Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1917, p. 6

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I sen Concert Unit InVUie rink MrJerlMTi who his In factory In To- a or two ft it I of the place lijiiin iiiby were in terested in ho of so fucep cosily recognized Patriotic were by Miss Terry and a of email and given by it I that no piucd only offering re jected as While lite if rtpt ail thy fact remains here are young men here Who man farms and whose duly Is the keeping them from many here fflad to- hear that Mr who has been in Hospital In Toronto for week so far that expected can home week Minnie Leek Art home n few ago ferltiff from very scycro attack of un der care of train are all glad to know she Is Improving slight ly though recovery must bo slow Much sympathy fell for her and her sister sincere hopes for her re covery The pupils of Senior of Public School are having forced holiday owing to Hie illness of their teacher It speaks well for her ability that Iho majority of the pupils would rather be In school thai holidaying for such a reason If there is anything In the old Hay ing that If the bear Ids shadow on 2nd It makes a long winter we ore doomed for hat day was one of clear sunshine ale all of llils long continued and bad Grippe etc ore the order of ho day Dont forget the Hod Cross Tea In the Presbyterian Church on the Ifolp on the Med Cross work the extent of your power The boys need deserve all iney can got and be women ore ready to sew sow and knit knit If the materials are forthcoming storm- of the seMon snow plough way- to Button for lie evening train on which three hours CAMP Corporal Andrew Knovles an old Mount Albert hoy writes from plalos near Dear received your parcel today and must thank you and Ufa ladies of Mount Albert very much for your kindness in remember at his time Well wehayo Just settled down to a new camp again having moved ling to on Is only two miles further the WO did not far to niov this has been the worst day I have ever seen Since I here ii has and rained all toy but It usually rains here nil the lime I have seen no snow yet Have never Seen any of the Albert boys but have heard from and Win to go to Irance the week I heard from him last We I dont know that I have much more to say so will close host regards ami many thanks to ladles of the Womens I remain Youvs truly Corporal A Mr Anion Yorke spent the homo JKoff St If flbldlers got safely with horse ie VandprburK had the to his hands and army badly frozen last Mrs lours visited Mr last Tuesday Mrs llm City the first the Mr still continues- in a poor state of health Mrs John and visited at Mr David- oh Sunday outeboutMr big of this month Wo will bo sprryui from our- wlHh them every success In their nevylionie I r I I t INSTITUTE North York Hoard will hold a mooting in Iho Pres byterian School Room on at oclock Joint meeting in the willi Womens at The ladles will hold a meeting at the borne of Mrs John Smith at the same day to which all are In vited Mr II Nixon of St Ceorgc will speak to the men and Dr Mary Mo- Kcnzlo Smith of will ad dress the women Owing Sharp advance in the price fit Leather and Har ness Mountings which will take place in lie spring wo will orders from now until ApriJ 1st for a Good Team Harness of No OakTanned Leath er for 35 a set set guar anteed for years also Single Harness made in any stylo and with any kind of Mountings re quiredall strictly handmade I We keep kinds of Horse Fur nishings and host of atten tion is given to J BARRETT The recent snowstorm blockaded our roads through this vicinity very badly Just a moment before I forget Dont forgot- tho big Quarterly mooting on Sunday Fob at Drown Hill beginning at am of the Lords will ho given and then preaching followed by preacher District Elder and also Luck Pastor arc both morning arid evening so come early and got your seat Dont forgot name hour it in mind Mr It a days with his hero this week The revival is expected to wind up his week The results wore certainly adrnirahlo Luck is worker you bet Ice trains have started now drawing ice from Lake Toronto Messrs and Johnson arc busy thesoduys buying flock and shipping it to Toronto every Wednesday morning They are some buyers Wonder who lias been doing all the high communicating lately I I somebody will proceed till he gets his fingers burned of hot irons I is still on tho go around these parts Seems itAVENBrtOK The- following was received by Mrs her brother In 7 France Jan Dear Your parcels