KM g2M I Quito flfceill For Mc awoiis Park Ave Going to Won ha8hccu this nil York Hanger who has been In Hospital the submit for your consideration the of the Newmarket Limited The pronounced of the now prohibitory liquor IhowholplOvJnccpf due in no to UioiiifUal teiYjifcrunco work by the Option Hotel In light vyo ahull always take in looking back over the early days ortho King Hotel due to llio Provluelu Government teniporanoo and in a tribute to the of the manhood and of our fair Province this Is now for time pieced on Statutes of Ontario May we all hope tho resulting will be farreaching that the pood example willbo up by lie In the Annual for mention was made of in- Oil lias now recovered Of giving the past year has been by oven to with his K fAA i lift IL ft and Battalion Franco to be on- gaged in construction work That op Young Man Would appreciate on Watch Guaranteed to Si Hardware Comforts the Chicken Supper Saturday Deo loth from to Come taste oats creamed or roast chicken mashed pot cream ice ami butler for cents Come early and avoid rush Mies Wish Co thank Mr and Mr Moss for their donation of a beautiful marble clock Nov lice of sale later Yet notwith standing the fact that everything baa an upward tendency Financial Statement shows for distribution of usual dividend In reading the Financial Statement you will notice an increase In the furnishings This is by- writing off last year for depreciation instead as ye The new is still ponding and the need of it is as great an over but on account of the unusual condition in country by Iho war il not deemed advisable it Our feelings of sympathy and brotherly love go out to one of nor who is not with us lbnight owing to the fact that ho Is at front actively engaged in fighting our battles for unl- roast mosuoa v liberty Wo refer to Mr Oeorgo Young Wo all pickles pie pineapple a safe return and a victorious lermina- coffee broad Saturday and Shoos at old prices Millinery at Cost and Cut Price Co A Injustice serins gossips are luting a report that a of Mrs who on SI has been sent l jail or a reformatory There is no truth whatever in the re port Her daughter is not guilty of wrongdoing Mrs whoso husband is serving the Kifig in England at the present lime has enough troubles to worry over dolri- reports and if repealed to place the mailer in the hands of a lawyer For One of those Metal Hot Water Hollies Will outlast rubber each at Opportunities J Canadian business men are looking for competent clerks to fill the vacancies caused by A boy or girl is qualified can command a good salary and at the same lime ren der u patriotic service to his rounds lilting himself for The Commercial Dp- of Pickering College possesses exceptional advantages or training hoys and girls for elirical positions in offices particulars phone or or drop a post card to the Secretary Pickering College Newmarket lion of the war proceeds of yard and stable over the expense of food ami labor have been showing this part of the properly is contributing its full share to the revenue Hut ho largest factor- in production is the Bar and Lunch Counter Hundred Dollars has boon spent Ibis lust year in adding In and replacing the hotel consisting of carpels rugs illshes linens bedding and an fan and SixtyThroe Hollar has been spent in improvements such us papering painting and sundry repairs A big like Ibis the constant attention of a vigi lant eye to it from going down in Value as well as to meet with public approval as a business proposition Tho general appearance of the hotel properly speaks for llio fact that it is kept neat clean ami ingool repair which is an additional security to Hie stockhold ers from sources for- the services of our competent manager and big wife made to increase their salary from lo per year All of which is respectfully submitted J President The report being adopted together with the Financial State ment of the Auditor the election of Directors was proceeded with As Mr Aubroy Davis is away from town being actively engaged with tho Battalion Mr A J Davis was elected on the of Directors to ill bis place but from long association with the temperance work of the town and hotel from ils inception it was Hie desire of the rest of the members that Mr Aubrey Davis name should still remain as one of ho Directors of Newmarket Hotel Co all the others were reelecled The confidence of the in the Board was Indicated by Iho small in attend ance at the meeting This Hotel is one of the best public of the Town Plans have been prepared for a now Lavatory and when that work is com pleted wo will have a Hotel which for management culinary and is not excelled in tho Dominion for Iho size of the Town it servos and is a triumph for Temperance Shaping more Myron spent lab Wednesday boat for comfort Euchre Club at the home of Mr Mr Norton nice pigs day last Mp Fred Webster to Toronto to see hie Bister Smith who an opera tion that she is get ting along fine Visited Mr Nor ton one- day last high wind last Wednesday was very hard on wind mills Mr Calvin mill was a wreck boon in past years and not ex pense Mr arid Mrs Isaac Webster are spending a few days city with frionds Mr Harry Webster has return