Newmarket Era , November 3, 1916, p. 7

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J V if L NINA TOfPWKWW on i China I I Dinner In our Window yo Extra Good Bargain quality 97Piece Dinger Set A vory nlco with Gold Tracing price below ito POP kindly consented give the Field on loth This benefit In CiHfltmB market- rickety carryall an almost rickety librae atones and di la can an a8t Sat aftern of winter IN CHOICE AND 10o a lp or lbs for Coal la going to lie an awful pried this winter minora quoted per ton at with freight ox Ira This will coal a Hon in The pres ent price is of- Staple arid Fancy China I I A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How It would your It would your Lot Us hlako Thorn For I Mission Circle of purpose hold ing com sale in the on Deo In Willi this ftsalo of cooking the i Olrolo Next Saturday afternoon from ihrde mi six the Mission are to he at tho home of Mrs I- Cane St A full of the requested I ho a hearty extended to who arc not members aint a of danger not after kind of Wonted to It and learn how to set In wagon Some of Ihnachoro cant a aoihe hut aint over gone clean a orated neck and reined horse sharply to the right Hero woho oil the main I kind of thought wed fetch through all right J allowed herself i relax in her scat as the rattle end Jolt of the changed to a smooth rolling Mr glanced hack over the road they had Jtist left Phone One Door West of the New Post Office next Sun- When what hap- oclock and morning fe followed sacramental it Church Quarter day- Love Room at Hi auhjecta of the sermons of the day will he as follows Morning The Church and the Homo How Big is the World The Pastor will preach morn ing and evening I on lie said slow ly when thin piece of road were minute was full as hod if not wuss- the road weve Just come out of and no pros pect of its pyor any semminMy And then all to once everything smoothed right out and shifted round so we a good road was here he ex plained casually men jlbls an wagon when it all hap pened Wlirtn it happened I echoed knewlhattho bridge was gone noticed that saw the carriage- I the major am his hired of talk at Jioaa came round tho turn and saw that right- under feel where there ought to be a bridge ho got soared and tried turn round with cm and in some way ho to get one Ihp crossbar Then in to clear himself hed kicked the crossbar out mpsls of all la hed lamed himself he couldnt got but three feet on the ground Wal upshot was major wanted him tj depot in my rig lakin through the crossroad and then dovn the south road thats this one were on now ho wanted mo lo hurry I tried to toll him that the road in shapp to haul passengers but it didnt make a mite of got git that train he piled onto the back scat and wo started I wont deny confided Mr Ot- guiltily that whon the ma jor climbed into my wagon I had a feelin come over mo that hed been sort of delivered into my hands and that ft was my part The Important I i P f this paper to vho about to buy now Is simple reminder of the I Conditions the Town was well ft I led with ladies last Wednesday af ternoon and the address by Mrs Sidney Small was greatly a very fluent and interesting speaker and gave a graphic account or the conditions of peasants in France Mrs Osier of- Toronto also spoke and at the close a vote of thanks was moved by Mrs Brown and seconded by Mrs and carried unanimously Mis Howard Gaile presided and also contributed a solo The collection amounted to and was given lo the visitors for the Sock for French Sol diers in the trenches was made likely or even possible for it to bo the sames it Is now And I was one of the instruments that helped the matter along some if I do soy it Alt that time continued Mr I State of Maine could have pduced the likes of this stretch of road there four months of the year when it was safely passable place where there was a Harness I Harness a Specialty TRUNKS CLUB ETC is well as everything required in the line given to or experience am spared to give satisfaction at live me a call when Town TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TAX of Christian Endeavor The Halloween Social on Monday evening last was a grand success the at ten don being about ninety The Schoolroom was most elegant ly decorated with Halloween fixtures and along with these patriotic decora- lions which means much locvcryum these days During the first part of program everyone wore their masquerade costumes which were grand snowing how everyone tried their hest to make the social a success Many Hal loween games were participated in and given on the vlctrola and piano Spotty who took the pari of Brown from Way Down South several patriotic and side spilling songs After the masks wen removed partners were chosen for lunch which consisted of pumpkin pie doughnuts and coffee Everybody was bavins such a good tune they did not want to go home hut how ever Save The King was sung and the Social broke up The meeting next Tuesday evening promises to bo very Interesting Thy topic will be Consecration of Social which will be taken by Miss Laura Trent It Is the regular con secration and business meeting and a large attendance is requested Ratepayers of the Township of arc hereby notified that Frank Bleckley Collector of Taxes has been duly authorized to permit Collection of the same by the following banks vizi The Hank of Toronto at Newmarket The Standard of Canada at Dank Of J Walton Co H which fcald banks are authoriz ed lo accept payment and receipt bills provided by the Collector thai taxes are due and