Newmarket Era , December 15, 1916, p. 2

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ft as Stallion Hull Shropshire a sons I J From Lot In Concession of North on ir about iniddlooP November One Steer two old Steer Information leading lore- will be Rewarded l I J Qriwti of Is credited with having statotf in tin Interview that yoapho for and orderly conductfllnooprahlbitlon Kayo decreased more than cent bppononts of law now support Tuesday lost a fortune-tell- was convicted arid paid a of rather than serve a term of three months In prison A munition worker named John fatally on Tuesday whan struck direct oar Department of Highways is aniens acamflalgn to the examination of motor L- i op Mr and rriooB -iati- Friday v rtnrt J en friend on Wednesday even ing Mr- and Mrfl m i The York Highway quires Held on Street and Send your name addro lot and together with I the you will he told whero to pile and the price A JAMBSr Adelaide St Toronto For building on and Apply to Newmarket L 1 i I t On Friday morning Nov from of a large VVIUTB SOW Willi mark on aide and weighs about PM Howard given Mrs A DAVIS poultry Christmas and New Year Fares Deo for return until Deo also Doc 303 and Jan 1st valid for return Jan 2nd mo onetuiud Dec 21222324 good for return until Dec also Dec and valid for return until Jan Above reduced faros apply all stations in Can ada cast of Port Arthur to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Buffalo Niagara Falls and spon sion Bridge IS now on ealo at all Q Offices Pop full information write to HORNING P A Union Station Toronto Out J C Depot Phone j v Phone Ii car WrO too to hoVjntrUtd to unnunlified On Monday amid much a campaign was inaugurated to 125- towards erection of a pro at tho corner of fllroot and Davenport la to cost In the cloven libraries of Toronto circulation of books numbered froririudto dur ing September A you of 10 ar- mated bore on Tuesday evening charged with shooting a man and his wife on a farm near Stone wall Man wce DoeKeepers Association ports that the has been best in Ontario for some years The mot ill Toronto this week The is advised by Finance Commissioner Dradshaw to put brakes on expenditure Tho debt is reported to bo about millions Ton per cent war tax Is to bo levied this year on season tickets Not satisfied with the produced against Mrs Welch who stands charged theft of patriotic rfidnoy ease whs enlarged till thb27lh Inst A Society medal was presented to Miss Catherine this week by thome In recognition of her bravery in saving a lad from drowning while in bathing last Hummer The presentation took plncj at Islington Ontario is confronted with serious necessity of wartime in Hydro ener gy Tie must bo shared by municipalities business en terprises and householders Them must be close and rigid conservation of electric light and heat and power In her action against Da- vies for damages in con nection with- injuries sustained when she was run down by his motor car on Ave near Queen St in November Geneva Matthews was awarded by a jury in county court OPENING OF GREAT CAMPAIGN And Uiochlll December and dreary and leaves Ue sear arid one ftooff And the with flurries of the vanguard vaoguara beside the way how welcome where ji Hun of ladles tour County tho past fortnight by tiio Officers snd mert of Battalion has ridtupto now boon prptluottvo in- of bringing up to strengthyot it Is felt that great good boon done and big results In hot far distant future doubt many eligible men who viflorld famous film Britain Prepared a serious viow of the cdao than thdy over dldbp- foro and will fallen lino during vigorous campaign Battalion that York is to have produced which is to commence shortly A number of good prospects been brought to light A census of each village and township and prepared maps showing Iho location of each farm with its and number of men employed are be ing got ready It the intention to lake about fifteen of tho re cruiting detail and itinerate through County concentrat ing their in certain lo calities which promising By changing personnel of the men will be who familiar with each distriot visited It is proposed to sccuro the active cooperation of war auxiliaries and the representative citizens in this final effort The Battalion must be brought up to strength not only for credit of County but also because men are sorely needed now to bring this war to a successful issue If peace dcolarcd now Germany would dic tate terms of pcaco Un less Germany is crushed now tho work will to bo done by future generations fate of Canada is bound up with that of Britain and it is duty of every loyal Canadian to take his share of awful burden that is all but overpowering the Mother