Newmarket Era , December 22, 1916, p. 6

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bazaar connection with the Presbyterian on and to KOtfOgJi for Form YaJwatoP A Dike M Moord07Ii Lookio 11 A W Form M fetivor lowland A Mc- A P Moore load lions HO M Lloyd f J Blow 4 i Oldham 44 Pool as Wager Cain 1roo and iii on ev- of proijrnm is provided Hbarnrl to Wake It a Eva and J town Hello Hero arcagain well add happy W win be Wood cutting will the rage Mr and Mrs Welsh cut quite a swell their black team Miss lAifc of grippe which lusted A week mope bells ire ringing He oil the lookout for Hi olitirlvmi and hlti bride J A MivindMrs Win ttlqa- bruglif of flldoKt in to Mr of Zephyr The was allnOd in lace corded ribbon and and wearing a long bridal veil Willi a of orange blossoms carrying a bouquet of while roses and liliesofl hevalley She en tered Ilia parlor on her while Miss Laura- sis ter of the groom played the Wed ding March The bride was ac companied by a flower girl Miss Davidson also dressed in while silkjmd carrying a dainty basket of- flowers The ceremony was performed by A assisted by the couple Standing ferns with and pink over merchant jfeol da- village of when fturad that It a proUtaobi the riov8iprcad James hoajid admirable of its very and most prominent cit- a fld drove over evening nine dealt exceedingly lib J oral Whod Ta A would have loall I morns After ceremony guests repaired to the diningroom and did ample justice to the good things pro vided and enjoyed sense and of afterdinner loasts a reading by Wf Macdoiiald The grooDs gift to the was a gold watch and fob to the pianist a gold pendant and to the flower girl a gold locket and A4i The couple on rig train amid showers of confetti for Toronto and Buffalo the brides travelling suit being black serge with black velvet hat and plume We wish Ihe bride and groom a pleasant trip and a- speedy re turn all Dont forget the and Tree also lunch on the of thisinrmlb The young people are preparing a good pro- ram and all for the small sum of a and have a good lime and Herman Wright- man are both flicft with pnuu- monia Miss is To- ronlo on of IhcT of her sfsler Slovens i Wonder why wilwasnT at Monday Guess home and sang They JiVrveiall got a maw but me why one young ladies was in such a last Sunday Too bad is car south ft Wifivl Stickwoodit very busy days up the Hes not a no sit 1 iVo us ftall ffocifi will oiconio A Watch where you step of got bad fall Oh IhVJckety old platform Kor weeks John dr from an unuHallyseVvjw Of pneu monia and days bo hovering and- and Anally when was discern- Kfti Jvoro allowed in to he got a sotback ft is kindness lo talk I it worries them rest and qdlot Xhoorisisjs and all to see John up and around well as ever Then well talk -The- One wealher of lata helped the fiirniors out a lot hough some could do with just a lo finish up some ploughing but not likely to We are approaching period thats Jikely lo give us a proal freozouo about Xmas Harry possession of llir farm vacatv make cash And when do the cook News Is rather scare Folks are waiting for Ihe to or extinguish themselves I know if I had a goose Id it or know the reason why owls cant write reshiigM this season Olad Alice ley Landing Sunday School an anil Tree la Lloyds- Malt Wednesday even- log Dec 2lh A full program has been for the ami enjoy yourselves Is John I- has his committee well organized and everything hi A I Shape very one put In the wheel ami oar Ian 1st elect obKlVfV fyjur Wishing all a Merry Christinas and a Happy New and many of them Tin People will have a in Lloyds Hall on the evening Monday Dec In attendance Ladies provide Is most Invited If girl wont fellows girl On Tuesday night last Master llpss Stephenson who has working Toronto had the misfortune of be ing knocked down by an auto while home from work Ills eye was The revivals are geUuig along fine piile a number attend front var ious points Miss P Collins and Walsh of Toronto attended ftral of the late las Merchant week Mr II Pickering of Zephyr loaded another car of lurarpfe week is very plentiful nbw-a- in this Ilo saying is dog has his Miss the fm out was taken 1 Tile School very lime at their Shining tea and on afternoon evening The was an excellent one anil well received all present and young people did themselves credit In their part of tin- urogram The limelight views A Young of the Friends lUiurrh very fine well chosen and tin pictures ere nicely colored and very distinct Mis on the Journey with the First to wil St he Michaels