Newmarket Era , October 13, 1916, p. 5

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I I v Public dV ril good Farm Frank AND Wilkinson ION 1ST Grocery Newmarket Dr Evan Osteopath TREATMENT Kay Sinusoidal Currents Phono VBBV NEW Whitchurch Council at FOR nib I Vdndorf on Next Thursday Is Trafalgar In Favor At a recruiting meeting of tho York Theatre Sunday night DavidsftftICi advocated fconscriulloii as to remedy the inequality of fiacrincoand men for war A good many people endorse lls Viol ohuroh St Nov mar hot Or J ffl in Medicine of University also Licentiate College of mid member of ftoyal of England W assistant SSiMs Bye rtlty college Mar None and Hospital Bag Main and Newmarket Telephone no- Hours A A Soldier Among casualties reported on Tuesday wo notice that missing Ho is years of age and prior to enlist ing with the was farm ing hear Newmarket lie was horn Heading and connected with York Hangers before the of Zto Mr- Editor back coafttanfc tired to- erect itnd ficarccl able to get ftfohd It would come with crick in of my back I took box of AnurloTablcti and my back commenced to get better after fitartlng to take- them I did- not have to walk doubled over before using the beat remedy I have over what it Is Intended to relieve Oct a public was tendered Harold Cook Wood who are in train ing in the There Targe attendance of 6ftli6 young the Temperance Mr presided The following by the Mr Fox boys made suitable and It those present it were made by J Mr Fox and all there is to love money like all other richest rriiirdcr The result is that in ho on earth riot even England- or of Is life of a lawabiding man safe as that vast cbuver A connnipri excuse for trio murderers in that this country And Hi it it a good deal old- or than Canadai vyhbre almost un known paragraph shows the depravity in Dallas Texas Dunn MATKRNIT the Obstetrical indrew St NURSE Newmarket P Real Estate and Fire Insurance Convention On Thurmlay and of next week public School Teachers of North York will hold their annual Convention in To ronto Programs being sent put week Ae every loaohor in la the flOllOOl will have two more hol idays on the lOUi and 20tli Of this month JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining New Post Office Tho Canadian Hallways employ an increasing number of men for ex ecutive work each year and will dp a greater extent future than in the past Those who qualify as stenographers olcgrapher and station agents in Shaws School Toronto are cer tain of prompt And steady em ployment which always pays good salaries Nora Up to Anurlo has not been on to public but by many arid the Increased demand for Oils wonder fur healing tablet Doctor Pierce baa finally decided to put it Into drug this country ate reach all BuHcrera ask for Doctor Pierces Anurio There can bo no imitation Every to bo Doctor Pierces You will find the signature on package Just as you do on Dr Tierces Favorite Prescrip tion to ailing women and Dr Med ical Discovery proven by years to bo general tonic Bend cents to Dr Pierce for large trial package At any rate dont up bono of being cured your malady until a few dosea of Anurio have proven that It will you feel ft PIIASe letter in some conapIcuouB In your paper BIG PLANT GUTTED AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nT from Queen PO ftoxOl Painter Hanger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and New market A NEWMARKET Tucker of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Music- it Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Ii8 and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service nod Annual Meeting of the Fled Cross Society will lake place in the Council Chamber on Mon day afternoon next at o clock It is hoped that there will be a large attendance of all Indian the town interested in this very necessary work The Rod Cross Knitting Tea will be held on Tuesday afternoon next in St Pauls School Room to which all ladies of the town are earnestly invited Issuer of Era Of floe Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired Farm Big market again last Saturday and prices brought smile to the faces of the farmers and their wives Following were paid lb to per do to Chickens to dressed Turkey lb Apples to per Potatoes 200 per bag Signal Corps On your leaving for active vlce In Signal Service we the friends of your homo district wish to tender you testimonial of our admiration and appreciation of your patriotism and valor yf In leaving your homes to go to in great war for preservation of our safety of our homos and honor of the of our land you offered the greatest sacrifice that the loyal subject can for his country At this stage of conflict those row entering service do so with a full knowledge of tho dan- geiH of camp transport and trench and to tlusm fullest honor and appreciation is duo from those whose lives and lib erties they go to defend We compliment you upon your enlistment We know from past records and your established character that you will honor the uniform you now wear That uni form has been worn by Urn great est heroes whoso adorn Hie pages of our empires history Young men have gone from our village who have meritori ous service and brought well- earned honor to themselves and their family names We wish you accept these little tokens to carry with you for their usefulness and also to remind you of your friends