Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1917, p. 3

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RTF wrz J Work at the Tannery on Tuesday after noon for half an hour to enable the men attend a lo the Internals of Ball There were nearly live hundred nrcBeni a good fooling i J end Entertainment There was splendid ho SI A display homemade articles and was almost was Bald The supper was patronized as well oh the In evening The entire proceeds were in the neighborhood of Ho The Juniors did not put in any defence to the protest of the Junior that David played under the certificate of his brother Harold In a recent il Newmarket The therefore to award nnd the round to the club The club Hill Verify and no fool obtained it place In he School-Room- on Tues day if week All are to go early as extra ready needed al the Front Another par who looking or automo biles have great range Town this season On w of this tesuq will the of the Chevrolet- for agents for Newmarket and Sutton and wilt bo pleased good to Intending purchasers Regular Mem ber Following I Buffalo Meter Co huapeuded The ho barred from from will A hockey ami potlco a number wore dlapotfcjl Police mi of week was an aggravated for winch tin up and wan Ren tenet Harry lug near Bradford were charged the theft f wire man the charge ftcotenced on jKUhi Mi The is KcttinK to one fop Iho poo- rile of More than In iowri aro without coal at time Only two of hard coal have como In the ton It flcomfl to get dry wood are suffering with vary cold weather- wo aro having Is at a premium Hell Tel Co Can KteCi Co Con Co Pay A W Customs on Meters electric light were- granted ft FHlry Williams Seven were received for of Officer and referred jo to report next of ByLaw passed autitotize drafts at of Mbrilreal ami of Toronto to of 10000 each passed Vol Duncan George Curtis toenforce Its provisions In Town Council adjourned W BALDWIN hrated in In the Hall in the- of Vork Board of -Agifoui- ttiVMrNIxonofSC At a joint meeUng wjlh Womens held addroines Mrs Sir Smith speak this meeting anl will also attend the meeting for the residence of Mr WW Powell at I 1 In Tottenham Mr acorns his panints here Mr Archlbalji aim his spent Sunday with parents at Miss liattie Cutting or Toronto spent With frlenflslri her parents Miss I Pal ton- nailed on Mis on Saturday The Ladles Aid met at Ihohonrnof Mr Ferguson on Thursday There was a largo A number attended rink at on Saturday night the town lock on llv- One of ttic and will he dncsduyVIhO other for before llmci public Library Tier Public Hoard held it Initial meeting on Tuesday evening when following organiza tion was completed A Secretary A Cornell J Smith The usual amount of routine was tranaacled and In it was resolved to open Library and Heading for two on each Wednesday afternoon The will be In charge In future from to each Wednesday afternoon Groat fun on tho toboggan nlldes those nights Reserve the for the Talent Sale In Methodist School Room Benefit for Comforts at ilia at Tuesday Methodist Mission Circle will meet at homo of Robinson next from to On Sabbath leb the Pastor will preach morning and evening as follows A Word of the Lord P Christian Babes The Womens Missionary Society will meet on Wednesday Feb- at the home of Mrs Irwin at i oclock A full of Ihe ladles Is On Sunday Teh 2Mb the pulpit will he morning and evening by- Rev J I Simpson of Carlton St Church Toronto Thursday night of lost week time with the of the Churph church was fairly well filled and Mr Frank Kelly presided during the busi ness meeting and annual Roll Cull A General Board was Instituted Instead of having two or three to conduct the management of tho Church business A vote of thanks was lend- to the Pastor and Mr Ceo for their tireless efforts In raising he required amount to pay the Mortgage on tin Parsonage All reports of the various Departments the were very encouraging The Church Treasurer showed a balance on hand of over after meeting all obliga tions The Sunday School Treasurer reported a balance of over on hand lo commence the present year Willi The Missionary offerings were Ihe largest in the history of Church following are newly elected Church Officers Clerk Art Treasurer See Milliard to wards Fred Jan Bond Jos Hen Howard Bert Gardner and Art Russell Collins Walter Prlondo There was a good attendance at meeting