hospital where he for a few days Queensville Mr Andrew Mackenzie and treasurer of reports there will be a surplus of this year The receipts amount to There are about yiofifi ax es slifl unpaid The Womens Institute will hold their meeting Wednesday Dec 27th at at home Mrs Thos Miller Program The Kjngshlp of Self Control Mrs Jacob Smith Danger of Luxury Modern by Mrs Albert Milne 11m hells ding guess so We Did vim hear Will they ready for thai those ring I half v- some of our young men taking of rink ami will ready sleety after Contingent and a trip through -Fng- he well pleased and land was Mr Young will he assured a gnod audience if he returns In vine lecture The Klates has protested Turkey against filarving of prisoners Mpssij has reprisal for the starving of her officers in man camps Lieut was arrest ed in France on the charge of jinny pay to the Sa0Q0 PEQG Announces that he now has the finest lot of cullers that came ML Albert Be and SeeUom Wow us for a stove 1 have any for sale you want That cant he heal for iej eomfcH- Puprcme Hi- fchis sure a piace to spent Misses Morion and genilfuici of their dual Mrs putiiian Lowlesop yii Sunday Insl Mrs Upward of IS visiliiig her mother and sister Putnam Mrs man has returned the hospital but is as vvll her frlemls would lite lo see her she will soon sain her strength Tlov tea and Conceit of Hie Presbyterian onTuesd ay was all Tin taking did well as well- as me Special should he sinking of Mr Many might He singer higher or places and test but hast were the splendid lc- by Rev A of Id Inks and of old liVlahdi Muiiywill he and going h Her J fckAllnst account John Oldham considered some belter al though fur from being out of dan ger yet lie would show signs of improvement then and his physician casually observed that John was a terribly sick man much worse than folks had any idea of Great anxiety Is foil by nil to sue him restored Ills brother from is bore attending to his farm work Here I have been singing Oh hum Harry sick of love and marry but as Tar as our Harry is concerned this is all in me eye and Martins For Harry was Just hiding the pro per lime so when the 13lh arrived Mr Harry and Miss Mary Myrlle Elizabeth ler drove lit he Manse Button lo and obey each All Ibis happiness on Hie Bill natal day We heartily wish our young friends all the enjoyment and welfare of life They are nice young folks Long ago I suggested that as her birthday fell on Wednesday that would be a fine day for the great event She laughed but never lei cat out of the bag Much sickness in our neighbor hood mostly annoying colds due lo changeable weather Oldhams illness is sup posed lOJie from exposure in whilst teaming turnips to 111 a car at Brown Hill Messrs Peter Bruce and Merlin loonier went up into the far Country in search of work and wealth soon came back again They re turned quickly minus lite guineas Their accounts balanced up with the surplus on the wrong side the expenses were greater than the receipts Merlin has resum ed bis endeavors in behalf of a higher education A change of teachers is productive of surpris ing progress But what can he he lads idea for scouting around in the cedar swamps about Cedar Hrae Perhaps or pos sibly bunnies Fur comes mighty high and these limes Hilly Miller the champion trap per is the warpath after the skunks again this season He has reasonably fair success Fur is not extra good this season Last year Ids tola catch was one hun dred and twentyeight pells No body heats that One of our gentlemen has discovered amazing sweet about Plug Mount appears to bo all sweet from head to heel and I very much expect Ihe parson have to down blessings on their heads and make then happy Girls never want to be too sure of Hour matches because they may get the slip Only a short time ago a lassie declar ed nobody could fellow from How was it done Mr of eider ieecl it the famous App1esaj all out had early morning in year been 111 about and his death caused a shdok to his many fripridB and Mr Merchant was a successful train In and has lived there many years hav ing 16 Canada from when hut a lad The little that stands in thai loW la Us leading mniqf and over since be has been both financially and by his many times under disappointment bo going practically up to time of doath In ev ery part of the work and that which tonds lp uplift of the late- Mr Merchant always present- to play bis noble- part When anyone need ed help or was In need of any and came lo that cot tage door where the late dwell lie was not turned