Newmarket Era , November 24, 1916, p. 1

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MtS i UMBRELLAS I to Watson 6tor Sri M J I The Loading County Paper on well as Oldest No paper pent out of North York unlftsu paid in J i i I p ST J pea iiNo TCWatson I FOR RANGES AND HEATERS JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON N M NOV I Copies twy Our a- YEARS j Our Toronto Miter I In and Coal Oil Heaters Tools- Pipes Fittings Paints Varnishes Automobile Accessories llv fe I Of NT THE PA Phone STORE NEWMARKET iwmar- Drown BOARD OF sir ftuflai Hamuli Ilea lUiity CRIiurrt I C Aiju tfn b Paid up 10000000 UndlvUM Profit Total MAIL i may and mail readily and Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD LUMBER AT HALF PRICE To Clear Out OF Odd Lots HEMLOCK PLANKS 9 and Inches per P W PEARSON Wide ft Wdcr From Office Phono KG Win John Murphy BANK Fund INCORPORATE 1866 OF fill Money Orders and Drafts wo la or amounts tfa to by of and I Toronto It to and tbay a protection to Outito Qub6c the West P A M LISTER Manager J OF MA tor J I LUMBER LATH I SHINGLES POSTS ALSO SASH MOULDINGS AND Trim la Our and Will Shrink ftftcr It la Put Up i si Of the rc drill la who wont from can Church it that have boon killed fatally wounded old Alex who in gone could command wan up the Police Court lately on a charKo of vagrancy and woh aont to fail for the winter hihilion years ago would him teachers ofNiagura Public tendered a reebp- lion to parents of Iho ficholara on Wednesday evening at last weok Over present The school rooms wore tastefully decorated for the oc casion are students at tending the High of To ronto a majority are females The war has madfi the The high cost of living in city is good many Who had retired from farm hack to their country homes On charges of selling light weight bread two city bakers were each during lie past week In tin month after prohibition came into force Toronto had about convictions for drunk enness bad saved up spirits During the month pre vious In prohibition however the city had eases of drunken ness have boon increased under Temperance Act and last mouth amounted to Labor men of the city in Wednesday of last week held a rattier stormy meeting and anal ly resolved on forming an Inde pendent parly If present ap pearances mature the Mu nicipal and Ontario Assembly elections will he of very doubtful results here The exhibition of chrysanthe mums last given General Sir Henry is reported to the on continent this season In order to the settlors of lireswept areas of Northern Ontario a chance to secure a sup ply of meat to tide them over the winter the Ontario Govern ment has decided to extend the shooting season to settlers lying ninth of the Canadian Northern Twentysix Chinamen were ar rested on Saturday night on charges of being frequenters of a gambling resort in the city One of them is said to be the richest Chinaman in Toronto At a recent meeting of the Senate of the University of To ronto a committee was appoint ed to consider the question of adding Russian to the curriculum of the University A butcher was fined one day last week by the Police Ma gistrate for violating the Ontario Temperance Act Dominion prohibitory law is now being advocated Public men arc now talking of securing a big farm on which to place returned soldiers more or less invalids The proposition will lie considered by the Ontario authorities Boys and girls were skating last week on Smiths pond this is earlier than oldest citizens can remember members of the Port Hope Masonic Order were guests of lo cal Masons last week Strikers who left work on a demand for higherpay on the P have lost their situations The Company had little diffi culty in securing men to fill their places The announcement has been made that Miss inn if red Har vey and Miss M Weaver have heen appointed to the staff of the Provincial Employment to be opened in this city In an address at Convocation Hall last Friday Premier Hearst divided the male populating of Canada at the present time into live classes First those too young to fight second men en listed for active service third men too old or unfit for service fourth men employed in making munitions or doing bet ter work at home than thoy could do at the front fifth sottish in different and cowardly men -At- a bazaar held by the Mer chants Patriotic Association of North Toronto on Thursday of last week was realized The Womens Bible Class of Central Methodist Church entertained mothers of the district having sons in uniform to banquet held in the parlor of the church during the past week Rev P pre sided There were mothers present Following the death of Hon Mr Duff it is common report that