on Sunday morning last and an excellent address by the pastor or Heavenly iVotwIthslnndlng Ihe severity of the weather quite a number were present at the Evening Meeting when the Pastor preached on reasons for Feb A Meeting for P AI Peoples Popular Subject Reversing positions Med All seats free wel- Anglican on Feb The Collins Fred Roy Alfred and Gad6by Supt Russell Collins AsslSupl Eves and Geo added to the list Con of Social Com- Stephens At the conclusion of the business Choir took their places rend ered various selections were turned off and two were of Deacons Mrs 1 A P The held by the Young Peoples Association was a great success- were well patronized in the afternoon also the Japanese Tea room Miss Instrumental enjoyed by all and added much to the of the afternoon A chicken lea was served from five to and young girls In Jap anese costume deserve credit in their management of the tables In the evening a concert was given by the members of Choir ami sel ections on the New Edison so kindly loaned by Mr J V lo the evenings enjoyment Proceeds amounted Eighty tors besides the donation for the dlers sot- a rather too Justly one to call tins a mild winter vbo foretold a winter should keep indoors Maybe If he Is caught out in Baldwin lie might accidentally get hanged to a sour tree this aim a bad winter in reasonable health should enjoy it Anyone who would whimper and vhlno would as old Indian con temptuously termed it be an old squaw The kids I observe draw the line at trudging off school such days as of late but I notice that Uncle Owl doesnt get far from Castle Owl when theres a cold wave Ive been telling lime back I looked for a Mercury period It came eh Elder Fletcher cried Pecoavi on Sunday evening Roads prohibited his atlondanco at Baldwin Church services No secyjeo as when parsons away lambs will play Of all our local kids Johnston Crydorntan Jr is the only one with sand enough to trudge lo lie preferred school to loafing around home Hes a hardy manly chap- a good student with a Nov memory and abundance of application and perseverance Win Crowdcr Into of Baldwin of Keswick canio over on Sunday lo hoc how Baldwin is coining up without him Fairly well thanks I Lately I hear with touch belief uohor lief mixed together that Keswick is all ablaze with bin mercantile experiences Only about one per cent of men urn in way for business life Mr and Mistress Billy were popular neighbors here so many The weak concoction passing under cognomen of booze per cent alcohol is rather hard on the rummies these days as it lakes a great amount sil- get up steam and a jug on Our locals rather than nil up on such trash go to Jas A and drown their sor rows in Not- a bad drink if you must drink but- why drink youre not thirsty Echo answers why When the bars were first clos ed one of our boozing farmers sold a consignment of pork ana came home rejoicing Every cent of his spondulicks was in his poke Never a cent or a mite went lo dress the landlords kids A red letter for a dry town I guess our local young gents of an amorous nature have been sidetracked Looks as if they had fc BOGARTTOWN Friday evening Feb- the School and the Ioh Sunday School gave the soholars of the Section at to Pine cliard On their return rnfreahrnents hurstwin give an She will also speak at the Joint Meeting to be hold at In evening- OOOo- VIRGINIA A very pretty wedding took place on Jan at the of Mri and Mrs Talbot Ave were served which had been prepared when her slater Alma In by parents who were assembled In lo the pupils on their return and to parti cipate In the pleasure of the evening After partaking of the refreshments a and literary program was creditably rendered by the scholar The singing was directed by Mr Win chester who had trained the scholars In the numbers rendered Mr was accorded a hearty vole of thanks for the part he had so ably per formed Messrs and Oilllon provided the teams for ride and were well provided with rugs and robes to keep their passengers warm In spite of the hitter cold all enjoyed the ride On Friday of next week IGlh a Meeting Is to be held hi the Market Hall at oclock when- Mr Nixon of St George will give an ad dress At In the evening a pub lic meeting will also bo held at the Barn place Besides addresses a mus ical hrograrn bo provided with the assistance of the Womens In stitute Invited Mrs Dr