffering That the price that was paid for Jims careless ness The work of repairing the dam age was promptly begun and Ihe rebuilt bouse was ready for fin ishing At the end of a days work one of painters rolled the oily rags that be bad been using into a tight ball Mid tucked them away into a dark corner then went out on his way care lessly as James had done a few weeks before Late in Iho ev ening when spontaneous combus tion bad done its there was another Are the price of the painters carelessness This time the damage was not so great us before for the Ore discov ered soon after it broke out In the small hours of lbe morn ing another lire broke out This time it was due to the careless ness of the firemen who had not quite stamped out the lire of evening though they had gone away supposing the earlier blaze entirely conquered The engine had trouble getting to the lire this time and the delay gave flames a headway that was hard to overcome This third Ore was even more deslrustive than the and only blacked timbers were left rising from the stone foundation when at last the flame was extinguished It is not often that one man is called upon lo pay so high a price for the carelessness of people us fell to the share of this particular house owner Bui carelessness is usually expensive sometimes costing only lime or money often suffering or death And very often it is somebody else who has pay or to suffer when a careless thing is done Most of us need lo be on guard against carelessness in some form for we get into careless ways there is always the danger that we may bring inconvenience at least pos sibly loss of time or money or even injury and suffering i NEWMARKET FALL HOSIERY SALE LADIES HEAVY Good at HEAVY WOOL HOSE to Good at Qalo pp Only Odd of AND Reg and coLontb hose Palo Glue White Yon Cardinal 20 to for HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND SEEDS a LET FILL COAL NOW I by Phono or by Carters Jerry Harrington Don Man ning or Hues Allan HILL Pie Milton Well wood of Hill is reported seriously III I He Is the second son of ihe minister at this place for Ihe last- year and a half Pie Well- wood is years of age and was In his second year In University when he enlisted He went last spring pie fleorge a younger brother with the same battalion at the front lie also was attending the University i ft cither to ourselves or to somebody else who is not in any way lo blame for what we have done cO Occasionally a man loses his job because he doesnt know enough or else because he knows loo much Members of the volunteer forco are exempt from poll tax but not from statute labor on property for which they arc assessed tike Always choose your Clothes from Materials that stylish and becoming Have the cut right and the Perfect I OIK PALL IS LARGE AND WELL A880HTED ARE WAIVING HAVE A TALK YOU I WILLIS Phone i A ATKINSON COMPANY a per Oats per bush bush per per ton Bran per per To I Potatoes pcr a Highest prices paid In Toronto this week are as follows Top prices in Toronto this week Choice Butcher Cattle Good Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle 00 Stockerri I Milkers 0500 gpriogera Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Sheep 775 off cars Hogs at country points 1045 New Wheat per Oats new per bush i parley per bush ftye per bush 2 1 Butter per 0 310 34 per Potatoes per hush Chickens dressed 0 Tj rz A A- A HEAD OFFICE ltl TORONTO Fund HAY Oct 1916 5i Drafts teonay of Credit 38 0 SO 150 ooo In i all At Current pfi an crtiunt t i a j-