changes in the Ontario Cab inet will he mode Hon Jam ie son is to become Minister of Public Works and Highways and Hon Mr MrDiarmfd to become Minister of Agriculture end the to WHEN WAS A look exactly pleased were ft pleased AnUwo rightfully hungry that ran on gaily ahd wasnt eat QvQf Fall I up In the house if you re- London No The fall of pmymentmonotonoua But S- its necessary and njusl be done keep her mouth shut about those in Now when I bachelor- od got no further And John you made I cooked i Certainly assented Smith member housework is Smith did remcmbei Ho monotonous- Hut ii From lira Nov 23 i860 M on the Inst Florence infant got no And John you made biscuits Mrs Smith Could- not conceal and were so little and hard her agitation She gasped that Tom and I went around load- Then she sbql but tho sound and with cm feeling like Mark fled from room Smith Twains Jumping Frog looked after her in astonishment Smiths face turned He Now what in Sam Hill is the was bit in his weakest spot matter with Mary he wonder- Pay no attention to Mistress She scorns to be out of j Hetty warned Tom patience j know Jut Mrs Smith knew When bung his bead he was a bachelor She almost Smith aloud wished Smith bad remained in his- Oh I just love to rake up old former state of She days went on Hetty And you flung herself upon the bed her know Cousin John used to brag- nerves keyed up to such a tension about housework being so easy if another word would have snap- 1 one wan them She six of ST heJ William and newspapers of considerable political- aged months On Saturday night last lory importance It Is whom tho Grand that as Bulgarias main to in entering the war was the We all Mrs only systematic in the on him not talking about wire No mailer what the cause of the bread to rise as should the boiling over of coffee steak over or under donc butter thai refused to gather or the jelly that wouldnt ev erything no brought from Smith a reminiscence of something that haft happened to him when- he waf a bachelor and kept house for himself The worst of it all wasMo hear him tell Iho story he Invariably came off whatever trouble be had to Struggle with His pies came from the oven delicately browned on the lOp bis bread he could make the best bread 1 And when it buckwheat cakes and chicken mother had nullum your life And I u Iter be had taken a prize for butler making the county fair yes really Smith lay on her bed and stared up at the ceiling If her thoughts turned regretfully back to the liny countryschool house with its salary of a month and no ghastly cook stove looming darkly in the background to mar her peace on a hot summer day who can blame her Of Course it was all fight that John should know how to cook His mother having no girls had always aught her housewifely knowledge while she had gone Constantly to school until her graduation and thence to a coun try school room to leach On her marriage the art of housekeep ing was in he learned and John taught her Whatever her thoughts were a sharp rap at the door brought her to her feet Before she could cry out the door flew open and Hetty Johns cousin from cily breezed In the dumps I do believe cries dis tress Hetty pulling off her wraps Whats he matter now Out with he trouble Mrs Smith smiled though she was still in a nervous tremor really nothing she denied nothing at all Then she burst out Only you see John was bachelor a long while before we were married and his mother had taught him how to cook Some how he seems never to have had any failures I cant manage it A new problem comes up every day 1 am a failure as a house keeper and John reminds me many times a day how he manag ed when he was a bachelor and kept house for himself Now I am ashamed to admit it the words When I was a bachelor in Johns mouth have become an obsession Sometimes I think Ill run away And then Mrs Smith did exactly he thing she did not want to do She burst out crying Failure ejaculated Mistress Hetty scornfully not a bit of it I know about Johns housekeep ing faugh I Lets go into your pantry and get a snack We have come fifty miles in a slow machine and Im hungry as a hear Torn and- 1 have come to make you a days visit and your supper hour on the farm is o clock You see I know was oblivious to Mrs- Smiths tears for which Mrs Smith was thankful They made a pot of fresh coffee and set out a good lunch on the dining table When the three were in the very thick the eating in walked Mr Cousin John cried Mis tress Hetty genially putting out a finger Shake I John knowing bis cousin Bet ty very well shook hands wilh inward foreboding He felt dis trustful of Hetty This reminds mo of the time we down on you in your gays of single