ed to the city fortho winter We wish success Happy pick Mrs of and Mrs of Stonowail Man were cnllfngaloOg the line fowl days last week Dont forget the Tree on Ihd Op Saturday noon Mr Wil son finished threshing bis clover seed a turn out of over which he sold to Mr of King for a bush toy his smile you would think it was a It mnSI have been bettor feeing around hap across on Saturday night The carpenters are busy fram ing Mr Irons barn When fin ished will be one of the latest Glad hear that Miss Porter has renewed her contract until summer holidays Clad to hear thai Mr Harold Murray is able to bo hone lo see him out soon On Tuesday last four or five of the neighbors bad a bee tak ing cattle to Mr Ferguson was the buyer JOOII- ii Early at tome r As usual we In Xmas Wool KID s Every Pair Oodand fiOM i- rtum n to Mr HoilinKslieadwas Toronto a few dayS last y The large choir in all A Groat ge onoirtn J and Supper at the last evening gave a very Church on Friday satisfactory rendering of evening of- last week under the Peace the last part of auspices of the Willing Workers Cantata Next Sunday gralifying success Pro- a male quartette will sing 1 known favorite Throw School We are gaining new scholars For each Sunday and everything Beat Assortment at Lowest points to a fine closing of the Minns Hardware years work The Attendance is the we Out the Life Line at Sgo My buying elsewhere Jeweller Park Ave Mooting The Meeting on Tuesday evening was in charge of Mrs The usual hymns were and a short synopsis of the lesson given Mrs Haines A piano solo was given by Miss Snider and also a solo by Miss Leila The topic Defy Evil was lak- Mrs and many helpful thoughts were given of our members were welcom ed from Associate to Active Mem bers The business part of the meeting was taken by the Presi dent Com Christian Mrs had charge crease of going up each week last Sunday there being present an over the previous of the regular young peoples Sabbath Our aim next meeting In the Christian Church afternoon is Come on Tuesday evening A very fine us attain the mark You will he program was rendered consisting welcome Lantern views will be of vocal and instrumental solos shown describing a review of ho TOWN LINK ITEMS Clover threshing is all the rage threshed twelve loads of clover yielding 42 bushels foi Willie Wilson for which he real ized per bushel a total of Who can beat Mr and Mrs Geo Blackburn were visiting in the lasl week Mr Waller spent the weekend in the cily Mr and Mrs Karl Cook of the Line attended the anniver sary services in Bap- list Church on Sunday last Mr Ceo Chappell is visiting friends in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Isaac Webster and Mr Webster of the Town Line wont to the this week to visit Iheir sister Mrs Smith who has been undergoing an operation from which we wish her recovery Mr John went to the city on a business trip on Mon day last Nice little fall of the beautiful on Monday BOO a few days last week A Weaver has been at his store the past week after trade Mrs Davis spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Altriclgo and daughter Sybil spont Monday In Toronto Mr Davis of was in- Monday Mrs Dennis Elliott of Stone wall Manitoba is spending a few days with her niece Mrs Mr Wrn made a busi ness trip Friday To the Teacliers and Scholars of Public School My Dear Friends I was agreeably surprised to receive a parcel from you which reached me some lijnc ago I must for my neglect not sending you a line of thanks before this although my inten tions were good I esteem a groat favor if you will kindly convey my thanks to the teachers and pupils who have left the school since the boxes were made gives a new inspiration to keep up the good work out hero when we know that you at home are thinking so kindly of us Irving to make life pleasant I have had the pleasure of a few of the German airships brought down on our side of the line The most interesting scene I ever saw out here was a battle between two battleplanes a French and a German which was the result of the enemy being shot down Our allied- comrades deserve great credit for their air manship I would bo pleased if any of you address a letter lo rnc as follows No I Section 2nd France Trust in- Ibis will find you all best of health be lieve me lo remain Your sincere friend No Gunner George Laird -quo- M ONLY 12 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS fry- y I Nov Is Time to Select Your Xmas Gifts I OUR STOCK POLL AND COMPLETE I Handkerchiefs Fancy Linens Lace Center pieces Leather Goods Bags Etc Fancy Bags Baby Sets Brush and Comb Ivory Rat tles Fancy Hair Pins and Ornaments Blouse Lengths In Fancy Boxes Fancy Bath Towels Linen Towels Japanese Baskets and Many Useful Gifts too Numerous to Mention The Stewart Phonograph Present for only Hour Hughes this being aside from the topic which was- Defy It was grand meeting and all present enjoyed it very much May all the members turn out well for the I lessons for including Pauls missionary travels Remember our Christmas Tree and on Friday Dec and plan to bo few meetings of and- there The scholars praclis- them bumpers The new and will present a splendid work for