Newmarket Era , December 29, 1916, p. 6

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Oh of Monday Market on Tuesday very A School opens Wednesday 3rd Miss Annie of Oxbridge la Assistant in the Continuation Tlie Nomination tot in Hie former Messrs and J ley being Ainuhl Concert of the Methodist Sunday held on Wednesday last and wits well attended J J i a rf INSTITUTE following letter has boon received by the of the Mount Albert branch Dear Madam I Wish you to convoy my thanks to the Institute for they me You could not possibly have up ft par cel which would have suited more for I suppose you Know the eatables very on this aide of the pond It Very to know that one ia thought of while away from home In closing I will again my thanks to your self and the of your In stitution for the kindness you have shown me and wish you a Merry and Now Year James South Gamp Sussex England PERSONAL Mr of Port spending a few in town with his parents Mr Harper of Toronto own for a couple of Moasra Crouton and Mainprise of Corps Ottawa spent Hie Christinas at their homos in town J Mr and aon Jacob of the home for Mr and Mrs I Terry spoilt Xrnaa at home of her father Mr 11 Miss Isabel or Orange- visiting her cousin Mrs Robertson Mr and Mrs Herman Barrett of Toronto are visiting friends in town Misses Cook and of are vis- ilora at home of Mr Cook Lieut Frank is at his home in town for Mr and Mrs Shields of Toronto were in town for the holiday Mrs Davidson and fam ily are spending a few days in Toronto at the homo of her Bis ter Mrs Mr and Mrs A French of Ottawa spent Christmas at the home of her father Mr Wal ton Mr and Mrs Shields and daughter Miss Nellie spent Christmas day with in the city Misses Nettie and Olive Robs are at their for the holi days Misses Hello and Laura Cook are spending their holidays at their home in town Mr Arthur George and Miss Butler wore married on Christmas Day at the residence of Mr Win Kenny and left on the livening train for Toronto On their return they will reside in Mount Albert Misses and Hazel Shaw are home with their father who is now slowly recovering Mr and Mrs Keyes and daugh ter Miss Blanche are at the home of Mrs Gertrude and Moore are home for heir holi days Miss Winnie Thayer of Toron to visiting at the home of Mr Hayes Miss Mabel and Miss Dolly Kirton of Toronto and Miss of arc at Mr J KigUleys II Announces that he now has the finest lot of cutters that ever came to Be sure and see them Mow as for a stove I have any style for sale you want Thai cant be beat for heat and comfort The Supreme the king of all cook stoves a Gasoline then is no man can heat me in lie sute and call me up and have a talk with me Mt Albeit A Dunn and Mr the funeral of the I Mr and Mrs Walter Draper and family spont Christmas at tho homo of his father Mr Draper Slcoppr will spend T sleighing and a hbricomers Mr Mr Aaron leading with from for dinner who camo homo were the Misses Mid Nellie Doris Stephens Mabel Wright JossiR-Wright- Lewis and Messrs Marshall Cecil Foster Dan MaoKeti- Grant Max and Knighlsv A held last Friday evening election of trust- for the pblioe village when the old members Wore J Wright good school hold in the ftchbolroom on J Flanagan waa- trustee Mr Wm retiring MrandMre Allan Howard and Miss Voriia spent at Mr A the winter with her Mr and Dike of spent with parents in town LutiorWag of is visiting his brothers in town Alias Laura Brooks of Find- later Mr Herb Brooks and Mr and Mrs Leslie Brooks of To ronto at homo of their father Air Brooks and Airs ley of Alia visit ing at homo of their parents Mr and Mrs Air and I of Now- markeL spent Christmas at homo of Dr Cody Air and Mrs J Stiver and Mrs and Airs J A of Toronto vis iting at of Mr Eugene Air Lauder of Alan is visiting at of Alessra Hugh and John Evans in a of tliovckvniI the Air and won Sientnia A Wilsonel Mrarid Fi3ft and spenaing a few KlnfE- Mra A Miss with Miss of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Rollins ftispendlnga few days at fir Chan and family spent it Goodwins SECOND STREET Tho annual business meeting of Second Street Red Cross Soci ety was held on Deo and found everything in a prosperous condition During year following supplies have been- sent to head quarters pairs Pillows pairs Pillow Caaoa I dozen Bandages Suits Pyjamas Surgical Coals 1 Quilts 30 pairs Sox Money raised during the year Membership Fees 300 Collections and Auto graph Quill 3fOO Social at Mrs Wrights 1015 School Concert and Tree Expenses Boxes Sent Overseas Cotton Shaker Flannel 33 Sewing Supplies Knitting Needles 20 Postage Bal on Hand 2170 83621 next meeting will ho hold at he homo of Airs the first Wednesday in Jan uary Come and enjoy yourself with tho Second Street ladies for an afternoon and gel