and wellwishers at home hope and pray that you may have a and speedy return with all the honors that await the heroes who will find awaiting them the heartiest of welcomes lit Home Sweet Home Signed on behalf etc Lindsay Out Oct Limited was visited by a disas trous lire at am today and completely gutted hands be ing thrown temporarily out of employment The lire started in tho holler room and lapped its way through the buttermaking cream box assembling pluck ing and candling departments as well office The ammonia plant and engine room were sav- J but badly damaged while the cold storage building which was semidetached is still involved danger owing to the difficulty of getting at the fire The building contains eight storage houses at tho present lime and worth of pro duce Tills includes cases of eggs of butter and boxes of cheese The walls of this storage arc two feet thick and lopped with four roofs all of which handicapped the firemen in Or J A Hunter of Dallas their fight to the UB marked copy and co Morning News published Dallas Texas and the follow- Imaginary troubles cause ing editorial in that journal is more worry than real ones significant Canada is the safest Thirtylive vessels of coun- place in the world for life and tries at war with Germany with property It says a total tonnage of wore Canada has homicides sunk by Gorman submarines in your county of the North Sea or English Grayson Grayson is one of the Channel between Sept and most peaceful counties in Texas Sept it is an- be sure but according to This is addition eleven British fishing steamers 1 in I it says Tf my reports on ponlngs between and finch in a few salooncafes wore public there would be scv- funerals in Dallas within hours declared Chief John Ryan Tuesday morning MR NEW Paris Oct Tho steamship an auxiliary cruiser car rying Serbian and French soldiers was torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean on Oct 4 by a rine Thirteen hundred men were picked up by a French cruiser and landed in boats on the coast of Sardinia Oct Admiral ty announces that the learner employed for transport duly was sunk in the Mediterranean yesterday enemy The steamer had no troops aboard men of the crew of 302 mass ing Newport It I Oct off Nantucket this afternoon where every liner leaving or en tering this port must get her hearings the German submarine aided probably by one or two other war submcrsibles tor pedoed and sank- six ships today Four of them- were British one a passenger carrier The other two were neutrals Dutch and the other Norwegian an American steamship was held up hut was allowed lo proceed 40 0 rsvjr PAIN us Owing lo vye arc forced lo give up and selling all our stock of IN MINUTES AND CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES ETC ALSO A GOOD SUPPLY OP FALL MIL AT A SACRIFICE- Never before were such bargains offered In Newmarket Here are a few of llic articles wo ore offering pairs Mens Boots at cost of Hoys Boots sizes from 3 to regular for pairs Hoys Hoots ranging In price from to pairs Womens Hoots patent bottom and cloth tops regular for 200 pairs Ladles Boots from to Mens Wool Underwear regular per garment for Mens Fleece Underwear regular A large number of Sweater Coats at last years price Mens and Ladies regular from to for Ladles Pall and Winter Coats regular from to 800 for This is a genuine selling out saleas must dispose of the stock AT ONCE OR TO DENT THE KILLINGS NEW MARK Pears Live Chickens and He Live Old and Live Ducks lie lb Pigeons to pair Rabbits to pair 11 LATEST Monuments DESIGNS IN and Head Stone before ordering elsewhere Cut Stone for Purposes Kepi in Stock and to Order NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Designs In Monuments and Headstones All kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Cill see us before elsewhere AH kinds of buying i Stones Cut to Order JOHN O Scaler Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone 5 Box ur St NEWMARKET Death WellKnown The death of William a wellknown resident of Newmar ket occurred Monday night af ter a long illness The late Mr who was years of age had jived in the town about years previous lo which he re sided in Whitchurch Township wife died about six weeks ago and he is survived by two sons Frank and Whitchurch and two daughters Mrs Walter Haines and Mrs Fair of Sharon He was prominently identified with the Church of in political life was a Conserva tive and four Belgian lighters whose sinking already has been re ported Twentyseven of the thirtyfive weroflshing steamers Thirty- one prisoners were taken by the submarines statistics there are more killings iu old Grayson County than in all Canadian Provinces The rea son is well known lo everybody When a killing occurs in Canada which is extremely rare oc currence the sheriff begins get- ling ready for a hanging Thats few of IJ Htm n Ontario and western Im proved Five to ten First and second Low interest payable Privilege to repay desired paid off and increased Bought SoidRent- exchanged anywhere No Business private Kuaraatecd Established P Victoria Toronto Christian Sunday School Last Sabbaths session was an one to all present J he attendance since Rally Day has been splendid and all the teachers deserve praise for their faithfulness The Mens Bible Class a good lesson and all members of this class are espe cially urged to be present next Sunday Come and