land Officers of Bat talion feel confident that the men of York will answer liio call On ly men needed To raise this each town and township is to assessed On the and 22nd of December plans are being made to show the film Britain Prepar ed at several places in vi cinity of noon tea to Wednesday of Slmcoe who Is inc of Education In Toronto spent the weekArid with Mrs of North spent lic weekend wllh la Town Mrs Mason of Methodist Church Is IMd up tills week with a heavy cold Two nefihews and a chum from the Military Camp Toronto spent Sunday Hon J- and family Brand la home from on account serious v la the only and fragrant thing of green and red Midst the ferns and and by lovtSr aeon Emerald and coral fashioned onfthe heart- thats to this humble friend Caring not how frosle of Winter- other pleasures end Hut In hardship only ripens sweeter As when age and grief are gladdened by a Utile child Oh the cheer when ore ahndow- and dead leaves forbid Hope of fruit or foliage If there atlll Is hid or trust or mint unfrozen like the red and sheen mm During the ties of every Vagflgofsiitec Riding i NOW IN VERY CHOICE LOWEST PRICES FOREIGN FRUITS DAILY slowly he Toronto Pleased though Of i Arthur California spent with Mr and Mrs Angeles afternoon head Mr J Thompson of and M Jasi Cherry of Toronto were of Mr J over Wednesday night He v J of former Methodist Pastor In Newmar ket has accepted a call to the Collier St Church at llerrio the rarely flavored beauty of the Walter Percy Sale Deo Sale Furni ture on the Market Square New market at oclock J I 1 Choice Line of New Canned Goods and Pickles Try our Syrup and Honey Be Sure You Try Our Washing Powder Phone Orders Promptly Delivered T of Toronto was calling on friends in on Tues day and Mrs attendedMrs Ur Dales reception at Aurora Jack Kennedy was In Town on Tuesday Ho was wounded In France and has lost the use of his right arm otherwise is doing well arm Editorial Notes Mews from the old land says Peace proposals are received in England with contempt- Peaco conditions must guarantee the closing of future ammunition factories Druggists state that since pro hibition has been in force the drug business has very materially declined thus demonstrating that improved public health as well as morals is resulting from prohibition Prohibition is doing for Rus sia what it does for Provinces of this Dominion She has never been stronger in than at the present time cither as a mil itary or financial power Nev er in her history her hopes been so high and her banks so prosperous or her dornestlo life ao cheerful as now notwithstand ing drawbacks consequent upon tho war The sale of inferior potatoes Is dishonest if not at present moment Farmers know from their own experience that storage rots cause great losses in their own cellars It seems however general practice to dispose of an infected crop im mediately and tho losses from rot from the farmer to the consumer The Taller however has to pay the price of good po tatoes Farmers are cautioned the attitude of consumers will eventually result in demand ing grading of potatoes Just like apples and farmer who does not control diseases in the field will have all rotten or diseased potatoes thrown on his hands Diseased potatoes when boiled make good stock food it should be remembered A letter or postal card addressed to the Publications Branch of the De partment of Agriculture will bring by return mail all the re quired information relating to tho growing of crops of potatoes from disease Ottawa Deo The officers of the Canadian Patriotic Fund are greatly elated over the encouraging outlook for the Fund in Ontario in owing lo the generous action of the County Councils of Slmcoe Victoria and at he fall sessions held recent ly The decision of those Councils murks the real beginning of tin cam paign which will reach its climax in January and February to raise at least six millions In this province in As this a million dollars more than subscribed for it has been felt by the Fund thai much of Hie success the campaign would depend on the increase of grants made by the County Councils The three which have al ready acted have done so well and shown so generous an example that the chances of attaining the desired sum are now considered greatly im proved which In the past has left the support of the Fund largely to the townships and town councils has decided make a general levy on the whole county for the purpose of the Fund This implies taxing not only the rural districts but such Important centres as ami Midland The sum to he given Is a month making the fine of in year This Is a targe increase over and the county councillors by un animously supporting the grant have shown not