Smith of will speak to Ihe ladles In the Methodist Church at also take part In tho evening mceUng We are glad lo be able to re port this week thai Mrs Skin ner is now doing as well as can be expected three weeks serious Mr and Mrs Robinson of Kottlehy called On friends in town on Tuesday Mrs George Curtis and son of Chatter Man called on Mr and Mrs Skinner Sun day Mrs M Mrs Coffey received with Mrs J A Armstrong at Newmarket on Tuesday Mr Geo Skinner is harvesting summer supply of llus week It is inches thick and good blueice Mr Frank Williamson enter tained a few friends on Tuesday evening before his son leaves to train in the Navy The boys from lown won the Oak Rocker given Bradford Rink for he largest load coming from a distance Pearl was united in matrimony to Mr Cephas of Expanse formerly of The ceremony was conducted by the A Cummer Hector of St Pauls Anglican Church under an arch of white ribbon Miss Win- 1 nlfred Talbot In pale blue mull and Miss Mary in crearn voile made two form ing an aisle extending- from the arch to the staircase The bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father Mr Robert J of to the strains of Wedding March played by Miss Gladys Talbot and looked charming gowned In George He Crepe over Ductless Satin with pearl trimmings and wear ing the usual bridal veil and Orange blossoms and the Grooms glfe a sunburst of pearls She carried of bridal roses and ferns tittle Miss Alma Talbot and namesake of the bride made a very pretty ring- bearer dressed In pink Georgette Crepe and wearing a gold bracelet the gift of the Groom She carried the ring in a basket of Pink Carnations After congratulations and best wishes about fifty of the guests adjourned lq the diningroom where dinner was served The happy couple loft by the even ing train for Hamilton Niagara and other points mid showers of rice and the bride wcaija a brown silk with hat to match and plush coat NEWMARKET Underwear Upon their will In the West return Mr and make their future 50 Mrs Pino Cotton For for Pur Cotton In 7c Soft Finish to Prlcea From to yd Lot Embroidery 1 to Oalo yd Pino Torchon to Oalo Bo yd VltQ and Heavy Twill Gale to KOo Fancy Colored 80ln 32c The desccndenlt the laie Brooks Wtikefteld donor of the Church Kathleen find Cordon Howard appeared in lb- aisles bearing lighted candles In front of the altar rail was suspended to a wire frame and as each touched the corner with light Hie document was Instantly In a sheet of Rev W P Fletcher Presi dent of Ontario Christian Confer ence spoke words of congratulation and encouragement and commended the progressive spirit of the Pastor and members Mayor W de livered a short address favoring- a more general adoption of the weekly contribution envelop along with an in crease and thus prevent the church from again getting into debt The contributions by the Choir included beautiful solos by Miss Flossie Col lins Miss Edith Morton Miss Stella Wi and Miss Dorothy duett by the Misses Kelley fitting lo nay that at the lime lioard of The reorganization of a Board of Trade in Is being discussed by the business people a they- meet each other and there is a general feeling in its favor Mayor Eves has been in the matter and lie is strongly impressed with the idea as being very necessary for the harmony and development of the Towns industries as well as lo secure the prosperity of the place and has consented lo preside a meeting in the Council Chamber next Tuesday evening at o clock and an invitation is extend ed lo oil citizens in sympathy with the movement to he present In unity there is strength h AURORA In the Mechanics Hall Tues day night Mayor J presided over a largelyattended recruiting rally hold by York Rangers Ball Mrs Parsons Mills and Corp York a strong appeal for with the result that two recruits came forward Exhibitions of boxing wrestling and bayonet fighting were given by members of the battalion -OOO- op canXdA HAY GENERAL MANAGER OFPICU TORONTO vUlswtkft fidvtccci approved Cites cotes ilia on at all SMYTH Manager f NEWMARKET BRANCH KBTTLEBY HOW A I 1 also is he Mortgage was burning the Parsonage was beautifully lighted from cellar to garret by electric lights At the conclusion of the program everybody was Invited to repair to SchoolRoom where the ladles had prepared a very fine and nearly enjoyed a good tome time Mayor Alder man Fred