received last night Contents noted with pleasure The things were Just swell The box with the grapes In was not bad hut the spoiled rest of Hie vtiiffi was fine How arc all people around home Just same I suppose I am well present Hope this letter will find you Just the It is snowing a I suppose you have lots of snow by this time How Is Will and the children had a very good Christmas thin year We had chicken for dinner and in the we had refreshments and that made Christmas happy for the hoys I got a letter from Pansy one from Clarence arid one from Vera and Verna the same night and their pic tures I will soon be getting another letter from Stanley I would to eo htm Hoy Taylor is standing It very good and the rest of Ihe boys from home I Will close for this time From Brother Deri Methodist Church Saturday evening Moving Pictures of the mobilization of- the very much appreciated understand that moving gtvon near future In with fted work Pickup of tho 220thfiaU at- Presbyterian Church on Sunday- made a strong ap peal for recruits to win the war The of Aid invaded the on Wednesday evening of Inst week by way of a surprise andin of congregation to and Atkinson and family a lino Tea was by and a very pleasant evening was spent The follow ing address presented by Mrs President- to which Mr a Dear Mr Atkinson and Family and adherents of he Presbyterian congregaljon of this desire in Homo tan gible form to show you very high appreciation and which you and your estimable family the congrega tion we arc all- aware that festive season of Christmas and New Years has and gone bringing many unexpected changes wo hope and trust that it is not late lo show you the love and roHpoct that certainly belong to you and yours Wo can finite understand the arduous duties that lie you this coming year Now we ask you to accept this Goose with the- heart iest seasons greetings to you and Signed on Behalf of tho Mrs president Half ThoYea profits of very tatJhfdcUt anI providing pur and Provincial the usual coniriiiutionji to life Officers Fund and contributions to payment twelve Per cent- dividend to Shareholders the sum of to fiction of Premises Account ri Chin -V- i I of Laura Chapter I arc reminded that the fees for the year are now due the annual Ceo still being 25 cents The subscriptions have been in creased W cents due chiefly to the Increase in the cost of materials The Treasurer will bo pleased to receive payments for these as soon as pos sible are now due and should tic paid before the end of the month Mrs TV Is Treasurer At the Fortysixth Annual General Meeting of the of The Dominion held at the Head Toronto on January the follow- of the of Bank asxn 30th was Dont the Patriotic Dance Friday night Feb Music on and good time assured 0 en era I admission cents Capital Stock paid in Fond of Profits carried No payable 2nd for- January 9 00 a a a n IT- visit homo Well I could loll lot more but I must he away Good night Sleeping Beauty ourrEtij You can now buy a Gutter from me on next years terms or a big discount off for cash I can give as nice a Cutler as you ever saw Also a Gasoline at Special Price Stoves Ranges Oil Heat ers Phone or write me about anything you need P Albert The Solved MOW TO REDklOE THE OP LIVING For next days wo are offering following LftDGfrBR in IPlRieiSS v I Boys Gilds and Childrens Boots an1 Shoes at less than half tho they wore before tho war Ladies Trimmed Hals Hog for Misses Rubbers to Hats for Peaihers Plumds Flowers and Shapes at Half Wholesale As wo going out of Millinery there will bo No Re serve must go Shakers Reg for 1Kb yd A from to Prints while they last to yd Overalls and Smocks per Girls Ladies liO ft fio As we are putting in an entirely now stock of Wall Paper we ore the present slock at Half to make roonr Paints for per garment liOo AH Wool Undershirts Mens Hoys and Girls Toques Wo Hookey Caps Winter Caps 4Iii Mens Khaki Flannel Shirts Fancy Hat Pins Gold Rings also Brooches Stick Pins and Cuff Buttons Al Stock at Coot Cotton Thread at to opool Large Onions lbs for Lemons Oranges Corn Flakes and Force 3 for Dyes 3 for Figs lbs for Go Comfort Soap for Seedless Raisins Brand Iedlolnes Vegetable Discovery Reg for Greens Reg 00 for Allens Lung Balsam Reg for Armstrongs Cough Syrup Reg fori Consumption Cure Reg fori Bo Magio Pine Tar Reg for 16o Oil for Pulmonic Syrup Reg to Beans Reg for Celery Pills fbo following Is a letter received by from his eon Bertram Somewhere in France Jan Hear Dad a few lines to let you know