blessedness and found you unprepared for visit says the Het ty Only his time theres plenty to cat and the cooking is a lot betters Smith did not session of Macedonia the loss of the Macedonian capital must bring an acute sense of failure both to the politicians and military officers A point which is considerably discussed by military writers is the inability of Germany to send aid to the defenders This ia claimed to have important sig- urged that Field Marshal von Chief of German General staff bad Monaslir was coin- important enemy bonds prevent its capture It anticipated however that the snow will prevent the Entente j- from getting much farther at present while the losses the cap tors of the lown are assumed to have suffered In common with the defenders during the past weeka of desperate fighting are expected to necessitate a period of rest loo fool away in such useless work as sweeping and dusting That was just a joke said Smith resentfully You should have sent word that were coming and Id have put the room in apple pie order Huh I exclaimed Speaking of apple pie makes me think of the pie John baked for dinner only it was not an applo pie If was a pumpkin pie and he wastefuily put a top crust on it ami wondered why it didnt look just right for pumpkin And he yelled from the kitchen to me Come here Cousin Hetty and see if you know what ails this darn ed pie Of course I knew some thing was wrong but like John I couldnt tell what way for I never made a pie in my life It was Tom here who solved the mystery Tom looked in the oven and said he wasnt acquainted with any pumpkin pies that wore top coats Hut Cousin John knows a lot of things about housekeeping when he can think of them and what he can think of in an emergency is wonderful One year he vowed hed but ter and compete for a premium at rf M the fair and he did it laughed can bring that UK Hetty mischievously Hetty called Smith glaring at his cousin suppose let be Im ex tinguished entirely put out Hetty tossed her head Oh I am just telling your wife about your butler making scrape no harm in that she turned dirccU ly to Mrs Smith You see it is quite a joke on Cousin John lie tried butter making but it was more like making a greasy paste than anything else Hut lie drove his favorite Jersey over to his mothers place and went over every day to milk the cow His mother made the butler but John got the premium And up to the day you were married his mother made every pound of but ter that he used Thai was scandalous surely Mrs Smith dared not look at her husband Smith glared at Cous in Hetty He seemed amazed dumbfounded Hetty said he fairly choking with rage there is a line young Jersey in my field If youll slop those yarns of oth er days the animal is yours Is this a bona fide offer Hetty asked politely If it is its a bargain And a little later while John was banding Cousin Helty into the limousine she loaned toward him saying I fibbed a little and would have fibbed more had it been necessary A little he exploded Het ty it was awful particularly about the butter You know I made that premium butter you little beast Oh yes yawned Mistress Betty with a wary eye on Johns wife in Iho distance Rul I fib bed in your best interest Cousin John its always best for a wo man to rule in the house and man to rule outside While you live never again allude to the time when you were a bachelor in the presence of your wife That phrase has worn her nerves to a frazzle Just slop all remind ers of any time but the present Whatever you do dont talk housewifely talk John was startled Her mean ing broke upon him suddenly scenes came hack to him Fragmentary words thai had seemed mysterious now took on a meaning Ho understood I have been blind as a bat Cousin Betty said ho thoughtfully bit you have opened my eyes fcan promise you there will he no more trouble of this kind Besides added Cousin Holly wickedly we all know you are a good cook without your telling it I firmly myself that you can boil water equally as good as I do and thats going some Heavy to The Times in an editorial calls the loss of a heavy blow to the alliance not because of any military consequences im plied but because giving up of the cily thwarts Bulgarias dear est ambition ooo Boot That is what many write us who make a gift of a Youths Companion subscription to a friend or relative Thousands can recall the first Christmas the Companion came into lic house and bow it was passed from one to another as a most precious thing and the beauty of it was that every week it was looked for and pounced upon and devoured and everything else put aside for same sense of delight into any home sending The Youths Compan ion to it