Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1917, p. 4

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t- ag J I fcuy Victoria inform you for McSm Old Villa of i I lo fllfl Mr AU U Editorial Notes i I I I M0TH at to DRUG ft Addict Furnace Work- V PC Our Specialties i a- tho Bathroom Outfit at the Shop TINSMITHS OSBORNE A SONS NEXT TO Ottawa thai the for Modft9 Jaw wilt propone to he Opinion Mr- Hartley may iploailyr of Mb- tin of loader A dated St 2nd that announced a Ren- oral will take place on polHiiff one week later n Ottawa of the war to Canada In and it in estimated that it will reach in eurnmt of J to to looked a little Well you a I had a lough spoil of KoVftr mind papa dear in terrupted it isnt Goodbye dear And dont liim forget the woollen muffler- throat he How j 86eiiied of Shawlw after her only an average of human as she had sorted and the temptation was yery strong Hiram Walters rind the re J tarrnhousb expect a second thought after i tills cavalier had entered the lists Daisys eyes Bparkleo brighter ever and chocks rivalled oleander blos soms slid liked to in her golden as he weeks crept llujn that she v- The for Jaw Mr has presented a hill In the Parliament at Ottawa of a practiced character to tackle the problem of increase IoIIvuikv His hill Is to the Criminal Code and was read a first time Mr Knowles explained Ids bill made a offence for or Wholesalers to enter into an to maintain prices OXIDIZED On Machinery for Sale DAVIS of Hank of Toronto Newmarket Saturdays Mall and that legislation will pro bably be brought down id the coining the providing for the erection of a De partment In the administration of Provincial affairs In a deputation ears I stated that the al ready had in matter In hand WINTER A despatch from Ottawa ounces that Parliament adjourned on Wednesday of this week and will stand adjourned III I of April ensuing it will attend a con ference In wilh the British anthnrliies to discuss questions touching the present war It no doubt he an has it that wlillo in tin Humor country a Peerage will he offered find Sir Borden Special now in lo resorts in Florida Georgia North and Carolina Louisiana and Other Southern Stales and to and West tteturn Limit May ALLOW ED full information write to J HORNING Di I A Union Station Toronto J Agent J Phone Agent The Mercury Texas a man named divorce from his wife out that has had remarks In Jt lorned r ten husbands Of Tfrnohlp Mr J was elected lo the Council of King Township in After Ihreo years on It Phil lips to accept the position of Co Clerk Mr Wells Was successful In winning the position of holding it for two yours Then on the retirement of Mr McMurchy from having as Warden of llic County he contested Iho of fice of Hoove which he and his popularity is attested by the fact that ho has now been for the third term the last being by acclamation Prior 4o entering the Council Mr Wells was Tax Collector for Iho South ern Division of the Township for twelve years For a number of yours he has been on the lionrd of Directors of tho Richmond Hill Street Agricultural Society and is an enterprising farmer went the porch hiding blushed and felt vaguely guilty the sting of disappointment whcnovcrVsho thought of her charioteer was to ho only Waiters and the little border of the farm hand clovepinks he had planted under Its too bad said she the south windows because she to lake you all the six miles to and the old balsam the cold morning tree he had cut down because she your asthma thought the river view tojicr atnazemontit by its black green layers of Simon that sat at the right side of shade Daisy did not analyze her llo little red cutter but Irani feelings Perhaps because she Wallers dared not ftont bo angry with me Daisy you are not going lo Daisy ho pleaded Uut I did that party tonight rcnion- so long to driye you over and Aunt Penrose You look Over Violet Hi rlajootld Is Host Hector rlarhoti r1aJo8tlo was awarded ttfo Gold your father was very kind about cold at yesterday and fecial alio award for Electric at it and didnt object It will bo so your throat is bad I know it by ma International Exposition It built on a now before we seo each other Ihohusky sound of Each unit a of again Daisy Oh yes pleaded Fahrenheit- Ho other Heater attains a Angry I I am not angry of Daisy Mr Davenport is to bo than GOO courso said the girl apparent- there and Madeline busy in arranging the robes Pshaw child Madeline round her slight form only I cant very well run away wilh am sorry to give yu the trouble George Davenport even if you arc not there to keep guard over him I want to bo there aunty HO I A Verm Now In Toronto TIME I VAOATIONO Assured to Qradu- Ptiue FOR IT I Pros hi her time And yet after a llk that there are some folks fool ish enough l contend that dont know enough to vole We understand however that the Premier Is seriously thinking of ask ing Ihe to give the franchise Attend tho Vottgci Ik Toronto QAHKIUQ quickly and IN Any for W J Lennox P P at the Hippodrome In To ronto last Saturday night during appeal for reorulls for Hie Battalion said The time Juts when it is up to the Govern ment lo Introduce and impose the Militia Act to make the young men do duty to the country lie dded It for us to come here and beg and plead for men lo do their doty lie thought the young men hi Law School University Denial College ought to be ashamed for having come forward and Joined lite force In House of Commons a few days ago Kir Wilfrid asked lie Government if they had made due preparation for be now peril which threatened through renewal of Urn new submarine menace war might be brought sooner Canada he said than had hitherto been the ease hi reply Robert Borden stated that- the subject had been