will soon be ready and we can then bo making plans to put it into effect Com Christmas exercise entitled Around the Clock at Christinas Time also a pantomime Com Jevelry the Gift of Gifts for Christmas This List Will Help You It contains some Of our most desirable remembrances o Head the list read it then decide to call as early as you can Christian church Next Sunday moiAiing the pas tor will take for his subject How lo Build up a Great Church At night his subject will ho Jleckless Drivers Unmanageable Team Tie Doomed Soul This is one of Mr strongest word- painting sermons and has been published in many of dailies In the United Stales The ser mon deals with the downfall of men and women following from their first sin until they become ruined sots and cannot this service one of our most prominent young lady solo ists will render Some Sweetly Solemn Thought She has not been in the habit of singing for us before but we hope to have her with us hereafter Some ten days ago the pastor to canvass raising to pay off the mortgage against Hie parsonage and his success so far has been beyond expectation Fori Gold Watches 500 Rings up Watch Chains Cuff Links G0o MEN Wrist Pons Umbrellas Tie Pins Etc FOR LADIES Gold Watches up Pearl Rings Gold Wrist 400 up up Bracelets 200 up Manicure up Diamond Necklets Pendants 400 8oo up is 120 up MAY WE HAVE OF SHOWING YOU OUR ARE RIGHT I Has Just arrived and while It lasts wo soil It at Canadian Lost A AT THE We will your door meet any Catalogue Prices that may come to ATKINSON COMPANY JoyGlory XMAS FURNITURE It Is a time till and wo cat you a number Ml ftrtlcleo for Gifts to Children or ftdulla Including I paying off this debt and the properly whether members of any church or not All honor lo the Newmarket people Kiddle Wheelbarrows Children Jardiniere Stands Umbrella Out La Millinery Parlor Is having a closingout sale of new SKINNER Leather Rockers Cabinet Millinery beginning yesterday bargain hunters should be in Funeral- ttOHOMiima Undertakers License Miss of Mourn Albert spent the weekend with her school friend Miss Florence Mr arid Mrs Clifford Rose and Miss Gladys spent Friday even ing at the home of- Mr We are sorry to hear Mrs John Leek is on the sick list A speedy recovery is hoped for Miss Gertrude Hopkins of Holt visited Mr Atkinsons on Thurs day Messrs Oldham and Eras- tils lo the cily one day last week Mr and Mrs and Master Nelson were visiting at the formers home on Sunday A number from here attended the Convention in Iho Church at on Tuesday anil Wednesday of lost week Miss our popular school teacher spent the week end at her home in Mt Albert Our is progressing fine There were scholars out on Sunday Our popular young lady delegates for the convention Miss Toole and Oldham read4heir reports to the school which wore very interest ing and every effort will be put forth to our a success The Methodist teachers and scholars are busy practising for a concert and Tree See particulars later Mr Jas Butler spent Thursday in Toronto Mrs Thos Cooper spent the past week with her daughter Mrs Ernest Proctor of Toronto Mrs Sparling Sunday in Mr Edward of New market was in town Monday Mrs John Shropshire of tageville passed Saturday evening after a lengthy illness The funeral was Monday to tleby Cemetery Miss Gertrude is in To ronto this week Mr and Mrs Daniel loft Wednesday to spend the win ter with their son Will Guelph Mr Melville spent the weekend Ottawa first disas ter in the Canadian Naval occurred asl nlfjlU In the Atlantic when in a fornedo heal purchased I lie of Naval Service from 1 K of Montreal went down with a new of officers and fifty The fifty was largely enlisted in British ohinihla was fm- auxiliary naval service early in tlie war anil was tier way to Bermuda when the occurred -OUO- Japan has started sheep raising industry Already there are sheep in Japan and it is said the country is capable of supporting 500000 head Live Stock Markets DELIVERED AROUND lnl BUM V LET US FILL YOUR COAL ORDERS NOW I Order by Phone by Carters Harrington Ben man- nlng or Allan Top prices paid in Toronto were as follows Christmas Beef Choice Butcher Steers Medium Steers Hardy Butcher steers Common Butcher Steers Choice Cows Good Fat Cows Choice Pair Milkers Feeders Choice Veal Calves Common Calves Sheep Choice Choice Lambs Hogs off cars Hogs fob country points this cue 525 025 10500 1300 lwiiiarket Markets Deo vyiicat per bush per hush CO Parley per I 00 Peas v2 Bran Shorts per- Hay Timothy per ton 10 per Butter per per if roronto Marked OVERCOATINGS and SUITINGS Are advanolng In price Wo are carrying a largo slock and can fill your order for at loss than you can elsewhere THE HOLIDAY TIME IS HERE AND WE OUR THE OF THE F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR Phono Main a- AW Capitol Paid Up 7000000 Wheal luiali bee IWiC- j Oats new per 0 Afi per bush per hush 10Q Hay p r Hatter 0 JO- pel 0 par bay Turkeyrf pressed dreaded 0 CANADA HEAD OFFICE TOHONTO i Reserve Fund HAY Mahtflor Drafts Money and Letters of available World In Government and Munlctpa1 6Ur In n- Savings at all RnuwN at U Opsins an ooount ViVTH Manager A m D I FORMS BAIIMNa TOAA0T i ARCHIVES OF TORONTO