interested in the vork Pros Airs Wright Archie Smith Ernest J Wright STREET NORTH lOll Males kept for service at Lot Bull Hams and Hoar J COWiESON A Phone iSOG Qiiceuavltle tho Concession North on or about the fit November One old tad Ur re- win ij The and Tree under the auaplcea of Poplar Hank Sunday was a decided success excellent program was a treat to ah present and those taking part deserve great deal of Mr A of Newmarket acted as Chairman In his manner Mr Ceo had a sale of hush lots last Friday say that the prices soared high no fount due to the scarcity of coal A number of ycung from here attended tho at fllenvllla on evening last all report a pleasant time Miss Mobel of visited aunt- Mr last week Mr and Mrs Mills Xrnas at Mr Blacks of family ore spendhtghe her mother Mrs- Mr Frank Saturday to und relative In Bound over Mr and Mrs Robert aadMri Belfry spent day Mr and Mrs John of Jowuier- Mr Proctor of Toronto was home for Mr M and Xrnas Mr Mrs Vane- and Jill l6 end Sort y Goodwin lav Kemp had their sons from Toronto for holidays Atkinson family spending holidays among rel atives County Mr J Moore had tho mis fortune to hurt his linger Very badly last week while playing with some machinery You would think he was old enough to pull his Anger out en Johnny Airs and Toronto Air John Milne Miss of and Air Milne spent at Mr James Mrs taker spent her Xrnas in Newmarket with her daugh ters Airs and Mrs Foster Air Frank and Miss Marlon attended a private dance in Aurora on Tuesday night Air Lawrence Foster had a house full on and all wont up to Air Wellie Colos for din ner Air and Mrs want to Newmarket for din ner at Air John What about that rink Might spoil a hookey match if conscrip tion comes along When Air Pump gets down to biz And Ted begins to run Just let me know by telephone And Ill be there to see fun Atkinson also Misses and Jean spent at On Monday evening the We Will Win Bible Class hold a meeting at the electing following officers for the year Pros Harry Jackson VicePros Albert Assl Angus Smith On Saturday evening WW gave Mrs Atkinson a surprise by presenting her with a piece of cut glass Albert made the presentation and address was Harry Jackson as follows Dear Teacher Wo of the Wc Will Win Bible Class sernblo hero tonight to show to you our kindest regard and heart felt appreciation of your effort as our worthy teach er and as you strive from lime to lime to so fully explain the messages of truth we may not always bo in our places each Sabbath hut we fully realize our loss and it is also very disap pointing to you As the Now Year draws near we trust we may all bo privileged to be in our class and by so doing make your work easier Now wo ask you to accept this small token with seasons greetings to you ana yours Signed on behalf the Class fooe Air W Hose and Sons over with relatives hero Air Percy Wilspn of Toronto a few days hero visiting his parents The revivals in the Hall arc getting on fine we soon expect a better place for the con gregation as this Hall is some what Mr has taken over tho grain buying for this berg Mr Merritt Thompson of spent over Xrnas with relatives here The service on Sunday morn ing was well attended A good collection was given to Air Lots of cold now in this berg Cold Angers and cold feei are the order of the day The prayer meeting on Tues day night jwasi conducted by Rev Mr Jolin7Tal Sunday land Col and bold a family reunion on liny spnl he bolliUry with friends in Miss Merle and Uhlan of lWontoHpnt ihe weekend at Mr Mr Toronto tspint under the parental unit r China XA8 J lb GO and lb i Mr and Mrs are viHltliiK relatives Mr Ross and of Toronto were for Mrs Draper who has been ill for some limi improvini Very slowly Jhe Mlswis Brother iqe of Toronto under the roof Hilda sustained slight Injuries by falling slabs lost ruesduy Mr and Mrs ice Draper of Wolfe are friends and relatives in one only the highest So there no danger getting seconds you buy Redpath In- the original Cartons or Bags Canada Sugar Refining Co Limited Montreal CORNERS ban cime and gone with all lis Joys ami sorrows While It brought of in thin vicinity Mr and Mrs and fam ily Mr and Mrs las were Iho of Mr Thompson at GOO BALDWIN items but This is the soldier wrote the letter in last weeks Era lie is a brother of Airs of Sutton West The cut was intended for lust weeks issue was delayed in mail BETHEL Beauty J v I life id M ftftdlet U6 J fcifi at the fetft young people assisted by the Of leers and friends of the Bethel Sab- hath School purpose giving a program at Bethel Church on Fri day evening January for the bene fit of the school In this place The above will consist of read ings music by the choruses Also some by the older Scholar and something very good by Ihe younger ones