that I well a good lime I got two boxes from Rattle last night and they were dandy ones too Thanks or them We from home How are all the people I got a letter from I answered It a few days ago He will gel bin first likely It is snowing a Utile now and there is a lot of noise fiero at times but we stand It well all the time All the boys arc well think we all will be back again before long Our neighbors the way are getting weaker than over and they are very scarce In their We go over to see them in the night when It in dark and we have limes to got back own lines The grass Is green It ever was in the summer It Is not cold unless it Is raining or snowing then it Is cold enough Well I will haw to close for lb Is time Your Soil Mr Nixon of St George will ad- dross a Farmers Meeting in School Room next Tuesday after noon at 2 oclock In the evening a joint meeting with the Womens In stitute will be held Mrs Dr Smith at Gravenhurst will be the chief speaker Also a musical program Af ternoon meeting for ladies In the at Everybody bear in mind the an niversary services of the Methodist Sabbath School on the next Sabbalh Rev McNeil of will preach at a and p m The annual tea will be held on Tues day evening lite and a splendid program consisting of Choruses prills ReeitaUons imd Dialogues Come and have a pleasant evening Parents come your baskets Our undertaker Mr Was called to the city on Tuesday morn ing to conduct of the widow of the late Lemuel Draper of Haven Shoe who died at her re sidence Mr Draper lot- OOO IarincraVmefitlng In the Temperance Hall on Monday the at 2 oclock addressed by Mr H Nixon Of St and Joint Meeting in the evening at with the Womens Institute Mr Dr Smith Of will speak to the miles in the Methodist at on Saturday blocked the north and south roads pretty generally There were very congregations at the churches on Sunday There is a great deal- of La Grippe in around Keswick There are no many we will not mention names attended Short Horn in Toronto last week He reports high prices having been paid One bought for the Guelph rlcuKural favm a ten months old bull for and the whole lot on 1st day of sale averaged over 300 Wood and coal are scarce articles around here heard of- house having the last stick In the stove -be- a supply arrived There will be a lot of coal put In store next sum mer If it can be obtained Judging from the way Sandy Mon roe brings in the fresh ho- would be an authority on the of poultry Sandy certainly knows to make the hens produce when the eggs are at a high price Mrs it is spending a month with her daughter In Toronto- Following Is a letter received- from the Military Service Department of the Young Mens Christian Association Toronto Dear Miss r Please accept our thanks fur your favor of the Inst enclosing from the Girls Society of your town for our Military Work Your subscription comes at a very timely moment as we are actively en gaged in raising over which Is needed before 1st of May Please advise your Society that we will spent Ibis money very carefully that the hoys In the army may enjoy greatest possible benefit very J M Lain Secretary Toronto Jan 1917 Miss Anderson Sec P Mil Sutton West Dear Miss Anderson I beg to acknowledge three barrels of preserves add the thanks of the patients of the Base Hospital These homemade a great deal towards ensuing the com fort of the men under our care In hospital here f hi issue of manufactured goods with which we arc supplied cannot compare with wbatJs put up In the homes and we shall bo very glad to receive any fur ther donations which you are able to spare Yours truly f A Warren A Hospital Former Total Liabilities to thi Circulation not lug Interest Deposits hi- interc3t accrued to date Balances duo to other Banks in Canada- Balances due to and Bank ing Correspondents than in Canada Bills Payable Acceptance under Letters of Credit 30707 Liabilities not included in foregoing Liabilities to tho Public Gold and Silver Coin Dominion Government Notes Deposit Central Gold De cerns 00 Notes of other Banks Cheques on other Bank Balances duo by other Banks in Canada Balanccj duo by Banks and log Correspondents Canada 1 1 I THI receipt of and would staff ami tooo fto Pile Ointment Hog Weeklies for for AHtt In we want to make room our and Fare on H fcaic or over St Toronto The interment at Cemetery on Thursday The meeting on evening was not as largely attended as might be no doubt owing to the cold stormy night Hut those who did attend enjoyed the he and