bring a new scholar Its growing and we want to make it more powerful Dr the teacher ft Kirkland is also a great help to the work She has undertaken the supervision of our new movement Home Join it and gel the ben efits to be derived If you art not familiar with this ask her for information you do not be long to any other you are invited to unite with ours Do it now theres you The Teachers Training Class will meet at the Parsonage on Friday evening at sharp Anyone is free to study with us Mrs Kirkland will bo the teacher Remember our Sunday School each Sunday afternoon at 230 in the will not he sorry if you attend Coma and help us grow Com Have the people of Newmarket and vicinity realized that there may he found in my office the best scientific electrical equipment for the relief of suffering and pain curing of disease in its varied the correcting of all abnormal conditions of the body of any private practitioner in the Province of Ontario I have recently installed the famous Solar Therapeutic Arc Lamp as used in Rattle Creek Sanitarium which is known the world over It generates from 3000 candle power Only one other in use in Canada Its sphere of usefulness is practically unlimited and gives excellent results in rheumatism lumbago sci atica neuritis congestion and inflammation diseases of the skin MY WALL PLATE gives a range of six different This current supersedes the old and galvanic currents for therapeutic use and is painless MY HIGH BATTERY generating a voltage of nearly lowers blood pressure and increases metabolism All and Conditions Treated Inspection and Correspondence Invited and Literature Sent upon Request EVAN LEWIS DO DO Phone Church St Newmarket of Methodist t HunoN To HOME J Lover of MADEBAKING TRY A A fire broke out during Ihe noon hour on Wednesday burp- the new on Mr Harry south faro at Jeffer son with the seasons crop forty tons It is supposed the fire was caused by a spark from the steam thresh er The loss is partially covered by Our Pa and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right Give Us a DIKE Flour COAL Call I TERMS CASH With the British Armies in via London Oct were such numbers of planes employed and never before did they play such an important part as in the Battle of The wastage of British planes at the front has been supplied by new planes flown across the Channel from England The re cord time in crossing the Channel at the narrowest point where the distance is twentytwo miles ii eight minutes CLOTHING BODY Few men have- been placed in a worse predicament than Mr Ir vine Sanderson the well known thresher On Tuesday he was engaged in threshing operations on the- farm of Mr Alex Mit chell Ops Tp and while in the act of oiling the machine while standing on a wheel his clothes caught in the drive wheel and quickly wound around the shaft Every stitch of clothing save Ihe collar band was torn from his body and when this was accom plished Mr Sanderson fell lo the floor and thereby escaped more serious injuries- Oxbridge Jour nal 40 A PLUCKY CANADIAN The case of a corporal of an Eastern Ontario Battalion is one of the most extraordinary ever re corded The Battalion had suc cessfully captured a line of Ger man trenches when a parly of the enemy consisting of wo officers and about men began a coun terattack The corporal ad vanced alone against the whole party emptied his revolver pick ed first one and then another German rifle each of which he emptied accounting for lh two officers and of the men While he was shooting one of the cers attacked him with a bayonet and pierced him in the leg below the knee the corporal shot him dead The rest of the ene my attempted to escape The corporal shot four of them and made the fifth a prisoner Al though wounded in two places he in the trenches until his Battalion was relieved Every week makes it clearer that the newspaper business is in lh midst of a crisis- and those engaged that occupation are almost at a loss to know where they are at Never a business at its best the tre mendous increase in the cost of production is making publishers think as they never he- fore As- a matter of fact after a little serious thought some have quietly of the business A couple of weeks ago the Beaver yielded up the journalistic ghost and quiet ly slipped into the newspaper limbo Many weeklies have in creased their subscription price per others have reduced lhe situ of their papers in an attempt to cope with modern con ditions The country papers are perhaps the hardest hit Their revenue is limited and their ex penses are greatly Exchange The people most to wasting their time are those time is not their own Tffl Pf Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET Proprietor or New Issue Telephone Book of Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date I Order your telephone now to that your name will be in the new Q Report change required to our Local Manager today The Bell Telephone Co of Canada 1 i OUR SWELL AND 111 ARE m mm TO SLIDE Our Store we put the Tape you and Measure you and Make Clothes for Men who are about what they wear They demand the Finest nilWool Fabrics Latest Style and Perfect Fit and Workman ship We give them all this and this ad is to tell you that we wilt give you the same care- tut attention when we make Clothes for you We ask Low Prices for our j Mens tt i7

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