well as Tableaux Hock of Ages Arrange ments are being made to give anyone ft chance make a gift to any of their friends present You arc welcome to do so There will be no admission at the door hut an offering will be taken by two little girls So everyone will have a chance to give from the heart Come with us and enjoy an evening which may he profitable to us all A number of the members and friends of the North Free Meth odist Church met in on and marched to parsonage whore they spont a very pleasant and profitable ev ening with their pastor Roy Ii Stevenson and his wife Airs Geo Arksey took the and after prayer and singing call ed upon Airs Kay to road an address during which the Winnie and Kay in of tho So ciety presented Rev Airs Stevenson with a beautiful com bination Set of Dishes and a Linen Tablecloth Rev Stevenson who like Airs Stevenson was completely overcome by surprise nevertheless gave a very suitable reply The tables then spread and after the company had done ample justice to the by the ladies they again repaired to the draw ingroom where music and sing ing were enjoyed for a short time then another address was read Air Mr Kay presented a lovely Bible to Mr Willie Stevenson a brother of the minister who leaving our midst and whose faithfulness to the Sabbath School and has been highly appreciated Mr Stevenson very aptly replied referring to his love for the Book Divine Several beautiful selections of mu sic were rendered and after sing ing God be with you till we meet again aria prayer again being offered the company dis persed On Saturday evening pre- vious the members of Peters Corners Church presented Rev and Mrs Stevenson with a tilled purse of Wedding hells are ringing in our village this week Mary will he missed Who next Mori r ROACHS POINT Our School concert as largely attended as usual as nearly all lie men went to nomination A good rnumherwtjis and a splendid program was given by the pupils This I concert is one we look forward to more each year Mr and Mrs Ray of Toronto and were home for over Christ ina Mr Stanley Of Swill Current is home on visit A sleigh load of 17 from here at tended the concert at Keswick on Christmas Mr Mrs Win Young spent over Christmas with Mr Young Messrri of and A IJeasIoy of pro have been visiting here this week Mrs Sherman and Mrs Day of spirit Christmas at Joy to many other have saddened by the loss of loved ones We were pleased to have some of our soldier boys with us over Harold Win Robin- son and Stanley day at their respeotful homes Quite a number from this neighbor hood took advantage of Ik good sleighing and spent with friends lint Clans did not forget those who remained at home Our popular teacher is spending her holidays with her parents In Newmarket Miss Ferguson of Toronto Uni versity spent the weekend with her friend and attended Closing exercises of the School which all seemed to enjoy preached Sunday even ing but owing to the Inclemency of weather the attendance was rattier smalt to report our Mel friends are recovering from their recent Illness It is with deep regret we learned of the death of Mr Oldham and much sympathy is felt for Ihe little children who have so recently been of both father and mother A good way to economize on coal oil in these war times would be to turn the light a little- lower Flossie Vera might profit by this advice also Wishing the and its many read ers a Happy ami prosperous New Year Silly EGYPT had a bag full or eyes are not in kilter John Oldhams decease was a great shock to Baldwin friends My was loo much for me 0 commits wish wid New Year wet to be to so AciheiLr the of be J is once v iL til Jeraey ScKooi was a bo occod v5dch ifaownttd to ve do- to HOP was a beautiful day Our young people enjoyed a good skate the pond the first of the season Mr and Mrs Wesley of the North West are spending the holidays at Mrs Wesleys fathers Mr David Dame Humor says a couple of our young men went to Toronto last Sat urday and each took to himself a wife Congratulations We noticed Mrs Stevens at Sunday Mra Good and family spent Christ mas at Mr Mark Halls Ma WHfrcd wears a llial wont corno off Glad to report mother and babe are doing well Mr and Mrs Torn spent at Mr Wilfred Mrs Joe Gibson baa Just threshed bumper crop of clover seed hope to see a large number at the Sunday School Convention Sharon on the 3rd of January These Conventions are very educative and a great treat to anyone interested In Sunday School work It about time wo heard from our Ladles Aid again These little social gatherings help to make life a brighter In a rural section where lack the social privileges of towns KESWICK The following the program of the Echo Conference to be held in the Methodist Church on Friday afternoon and In