pictures and solos Last hut not least music by Dawson Corporal Swan especially- leaving good impressions among our young men who tie said he never met a finer in telligent bunch and all those who can be spared are thinking seriously of signing up Miss Violet Thompson up north for days Miss Lewis with girl friend over Sunday at her heme here The Presbyterian Ladies Aid preparing to pack some boxes for our boys at the front We are sorry- to hear of Mrs Hoan being down kick but hope to- hear belter reports socii Mrs Kemp is attending at week February meeting of Womens Missionary Society will be held on Thursday afternoon half past two at homo of Mrs Fred The of our Mission will ho taken by Mrs Watson Mrs Huntley and Mrs Atkinson ami a solo will he given Mrs AH welcome Mission Band will meet at Manse on Saturday afternoon oclock A very successful Patriotic was held in THE DOMINION ANNUAL Total of Banks Assets 503000000 The General Statement of The Do minion Hank as December presented recently to the JJharc holders at the fortysixth Gen eral Meeting shows no continuation of very growth this Institution exhibited during the previous year The Hanks Assets tin end of 80475003 in were arm hey have now reached sum an increase of 000 in ypar and of two years and Note efrecrlitfoo and deposits all contributed in due proportion to this expansion- In the Banks business The note hi showed a growth of brer Two Millions and now 71000 Deposits by the Public Increased over 4500000 Tim of three increased funds was effected such a way as to af ford the of security to posilorb meeting all the legiti mate trade requirements of clients and earning satisfactory for The cash Hems of as sets side of the Balance Sheet which were already very strong id 1016 wore hot Increased but the amount of securities in the Hanks vaults was greatly as i-e- the item Canadian Munlelrd Securities and British and Colonial public Securities oilier Ihsn Canadian Item which is stood consist largely of IbV Treas ury of the lirittrh is- sued to the purchase of lions In this grew tcoti 1- hi lo thus raising the total of Avail able assets from an Increase of 5000000 In of be reduction of which Is known to hive ef fected by many large Industries dur ing the the loans of In from 17453 to IS07e0CO showier not took up thus supplied on Lad are IK Will everyone please be ready wllh their waste for the girls on Satur day when they call The names of three of the four prisoners adopted by the- P have been received from Mrs Rivers of London and follows west No Coy No Westphnfeu ioois Germany to teen the Oily the last weeks attending the Council Vera week end in Toronto vrsltlng The Horcus meeing of the Womens was held at the Mi Kay on Wednesday Dont forget Dunce- in Town Halt on night liner The slnkfiig of the Anchor California m Wednesday route from York to Glasgow by two torpedoes discharged warning from a submarine proves that the program of savage at sea fa Ihe which resulted in the- severance otT diplomatic I I I Dominion and Provincial Govern ment Securities not exceeding market value Canadian end Foreign ana Colonial Public other than Canadian not exceeding market value other and Stocks not market value Call and Short not thirty in Canada on Bonds Debentures and Stocks Call and Short not exceeding thirty days Loans elsewhere than In Canada Other Current Loans and Dis counts in Canada Jess rebate of interest Other Loans and Dis counts elsewhere than Can ada less rebate of interest Inabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit p par Heal other than Bank Pre fees Overdue Debts estiraattd loss provided for Bank Premises at not more- than cost lees amounts written off Deposit with the Minister of tor the purposes of the Circulation Fund Mortgages on Estate 34 Given mm liCh p- lTaJi President A General Manager Ve laTt fltstl with the fcioU Chief of cftillflei after cbeckhif cub Ji the at the acd SOti la cur ij each Shed exhibits Ut affair to the htst oar to at tit In to the tit Chief Offlc ceitaia of were at Ilia year I te In with the AH aci fttrea lo all Bank our hi Iten Ih of J KB HUH lyuuuuuuu relations between United States under neceBblty Of and i is iariied out rc- raorselossly no how of public regard it The California was hunk off the Well coast The passengers and must have to the boats and exposing themfielvefl to the of a sea ft- says of those reset were In- need Of hospital Only our life is to be fin Chives of

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