very carefully considered es pecially during the past five or six weeks and many secret communica tions had passed with the Imperial authorities would not he proper to make any reference to what had been done at the present lime lie would be glad lo show all correspondence confidentially lo leader of the Opposition The lo but the the OF THfi MOUSE in ftll countries Ask for our will ha sent freo University Montreal i I j spring bring your logs to idUftvb them cut into Umber OH your own purposes Dont it the enow is gone members of the legis lature especially are pleased thai Ihe House is opening this year on of February at two weeks earlier than last year Towards the end of each session although so much important business comes at the end duo to delay at lliOhcginning members get restless The farmer mem bers particularly want lo gel back lo their farms lo do their work In ihe long sessions of and before the war it was well into May before Ihe legisla ture closed Since the war the sessions have only been about half as long as previously This year cornea earlier than in and the early dale the opening probably shows a desire on the part of govern ment to finish business by Easter as they managed to do last year i Plum Hollow cheese factory eighteen miles from here owned by Harvey was destroyed by fire its contents this morn In if- The Finance reports thai subscription- to ihe Government war savings certificates arc coming at the rate of nearly one thousand per day Most of them are for About half a million dollars have already been in vested In the certificates Captain Hamilton of Out one of the returned men was awarded a Military Cross for gallantry On the battlefield He was attached to Royal Army Medico Corps unit at and was one of the officers assisted In driving back a large force of VALENTINE By A Connor the freezing tor of he full moon light ed up the wintry world the distant hills the cedars and hemlocks seemed to interlock their branches while the icicles pendant from a thousand leafless boughs made faint music at every of air All na ture was cold At Israel Plumes snug little farm house however there was no lack of either light or warmth Daisy Plume had kissed her old father goodnight and gone up lo her room to finish packing for with earliest beam she was to start upon her first pilgrimage to the great city A low clear fire burned upon the redbrick hearth two tab candles on the while draped toi let table diffused a pleasant brightness throughout the room and Daisy sat in a little rocking chair pulling an array of doinl laces into a silklined box while her elder sister stood by Ihe bed folding dresses laying them leisurely into the tray of an oldfashioned hairtrunk which hud gone Daisys father and his second wife Daisys mother not upon their unprc- wedding trip I suppose youll have a splen did lime said sighing Aunt Penrose had never thought of inviting her lo come to New York with Daisy yet never once dreamed of being jeal ous of her beautiful younger sister It was natural and right in her eyes that all the good and pleasant things this shouldbe awarded to Daisy Youll be sure forget us Daisy said with a sort of unaccountable yearning lugging at her heartstrings and the sound of unshed tears in her patient voice Forget you And the skirl had so carefully folded was sent flying half across Die floor as Daisy pounced up on her with a shake and then a kiss What do you take me for you dear cross auit-flnd- Daisy I Well of course It Is a trouble Daisy he said tremulously i all the same And the new while do you remember last dress with the low corsage is lines Day when I stood under pretty and these flowers he sent yqur window waiting for the sun arc just No other ad- lo rise and yon to draw back jeclive in the language would while curtains And when Hirst apply lo them Why only caught sight of you with your tonight Aunty because it is St long hair turned lo light in the Valentines he was reading eastern sunshine Oh Daisy me of the sweetest verses Daisy I knew that I had won the I ever heard about it and he right and privilege to be your says do you think he can really faithful valentine all the rest of mean it that he paced up and the year And you can talk of trouble after that Daisy shouldnt think it a trouble lo walk from here lo you if it could save you a pang or do you any good Wo are valentines Daisy And I shall stand under your window in the city street next I of February come what may save sickness or death to prevent What nonsense cried Daisy with a light laugh Of course we all know that it is nothing on earth but an old- fashioned custom forgollen long ago except in just such out-of- theway nooks and corners as this I have not forgotten it Daisy and I never shall Daisy did not answer him she a J no 2 PRICE Tho Guaranteed FOR A ALFRED Contractor dovvn he pavement for a in hour before daybreak for the mere chance of seeing Ihe win dow the first of all Humph said Aunt Penrose momentarily beguiled into forget ting her fears of diphtheria and its attendant horrors How about the milkman and the po lice Oh Aunty you neednt laugh I You know what I mean year Here Daisy checked herself abruptly as she saw In the mir ror of her memory the radiant- upturned face of Hiram Walters in the chill February and recalled his parting words Dul of he has forgot ten all about them thought Daisy Men talk about heart- only nestled her hands closer in- j breaks but they are only silly r As if I ever should forget you and my borne There hero child I gasped dont choke me lo death And Hiram Walters too dear ho thinks a deal of Daisy laughed and shook her yellow curls Now that is too ridiculous- I wonder if Hiram Wal ters thinks I am going to be con tent lo settle down