away empty banded but received with the warmest welcome and with the help he required He leaves behind to mourn their loss a sorrowing widow and two children Mrs John Munroe of and who have the sincere sympathy of their many friends and neighbors in the surrounding country in the loss of a devoted husband and a loving father The funeral was held from bis late residence on Thursday after noon service was conduct- by Mr Hamilton of Sut ton assisted by of Newmarket who bad been the presiding minister In the church there for some time and had be come a devoted friend to the do- ceased In the service were sung Mr Merchants favorito hymns Je sus Saviour Pilot Me and Uoek of Ages At its close the funeral procession wended its way to Sutton Cemetery where the remains were laid to rest beside hose of his- youngest daughter who him five years ago The pallhearers were six of bis old neighbors Messrs Crittenden P J Jones Phoenix and The floral tributes upon Ihe casket spoke of the high esteem ju which the deceased was held by many friends They shall from their la- is and their works do follow China r When you pay price of first quality sugar why not bo aurt that you get it There in Canada which has no second quality- thats the old reliable Let Swacten it oil grade J- Fancy China and was anj Pleasing to China wo arid several Product CANADA t licin A Friend PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the War Measures Act 1914 that during the first week in January an inventory vill be made by the post Office Authorities of every male between the ages of sixteen and sixty- five residing in Canada National Service Cards and addressed envelopes for their return to Ottawa have been placed in the hands of all Postmasters for distribution amongst the persons required to fill in such cards Every male person of the prescribed ages is required to fill in and return a card enclosed in an envelope within ten days of its receipt Any person fails to receive a card and envelope may obtain the same upon application to the nearest Postmaster Our Lino of Tec I Are- Wop Our China is Got Have a Will Please loo Pi Ih B BENNETT Director General Ottawa 15th December GOD SAVE THE KING NATIONAL SERVICE- WEEK 1st to JANUARY jjL Sutton West The Anniversary Services of Ihe will he lild Blind ay Dec 1st morning even ing Special music Is being prepared by Hie choir Sullen I Of have elected Hie following officers for the ensuing lerm v v Hum page lln Sec Urn J Merchant nee regret In report hat al lime of writing Mr John perry is very ill Til ere is not much political talk around Town this week and nomina tion day Is today at noon Get your men In here and have your made early new have a few useful articles left for Give a call The turkey raffled off Miss M Howard in aid of Cross was raptured Mr After all expenses were paid Miss Howard sent away to f the Cross Mrs formerly Mrs nee Olive Anne died oh Friday night after several Ml- was In her year The funeral was on Saturday to Between the turkey and an oil stove large win low in store was are an ex pensive article Mr If Dent accepted a In Toronto for the winter Miss 1 Miss Lena and were in city On Thursday evening Dec lieiwcea the of and p a very svoIeSsful Tea for moI out wits by Mm ridge home The decorated with red and white cook stoves Forf homes for the pie ood jiimy is bo nuui all pie op end will not we dont QBirhiM hero this or Inland II Uvv visits are only Irnnsbnl lvs loves Merry A I nations aud Valley the serving in the dining room evening the selections on the kept the guests entertained The Indies Mrs Strut- were J Misses I- flu proceeds over I Cuttle of the ilef Society of FOR A and free will West under the auspices of the Vjgthoilist School at oclock v The ieo is open to anyone to Admission IS cents free The Annual of and orgina SefioOT will he held Ihe Christian Church aid win Tuesday Ian 2nd Fol lowing Is the program Morning 1020 Worship in Bible Study J Sutton West in home as for Sowing Rev Stevenson Personal Work With Boys Mr Provincial of Age Business and Closing Afternoon Worship in Song J W Arnott General View Presidents Report Report JO What About the and Girls or to Miss Morton Keswick The View Reports from 7U and Training Teach ers Mr I Otter Conference Offeiing and Closing Worship in Prayer Rev J W Report of Nominating Corn to The Value of the Early Study of Cods Word Plelclier Music and Offering The Lift- Responding for Mr Officers President Jas Stiles VicePres Sec Rev P Sup Is Mrs W P Fletcher Teen Irwin Winch