for a year S22D less than fourcents a week Companion Home Calendar goes to every new subscriber and to everyone who makes a gift sub scription i The Youths Companion St Paul St Boston Mass New Subscriptions Received at this Office Q London Nov The Stock holm newspaper Tidnin- says that some days ago an explosion occurred on board the ammunition steamer Barron Brecon at the seaport of Archangel causing Hie death of persons and the wounding of others accord ing to a despatch from the Swed ish capital to the Exchange Tele graph Company The Barron and another steamer the despatch adds were destroyed Several building near the harbor and two barracks- were set on fire and burned down Largev quantities turnips are being shipped from Agin- court Malvern Lo cust Hill and other railway sta tions in this district to Toronto They are used extensively in mak ing jams as well as to a much lesser on the table In former years to cents a bush el was considered a good price but this year all way from to cents is being paid and on the Toronto market they are be ing sold at to cents a bag The crop however Is poor al though there are a few good fields and the quality generally is likewise strongflavored and stringy Economist Oxbridge town will vote on a bylaw to raise by way of deben tures to build an addition to the High School bring true bills were taken from To- rob to Jail by apccial train and sent back to the United States and ordered to remain on that side of the boundary line In future Mr Win Lukes is now con- ducting the Newmarket Steam Flour Mills near the Depot The Methodist Church Mission Meeting last Wednesday ev ening was a success The bills for Whitchurch Muni cipal election are now printed Nomination is to lake place at A shooting match is announced to take at Fullers Hotel on Friday afternoon Municipal matters arc begin ning to have a place in discus- at local gatherings Mr Webb and Mr Phillips will like contest for the of King In Whitcburch Mr John will likely be unopposed for and Messrs and Jones will likely be the Deputies East is still doubtful but we hear Messrs Willoiighby and Prosper will contest the ship of North For Newmarket A Esq and DrJ Hunter will likely be in the field for and Messrs Ash- ton and for Aurora At Holland Landing BJ for Reeve is not beard from Major Peel of Whitchurch has a sale of stock on the A I J to With APPLICATIONS the di sease la a or consti tutional and in to euro you must take Catarrh Cure Is Inter nally and acta directly blood and raucous surface Halls Catarrh Cure 9 not a quack medicine Id prescribed by one of to physi cians In country lor veaia and is a regular la compos ed of best fcrovn with blood purifiers act ing directly on the mucous surface The prefect combination of the two Is what produces such for J Co Toledo Sold by price Ii effete Halls From Era Nov Married J at the Methodist Parsonage New market oh the 19th hist Mr Lewis of In dian Territory to Miss Florence A of Holland Landing Died In King on Mr John Drown aged years At Lloyd town Nov 2nd Mary wife of Mr John Mahaffy and mother of Judge of There were contestants at the shooting match in Newmar ket on Thanksgiving Day VV J was the best shot of the party with Col Wayling a close second and Major Lloyd third The Division Court here last week lasted until pm There were about two score of washing machine cases Union Thanksgiving ser vice in Christian Church was an occasion long to be remem bered The entire service was in harmony with the Pay Last Friday night a surprise parly visited the home of Mr C Webb on St and evening was spent very pleasant ly- The Jubilee Singers gave a Concert in the Mechanics Hall last Wednesday night Audience was only fair but entertainment satisfactory A blaze in the residence of Mr Hawkins Timothy St did slight damage last Saturday night Mr Coales of Toronto was in Newmarket this week Mr J W Is visiting in Mr and Mrs Isaac Silver spent Thanksgiving wilh friends in Newmarket Postmaster was a res ident of Newmarket years last Sunday Mr and Mrs of Oak spent over Sunday Mr and Mrs Watson ii Newmar ket Mrs Manning and daughter of the are now in with her mother Mrs Ir win Victoria Ave A number of personal friends of Mr EH Armitage gave him a surprise party a few even- in ago off drunk who mA off please pleaded a drunk who appeared before Police Magistrate Clark Ten dollars and costs said his Worship Thanks was the grateful reply Time was when and costs would have con sidered the proper caper Now 10 is looked upon as a bargain- day price So it is The mini mum henceforth is likely to be 20 with a likelihood of Packet I fi A J ad Atom lARCHh

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