only their appreciation of the Fund but their political courage for naturally the majority of them will he offering for reelection in and will have to Justify their ac tion their Hut more lhan this the Council lors expressed the hope that the vol untary grants by individuals and or ganizations would be conUnucd The county grant represents two and one- half mills on the dollar Victoria a county much In wealth and has also ex celled Itself has raised tilhutlon from S250p a month to or total of or a total of in the year This moans a tax of three mills on the dol lar a noble grant places Victoria well up In the front rank Ontario counties for generous giving as it is for recruiting gave 5006 month has decided lo quadruple for and wilf give month a splendid Increase The Funds campaign has started with a hang Britain Prepared will bd shown in the following places on dales mentioned Keswick Deo Dec Ml Albert Friday Dec Moore end daughter of To ronto wiio have been visiting her aunt Mrs for the past Hires weeks- left for home yesterday Hon J Davis is away to New York and Boston this week on a busi ness trip The firm Is having trouble to get hides from foreign countries Messrs Thomas Gain and Fred of Torontowere In Town yes- calling on old friends The latter leaves after Christmas for Cali fornia where he will spend the winter Mrs Lewis of Toronto writes I enjoy reading your valuable paper and would not be without it In my home as I am always anxious to know what Is going on In tin old town Mr Itarleston Irving of St was taken suddenly 111 last week and was rushed to Pleased to learn nicely Dec Mr Jeremiah Duck will have a Farm Sale on Lot 34 In the rear of Con of Whit church mos credit Sale at one oclock J Roadman Auct total rjuAHLY four London Dec pm The total Gorman casualties ex cluding those in the naval and colonial services reported in the German official lists for Novem ber says a British official state ment issued today were officers and men making tho to ts German losses in killed wounded and missing since the war broke out Mr Bennett P speaking at Edmonton said the present was the last voluntary ef fort at enlistment people of Canada would be asked to make Phono I Kewohi Pari Tho Ob vVordhesJ week that Col Bat York It been in pneumonia and is soon Battalion for gaged in cons That Coy or Would Watch Full at Comfort creamed or ro potatoes cream ice and butter J early and The ladies and of a beautiful of sale la a Toronto Hospital that he Is Improving At a meeting in Toronto on Tuesday it was decided that steps will be taken to put workers in Munition Factories on the same pay as soldiers with board and clothing found and wives on gov ernment allowance CHRISTIAN LEFT ESTATE whole of my estate must be used for God only concludes the will of the Miss Mary H of who died at Toronto on June leaving an estate valued at lady who was a Christian Sci entist did not bequeath as much as one cent to any of her numer ous relations To Mother Church she bequeathed to be used in spreading the truth toward encouraging building Christian Scientist Churches to bo placed to tho interest of lo bo used only for such purposes as will elevate community spir itually for the benefit of those who are endeavoring to up lift the needy in Chicago to be held a fund to help pro vide such institutions as may in hear future be demonstrated to show that Gods people aro willing to help others lo seo the Light that is so real and tu lions to take the piapo of hos pitals poorhouses gaols etc to establish a fund to be lent at per cent to deserving people to buy small homes or farms Probate of the will was grant ed on condition that during the war no portion should bo distri buted among alien enemies for a Horse to and we horse ftccotjnl Sir Walter Percy of Smith field Pa formerly of sends us a couple of original poems which show lhat he lias his mothers poetic Instinct Mrs of Maple formerly Union Street writes En closed find for for I have taken the for sixty years and fcej cannot do without it On page four of this issue will he found a very Interesting letter from Ford He Is a son of the late a wellknown tailor in Newmarket some years ago Ford studied law in Win nipeg and Joined the colors out West was an active and prominent young man The letter was written to Mr has Willis of this Town Many of our readers will remem ber the family who moved from Newmarket lo Lindsay years ago One of the hoys Mr Waller is now married and his wife is a great vocalist Speaking of the Choir Concert in the Methodist Church in Lindsay last week The Evening Post has this to say Mrs In her solo work during the evening won first laurels her and finished work She virtually ran the whole gamut