payable fourteen days after demand and de litry of bills and furUier that Five lr cent will be added to ell Taxes on or before December J ttW Order of Council i Hag Clerk SALE I OF COMFORTABLE HOME TO TUB of Late The Executors of will of the William offer for sale his on South Side of Street of Lot No on the South side y Street And Lot No on of Andrew Street diiig lo registered Plan ly to J street Newmarket Solicitor for October Field Hewing and knitting every Fri day afternoon in tho Field Com- Rooms Lots of wool at Miss Forsyths nyono making socks or shirts please try to fln- Ish them Ibis week as wo wish to send our parcels Overseas next week On Wednesday at Town Hall Mrs Sydney Small and Mrs Henry Osier gave splendid talks on tho needs of Franco Every one wishing to assist the Field Comforts in this work bring any clothing old or new which can he made oyer or repaired and help Hit bur boxes for poor refugees and sufferers Franco A silver collection was taken which the presented to Mrs Small towards thqir sock shower at the Na tional Friday Nov Anyone wishing to enclose any small gift in Field parcels to our boys in the trenches enclose a card showing who them and tell Miss Forsyth who they arc for The ladies will to help in this way The ladies are sending to gland to for our boys in the t In this way we hope no boy will bo missed even if his address be- changed short ly before Day little hill oi a ramdown rain had the ruts and washed it a wagond drop in clear to hubs and then in the winter the frost bad worked on it and hove it all out of shape and I aint it a when I say that there was rocks along hero right in llicmiddlo of the road as that boss Folks had nidged out round the rocks could and by so got bout the piece of road you ever looked at- in order to build a good road Mr proceeded learnedly youve got to have two things stuns for a foundation and good gravel lo finish off the lop with We didnt have neith er the stuns nor the gravel at least they was here handy but we didnt have no right In touch em There was a gravel bed a quarter of a mile long and two tumbledown old stun walls to Major Pari in and they a bit of use to him neith er one of Hut he wouldnt let us have a stun nor so so much as a spoonful of gravel lo fix this road that was a menace lo a life I wont say why by wouldnt let us have nough lo mend the road it was on account of the selectmen and him bavin words over the town lights the majors a kind of old lunkhead always mistrusted that wasrecly why he wouldnt let the gravel go The selectmen tried it twothree times and they even sent others lo trade for it in private but it never come anything and it got so at last that the major wouldnt oven talk about it with anyone You see went on Mr Olway the road in this part of the town arc like the Idler A the major lives OIL the left leg as you might say and we folks hero are on the light one and lhalrqugh cross road we come over a spell makes the crossbar of the letter The majors leg of lib letter is the state road and that road and this one comes to a peak at the depot As long as he had the state keep his road in shape for him he to care how wo folks over here got to de pot or whether we eVcr got there He owned the gravel and ho would not sell it and we could like it or not jest as seemed handiest and easiest for us Thai was the way tilings stood a year ago this spring when the big freshet come and things here wussn I ever remeinber be fore It washed this road were on till it looked like a piece of ploughed it took the bridge over on tho slate road and whisked it away and there tho major was out off frm the depot come Monday mornln I Td drove over on the state to bring him to a sense of what we had to drive over every day of bur lives over here on the south road jest at first after we lurncd into the crossroad eased him along as careful as I knew how- I could hear him and his watch behind hut didnt let that worry me and he began to brad a little to go faster this aint no lin park were drivin I thought Id go kind of slow till we git out into the main road and then mebbo I touch the boss up a mile and- git along a little belter You wail J says In a few minutes we fetched out into main road And now thinks I Ill jounce you along hero as fast as these bould ers and washoutsll let mo So leaned out over the dasher and fetched the a wallop with the ends of the reins and ho started with a jump that almost yanked the major out of the seat I slanted my eye back to see if he was still in the wagon and there he sol with hand on each side of tho mora known VIC I I I I FITTED AND SOLD v J j MM i I of seat on for dear Send to fHtnda road that on a little mat ter of business and met ma jor to the station to get forenoon his hired man had hitched up to carry I passed the lime of day with em and was my boss walk up hill I beard a hollerin go- in on behind me I twisted round in my seat to what matter was and see the major both arms and fit to bust and beckon n mo back So I cramped the wagon round and started back 1 When I got to where the ma jor was explained Mr life and the wagon side ways every time a wheel hit a rock and that was bout every time they turned round on the ex Wed gone a quarter of a mile like that when I felt a dig in my ribs and heard the major that got lo git out and git his hat it had jounced off when I hit a boulder a mite I lo When he come back ho Was wipin the mud offn it and What a road he A man cant oven keep his hat on Couldnt you go a little more care ful Wal careless like your bat