Adult Mrs J Morrison Home Mrs ilibel Wiltoughhy Missionary Mrs Win Training Stuart McDonald Silver e0 PROM following letter was re ceived from Pte Pearce of the 38th hie sister Mrs of Button West Somewhere in France Dear Sister Your letter received on 22nd and was pleased to hear from you you have read in your papers of Hie big dash we made on Nov We charged old and Huns and took their trenches and gave thorn Took hundreds of prisoners be sides killing a lot of them I was rightthrough hick of it and got the satisfaction of bayoneting a big German and I myself made about thirty of them prisoners I got through it all without a scratch but dont want have to the same thing It was an awful to see my chums falling each side me in front of me and behind Some crying help and others Sneddon Jos moaning and some dead I shall Poll Clerk Photo Christmas tograph Homo Forgot If You Day Tlmi Phone Studio the never forget it as long as I live 1 dont know how ever got through it for the shell lire was something terrible The hail of bullets was just like rain falling Could not stop to help my poor churns because I know every man was needed farther on Pushed right on not knowing what min ute I might fall but seeing chums being killed made rav ing mad and in the distance I could sec a bunch Germans and although being alone I made right for them and soon cam across a big fat one and drove my bayonet through him Division No Stations Hall Egypt Jno I It ll It fardiner Poll Clerk A ByLaw was also passed making provision for Die payment certain Jficers Council adjourned Sine NORTH Mr George PnrrauH held a very successful sale of faun slock and implements on Thursday of last Mr Mrs spent day with Mr Donald Cooper at Holland Landing Mrs Harry Mills the weet- lie- visited in Hi Toronto lin Miss Clelahd City on Saturday Miss Marjoife He lip of Normal School is hum hen Mr Rlchanl Nob- and family of also Mr Emerson Madill and Mr Waller Andrews visited at Mr MadiHs on Sunday rile Poplar Hank was still alone but had no trouble end with her parents with the rest as they all held up their hands and cried Mercy comrade 1 By that lime I bad help and we soon marched them off as prisoners My nerves ore all unstrung audi was all in but could not down I then did best lo help carry he poor wounded to the dressing sta tion Then we were relieved by French troops You can just imagine what it is like here I was very lucky and thought must have a charmed life I thanked God for my protection through the awful struggle and j Everybody safe return I like the prayer you enclosed and will always- carry- it with me city in my pocket Glad to tell you that saw brother Tom last night Nov Think I will bring this to a close hoping you are all well as am I remain Your loving brother Frank Sunday are having their enter lain meat Xmas Tree on Friday evening Every effort is being by lb school to provide a good com Ed Goodwin ami Master made a business Mrs Norman a THE 01 Prices A with Wo also and A A in NO Main St Agent for Ninas and New Year Council Ihe final meeting of tor was held at Pefhrlaw on Dee at I p in Members all present Mr J Minutes of and adopted The Collection Hull for was received and accepted said roll showing si for dogs that cannot OB collected and forroal all my a Merry a happy prosperous I also thank all for your past and Joe the Painter Keswick Four hundred were I at a held nldit at Christian under auspice of the York County Uattaliou etcher was chalnnan Mrs Parsons ii A War sit- safd honor had eiueitd enter war and tie- il it She no man with a hang back now Mrs Ihe part a plays in war of I tbivo if- oversea with the J- tale of and this latter amount tun Mills on the cede Camty Treasurer was put by dogs A large number of jeeounts ordered paid ami will appear in financial st now being A fiyluw was passed making pro visions tor holding the P on and two In the afternoon also Offlofw anil Poll Clerks fur the Election follows Ms No fa I Poll Clerk No Half TiKs It SI Poll Cleric No SvdlOul llioife iMorJj After the alii- had German offer of peace the tJiitcd states has Dot a cow views the belli terms with l J that be taking the the lucent lb Wilson along with a parison peace offers of I of terms by md as at pubru is sent line can I jii HE Alfred II Mi lilt- of a pa Ji a little lh Every to the full for the naked I t for the the ro quiet in mot or Hope less ka Itsi J I dvat lunacy i J of ItatihcaetunefVS to by the dnlle Is Drill to a ten I

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