of vocal character during the evening in a glorious voice of splendid quality true and sweet as a hell in every register Mr Cecil Forsyth formerly of Aurora Is choir leader and organist at Lindsay Mrs Dr Dales of Aurora had a mosl delightful reception on Tuesday afternoon and evening Mrs Dales received In lire drawingroom with Mrs Rev- W of Toronto The decorations were chrysanthe mums Mrs Introduced the Aurora callers The color scheme for the tearoom was pink and white Mrs Jackson end Mrs Vinson poured tea and coffee add were assisted by college chumsof the brideMiss Talbot- Miss Wilson and Mies AusUn of Toronto and Miss Pearson of Newmarket Mrs Rev Wesley Mrs Morley Andrews of Aurora also assisted In evening Mrs and Mrs Laurie Cane presided over the tables and Miss Wesley of Newmarket- assisted Mrs Hoy Shaw of Newmarket show the callers to the lea room Detween fifty and sixty people were in atten dance a number being from Newmar ket THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY to at II a ii is PURITY AND QUALITY MOTTO j Special Attention Given All Physician arid Family Recipes JafaWairseB NEWMARKET MAIN STREET for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No Boots and I New at Gut Price Co tit JttlUUtlfU BLOCK NEWMARKET WATCH FOR PUKTHER ANOTHER Bid SERIAL A Groat Inju It Hi circulating a of Sirs Ed sides on to jail or a 1 is no truth port Her da of wrongdoll whose King in Knpl has worry over report she in the hands Fop Mother- One of Metal Hot outlast ho Kind You Like I Phones 17 and 26 At the Private Pavilion To ronto General Hospital on Monday Dee lo Mr and Mrs Arthur A a son Tho Altar ANDERSON Phillips At the Pres byterian Manse Newmarket Thomas on Dec Norman Anderson of Keswick lo Ethel Victoria Phillips of Viscount At Maple Dec by assist ed Rev S Robinson Annie Gertrude daughter of the late Henry Thomas and niece of Reeve Keith of to J of Maple At the home of Elder Prosser Newmarket and by the same on Deo Arthur Huntley to Florence King both of North Tuesday Dec THE IRON HAND A Powerful Drama of Love Politics and Tainted Money FEATURING BOSWOUTH I Wednesday Evening December PEG O THE RING Dont Miss the EPISODES of This Great Serial GRAF Thursday Evening you a of Purple Mask Order If not tho Box of this Theatre Admission to this Is free and Is given each number Is limited Join Slnoeroly GRACE FORD Tomb -ce- Vive sailors on steamer were found to have tam pered with the mails between the United Kingdom and Three were sentenced to- three years in were lot on Mass Deo 13 Frederick Palmer the war cor respondent in an to day declared events on the front were responHible for German peace move and and said that tho British and French soldiers in the trenches would dictate the terms Mr Palmier says the Kaiser has rea son to dread next of- fonslve on all fronts 1 SPAVIN CURE It Imiii they ylycn Over wrote 1 Kk your Cure for It Spavirt Curi at- Pike is drug tcm J Co If you use Wilt year on Monday SHIER In Scott on Deo John Shier In his The funeral took place to Cemetery At the residence of her son Thomas Monkman Oak on Deo Margaret Brown widow of the late Wax aged years Funeral Tuesday to Aurora Ceme tery At Sharon on Deo George aged year a At the residence of Ids son Armllage West To ronto on Dec William in his year Sloans young est daughter of the late Win James of Holland Landing died at Dec- th Funeral took place at Holland Land ing on Monday Dec from Brad ford Depot J- Main 9U North Remember Every Tuesday is Red Feather IVoithWhllo Features Special Program for Saturday Night j I THE CHEAPEST PLACE To Buy Your Christmas Dec 16th a u IN TOWN Supplies Business Canadian I looking for c ill the vacuo A can salary and a I dor a country hy business of possesses exc for training clerical For or drop Secretary I Newmarket My Before buy McKewon Jcv Meeting The evening was Kirkland sung and a si lesson given solo Leila Ik The topic 1 SI Mrs K helpfpl lliougl of one from hers The hi meeting was dent Com Fine Oranges Grapes Choice Fresh Nuts Pure Olive Oil Good Italian r and Candy of Mil Kinds Guaranteed Macaroni The Stewart A delightful Call and Sea SAM Main St STORE OPEN EVERY J POM I London following Dec WSBft fisartJiefuJSS We have received All Orders Attention from an unimpeachable source that her that the offered pen to Belgium on and olJqintf terms The are Invited to towns wrow Christian Next tor will lake How to At ill he Unmanageable Doomed Soul Kiiklund painting published in United won deals wit on and worn Jom their iuinec At this will in in the hi us before bul 1 with us gome ten di Win to canv off has been the people Win off thi t W or alio mm ARC 111 ST

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