and their hands full aeallmj the peo ple hut at last everybody and a spirit of Joy every None seemed lobe mora than factor to whom much must be for the success of the Its that finds ueoful all Of you own that kind la to do its work with disappointment and You put your money Into a bettor fountain loo than a Water- mun lon a Hint never clone never to you want It to IP YOU NttO A FOUN TAIN HIKES ON What makes the girls love Ivan so The boys all run and cry Oh Ivans such a gentleman Uncle doth reply Grippe and lung trouble are getting in thoir work in many a local home Owen Toronto camo up in zero to do soma out side carpentry work for Bertram Owen Work at the dinner table is progressing fine The carpen try is a dead standstill The woodpeckers ore doing nobly Tidy Tommy Abl Joseph and Harry are in the van Wood merchants will bo galore next winter Potatoes and poultry will be strong features amongst local farmers Ihe coming season Mrs A made her bow amid niany drawbacks A good hundred and fifty dollars on poultry she made last year Her little gobbler lbs brought her eight and a half dollars say ing nothing of chicken pie etc My shore was much appreciated Im forgetting some good items but must nevertheless The hoys having nothing else lo do are announcing that Dr Joe is about to take in a partner of the female persuasion sensible A couple of military gentry one from Mount Albert and from Newmarket what do you call yourself Mister were looking up recruits about here A bad spot 10 fish for recruits All caught out of this reserve I arc la a bad condition high wind on Saturday The roads owing to the last Mr Frank Irons his new barn almOBt completed Miss Mary has gone away for a months vacation A very interesting debate took place at the League last Tuesday evening Country vsClly the winning by two points Mr Levi Watson has returned home from Toronto Miss Emma Mount of Toronto Is spending her vacation Willi her bro ther here The many friends of Mr Albert Shanks will be glad to hear that he is Improving nicely Mr w Stephenson of spent the weekend with friends at Mrs John Shanks has gone to re join her spending few days at the of Mr Barradell Miss Porter spent the weeken at her home In Mrs George Curtis son of Brandon Man are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity Mr W of spent Sunday at Miss fleer has returned home after an extended visit id the Queen City Regular Quarterly Meeting at the Methodist Church last Sunday night Mr Elgin and family have moved into Mr George house on the line tobe near his work In Creedons hush Mr Fred Intends having an auction sale of farm slock and Imple ments IV1 Mr P Smith of Newmarket to Wield the Misses Mary and Vera ac- conpsnled by Mr Smith of spent Sunday at Mr Albert Haters Dales occupied the pulpit in the Sunday Miss a solo in her usual i 1 North York of bold a public In the Hull at oclock to be by Mr of topics of lo Wo fct lite feuie pi Explosion in a munition factory at near Col ogne on Saturday Tho factory is reported destroyed and of the workers are reported killed John at the foundry andjrjachine- of the Long Mfg Co at was burned to death the plant was destroyed At St Catharines on Monday while Clearing ice from the race way of the Montrose Paper Milts Andrew Walker aged years slipped from the bridge was car ried out by the swift current Into the canal and was drowned WTO Jilli BLOCK On Tuesday Evening I3th J Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week are as follows Choice Weighty Steers Choice- Butcher Heifers On Wednesday Evening 14th 1 ir liUL gk Powerful Drama of Moral IN FIVE PARTS- Choice Butcher Cattle and Feelers Milch Cows Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Choice Spring Lambs Cull Lambs Light Heavies and Bucks Hogs off cars Groat scarcity of veal calves Newmarket Markets Feb 1917 Wheat per bush i CO Oats per bush CI Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton 37 Shorts per ton 40 Hay Timothy per ton per Butter pr lb Chickens per lb Geese per lb Ducks per lb Saturday February Grace and Francis Ford In Turkey per lb 170 18 onoiudvttA IN PATRICIA Ten Centtj THEATRE j I I t I is Feb 1017 bush M of Wheat new- iUy per ion nutter per dot orcacd Our Every Lover of MADE and Five 1 1 5r0 GO feiO eo 0 s Prices Right LIVE ARCHIVES OF NTABIO

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