off aint anything here on this road youll lose your coat and vest off if they aint bull toned up tight And as for more careful I says I drive you careful and miss the train or I hurry some an git it mebbe Take your pick I says it aint to me either way He got back into the wagon an settled his hat down till it most rested on his ears Go ahead got lo git that train if it kills me I I guess it wont kill you but mebbe youll wish it would fore we fetch the depot So I hit the another lick with the reins and we started again He didnt make much talk the rest of the way but I guess he up a Ihinkin all the time Once he leaned foraro and hollered into my ear Is road he says the words yanked out of him between jounces had as this all the lime No says most of the time its wuss lake it in sum mertime when the ruts get hard He settled back and didnt say any more for spell Wo went on a piece ralllin and from one side to the other and then I hollered back out of the corner of my mouth Its a good road to haul And jest then we struck a rock that like lo hove us both out of the wagon so I had to quit and git the back into the road fore I finished Aigs over hollered I heard him snort and say something but I couldnt make it was he said From thereto the depot I didnt say any more but if there was a rock that I misled with both wheels it was because I didnt sec it in time I had lo drive a mite crooked to hit em all but took pains And I fetched a grunt out of the major for every ho got When we flnly got to the do- pot and I got a chance to look the major I was sort otscored for a minute to see how ho look ed The wheels had mud and spattered pretty all overhand about his last breath had been jolted out of him But after I looked at I made up my mind ho was all right so I started lo turn the boss and go back home hut be held up bis hand and slopped me- You wait a minute he says I want lo send a word by you And he hauled out of his pocket and begun Men Wool i r I JM to write on it got It done he folded it and handed it to me There he says I want you should take that to the selectmen This ride you give me this has made me change my bout some things he says and Ive changed it aint go- in lo give it any chance to change j hack lice IS STILL GOING ON Our slock is gelling lower but our as sortment is still good Get your supplies and save money Any one living outside of Newmarket buying goods store will allowed per cent oh every dollar for their carfare an order for them Suits Keg from lo to use all the gravel they want out of that gravel hod of mine and all they want of the stun walls providin the stuff if used on the south road There no bow long itll be fore Ihoy git that bridge fixed he says and I dont want to have to ride over that road any moren neces sary in the its to now- Thats all the authority need lo use every mile of that gravel if its needful And with that off he with bis head in the air straight and stiff as a ramrod and got on the train and I come home And that concluded Mr was all there was to it look the gravel and had the road before fall Pretty good road now aint it Com panion THE WAY IT WORK Father to the cup- bard To get him a bottle of beer when he got there the cupboard was bare Alas I Prohibition was here He went to the tavern to purchase some ale- when he got there the place for sale He went to the shop for a bottle gin But when he got there he- couldnt gel in He- ordered some whiskeyfor scientific I They sent him wood spirits the smelt terrific Mens Woollen Underwear Keg per garment 90 Ladies Dresses Reg Si25 each Saturday on sale for 2 for Pillow Shams each on Saturday Ladies Waists all Embroidery and Saturday 3 for Silk Waists Black and Colours for I FOR SALE OR TO RENT Proprietor of George Hotel NEWMARKET Hi v Russian troops scored mi- Among he latter was a portant successes against being asked Turks in Asia Minor many days there in a year Canadian Texas Oct 31 answered seven When the Charles Russell known as tittering of the rest of the subsided the inspector remarked Pastor Russell an independent minister editor of The Watch Tower and prominent author of I said a year not a week Now try again How many days are studies on the Scriptures died there in a year this afternoon on a passenger train en route for New York from Los Angeles Heart disease was given as the cause At the examination of the pu pils in a primary school a short lim ago the inspector put ques tions at random to the scholars The lad appeared nonplussed and vexed for a moment and then ejaculated y Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun day just seven If heros any others never heard of em He Vfit to proscribe for went to a calf Seme brandy would do say a pint and a half He found on returning he Vet played him false The bottle contained only water and satis 111 mi He doctor for rum went to a bolt But Doc prescribed and castor oil He went to a druggist wiUiout a scrip tion So he couldnt use liquor of any de scription He sought a blind pig as his only re sort But when It was raided he landed in court He went to the farm out for a rest thought released prohibi tion vva6 beet Hes KM pfl freed from Kins hois power So now he goes thirsty or fiour j a TORONTO late In appearing now to pour In In great all back orders floods an ll which moans a It would pay you well to to take of these wonderful offerings We have a few odd lines In Men mid Child rens Shoes Clothing Sweater and etc eh to out which will mean a flreat saving to you This

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