into a mere farmers wife wilh nothing to do but to reed chickens and count the pans of cream on the dairy shelves Oh Daisy And oh Do you sup pose I never bad any ambitious imaginings Just wait a little and I will show you what a coun try girl can do Why A Pen rose knows a young man the son of those New York millionaires who has seen my at her house and but of course thats all nonsense Only I can tell you that Hiram Wallers and the old red farmhouse are not by any means foregone conclu sions But lie loves you Daisy I Well and I like him afler a fashion and I al ways shall like him But Hints no reason I should crump my whole existence lo match the pattern of his humdrum life Now dont look grave you know I dont sot up for a pat tern of perfection only a faulty human girl shook her head she could not find it in her heart more definitely lo scold pretty pleading creature who clung lo her so beseechingly It was hardly daylight the next morning when crisp sound of Sleigh bolls at the door warned Daisy hat the moment of muff and dreamily out upon the snowy landscape now tinted pink and silver from first rays of the morn ing sun It Mb very very pretty here she said musingly I wonder bow it will seem when I come back Ob Daisy you will como back the same You will not change You tease me Hiram she ut tered a little impatiently How can we any of us loll what is going lo happen to us The young man said no more but drove on in silence and not until the train which bore Daisy Plume away had disappeared shrieking into- the gorge of hills did ha remember and re alize what lie ought to have said how little he had bad the cour age lo utter But one thing is sure he muttered to himself 1 will bo her valentine this next year please God words Hiram Walters is a great deal too sensible and common- place lo break his heart for a sil ly little chit like me had never looked pret tier did Dial night in the while crepe dress cut decollete revealing the slender swanlike throat and the ivorywhite dors rising from a foamlike edge of tulle while great luminous pearls glimmered in her ears they had been a part of Aunt Pen roses bridal twenty years ago and a bunch of while jes samine swung its perfumed stars amid her yellow hair George Davenport thought he never had seen so fair a vision in all his life and Miss Madeline was simply scornful So Daisy Plume went home on the night of the 1 of Febru ary Starlight and bitter cold it was wilh the air tingling as if it were filled with innumerable slinging particles and the cold pavements seemed lo strike her very heart as her little white- Church ft- Dr Royal Col of tola in Moore verity Hospital Sts Consults for Wle Office Adjo paint So Daisy Went to her aunt in New York and bewitched the city feet danced from car- people by her carmine hi innocent freshness and unexpected oom and lia threshold artless Home at last she cried Oh I inn so glad I believe I shall never be warm again Was but a chance utterance or a prediction springing from the depth of fate Up and down up and down Ihe sounding pavements two watch ers paced each keeping his own vigil unmindful of the presence of the other Once or twice Hiram Walters glanced de fiantly at Mr Davenports stately in a mantle and wondered if this was one of Daisys fine city lovers Me shall outwalcb mo he thought Meanwhile behind Ihe yellow satin curtains of the lightly-clos- casements the two young men watched so closely lights were flickering with a sickening pallor and people came and wont and that while Iho old grayhaired physician sat by I the bedside and Aunt Penrose wrung her hands and asked hy sterical questions which no one country ways as refreshing as il would have been to find a tuft of buttercups in City Hall Park Aral she bad nol been there a month before she found herself a belle in the set after the most approved headturning fashion fsiil it cried Daisy Oil if I could oidy bo a girl of seventeen forever and have hot house bouquets sent lo rjie and wear pink and blue silks and dance away my life lo Waltzes- ft is like having stray ed my way into Aladdins Palace I dont think I knew what it was actually to live before I came to New York My dear sand Aunt Penrose Sagely dont talk nonsense but let dress your hair with the oleander blossoms and Mr Davenport told me that lie would call Davenport I color flooded Daisy Plumes leu C THE J The clienlal the wealthier classes brings them in exchange for Players and Grands largo numbers of Pianos many of them wellknown Canadian and American makes As the or Nordheimer is the ultimate choice of practically every musician and of many of the cultured homes it is frequently necessary take in exchange for these instruments excellent pianos of other makes so that he Company aje in a position to offer all limes remarkable bargains in used instruments So if you have a preference for any particular make it will bo lo your interest to gel our list before deciding For Catalogue of Pianos and Pianos or a list of Used Inatru- or Catalogue of the wonderful GEORGE NORRIS rJOHDIIHIMEH PIANO AND CO LTD Albert Ma At I Mom Call Kept J oilier side of the pillow stood the identical who had wfiUinK shown first his good taste by fall- J languid eyelids I I JLi fled the eyes dimly up graph then his constancy by ikt peeping lis A correspondingly original Were dreams after all Should she walk on carpets of wear great diamond drops in ears and trail the I H i Qend the lira to absent friends US A PRICE WELL i If you have been patronizing us you have noticed that our mako of Clothes la long lasting LONG LAST Then wo In cut and fit GIVE US A CALL I W I bHiliCMAfiT Phone Main Hi Call All Hi mm i j I I f I 1 I I J op a mam

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