m iff I China Department Arm SPECIALS Our assortment of Vino Quail- Fancy Useful and Ornamental and Gut Glass- r was any more Attractive In Design and More pleasing lo our Customers In wo have Royal Crown several other Famous Mak es Productions HANGING LAMPS LAMPS Our of Dinner Soto up China Tea up Aro Worthy of Inopootlonl Our Assortment of Useful is Good Have in Our Window- It Will mm iL his UUHTrioM all rtiflB ar to of Willi tho the pre Wrto I waelc social r hi the humdram of school life and for never to be of Toronto Deputy In- sneotor Jot Schools- in Hie of in Town on Monday to opening the ClftssCfi ri 3rd iit He wan much what hern the will highly successful another halfdozen signed up with Secretary two young men coining Aurora Thai like hold In Uie Church oh fairly chftiffo of Alius loplo jpiiti was Uvl4cd Into four was very well discussed inyMnciTAoajrwfOtie iJist l- lendouo Is mihs Cora twin of SB a a Importer of China Photos For Christmas I your with a Good Pho tograph whether ho at Homo hut all Dont Forgot the Ovoraoao If You cant During Day Time at IJInht EVENING APPOINTMENT Phono Photographer One Door West of the New Post Office Town Nomination lias the teresU of the Town at Nomination Moling Town Is- ikw the hands for Copies- asking and ho same will at ill- u Mayor Carts will not lie a for office ami Keith Is op with ho flood Howls for he ftoes nut consider County at present So far in we nan learn there Is no for the Mayors Chair It Js for I MO said if dial nifty lie finances to i rosperoua by a hcrplartsiionier ilihivyery Is store for -Socoj- will Of the guiidfty ft reception the NanW Thirteen new received into the Rev Father an appropriate scrinon In which lie clearly Hint rest on all torcvero the name A Mesa will be at St Johns Church on eve All the Holy will receive In a body and will Hymns to the occasion Special music will lie rendered the Choir llarii We flip Angela Singing and oilier Carols will hi sung The in a TUB HARNESS OF QUALITY to at Prices A- TwoYear Quarantoa with All Harness Wo also carry a Full Lino Blankets whips COMBS ES and All Goods also SUIT AND BAGS ATTENTION GIVEN TO I Come and Look Around NOITINQHAM Main St NEWMARKET Agent for Famous Victor Vio- Irolas Records and Needles LESS HELL MORE HEAVEN Alfred Miles 10 Uie London Daily Chronicle and More is the of a pathetic poster is hi circulation just now will you allow L a space to point out how fttte the application of thought Every ease given can hit proved to full- Less beer means more tin hungry more clothes for naked more shelter for the Wore health for the sick more W ihe weary more work for moo peace at home quiet In the streets more in more decency in How Block On Wednesday morning lliri high hoards were wihovnd from -iln- front of Mi A llflW Block nearly opposite the Post Of fice fine al most for The plate windows were put in dur ing of siockiwas commenced Mr will occupy life ccnihj store as a He pot and the South Store as a He to havo his new stores open for hut the pletoviase was iji transit paused fur ther delay Che north is rented and fitted op to suit a permanent tenant The Is a to Main And a credit In the owner trade ma keg a lot of in a firocery consequently the New Store will he till next week when the old premises will ho vacated They arc to he remodelled for the accommoda tion of the Imperial Hani who have properly The centre store Is now Ha defcoiaUons esptolaliy cahdlri and virvM yesterday morning as many sellers wis fthSi hero than on St Lawrence market in Toronto up in for tiuUOr anywhere from to Turkeys were bought- by Toronto- ouycrs at a lb- and 40c a lo were plentiful and sold to a lb Chickens sold in a lb and singles or pairs and Celery per bunch Carrots and tiuTdjij Apples 3CU basket r open Presbyterian The following program of will be rendered ihe Choir next Sunday Morning Organ Prelude Pastorale v iJeiioId I you good tidings I Churchill Organ olo Glory to God in Highest Glory Bliss Organ March of Magi Kings Dubois Evening Organ Fantasia Pastorale Woly Solo O Song Divine I ToVnplo A nth cm Christians Awake Salute he Happy Morn Maunder Chant Solo Nazareth Gounod Anthem O Little Town of Neyin Organ Grand Chorus Dubois The soloist throughout the day will ho Mrs Dr Lewis Mr J Winchester and Mr Burnett The order of services In the Methodist Church on Sunday next will he as follows Organ Doxology Invocation Hymn Prater first Morn Newton 72 Mrs Miller Offering Hymn Sermon Oods Christmas to The Pastor AnUinni Holy City Shelly Solo Mrs Howard Hymn Soto of Wise Men Dubois Invocation Anthem Peace on Rarlh Prayer Hie New Lesson Sole Davidson Selected Anthem The Holycity Shelley by Mrs Howard Jane Offering Solo Ming the Hulls of Heav en Duett nock of Ages Debbie Mrs 1 C Miss Hymn Sermon It Cairn- Upon a Hear Sir A Miss Mccarty Hymn iiy oulHemanl A P Addison Pastor Mrs