the Christian Church on Fri day evening Prayer Fletcher of Officers Report of the First Evening Francis Morton J Report of the bast Night Horace Address Mr Otter Friday Evening t My Impression of the Conference A Hamilton Report of the Sunday Afternoon Fletcher Roy Pollock Aim of the County Teen Aye W Banquet The of Boy Mr Otter- COMNEUS Sutton West Under the auspices the Rod Cross Rev A Young of Newmar ket will give bis Travelogue Willi the 1st Contingent through England and the War Zone ia the Town Hall Sutton West on Wednesday Jan 3rd at o clock prompt beautiful pictures together with personal experiences and anecdotes Miss es others will assist in the program Chair to be taken by Mr A A full house is expect ed as the cause is worthy The Masons arc anticipating an exceptionally interesting meeting next Wednesday evening in the Masonic Hall being the of ficial visit of Deputy GraI Master Rowland of Toronto Snow for and quite a few look advantage of it and had a nice ride The Patriotic League recently organized in Egypt bad a splendid meeting last week at the home of Mrs J About ladies joined and some other are promising help in any way Quite a lot of work was done by ladies present We hear is the intention of ladies to provide all the comforts they can for the boys at the front who went from Egypt and vicinity School meeting to be held on Wednesday Hope there will be a good turnout as we think there has been a little talk about two or three families who have to school who have caused the teacher no little trouble and think the trusts should stand by the teacher and either make these trouble some children obey or send them home Mr is moving away to Keswick to keep store The many friends of John Old ham will regret to learn his ill ness proved fatal and he passed away on Thursday just about five weeks after his partner in life bad passed to the great beyond Much sympathy is felt for three small children who were be reft of both parents in such a short time The funeral took place last Saturday to Cemetery of Sut ton West conducted the service Some rouble in the school at Cedar Brae Probably if great majority of parents used a little more of the birch rod at home il would lessen the troubles of the schools somewhat School Reports Report of examinations in Pine Orchard School for Second Third and Fourth Classes Names In order of merit Fourth Mary Brandon Marjorie Hopper Russell Harold Sr Third Viola Petch Willie Robert Ivan Hall Mary Rey nolds Audrey Jr- Donald Skinner Second May Rose Wid-ii- fleld Max Johnson Florence Walter lilutoff Jr Second- Annie Skinner Elmer Johnson Irene Frank Leone Norman Sheridan Holland Landing The dance on night was largely attended Everyone re ports a good time Miss Poole of Barrio Is visit ing her mother Mrs gan The following arc the candi dates who will go to the polls on Monday next For Peeve J Gibson and Lane For Councillors Thos Foster F Hitching W John Smith and F Stevenson School Trustees elected ac clamation as follows Smith WJ Hodges and Marshall Evans o AGED MAIDEN LADY J FATALLY IflJUfiifc Dec Miss Storey aged about eighty year- 11 sister of the late Mrs Andrew son met a tragic death hew She had spent Christmas me of her Mrs It Be Lindsay and returned here I She was delayed the train others wire as train started draw a Xmas Day was nil that could bo looked for Christinas visitors loo Canaan fiherilm one to Mr J son bad his share A happy No crowd you may Flora WUllima Bruce Morion Kdjtlie Smith Willi Brflir Wait from in jumped and in Some under the car the wheels both her above the knees never regained a about four oclock At the t WWW W John of covered a verdict of the Lake Co id for Injuries when Vitamer The ran into swing bridge over the Trent Canal t Babover whew bridge lender In Juce was Oral tried of 200000 given MJ to the Ontario and this emit directed trial which was week the above result Mr old the time of was Hi Ihe case years Kino The closing exorcises of fo I King were Thursday evening Deo ho school house The school room S with bolls lags greens and paper Watson hlledOe 6ff airman very acceptably consisted of Obi the consist recitations dialogues by the dftiou to Ms Rev dressed the audience on War end Mb ax- rendered a while Miss Ireland Campbell to the collection to be hod to as ty China n Hands om Pleasing China we Do El ft and era sevei Prod China Our China Is Have a Will Greet Homo Forgot If Day Phone Studio the THE Made Given wit Wo also WHIPS I IIS and A Come I P Main ITALY Homo in in the military called to fit or the es are i turning Prom the shore hias pass varied in attacks leather ountuin liar yi Has ha death m t000 am Hohl Has Wl kind of to ARCHIVES OF ON I TORONTO

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