Mason Organist and Choir Leader Wednesday night was a great of kiddies of the Metiodibt Sunday School The Town Hall wayell filled on the occasion the annual Christinas an attractive Lram was the pastor A P Addison acting as Chairman The program consisted of Choruses by- the School in charge of Air A singing recitations und by the Primary lots dialogues by several classes closing with a The Allies a class of girls The Christinas story OfMr Smith produced roars fit The Christmas and on Christinas Day weru well pioscnted ami the sfngiug by little Misses deserved ho appearance of Santa was Willi enthusiasm and the scholars reineinbercd Altogether ft was a very satisfactory entertained The will offering to wards Ibo expenses of school sup plies amounted to I07 WAR MEW How big the big push of spring is to be- In France Is Indicated by lib f I that hundreds of miles of railway trackage and sidings in Canada are at present being dismantled and rails ties holts and shipped to Fiance for the use of the Allied armies Tills radical war measure Is being undertaken because It has been found that the transportation facilities in Franco are Inadequate for Ihe needs of Allies More trackage at the ports and behind llie front will It believed materially shorten the war result hi the saying of thousands a NV of J S y- In this to folks who to buy Is tho reminder of the fceetrrnora Dartlouarly known as i fJTg rV J EC I i I IBB I J til LJ t f i if ff ti 1 J 1 SOLD rt g at Men I Main tlT r V 7 Vfts change comfort and happiness more ltj Hope and Love lint with less Less beer means less profanity less brutality of- at- u less strife less 2is less halt and maimed and palp less widowhood and less battle murder and less crime less dy less less belting less sulcWe less less destination less i side of the less and irss teer means more thought refine 7 u culture and terpriw and Prosperity mow hi fcliort less a Wrist Watch For your lady from Park Ave I- Christian 8 and attendance at our Sabbath School is constantly increasing and are new hovering around murk Last week we hud next Sunday wo want over present Come enjoy the Bible Study Friday evening Dec at oclock shorn will bo given our annual Tree and in the church auditori- unf Indications point towards a full church so ho there early Ev eryone cordially welcome wheth er an adherent not Urfng children no admission no of fering The Program Opening Joy to the World Hark the Herald Angels Sing School and Pastor Greeting Dorothy Penrose and Harold Belfry children Around Clock at Christmas Time Exorcise- hy children DoauUful Christmas Stat By BelfrySoloist Solo Kathleen Reader Christian Church hast Sunday was a good day at flihj Church good crowd sea of faces at night The two splen did solos rendered by Miss and Miss Collins were highly received the congregation are planning lo make next Sunday morning an exceed ing great day We want those who desire to become members with us to crime next Sunday An will lie both morning and night for the reception of now members Also those who have subscribed to wards liquidating the debt against the parsonage will please bring or send the amount of their subscription and we will make this offering on Christ mas Eye as a Christmas offering lo the Lord Almighty Make all chocks pay able Geo We are glad to re port to tile public that the hope or sav ing the Parsonage is a guarantee We thought at first that we only needed nineteen hundred This the Pastor and Mr vans rais in subscriptions but we found after wards that the Interest also to be provided for but nevertheless the good people of Newmarket have shown their Interest in Chris Un civilization whether the church be of suaslpn or not and have nobly I ponded to our appeals However wc still need less than a hundred but God will provide for that in some way The program for next Sunday Is as follows Morning Service Organ Prelude Invocation Hymn Scripture Heading First Christmas Newton Prayer Offertory Berceuse Dubois Solo Flossie Collins Sermon in Bethlehem Hymn Evening Service Organ Prelude Anthem Glory In the Cooke Solo Mies Dorothy The Loveliness the this serinon Pastor will describe the color of Our Lords Juiir and eyes and wilt givo Ills weight and as indicated by Pilates history of Him This is one most pathetic descriptions of the Christ Great crowd expected Come Everybody Com from Die Imperial Government for from to of trackage All tin railways an- expected lo help The will contribute all material immediately available anil will take up 300 of sidings on lines The first request made for aid from the private railway cor porations is for thi taking up of 200 miles of duplicate track In that part of Alberta and British Columbia be tween Ihe Pacific where the and tl P other ENGLANDS ANSWER PROPOSAl he Clear and definite support given lraiice and Russia in their lo accept peace save on entente powers terms Britain will Insist on complete guarantees against menace of Prussian militarism Peace without reparation is im possible anil lo enter into peace pro posals without knowledge of what they are would he putting the allies head Into the German noose Abandonment of the fight without gaining Ihe objective would he a worse crime than wantonly to continue the struggle The Rumanian blunder at the worst can only prolong the war A strong policy will be taken to ward Greece Including the recogni tion of agents of former Premier Vonlielos The Irish question is due to a mis understanding and its solution would he a great victory tor allied cause Tho cabinet as reconstructed ia best adapted for war purposes nod will ensure prompt decisions lack of Which bos brought disaster the past Universal national service wider direction of MeutCol Sir Neville Chamberlain will be on answer to Germanys manpower This will involve a great system of com pulsory enrollment for industrial pur poses and- classification as essential or otherwise The government will control all shipping as It now controls the ways A conference with of the overseas dominions US he held soon on war matters Active program to replace merchantmen sunk by the enemy will be begun A food controller is needed because the harvests of Canada and the United States have been failures and that of Britain- poor Appeal Is made to nation to slet the government in distributing its resources equably The people as a whole must shoulder part of the burden of Bacon Hog A Opportunity For the From to Canadas export trade with Britain in hog products de creased and Denmarks increased From Canadas export bacon trade has increased and Denmarks has gone Uie other way showing a falling Off of pounds For the fiscal year ending March Canadas export of ling products totalled pounds for 1010 the total was pounds and for pounds The United Stales experienced a little in crease But bo far as Canada is con cerned there Is another side to the shield On June HMO there fewer hogs in this country than at any time during the previous ten years and from to there was a de crease of one million This serious state of affairs as well as the op portunity that is before the country is concisely and vividly pointed out in No of the Live Stock Department at Ottawa entitled The Bacon Hog and the British Market which can be had free on application to the Publications Branch Depart ment of Agriculture Ottawa Part icularly unfortunate the pam phlet Is the decrease hi the fare of the rare opportunity that is offered us to further extend our Wiltshire side trade with the British market a trade I hat for the year amounted In value to In view of trie facts here forth it is hardly nec essary to further refer lo the gravity of the situation or to the opportunity that will he lost If are farmers and breeders do not bestir themselves The Joint author points while we are not for specified reasons to occupy the market for fat hogs that the bacon hog is ours for the ask ing They also call for regularity in the supply We cannot they say go into the business for in the year and then go out of it for six months without having a general average of price that is unprofitable to producer and packer A good crop of hogs Is required each month of the year if each the pam phlet says in conclusion maintains even one or at most two sows and manages and their- offsprings manages these and their offsprings a very important and tlV0 Industry not yielding a permanent profit to the farmer but as well materially assisting lb preserv ing the commercial stability of Ihe Do minion a CM THE CLOCK NEWMARKET unnecessary His Wife This papergays en army one hundred thousand men has wrecked a in Magnate What a waste of energy I Abodrd of could done it as Mm BE A A lady went Into a one and a ttpu was duty As the wrajiping the bottle the lady said How Is the medicine three and sixpence was the answer The lady her Oh deir said in surprise Is all with Nry nious to You pay tfott you Jaiy die Oh well then sail the Hill to oblige be a small loss 1R T Super- Serial of the Season 1st The Fangs of the Wolf 2nd Episode Riding with Death 3rd Episode Across the Border Eddie Polo who did such fine work in tho Broken Coin and Campbells Coming has a very Important and spectacular part in the latest Universal Serial seen to PATRICIA THEATRE Further Announcements of this serial will appear In next weeks Issue of this paper WE HAVE ARRANGED A SPECIAL PROGRAM Doors will be open at will begin at Wednesday Evening December PEG THE Dont of Great GRAF Thursday Evening he Car The Gray port is essentially a comfortable car iLw lion- rtuii Luc villi plenty of test uxd leg room both and couiortsLle too because of its inch lull wake It of op the market t any pike The of at J iV- a J A mm fel 3i ffiss BIS R 9 SiSeQ1